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No Joke! Chiang Mai 90-Day Reporting


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The other morning I went to CM immigration for my 90-day reporting. I got there about 7:45 AM. I noticed that there is a new business service that has apparently opened since my last reporting period. This is next to the copy center location just a few doors from the immigration office entrance. This new place charged me 300 baht to do my 90-day reporting. They handed me an immigration form for 90-day reporting and asked me to sign it, that's all. I never provided them with anything except my passport. No telephone number, no address either. No information was given on my end except just to sign my name.

They told me to come back at 9:30 AM and it would be ready. I abandoned my seat (little white stool) and went to the mall and ate breakfast. After finishing I walked back. It was almost 9:15. When I walked passed the place providing me this service, the girl came out to greet me with everything completed. Quite impressive! But then it dawned on me.... How could immigration process everything without the form being completed? This is the big question. It really makes me wonder because obviously they are not manually or scanning anything into their system pertaining to my 90-day report form.

I ask you, what do you make of this?

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"This new place charged me 300 baht to do my 90-day reporting."

lol, there is a sucker born every day! i did my reporting on last Thursday. went downstairs and handed the envelope to our post-lady. cost me 32 Baht and i never left my house.laugh.png

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"This new place charged me 300 baht to do my 90-day reporting."

lol, there is a sucker born every day! i did my reporting on last Thursday. went downstairs and handed the envelope to our post-lady. cost me 32 Baht and i never left my house.laugh.png

and you got a discount,Should have been 37 baht,

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All she did was carry your passport to immigration and give it to the office. The work is done on computer in 2 minutes and spits out the new report which gets signed,dated and given back with passport. You did not even need to sign the sheet she gave you. It is now done without you signing anything. They simply assume your info has not changed.

Edited by lovelomsak
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"This new place charged me 300 baht to do my 90-day reporting."

lol, there is a sucker born every day! i did my reporting on last Thursday. went downstairs and handed the envelope to our post-lady. cost me 32 Baht and i never left my house.laugh.png

and you got a discount,Should have been 37 baht,

sorry that was meant to be 36 Bath (2 X 18 Bath registered each way).

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"This new place charged me 300 baht to do my 90-day reporting."

lol, there is a sucker born every day! i did my reporting on last Thursday. went downstairs and handed the envelope to our post-lady. cost me 32 Baht and i never left my house.laugh.png

and you got a discount,Should have been 37 baht,

sorry that was meant to be 36 Bath (2 X 18 Bath registered each way).

Thank God, we've cleared that up. It's quite a difference - almost an eggs-worth.

Edited by Chiengmaijoe
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I went to immigration last Wednesday afternoon to do my 90 days report, having had an excellent lunch at Mix. Gave my papers to the check girls at 1.58 pm. Left Immigration, report completed, at 2.04.

Apparently I also saved myself 300 baht.........................

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Hate to break it to you, ThaiTony2, but this little outfit next to the copy center at Imm. Prom. has been around pretty much since the place opened almost a year ago. As noted by others, they're nothing more than a "concierge service" for people who have already gotten themselves, their passports and other relevant documents out to Imm. Prom. and then for whatever reason can't be bothered to wait in a queue.

They're not truly a full service visa agent. A full service visa agent would have sent you a reminder than your 90 day report was due and probably even sent someone to your home to pick up your passport, if you'd used them for your annual visa extension. And if you'd had a problem, like been laid up in the hospital, they would have come to the hospital to take care of this for you. Don't expect this level of service from the shop next to Imm. Prom.

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Tony, you did your 90 day, and had a nice breakfast...Nice day really...

He could have waited until 8:30 am, received his queue ticket and depending upon the queue number, either been seen shortly thereafter or had time to go have breakfast and saved himself 300 baht and probably been done before 9:30 am.

Instead he chose to support a "business" that exists to supply a service that expats don't have to use in any other province in Thailand. Instead, the service level that "Poor Sucker" reported for Samui is the norm for the rest of the country, including places with large numbers of retirees, like Pattaya and Phuket.

I'm sorry, but the cries of "no support from Bangkok" and "not enough people" from the Immigration mgt. have gone on for just too long to be believable.

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Hate to break it to you, ThaiTony2, but this little outfit next to the copy center at Imm. Prom. has been around pretty much since the place opened almost a year ago. As noted by others, they're nothing more than a "concierge service" for people who have already gotten themselves, their passports and other relevant documents out to Imm. Prom. and then for whatever reason can't be bothered to wait in a queue.

They're not truly a full service visa agent. A full service visa agent would have sent you a reminder than your 90 day report was due and probably even sent someone to your home to pick up your passport, if you'd used them for your annual visa extension. And if you'd had a problem, like been laid up in the hospital, they would have come to the hospital to take care of this for you. Don't expect this level of service from the shop next to Imm. Prom.

