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do you have dogs cats chickens in your house

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i have a dog and chickens but are not allowed in house

all the people around have all and some pigs

living in and out of house all the time some 3 cats 4dogs 100chickens

i put up a fence to stop them but some times cats climb over the fence

kill my fish in ponds killed my quail in a cage

all my life had animals but never allowed in house

look what they bring in house

shit and piss. hair you breath .every animal has worms

worry about health seems not

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How do you define "in the house", we have assorted creatures and a large open "entertainment area" downstairs, much like most of the other village homes.

We have chooks, ducks and geese, Wifey installed a small fence to discourage the geese and ducks but occasionally we have to chase the chooks out as they can fly (there's one that likes to lay eggs behind the kids computer monitor).

No creatures come in the enclosed 'human only' areas.

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I currently have 9 dogs, 6 of them have free run of the house night and day, the other three stay outside due to disposition issues with the others when I'm around, jealousy. When I woke up this morning 4 were in the bed and two others on the floor beside it. I have had as many as 23 as I raised Golden Retrievers. They were all born and raised in the house. I have 6 large areas outside where they can be separated if need be and one small room in the house with a gate that is/was the puppy whelping pen.

There are 5 stray/wild cats that I feed that live outside who stay well away from the dogs.

I have scores of chickens that my FIL takes care of and 5 empty pig pens that are used for storage of farm equipment as the pig business fizzled years ago.

There are many small geckos that roam the walls and ceilings of the house feasting on the local bugs, frogs and small birds that visit inside now and then (many frogs now due to the drought - found 5 under the washing machine yesterday), an occasional large Tokay Gecko and a snake every now and then. So far I've only had golden tree snakes and rat snakes inside but have had a couple of cobras and pythons on the front and back porch.

Animals, usually cats and dogs, have always been part of my family with total house privileges.

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I currently have 9 dogs, 6 of them have free run of the house night and day, the other three stay outside due to disposition issues with the others when I'm around, jealousy. When I woke up this morning 4 were in the bed and two others on the floor beside it. I have had as many as 23 as I raised Golden Retrievers. They were all born and raised in the house. I have 6 large areas outside where they can be separated if need be and one small room in the house with a gate that is/was the puppy whelping pen.

There are 5 stray/wild cats that I feed that live outside who stay well away from the dogs.

I have scores of chickens that my FIL takes care of and 5 empty pig pens that are used for storage of farm equipment as the pig business fizzled years ago.

There are many small geckos that roam the walls and ceilings of the house feasting on the local bugs, frogs and small birds that visit inside now and then (many frogs now due to the drought - found 5 under the washing machine yesterday), an occasional large Tokay Gecko and a snake every now and then. So far I've only had golden tree snakes and rat snakes inside but have had a couple of cobras and pythons on the front and back porch.

Animals, usually cats and dogs, have always been part of my family with total house privileges.

Bet your house stinks to high heaven.

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you can train most animal to stay out of the house

cats are hard to train brainless

my dog knows not to cross front door line

laying hens i let out in afternoon to eat around house

they know not to come on verandahs as will get kick in egg hole

had a pet kangaroo in oz

it would go away eating of a night retun early morn and lay and shit on verandah

but as soon as hear me awake would jump off

sit on lawn and look at me if to say i am not on the verandah someone else shit

i have fish in ponds they know not to come in house

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Bet your house stinks to high heaven.

Normal sarcasm as expected! Ever hear of soap and water? Or are you from one of those countries that only thinks that it is required to be used once a week!!

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We have a couple of outdoor dogs but these lovely creatures below are allowed in the house. The Golden only goes out on a leash but the cats go in and out upon request. The dog never climbs on anything but the cats get a little wild sometimes, which leads to them being escorted outside for a while.



Edited by villagefarang
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Bet your house stinks to high heaven.

Normal sarcasm as expected! Ever hear of soap and water? Or are you from one of those countries that only thinks that it is required to be used once a week!!

Why bother responding to nonsense? Responsible animal care requires cleanliness for the sake of animal and human. You know that, and I know that and anyone else with some semblance of intelligence knows that. Take comfort in knowing you are a good person and may you enjoy a long and healthy life.

Edited by geriatrickid
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We have a very loving and lovable big dog (rottweiler) that is strictly and outside dog. Superb security and great playmate with the children (4 & 7 years old) who lives with us. She hates men and is very suspicious of anybody coming by.

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I have 4 dogs and 3 sleep on the bed with me at night, although 1 prefers to sleep in the wardrobe - presumably 'cos she's not happy about sharing her sleeping space.

The dog that sleeps in the wardrobe is terrified of thunder, and another is the same when the thunder (or fireworks) are too close.

Why on earth would I leave dogs terrified of loud bangs/thunder etc. outside??

Not that it matters. My dogs are my family and it wouldn't cross my mind to leave them outside at night.

