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New Brexit polls suggest shift in favour of leaving the EU


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New Brexit polls suggest shift in favour of leaving the EU


LONDON: -- Two new polls show that Britons may vote in favour of leaving the European Union in the countries fast approaching referendum.

Both an online and a telephone survey conducted by polling company ICM at the request of the Guardian newspaper show a small lead for the leave vote.

The polls, conducted on Tuesday, are the first to show a shift in opinion towards leaving the EU, with an overall majority of 52 per cent, although a YouGov poll on Wednesday showed both sides level on 41 per cent, unchanged from its previous survey.

ICM’s director, Martin Boon, told the Guardian that the poll “unhinges a few accepted unorthodoxies”.

“It is only one poll but, in a rather unexpected reverse of polling assumptions so far, both our phone poll and our online poll are consistent on both vote intentions and on the EU referendum,” he continued.

The poll is a thorn in the side of the remain group, who are under mounting pressure after the Brexit campaign dictated its policy on immigration, a key issue in the upcoming vote.

The points based system that the group propose would be not unlike that implemented in Australia, and would limit the number of people who can enter the UK should the country vote to leave the EU.

Senior members of the “Out” campaign said that by the 2020 General Election, citizens coming from the EU would be treated like any other, and would be admitted based on their suitability for jobs.

In a joint statement, Justice Secretary Michael Gove, former London Mayor Boris Johnson and Employment Minister Priti Patel wrote: “We will end our support for the EU’s disastrous policies that have encouraged the people smugglers.”

“We will welcome new citizens who wish to contribute to our society, as so many immigrants have done. And we will be able to remove those who abuse our hospitality.”

In response the remain faction said that any move to take Britain out of the EU single market would damage the economy, and its leader, Prime Minister David Cameron has come under fire for failing to deliver a policy on immigration.

In the 24 hours since the polls were released, 80,000 more people registered to vote, and the number of registered voters continues to rise day by day.

The vote will be held on 23 June, a date that has been contested due to its clashes with university exams and popular events such as Glastonbury festival.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-06-02
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The odds have shortened, but you can still get 11/4 against a Leave vote.

The 'purdah' period has begun, which means an end to the official wailing about the dangers of Brexit, and leaves the public three weeks to figure things out on their own.

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there is hope at last! clap2.gif I mean there would have to be something seriously wrong with anyone with an ounce of common sense ( and provided they don't have their own agenda )who still thinks it's better to stay in after that listening to all the facts in Brexit the Movie


Edited by Asiantravel
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The problem with these polls is that the outcome is so determined by the orientation of the questions asked.....

Are you in favour of Britain determining its own future and position in the world without interference from foreign governments or organisations. answer is invariably yes

Are you in favour of reducing the amount of monies sent to the EU each year and instead focusing these funds on education and health here in Britain.. answer is invariable yes....

Are you in favour off having Britain creating more jobs and exporting more goods and services by expanding its trade alliances beyond that of embattled Europe... answer is always yes

Lastly based on the previous questions are you then in favour of seeing Britain exit the EU .....answer is yes....

you can also get the opposite reaction by turning they questions around... the outcome is generally always predicated by the orientation of the questions

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there is hope at last! clap2.gif I mean there would have to be something seriously wrong with anyone with an ounce of common sense ( and provided they don't have their own agenda )who still thinks it's better to stay in after that listening to all the facts in Brexit the Movie


something wrong with me then

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Let's hope so, the EU has way too much to say about how the British Government should run their country, there will be many business people who have made substantial investments in the EU and they are the ones trying to convince everyone to stay; however for the majority of the population getting out of this cesspit is the correct way to go. Get our country & borders back from people who don't give a hoot about the UK.

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I don't really have a dog in this fight, I have never been an anglophile, and, in general, I am not opposed to people leaving their homeland to live and work in another country - I've done it several times. However, what I see here is about one-third of the population of North Africa and the ME trying to cross the Mediterranean and invade Europe. They bring with them an economy-burdening poverty and a hostile culture that dilutes the indigenous culture to the point that, were it not recorded in literature and academia, it would no longer be recognizable. European families, in general, have taken responsible steps to voluntarily limit population increases through reproduction. Third world countries from Africa and Asia continue to produce large families to increase the number of workers in their units and to guarantee security for the elderly. That, coupled with the technology compassionately offered from the west, has increased the survival rate of their citizenry but it has not increased the economic opportunities to enjoy the out-of-reach living standards in Europe as witnessed by them in the media.

