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Thai trans student runner places in US state championships, not everyone is pleased


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They should obviously have a new category for transgenders, anything else is cheating


They are not women and never will be while choosing not to be males. Create a new category and let them compete against others like them. Problem solved. It's cheating otherwise.

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They should obviously have a new category for transgenders, anything else is cheating


They are not women and never will be while choosing not to be males. Create a new category and let them compete against others like them. Problem solved. It's cheating otherwise.

Considering transgender people are a small minority, that simply doesn't seem at all practical.

At the school team level, you usually couldn't even get a team together that way.

Try harder for the perfect answer because that ain't it.

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The issue of transgender athletes in sports is very thorny, because there are so many variations.

Considering this was an event in Alaska, the NCAA Transgender Handbook should apply. If this person was not taking hormon

treatment, or was taking it for less than a year, then

"A trans female (MTF) transgender student-athlete who is not taking hormone treatments related to gender transition may not compete on a women’s team."

I assume this also means he/she cannot compete on a women's event.

Edited by arithai12
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But just think that can only happen in a country that respects human right's. And he/she can buy and own land in the US, and is afforded equal protection under the law. Maybe the law should be adjusted to apply as it would apply here to a farang that tried that here.

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What a monkey that douche in the video is.

The whole Fox network is a bunch of douche bags. I often wonder how they can get up in the morning and go to work and read the same old Hillary attack crap. It gets sickening but a couple times an hour they do news nuggets. What a mess the world is in.

I meant the other video lol

But yes fox they're douchebags too lol

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But just think that can only happen in a country that respects human right's. And he/she can buy and own land in the US, and is afforded equal protection under the law. Maybe the law should be adjusted to apply as it would apply here to a farang that tried that here.

Whilst I understand your comment, it's a slippery slope ur scaling.

Imagine being held accountable for your countries actions everywhere you went.

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They should obviously have a new category for transgenders, anything else is cheating


They are not women and never will be while choosing not to be males. Create a new category and let them compete against others like them. Problem solved. It's cheating otherwise.

Considering transgender people are a small minority, that simply doesn't seem at all practical.

At the school team level, you usually couldn't even get a team together that way.

Try harder for the perfect answer because that ain't it.

Some people live in the simple world, some just bury their heads in their errrrr sand

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The testosterone running in his veins - in his muscles giving strength and endurance is an unfair advantage ... Had a real female injected testosterone into her body in days and weeks before the race she too would have had an advantage .,, And would have been tossed out of any wining result. That's the difference.


There's probably no testosterone running through her veins, it's been drowned in female hormones through oral or injected medication.

Anyway, the simpletons solution to the issue would just be to throw rocks and insults at these people afterall they're different and it makes folks feel better. We should also round up the gays, leppas, people with slanty eyes and anyone else that doesn't fit through the round hole hey.

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He should obviously not be allowed to compete in women's competitions. Yeah, he didn't place well this time, but that's not what this is about. This is about closing this door before women's sports are completely ruined by men who would claim to be women just to be able to reach stardom. And yes, there are definitely people who would go as far as surgery to achieve this.

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How bizarre that people expect her to win just because she's a trans girl. People diss on her for not winning and also would even more for winning. So as far as people's bigotry she can't win. That's sad.

No! What's sad is the a biologically male person was set to compete against their opposite biological gender. That fact alone is pathetic and unfair since the this transgender has a man's body. Their is no bigotry involved except yours. A man with the mentality of a woman still has the body of a man. Including muscles and stamina. Their should be laws to prevent this from happening as it was a all girls competition and he clearly is not a girl. Totally unfair to the other girls who are competing.

What's next! Men faking transgender so they can compete in the women's competition at the Olympics?

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What a monkey that douche in the video is.

Come on neverdie mate I think the good doctor has a valid point when he says identity isn't necessarily reality. I mean he obviously identifies himself as a man but the reality is he talks like a ****

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What a monkey that douche in the video is.

Come on neverdie mate I think the good doctor has a valid point when he says identity isn't necessarily reality. I mean he obviously identifies himself as a man but the reality is he talks like a ****

It's funny because when I made that post I hadn't even seen the Fox News RUBBISH, if you check the times we posted at the same minute.

I was referring to the monkey in the first video but my comment suits the doctor who clearly has several identity issues himself which just goes to show, biggots and morons can get degrees also 55555

Imbecile 5555555

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The testosterone running in his veins - in his muscles giving strength and endurance is an unfair advantage ... Had a real female injected testosterone into her body in days and weeks before the race she too would have had an advantage .,, And would have been tossed out of any wining result. That's the difference.


There's probably no testosterone running through her veins, it's been drowned in female hormones through oral or injected medication.

Anyway, the simpletons solution to the issue would just be to throw rocks and insults at these people afterall they're different and it makes folks feel better. We should also round up the gays, leppas, people with slanty eyes and anyone else that doesn't fit through the round hole hey.

