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Monk arrested after threatening to post sexy pictures of ex online


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Monk arrested after threatening to post sexy pictures of ex online

Image: Manager Online

BANGKOK: -- A Nonthaburi monk was nabbed in a sting operation after he had threatened to post sexy pictures and videos of his ex girlfriend online.

"Phra Nat" had told her that he would share their intimate moments if she would not sleep with him again. Police followed the couple to a Pathum Thani hotel and caught the errant monk in a room with his robes down reported Manager Online.

Sithidet Maliphan, 38, of Bang Bua Thong, Nonthaburi, was a monk at Wat Lampo. Local police had earlier received a complaint from a woman called Jutamat Sae-Liaw, 35, of Bang Yai who said that her ex boyfriend had threatened to post pictures of her on social media if she did not sleep with him again. The couple had split up earlier this year.

With police secretly in tow she took a taxi with him to the Royal Paradise hotel on the Pathum - Bang Bua Thong road and rented a room. The monk was nabbed in room 210 with his ex. He was then taken back to his temple where his abbot removed his name from the monkhood before he was taken in for questioning at the police station.

The now ex monk told police that he had been Jutamat's boyfriend but their relationship ended and in April he ordained. He asked her to sleep with her again but when she refused he threatened to post pictures and videos, that he had taken before, on social media. She then agreed.

But not a second time as the girlfriend went to police to make her complaint after he tried the ruse again.

He was charged with threatening behavior and offences under the computer crimes act and detained.

Police discovered that the same woman had made a complaint against her ex at another station before.

Source: Manager Online

-- 2016-06-01

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Amazing how much human detritus the Buddhist monkhood attracts. This was not the worst story we've read about monks' misconduct over the years. Drug parties, sex parties, rape, bestiality, burglaries, murder, shameless amassing of obscene wealth - all that and more under the cloak of the saffron robe. Well, I guess that happens when every Jim and Johnnie is allowed to become a monk to allegedly "redeem" himself.

I never have and never will "wai" a monk, because I can never be sure whether I might actually offer my respect to a crook, felon, or worse.

Edited by Misterwhisper
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What the heck is wrong with Thai Buddhism? Apparantly they will allow ANYBODY in.

We have a monk on the run accused of many crimes, including sex with a minor. We have this idiot trying to extort sex, we have the pitiful monks at the tiger temple up to their necks in trafficing of endangered species. We have the monks, and especially the abbot of the flying saucer temple up to their necks in embezzlement and even the acting head of Thai monkdom involved in illegal activities.

Yet the sheeple continue to throw money at these people. Why?

Personally, my respect for Thai monks is now less than zero. Once I began to understand how Thai Buddhism really worked, I always said it was nothing more than a nationwide scam. And now we have all these revelations about illegal activities at the higest levels of Thai Buddhism.

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What the heck is wrong with Thai Buddhism? Apparantly they will allow ANYBODY in.

We have a monk on the run accused of many crimes, including sex with a minor. We have this idiot trying to extort sex, we have the pitiful monks at the tiger temple up to their necks in trafficing of endangered species. We have the monks, and especially the abbot of the flying saucer temple up to their necks in embezzlement and even the acting head of Thai monkdom involved in illegal activities.

Yet the sheeple continue to throw money at these people. Why?

Personally, my respect for Thai monks is now less than zero. Once I began to understand how Thai Buddhism really worked, I always said it was nothing more than a nationwide scam. And now we have all these revelations about illegal activities at the higest levels of Thai Buddhism.

What is wrong is the same as the problems with all beliefs and religions. They all hold so much power over the public that corruption is inevitable. With power comes responsibility unfortunately many consider becoming a monk as way to immunity. There should be strong vetting procedures before anyone is allowed to wear the robes but it doesn't happen.

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What the heck is wrong with Thai Buddhism? Apparantly they will allow ANYBODY in.