Compassion is an admirable trait, especially when exercised by nations with the support of their people. But in the modern world it is rapidly becoming a means of enabling that encourages people to leave their countries instead of struggling to fix them. Unless there is a radical change in the EU policy vis-a-vis immigration, continued membership in that organization will result in the accelerated dismantling of the UK.

The British Empire is long gone. It is time for the British people to expiate itself of the guilt for sins it committed during that era and function again as a cohesive, focused unit the way it did during its heroic days of the early 1940s. That cannot happen if it continues to carry the burdens imposed by continued membership in EU.

Edited by tonypace02
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My view of the EU is it is a form of governmental welfare feeding off the Countries who could take care of themselves and spending the money on Countries who have never taken care of themselves !!

It also allows people for other Countries to come in and take jobs from the host Country. Some can not even speak the language of the Country they are working in.

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Whichever way the vote goes doesn't really matter.....this is all balancing the karma these countries created for the last hundreds of years. Living off the back of the indigenous poor in countries as varied as India, or China...forcing them to take opium to pay for goods, and many countries in Africa. At some point the piper has to be paid, and all this EU stuff is part of the balancing. Centuries of dominating others by countries like the U.K., Netherlands, France, Germany, Italy, and on and on. And now the refugees and poor emigrants are balancing the scales. Watch and be entertained.

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The hope now is that Scotland will stay in The UK after Breexit.The UK without Scotland will not have an easy go of it. And now with the election of a Muslim Mayor in London they will have a lot or Islamic trouble coming that they would need Scotland's influence on.The future for The UK is not just about money as it is social sustainability.At least out of the EU they will be able to better control their immigration problems (even though so far they have shown very little effort to control).

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The hope now is that Scotland will stay in The UK after Breexit.The UK without Scotland will not have an easy go of it. And now with the election of a Muslim Mayor in London they will have a lot or Islamic trouble coming that they would need Scotland's influence on.The future for The UK is not just about money as it is social sustainability.At least out of the EU they will be able to better control their immigration problems (even though so far they have shown very little effort to control).

I'm having problems understanding the Scottish Nationalists, they want another referendum so they can leave the UK and be governed by Brussels instead?

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there is hope at last! clap2.gif I mean there would have to be something seriously wrong with anyone with an ounce of common sense ( and provided they don't have their own agenda )who still thinks it's better to stay in after that listening to all the facts in Brexit the Movie


General De Gaulle of France was absolutely right to try and block the entry of the UK to the EU. One must remember that the UK had tried to establish a different "common market" with countries that are now part of the EU. Only after theyt had realized that this was an utter failure, did there successfully try to join the EU. Since then, all the EU had has been a succession of requests for exceptions. It is high time for the UK people to decide if they wish to be part of Europe, with all the benefits involved, or out of it . Let us see then where the London Financial centre is, where the British Exports go to, where the so called "British Democracy" (where a PM with a minority popular vote can rule the country) i) and where Britain will stand on security.

The youtube film is an anti EU propaganda clip, full of lies, half lies and misconstrued facts. For example: The European Parliament has the right, indeed the duty, to agree or disagree laws SUGGESTED by the commission. Yes, the EU can be made more democratic, if some countries, like the UK, would stop blocking progress. Europe, including the UK can only have a bright future in our globalized world as a US of Europe, with each country keeping its culture and traditions. EU will exist and progress without the UK, although it will be a pity if the UK leaves. I very much doubt that the UK will prosper without the EU. Remember one fact: The EU, or most states of the EU will not, repeat NOT, be prepared to enter agreements with the UK which will hold benefits only for the UK. I really hope that the British people will have enough sense to realize the actual real facts.

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It's interesting that whenever a topic on Brexit comes up, the responses on TV are overwhelmingly on the side of the leave campaign.

Personally, as long as DC can negotiate more sovereign powers over immigration & finance/tax etc..., I think we're better of "Inside the tent pi55ing out".