Not to mention, the full service place I use (Assist Thai Visa) only charges 250 THB/ time. Absolutely love that place! For me, my time is definitely worth than 250 baht, so I gladly pay them (and would be willing to pay quite a bit more).


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Another great success story for the "We Only Do Things The Hard Way Club." Maybe they can squeeze him in as a guest speaker, perhaps in between "Dr." Grant and Alan Hall. Online cost me 35 satang to print it out at the copy chop....it actually works better than Microsoft's new "Hotmail." To imply that the "other" visa companies don't support corruption is naive, at best.

He could have at least posted a photo of his hot dog and eggs...it has been almost a week since we've seen one.

Edited by KhonKaenKowboy
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"This new place charged me 300 baht to do my 90-day reporting."

lol, there is a sucker born every day! i did my reporting on last Thursday. went downstairs and handed the envelope to our post-lady. cost me 32 Baht and i never left my house.laugh.png

I've done 3 online,, sitting at the public computer, at my local pool hall, (HAVE to use IE),, in between matches,, and beers, and returned to same to print out several days later,,, ;) Edited by Adeeos
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"This new place charged me 300 baht to do my 90-day reporting."

lol, there is a sucker born every day! i did my reporting on last Thursday. went downstairs and handed the envelope to our post-lady. cost me 32 Baht and i never left my house.laugh.png

My Passport never leaves my possession.

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"This new place charged me 300 baht to do my 90-day reporting."

lol, there is a sucker born every day! i did my reporting on last Thursday. went downstairs and handed the envelope to our post-lady. cost me 32 Baht and i never left my house.laugh.png

and you got a discount,Should have been 37 baht,

sorry that was meant to be 36 Bath (2 X 18 Bath registered each way).

You should have quit whilst you were ahead. You only need to register the letter you send to immigration at B18. The stamp on the return envelope should be B10 and not registered. So the cost is B28.

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"This new place charged me 300 baht to do my 90-day reporting."

lol, there is a sucker born every day! i did my reporting on last Thursday. went downstairs and handed the envelope to our post-lady. cost me 32 Baht and i never left my house.laugh.png

My Passport never leaves my possession.

Neither does Oscar2's.

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Tony, you did your 90 day, and had a nice breakfast...Nice day really...

He could have waited until 8:30 am, received his queue ticket and depending upon the queue number, either been seen shortly thereafter or had time to go have breakfast and saved himself 300 baht and probably been done before 9:30 am.

Instead he chose to support a "business" that exists to supply a service that expats don't have to use in any other province in Thailand. Instead, the service level that "Poor Sucker" reported for Samui is the norm for the rest of the country, including places with large numbers of retirees, like Pattaya and Phuket.

I'm sorry, but the cries of "no support from Bangkok" and "not enough people" from the Immigration mgt. have gone on for just too long to be believable.

Obviously you don't live in Phuket because you are posting erroneous info about immigration here. I went in for 90 day a week ago and the stand in line was 5 mins, sitting waiting to be called 2 mins, processing 1 1/2 mins. And this is the norm here, under 10 mins. Thank you and Goodnight.

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May I ask a dumb question. What is the reasoning behind the 90 day report. Is it as simple as keeping track of where we are living?

Can't be....I have never done one as I travel out in every few weeks. Just trying to get head around the logic.

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On occasion there is a report on TV that the mails have failed to return the completed 90 day report. I don't know what the problem is or how it is solved, I don't care. I use Assist Thai Visa, my reports are done EVERY time. I get an email, pop in with my passport, they call when it's done. I see no need to berate other people for the way they spend their money, but that's just me.

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5-10 min at Samui Immigration, no TM47 needed, just your passport.

Did mine in Chiang Rai today at 1pm and I barely had time to sit down before he called me back to the counter, (under 5 min). They scan the barcode on the last receipt so nothing to sign. We had a brief chat, I thanked him profusely and got busy with the rest of my day.smile.png

Edited by villagefarang
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Hate to break it to you, ThaiTony2, but this little outfit next to the copy center at Imm. Prom. has been around pretty much since the place opened almost a year ago. As noted by others, they're nothing more than a "concierge service" for people who have already gotten themselves, their passports and other relevant documents out to Imm. Prom. and then for whatever reason can't be bothered to wait in a queue.

They're not truly a full service visa agent. A full service visa agent would have sent you a reminder than your 90 day report was due and probably even sent someone to your home to pick up your passport, if you'd used them for your annual visa extension. And if you'd had a problem, like been laid up in the hospital, they would have come to the hospital to take care of this for you. Don't expect this level of service from the shop next to Imm. Prom.

Not to mention, the full service place I use (Assist Thai Visa) only charges 250 THB/ time. Absolutely love that place! For me, my time is definitely worth than 250 baht, so I gladly pay them (and would be willing to pay quite a bit more).


Yes, they charge marginally less but you have to make two trips - one to drop off your passport and another to pick it up a couple of days later. Fifty baht extra for same day service appeals to me if I can't find the letter box.

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