I think there is a little bit more to it than just taking a tablet

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The testosterone running in his veins - in his muscles giving strength and endurance is an unfair advantage ... Had a real female injected testosterone into her body in days and weeks before the race she too would have had an advantage .,, And would have been tossed out of any wining result. That's the difference.


There's probably no testosterone running through her veins, it's been drowned in female hormones through oral or injected medication.

Anyway, the simpletons solution to the issue would just be to throw rocks and insults at these people afterall they're different and it makes folks feel better. We should also round up the gays, leppas, people with slanty eyes and anyone else that doesn't fit through the round hole hey.

I think there is a little bit more to it than just taking a tablet

That is true, I think some of them have their testicals removed and all sorts of things injected. I never claimed to be a doctor but if I was one clearly I'd be busy treating bitter resentful old farangs in Thailand :D.

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Up to her, she a lady now.

He isnt and can never be.

It's amusing to watch some of the 'men' on this forum that seem to take great pleasure in calling transgendered people by their birth identity rather than the persons 'preferred' identity, like they get some sort of pleasure out of it. It reflects poorly on them really, showing complete disrespect to someone they haven't even met just because they lack the intelligenge to educate themselves before pumping more clap trap into this forum.

Clearly the subject of this story is a transgendered female and anyone with even an iota of decency would refer to this person as, her or she.

What makes some people so bitter I wonder ?

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I'm not against anyone living the life they want but are we really going to see Wimbledon with a Trans at the women's final? Toms playing for Man United or a Tigeress Woods playing in the Major's? isn't this minor event in the US the same? where does it end?

Edited by LannaGuy
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Ice in Alaska. Perfect.

She wants to do sports. She's a trans girl. It's not like she became a trans girl to gain an edge on the girls team.

Have some freakin' compassion ...

He i not an anything girl. He is a boy who likes to dress up and mutilate his body. I have no problem with his fashion choices, but allowing him to compete in a girls event and potentially take away the achievements they have worked so hard for is appalling. Those girls would be banned for taking steroids to enhance performance so how can someone on male hormones for years compete fairly.

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How bizarre that people expect her to win just because she's a trans girl. People diss on her for not winning and also would even more for winning. So as far as people's bigotry she can't win. That's sad.

It's a"he" as long as he has a penis.

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How bizarre that people expect her to win just because she's a trans girl. People diss on her for not winning and also would even more for winning. So as far as people's bigotry she can't win. That's sad.

It's a"he" as long as he has a penis.

not really it's a 'he' as long as 'he' has XY chromosomes


I defend his/her right to 'be' whatever he/she wants to be but it's common sense to know that a 'he' can never truly be a 'she' but has every right to act as either if it brings happiness but a Trans in the Premier League? or a Tom at Wimbledon Men's? is that really where we are heading???

It would be MUCH easier just to let women and men compete fairly and stop segregating sport into gender

Edited by LannaGuy
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I love all the comments about "him" having a perceived unfair advantage because his biology is male with testosterone and then they fail to realize he didn't actually win anything.

Wouldnt their argument be nullified based on facts? Wouldnt they acknowledge that men are not superior?

What I see are a bunch of people without any compassion and respect in life. They just come on here pound their bigoted chests behind a keyboard and try and make themselves feel superior to others in any way they can. Typical of the crowd here lately. They just love to stir crap on transgender threads because if they did it on a gay thread it would be shut down immediately.

Seems transgender threads have become the new "gay bashing" preferred method of current times.

We are all different, what's so hard with respecting that fact?

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I love all the comments about "him" having a perceived unfair advantage because his biology is male with testosterone and then they fail to realize he didn't actually win anything.

Wouldnt their argument be nullified based on facts? Wouldnt they acknowledge that men are not superior?

What I see are a bunch of people without any compassion and respect in life. They just come on here pound their bigoted chests behind a keyboard and try and make themselves feel superior to others in any way they can. Typical of the crowd here lately. They just love to stir crap on transgender threads because if they did it on a gay thread it would be shut down immediately.

Seems transgender threads have become the new "gay bashing" preferred method of current times.

We are all different, what's so hard with respecting that fact?

ok so ALL compete together and no more nonsense segregation of the sexes in sport and then all these arguments will END

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The testosterone running in his veins - in his muscles giving strength and endurance is an unfair advantage ... Had a real female injected testosterone into her body in days and weeks before the race she too would have had an advantage .,, And would have been tossed out of any wining result. That's the difference.


There's probably no testosterone running through her veins, it's been drowned in female hormones through oral or injected medication.

Anyway, the simpletons solution to the issue would just be to throw rocks and insults at these people afterall they're different and it makes folks feel better. We should also round up the gays, leppas, people with slanty eyes and anyone else that doesn't fit through the round hole hey.

I don't think the posters object to him being different. However he is a different male and is a fraud trying to compete as a women. If I try to look and behave like the president of the US maybe get a bit of cosmetic surgery I don't think many people would consider that entitles me to the nuclear launch codes.