Just my 2 cents

Edited by JB300
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there is hope at last! clap2.gif I mean there would have to be something seriously wrong with anyone with an ounce of common sense ( and provided they don't have their own agenda )who still thinks it's better to stay in after that listening to all the facts in Brexit the Movie


General De Gaulle of France was absolutely right to try and block the entry of the UK to the EU. One must remember that the UK had tried to establish a different "common market" with countries that are now part of the EU. Only after theyt had realized that this was an utter failure, did there successfully try to join the EU. Since then, all the EU had has been a succession of requests for exceptions. It is high time for the UK people to decide if they wish to be part of Europe, with all the benefits involved, or out of it . Let us see then where the London Financial centre is, where the British Exports go to, where the so called "British Democracy" (where a PM with a minority popular vote can rule the country) i) and where Britain will stand on security.

The youtube film is an anti EU propaganda clip, full of lies, half lies and misconstrued facts. For example: The European Parliament has the right, indeed the duty, to agree or disagree laws SUGGESTED by the commission. Yes, the EU can be made more democratic, if some countries, like the UK, would stop blocking progress. Europe, including the UK can only have a bright future in our globalized world as a US of Europe, with each country keeping its culture and traditions. EU will exist and progress without the UK, although it will be a pity if the UK leaves. I very much doubt that the UK will prosper without the EU. Remember one fact: The EU, or most states of the EU will not, repeat NOT, be prepared to enter agreements with the UK which will hold benefits only for the UK. I really hope that the British people will have enough sense to realize the actual real facts.

LOL giggle.gif

" Yes, the EU can be made more democratic " well I wouldn't be holding my breath for that onelaugh.png

the only ones with a bright future will be the politicians and bureaucrats that will go on collecting their obscene salaries year after year as the rest of the real world economy sinks further and further into depression

I very much doubt the UK will prosper within the EU because I doubt whether the EU itself will prosper.look at Greece.

What's it got to offer for God's sake?

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The hope now is that Scotland will stay in The UK after Breexit.The UK without Scotland will not have an easy go of it. And now with the election of a Muslim Mayor in London they will have a lot or Islamic trouble coming that they would need Scotland's influence on.The future for The UK is not just about money as it is social sustainability.At least out of the EU they will be able to better control their immigration problems (even though so far they have shown very little effort to control).

I'm having problems understanding the Scottish Nationalists, they want another referendum so they can leave the UK and be governed by Brussels instead?

The SNP sees a net positive result from being in the EU, albeit with the intent of reform. Having an equal seat at the European table is preferable to sitting on the floor waiting for scraps to fall from the Westminster table.

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there is hope at last! clap2.gif I mean there would have to be something seriously wrong with anyone with an ounce of common sense ( and provided they don't have their own agenda )who still thinks it's better to stay in after that listening to all the facts in Brexit the Movie


All the facts made possible by the generous financial backing of Jeremy Hosking, Patrick Barbour, Leave.EU, Britten-Norman and Campaign For An Independent Britain as cited at the end of the movie.

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It's not going to happen. The GCHQ has had years to prepare their computer algo's , and it succesfully worked with the Scotish. Again the Brexit wil fail by less than 1 % difference because the NWO wants the Brits IN the rotten EU. SAD !

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It's not going to happen. The GCHQ has had years to prepare their computer algo's , and it succesfully worked with the Scotish. Again the Brexit wil fail by less than 1 % difference because the NWO wants the Brits IN the rotten EU. SAD !

I like a good conspiracy theory as much as the next man, but if there was any hint of a stitch-up, why would the nasty party be so riven? Surely they would all be aware that the results were rigged?

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I don't really have a dog in this fight, I have never been an anglophile, and, in general, I am not opposed to people leaving their homeland to live and work in another country - I've done it several times. However, what I see here is about one-third of the population of North Africa and the ME trying to cross the Mediterranean and invade Europe. They bring with them an economy-burdening poverty and a hostile culture that dilutes the indigenous culture to the point that, were it not recorded in literature and academia, it would no longer be recognizable. European families, in general, have taken responsible steps to voluntarily limit population increases through reproduction. Third world countries from Africa and Asia continue to produce large families to increase the number of workers in their units and to guarantee security for the elderly. That, coupled with the technology compassionately offered from the west, has increased the survival rate of their citizenry but it has not increased the economic opportunities to enjoy the out-of-reach living standards in Europe as witnessed by them in the media.