We have a monk on the run accused of many crimes, including sex with a minor. We have this idiot trying to extort sex, we have the pitiful monks at the tiger temple up to their necks in trafficing of endangered species. We have the monks, and especially the abbot of the flying saucer temple up to their necks in embezzlement and even the acting head of Thai monkdom involved in illegal activities.

Yet the sheeple continue to throw money at these people. Why?

Personally, my respect for Thai monks is now less than zero. Once I began to understand how Thai Buddhism really worked, I always said it was nothing more than a nationwide scam. And now we have all these revelations about illegal activities at the higest levels of Thai Buddhism.

What is wrong is the same as the problems with all beliefs and religions. They all hold so much power over the public that corruption is inevitable. With power comes responsibility unfortunately many consider becoming a monk as way to immunity. There should be strong vetting procedures before anyone is allowed to wear the robes but it doesn't happen.

They vet Catholic priests quite well too? Point is, it's hard to know.

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Yet the sheeple continue to throw money at these people. Why?

1. Ignorance

2. Fear for life itself

3. Brainwashing at school at early age

and there is always the stick behind the door.

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What the heck is wrong with Thai Buddhism? Apparantly they will allow ANYBODY in.

I gather you belong to a cult which is more exclusive? Which one would that be, the Jains? I'm fairly sure Christianity lets anybody in. You've never heard of a Christian preacher or priest doing anything wrong?

We have a monk on the run accused of many crimes, including sex with a minor. We have this idiot trying to extort sex, we have the pitiful monks at the tiger temple up to their necks in trafficing of endangered species. We have the monks, and especially the abbot of the flying saucer temple up to their necks in embezzlement and even the acting head of Thai monkdom involved in illegal activities.

I think you should see if you can find the documentary film called "Spotlight." It's about the Boston Globe's team investigating the sex abuse scandal in the Boston diocese.

Yet the sheeple continue to throw money at these people. Why?

Personally, my respect for Thai monks is now less than zero. Once I began to understand how Thai Buddhism really worked, I always said it was nothing more than a nationwide scam. And now we have all these revelations about illegal activities at the higest levels of Thai Buddhism.

Well, that's fine. That's a fetter holding you back from enlightenment removed.

Edited by Acharn
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What the heck is wrong with Thai Buddhism? Apparantly they will allow ANYBODY in.

We have a monk on the run accused of many crimes, including sex with a minor. We have this idiot trying to extort sex, we have the pitiful monks at the tiger temple up to their necks in trafficing of endangered species. We have the monks, and especially the abbot of the flying saucer temple up to their necks in embezzlement and even the acting head of Thai monkdom involved in illegal activities.

Yet the sheeple continue to throw money at these people. Why?

Personally, my respect for Thai monks is now less than zero. Once I began to understand how Thai Buddhism really worked, I always said it was nothing more than a nationwide scam. And now we have all these revelations about illegal activities at the higest levels of Thai Buddhism.

What is wrong is the same as the problems with all beliefs and religions. They all hold so much power over the public that corruption is inevitable. With power comes responsibility unfortunately many consider becoming a monk as way to immunity. There should be strong vetting procedures before anyone is allowed to wear the robes but it doesn't happen.

They vet Catholic priests quite well too? Point is, it's hard to know.

Vetting is not a one time thing. There has to be continual checks over the time span they are a representative of any religious order. Back ground checks etc are normal. Thing is there are many monks in Thailand that have become a monk because the have committed crimes such as murder and they know they will not be arrested for their crime whilst they are a monk. If someones history is not known at the time they takes robes but comes out later they should be handed to the police after being disrobed.

In the context of the Catholic priests, many of them were known but a blind eye was taken.

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This is a reason that I will not give alms or go to the temple unless of a funeral. They have stepped why to far from the path that just makes them beggers hidden behind an ideal. I know of many Thai families that throw tons of money to these con-men thinking it will grant them luck, what a crock of shit.

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Why do they act this way, how about they are just human maybe they become monks to over come their issues but sometime it doesn't work. We all knoweveryone here is perfect nothing to over come

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