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I have 6 dogs & 2 cats who all come & go as they please & sleep where they want. And no my house does not stink. It is spotless & kept that way. Yes, requires work & extra cleaning but I grew up with a dog sleeping in my bed & my animals are my family

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1 dog and 2 cats. All are house trained and clean, no problem.

Uninvited I also have geckos, spiders and of course jinjokes. Bats have gotten in a few times and at one point infested the attic.

Knock on wood, it has been many years since a snake got inside. The dog helps keep them at bay by sounding the alarm if any get too near.

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you can train most animal to stay out of the house

cats are hard to train brainless

my dog knows not to cross front door line

laying hens i let out in afternoon to eat around house

they know not to come on verandahs as will get kick in egg hole

had a pet kangaroo in oz

it would go away eating of a night retun early morn and lay and shit on verandah

but as soon as hear me awake would jump off

sit on lawn and look at me if to say i am not on the verandah someone else shit

i have fish in ponds they know not to come in house

You know NOTHING about cats!

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take a picture of the gegko

with cats that kill every thing that moves will be extinct soon

in oz years ago domestic cats turned feral and wiped outmost of the small wildlife animals

some states put a bounty on them

cats are born killers

watch a house cat if it sees a bird or anything move will stalk and kill

even house feed and needing no food

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take a picture of the gegko

with cats that kill every thing that moves will be extinct soon

in oz years ago domestic cats turned feral and wiped outmost of the small wildlife animals

some states put a bounty on them

cats are born killers

watch a house cat if it sees a bird or anything move will stalk and kill

even house feed and needing no food

From what I've read, domesticated humans have wiped out far more species than feral cats.

Perhaps it's high time a bounty was put on those pesky humans as I've also read that they are working on wiping out the entire planet.

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3 dogs all allowed in as there part of our family however they prefer to stay outdoors most of the time. No Cats hate the things. About 30 chickens all fenced in with there own hut and run. Two tortoise but no idea where they are at present close to pond somewhere I expect. As for dog smell in house and hair ext it's called a brush to sweep them up then a mop and bucket with a good floor disinfectant. Oh and almost forgot the 3 buffalo we have.

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you can train most animal to stay out of the house

cats are hard to train brainless

my dog knows not to cross front door line

laying hens i let out in afternoon to eat around house

they know not to come on verandahs as will get kick in egg hole

had a pet kangaroo in oz

it would go away eating of a night retun early morn and lay and shit on verandah

but as soon as hear me awake would jump off

sit on lawn and look at me if to say i am not on the verandah someone else shit

i have fish in ponds they know not to come in house

Brainless or smarter than us?

Domesticating cats is tricky....



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have 10 dogs, doors are open, they can run around the garden when they wish, but most are asleep around my feet at the moment.. always live indoors 3 of them come upstairs and sleep on the bed [mostly on me all night, they have there place 1 on my feet, 1 on my neck the other on my head]

Had for years a Vacuum cleaner, pan & Brush and mop & bucket.... Makro 1 gallon floor cleaner is 139 baht for the one I use and like, Tesco brand floor disinfectant is very cheap, the 2 leather Settees are covered and the covers are washed with the high pressure washer every week as are all the cushion covers. why should there be any smells ?

in the night leave the downstairs bathroom door open, ALL use the floor in there if they need to do anything, easy and simple to clean in the morning.. it's all about training.

worry about health, NO.. had house dogs all my life, and my Parents before I was born.. have a picture of me aged 5 asleep with a dog in bed, so at least 60+ years of house dogs and them sleeping in bed with me will not change now.

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Tokay Gecko Factoids


S.E. Asia


Smaller critters

Size Grows to 14 inches Climber Can climb your walls and ceiling Hider Needs a hide box


Room temp fine, 80+ better

Schedule Prefers the night shift

Biggest Threats

Escaping and starving


Water bowl plus misting

take a picture of the gegko

with cats that kill every thing that moves will be extinct soon

in oz years ago domestic cats turned feral and wiped outmost of the small wildlife animals

some states put a bounty on them

cats are born killers

watch a house cat if it sees a bird or anything move will stalk and kill

even house feed and needing no food


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8 cats 3 dogs love them all the dogs have the run of the one rai we live on fully fenced the cats stay on a very big outside fully covered deck purpose built for the cats when we built this new house 2 years ago. At the time had 6 cats then but now 8.

My partner is a cat lover I am more a dog lover but as I said love them all. 2 dogs have just started to sleep in our bed room because they are older and like the air con at night but are not allowed on the bed. we allow 2 cats to sleep in our bed room because they are well behaved. The other thai dog sleeps with 4 cats on the lazy boy in our main room at night. The remaining 2 sleep my my partners office. So all in all a happy family.

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has anyone trained a CAT NO

a cat through its genes knows to scratch a hole to shit and piss

to cover its smell

house cats cant scratch tile or wood floor so go outside or find litter box

has anyone trained a cat to sit .come. fetch a stick

if you can do this you can become the cat whisperer make big money

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