Compassion is an admirable trait, especially when exercised by nations with the support of their people. But in the modern world it is rapidly becoming a means of enabling that encourages people to leave their countries instead of struggling to fix them. Unless there is a radical change in the EU policy vis-a-vis immigration, continued membership in that organization will result in the accelerated dismantling of the UK.

The British Empire is long gone. It is time for the British people to expiate itself of the guilt for sins it committed during that era and function again as a cohesive, focused unit the way it did during its heroic days of the early 1940s. That cannot happen if it continues to carry the burdens imposed by continued membership in EU.

Too late. The British have invited so many outlanders into their country that if they dared to try and fix the problem, the outlanders would rise en masse and murder the English in their beds.

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I don't really have a dog in this fight, I have never been an anglophile, and, in general, I am not opposed to people leaving their homeland to live and work in another country - I've done it several times. However, what I see here is about one-third of the population of North Africa and the ME trying to cross the Mediterranean and invade Europe. They bring with them an economy-burdening poverty and a hostile culture that dilutes the indigenous culture to the point that, were it not recorded in literature and academia, it would no longer be recognizable. European families, in general, have taken responsible steps to voluntarily limit population increases through reproduction. Third world countries from Africa and Asia continue to produce large families to increase the number of workers in their units and to guarantee security for the elderly. That, coupled with the technology compassionately offered from the west, has increased the survival rate of their citizenry but it has not increased the economic opportunities to enjoy the out-of-reach living standards in Europe as witnessed by them in the media.

Compassion is an admirable trait, especially when exercised by nations with the support of their people. But in the modern world it is rapidly becoming a means of enabling that encourages people to leave their countries instead of struggling to fix them. Unless there is a radical change in the EU policy vis-a-vis immigration, continued membership in that organization will result in the accelerated dismantling of the UK.

The British Empire is long gone. It is time for the British people to expiate itself of the guilt for sins it committed during that era and function again as a cohesive, focused unit the way it did during its heroic days of the early 1940s. That cannot happen if it continues to carry the burdens imposed by continued membership in EU.

I don't disagree with you. But the EU referendum is not solely about immigration. It is about membership of an organization that contains politicians and bureaucrats with polarized views. On the one side the federalists, such as Merkel, Juncke, Hollande etc who dream of a left wing liberal socialist super state with high central control wielded by appointed bureaucrats who will make all decisions for you. Essentially a federal state where democracy and sovereignty are subservient to the central power. One of Merkel's minister's has been quoted as saying election can not be allowed to change things; and Jucnke has recently told the AFD that the EU commission won't have dialogue with any party it considers extreme right, no matter if they are elected. Of course he never mentions the extreme left. How long before the EU commission must approve of political parties and candidates? These neo-communists want to create a centrally controlled bureaucratic federal state, with it's own military, police, bureaucracies and identity. To do that they must eradicate national cultures which is why they support bring in droves to Muslims to help dilute the populations that feel they belong to an individual nation. The Muslims will support anyone who allows them free hand with their religion, gives them plenty of handouts and facilitates their escape from the hell their own countries are. The other side are people who want a free market and close links and support but without all those bureaucrats imposing more and more regulations and choking innovation. They want close links without giving up their culture, their sovereignty and their right of self determination by electing politicians who are responsible to them.

Britain has it's referendum; Some Germans and French are now demanding one. Without those 3 there is no EU. The answer isn't to leave or disband the EU. The answer is to kick out those neo-communist wannabee dictators like Merkel, Hollande and Juncke and stop them trying to create a state based on the DDR and Warsaw Pact countries of old.

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there is hope at last! clap2.gif I mean there would have to be something seriously wrong with anyone with an ounce of common sense ( and provided they don't have their own agenda )who still thinks it's better to stay in after that listening to all the facts in Brexit the Movie


Yeah, I'd already watched that and although the reasons given for leaving were quite convincing, look at the rubbish supporting them, hardly intellectual heavyweights are they? And changed my mind biggrin.png Besides, things like 'EU yellow cards Thailand on slave fishing', among other things, has rather more clout than 'UK get's a bit upset over slaves on fishing boats in Thailand', don't you think?

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