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The testosterone running in his veins - in his muscles giving strength and endurance is an unfair advantage ... Had a real female injected testosterone into her body in days and weeks before the race she too would have had an advantage .,, And would have been tossed out of any wining result. That's the difference.


There's probably no testosterone running through her veins, it's been drowned in female hormones through oral or injected medication.

Anyway, the simpletons solution to the issue would just be to throw rocks and insults at these people afterall they're different and it makes folks feel better. We should also round up the gays, leppas, people with slanty eyes and anyone else that doesn't fit through the round hole hey.

I don't think the posters object to him being different. However he is a different male and is a fraud trying to compete as a women. If I try to look and behave like the president of the US maybe get a bit of cosmetic surgery I don't think many people would consider that entitles me to the nuclear launch codes.

Nuclear launch codes ! 55555555

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I've been so desperately waiting for this to happen, I'm just hoping the entire thing (as in transgenders in sports competition as a whole) will escalate to epic proportions. Can't wait to see how feminism is going to take care of that haha.

Granted, this issue takes on more than what is being discussed, because people are stupid and can't differentiate between certain closely related thins, such as something to something transition or a something to something identity. Frankly, I have no clue if a full transition with hormone therapy really "makes it happen", as in cripple a man's naturally superior upper body strenght and what have you to be on actual athletic equal footing to women +/- individual abilities.

With that said, people are conflating the 2 things, as is being demonstrated with the US bathroom bullshit right now. Now there is this massive debate about a non issue and false arguments in this regard. The retards argument is "Oh what. So whenever I feel like it now, I will wake up any given day, identity as whatever gender I want and then when I'm about in public, I use the bathroom that I decided on this morning and everything is good?" followed by the "Yea let's do just that and give perverts free and unregulated access to the bathroom they want to be perverts it, rape and stuff isn't going to be an issue, duh!". Or so are the 2 most common lines and both are just dealing the 1 same destructive argument....men getting collectively thrown into the default perpetrator/offender/rapist on standby and women are the victims, again of course, because it can't be any other way. Great job with this equality BS there feminism, but it's gone out of control long ago.

Because I mentioned it before about people being retards...nobody cared just the day before this topic got hot, nobody seems to realize that the true transgender people have been doing what they had been doing ever since and nobody gave a flying damn, yet suddenly it's an issue, how? One may argue about keeping people busy with non issues because there are elections coming up, but then again...people also don't understand that a new law will not stop criminals from doing criminal behaviour, last I checked murder still happens despite there being laws.

On the other side of the issue, there might be other things that need to be considered or discussed. And just to put it bluntly and out myself as a racist, mysogynist, transphobe, nazi supporting, women oppressing patriarchal shirtlord for just asking questions or trying to understand something in a non traditional fashion....

- why is there suddenly this trans-anything "epidemic"? It feels like 10 years ago trans-anything were a 1 in a million thing, now it "feels" like a 1 in a 1000 or at least so I am perceiving it with all these news, regulations and what have you just recently, say begining of 2015

- i am in high disbelief that the announcement of Caitlin Jenner triggered suddenly everybody coming out as trans and everybody feeling united and stuff. I'll casually throw transgender issues into the same category with being gay/incestous/stupid to say that people are still worried about coming out and facing the stigma

- I am in the personal opinion that the true gender transition is a thing I can accept, isn't normal nor frequent but is a thing that exists however unique that is. However, I do get the impression as of late that being trans is like a fashion trend and people just join for the fun of it or something (I hang around Youtube if that gives context) because being gay isn't a thing anymore

- there are arguments and debates being raised about this trans-out of control being a form of mental illness that needs to be treated, yet such a thing can't be measured or something and is pretty much the religion 2.0 as to where you can only argue on hypothesis and neither side can bring forth physical evidence to the table.

- how come the majority of trans people that I hear and see about are male to female transitions vs the other way around? This is at least my observation rather than fact checked though. According to feminism's patriarchy theory delusion at least, the (western) women are oppressed, so why would men transition wanting to be women to end up at the short end of the stick or is it (not saying it is because of THIS because it doesn't apply in most cases) because women actually get to enjoy more rights than men?

- if we just "listen and believe" as feminism wants us to believe with their "women are just as capable and strong as men", then why are sports gender seperated in the first place? Or is it that there actually is a case that women simply weren't the hunters but the gatheres and caregivers for a reason?

- will we also take the next (upcoming) wave of most definitely identified as attention seeking and mentally disturbed people from Tumbl next? Just to throw in "Otherkin" (people believing they are dragons, deers, cats etc etc) or http://mogai-flags.tumblr.com/ and those were still the "normal" ones that people nowadays, eh, identify with.

I'll stick it to the "as long as they don't bother me and don't cost me tax money" corner and be, ah what is it that they claim, "part of the problem".

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