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Monk drunk as a skunk is sunk: mob attacks man in robes after he abducts 4 year old girl


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It must be a thing about uniforms. If you are drunk and demand bribes and bully and lie about everything you are a bum! If put on a uniform then you are a policeman. Same format would apply to Monks, army, etc. etc. No wonder Thais are so keen on uniforms.

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It's impractical to expect men (of the cloth or otherwise) to abstain from something that is so natural.

If priests, monks, etc. were alliwed to marry and have sex, I'm pretty sure a lot of this would cease to exist.

All humans crave love and affection - you take yhat away from them and they get desperate and do awful things.

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I know i may come across as a tad pedantic, but the headline doesn't exactly reflect the seriousness of the article. straight out of "The Sun" school of reporting.

Agreed, but why do they blur the photograph?

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It's true, the Monkhood is becoming a bit of a mixed bag having a deservedly bad Press right now but I won't condemn them all. I am one for punishing only the perpetrators of crimes.

Edited by ChrisKC
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This is a terrible case.

But should alcoholics with an incurable disease be banned from trying to get better by spiritual means?

Seems some here think they should.


Edited by Bluespunk
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It appears anyone can be ordained as a monk...for a price. Which brings up a whole other issue.

They can, for free, and the monkhood is commonly used as a haven for criminals. There is Buddhism and there is Thai Buddhism, and the only common factors are the robes and buildings. Mentally and morally Thai Buddhists are on a different planet.

So......... what is Thai Buddhism?

Educate us.


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"An angry mob attacked a monk......"

Perhaps the same treatment could be meted out to Dhammajayo by those whose money he refuses to give back?

Because the Government is very slow and reluctant to arrest and punish him!

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This is a terrible case.

But should alcoholics with an incurable disease be banned from trying to get better by spiritual means?

Seems some here think they should.

Ummmm............he was using "spiritual" means! Wasn't working though. gigglem.gif

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People, forget. They are just men in orange robes.

yes but those men in orange robes were at one stage the moral authority of this country.

As this institution slowly disintegrates who will be left for young Thais to look up to - certainly not the police giggle.gif

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When will people realize that religion is fake and made up, it was invented to control people

nothing else, if you want to believe in a god you don't need monk's and priest's ect...

most of them are fakes and do this to cover up there twisted desire's or to make money.

I am not religious and never will

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This incident is more emblematic of an addled individual becoming further addle-minded by alcohol or drugs. I would presume he also is sexually attracted to pre-pubescent children. But this is not a case of using a presumptive authority to coerce a minor child into sexual acts, though that MAY have been his intent. This was more of a Smash & Grab, the kind of which is more common to thugs, rapists, muggers and the like. I don't see much relationship to the wearing of the robes other than the possible incompetence of those who allowed such an ordainment.

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No more ordainments for him, straight to the mental hospital, for a prolonged period.

Or he could be ordered to say 10 "Hail Marys" Wait thats the priest pedophile punishment for another religion isn't it.

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As with every religion, this one is also mostly a business that attracts a lot of idiots, dropouts, psychopaths, losers and scam artists. It's very easy money and gives one a lot of perks, authority and respect.

It's time the world got shot of all dogma, brainwashing and BS.

The true teachings of the Buddha are amazing btw and very useful for everyone

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When will people realize that religion is fake and made up, it was invented to control people

nothing else, if you want to believe in a god you don't need monk's and priest's ect...

most of them are fakes and do this to cover up there twisted desire's or to make money.

I am not religious and never will

One of the most idiotic posts I've ever read here.

For a start Buddhism is really more a philosophy and they don't believe in God.

You know nothing about the Sangha here so leave your idiotic comments for the Pattaya thread.

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Those wearing brown or orange have earned the disrespect of many by their behaviors. Greed is fed by the adoring masses, who for the most part, seem oblivious to the corruption of the teachings they know little about.

I am not an expert, but something seems to have gone wrong with two powerful institutions in this fair land.

From what I have read: "The cause of human suffering, as explained in Buddhist terms, is greed, anger and ignorance. These negative traits and fundamental evils are called the Three Poisons, because they are dangerous toxins in our lives".

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When will people realize that religion is fake and made up, it was invented to control people

nothing else, if you want to believe in a god you don't need monk's and priest's ect...

most of them are fakes and do this to cover up there twisted desire's or to make money.

I am not religious and never will

One of the most idiotic posts I've ever read here.

For a start Buddhism is really more a philosophy and they don't believe in God.

You know nothing about the Sangha here so leave your idiotic comments for the Pattaya thread.

Uuuuuuhhhh, an enlightened insider... wow!!! thumbsup.gif

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Why complain only about the monk? He is obviously a lunatic and mentally disturbed otherwise he wouldn't grab a 4 year old in daylight. Why not complain about the villagers? The report says they had a day long drinking session with the monk. Hmmmm..... drinking the whole day with your local temple monks..... impressive behavior and certainly not all mentally disturbed as the monk...

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