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Suan Kularb students: "Sir" had sex with a 17 year old, and we can prove it


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The issue, for the students, is not the shirt lifting but the curtain of lies... they are just asking the guy/school to tell the truth. To the students, the lies and falsehoods are more appalling than the [consensual] sex acts...

The purity and innocence of youth.... the sex acts are less "offensive" than their photo/video contacts on Tumblr and Twitter....

There is no such thing as a consensual sex act with a person below the age of consent, it is called Statutory Rape. When the older party is an authority figure, as in this case, the crime is considered more heinous.

And also when did these offences start, if the student is now 17 , and the offences started 3 years back, the teacher is in big trouble.

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If they have evidence then prove it.

They just produced some evidence, that was what the article was about, now they have given him another chance to admit his guilt or they will release more, what are you not understanding? Do you not think that some of the students may want to keep their names/ faces out of this if they can avoid it?

No they say they have sent screen shots of a conversation they allege took place between the teacher and a student arranging a meeting. If they have genuine evidence that such a conversation took place, that it was part of a grooming process and that it led to abuse then it should be turned over to the legal authorities not the schools administrators. If this man is guilty of abuse of minors then he needs to go to gaol. If.

I still can't get my head around posting on twitter, it makes no sense as that is not how such scum share their filth. However if he is guilty and he could well be, he needs to be prosecuted and gaoled by the courts not the media.

Where did I say anyone has to show their faces or give their names? I've reread my post and am not seeing that.

But let's hope the name of the student doesn't get leaked.

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For gawd's sake, if Thailand must try to imitate British public schools, don't copy their worst traits.

Kiddy fiddlers NEVER admit their crimes. It is just something that doesn't occur to them. They resist, even when they know their is overwhelming evidence against them. Just deny, deny, deny.

At least the school has suspended him and will in all likelihood sack him. He will hopefully be jailed and never be allowed to teach again allowing him to gain access to more victims.

Thankfully this school hasn't just denied it, and moved him on to another area and let the sicko repeat what he has done, like, for example, the Catholic Church did time and time again which lead to thousands of more boys being sodomised.

Social media has changed the world. Times have changed. More of these perverts are being jailed now, and many for offences committed even decades ago.kids these days have a voice.

It is good to see justice catching up with many of these animals for crimes committed long ago, but sad to think if they had have been locked up when first exposed then thousands of kids wouldn't have been attacked.

Dirty old weirdo Rolf Harris for one, but others died before justice caught up with them like filthy Jimmy Saville and countless peodophile priests.

Pretty sure the school director came out and denied a day or 2 a go, it seems to be the students exposing it. In fact, I think in his quote he did the normal Thai thing of stressing how important it was not to let this cost the school money......Priorities.

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If they have evidence then prove it.

They just produced some evidence, that was what the article was about, now they have given him another chance to admit his guilt or they will release more, what are you not understanding? Do you not think that some of the students may want to keep their names/ faces out of this if they can avoid it?

No they say they have sent screen shots of a conversation they allege took place between the teacher and a student arranging a meeting. If they have genuine evidence that such a conversation took place, that it was part of a grooming process and that it led to abuse then it should be turned over to the legal authorities not the schools administrators. If this man is guilty of abuse of minors then he needs to go to gaol. If.

I still can't get my head around posting on twitter, it makes no sense as that is not how such scum share their filth. However if he is guilty and he could well be, he needs to be prosecuted and gaoled by the courts not the media.

Where did I say anyone has to show their faces or give their names? I've reread my post and am not seeing that.

How else do the victims give their evidence without exposing themselves? What they are clearly hoping for is the administration to cave in under the pressure and admit that they have been protecting the teacher for a long time.

The twitter posts are claimed to come from a jilted lover, that is most probably true, the photos are claimed to show him with a number of boys, he says they are photo-shopped, that is not difficult to prove either way, time will tell, and hopefully not too many of the victims will be forced into reliving their experience in order to get a conviction.

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If they have evidence then prove it.

They just produced some evidence, that was what the article was about, now they have given him another chance to admit his guilt or they will release more, what are you not understanding? Do you not think that some of the students may want to keep their names/ faces out of this if they can avoid it?

Bluespunk's defending of this bloke is worrisome to me.

How much evidence do you need?

He is basically saying that the students have made it up. Photographic evidence was the reason he was originally exposed.

Refusing to believe kids who have been attacked by kiddy fiddlers in the past is why so many these rapists got away with it for so many years.

I am of the belief Bluespunk is a troll or worse. Over 10,000 posts and the of the ones I have read, they are always argumentative or somewhat "controversial"

Witness statements and photographic evidence of students being sodomised. That is enough evidence in my book.

This teacher is off.

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Actually this teacher posted the pictureS of his orgy session with underage boys on twitter for everyone to see. So i dont understand all these stories about "no enough evidence"??!

But what we see today, the age has gone from underage to 17 yo, tomorrow we will read the boys were 25 yo.... thats just an attempt to cover up all this story. Shame once again, on the police force and the school.

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If they have evidence then prove it.

They just produced some evidence, that was what the article was about, now they have given him another chance to admit his guilt or they will release more, what are you not understanding? Do you not think that some of the students may want to keep their names/ faces out of this if they can avoid it?

Bluespunk's defending of this bloke is worrisome to me.

How much evidence do you need?

He is basically saying that the students have made it up. Photographic evidence was the reason he was originally exposed.

Refusing to believe kids who have been attacked by kiddy fiddlers in the past is why so many these rapists got away with it for so many years.

I am of the belief Bluespunk is a troll or worse. Over 10,000 posts and the of the ones I have read, they are always argumentative or somewhat "controversial"

Witness statements and photographic evidence of students being sodomised. That is enough evidence in my book.

This teacher is off.

Don't try to tell others what I am saying.

I am not defending anyone. I have not defended this man. I have expressed the opinion that this is a matter that needs to be dealt with by the authorities, not social media.

I am astonished that I need to explain this so explicitly to anyone.

Edited by Bluespunk
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If they have evidence then prove it.

They just produced some evidence, that was what the article was about, now they have given him another chance to admit his guilt or they will release more, what are you not understanding? Do you not think that some of the students may want to keep their names/ faces out of this if they can avoid it?

No they say they have sent screen shots of a conversation they allege took place between the teacher and a student arranging a meeting. If they have genuine evidence that such a conversation took place, that it was part of a grooming process and that it led to abuse then it should be turned over to the legal authorities not the schools administrators. If this man is guilty of abuse of minors then he needs to go to gaol. If.

I still can't get my head around posting on twitter, it makes no sense as that is not how such scum share their filth. However if he is guilty and he could well be, he needs to be prosecuted and gaoled by the courts not the media.

Where did I say anyone has to show their faces or give their names? I've reread my post and am not seeing that.

How else do the victims give their evidence without exposing themselves? What they are clearly hoping for is the administration to cave in under the pressure and admit that they have been protecting the teacher for a long time.

The twitter posts are claimed to come from a jilted lover, that is most probably true, the photos are claimed to show him with a number of boys, he says they are photo-shopped, that is not difficult to prove either way, time will tell, and hopefully not too many of the victims will be forced into reliving their experience in order to get a conviction.

This is a case that needs to be dealt with by the law not social media.

If he is guilty he should be gaoled not sacked.

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I don't disagree with you, but the problem in this country is the authorities have a history of brushing things under the carpet and hoping no one finds out, it is the social media response that is pressuring them do something.

If they didn't have that pressure they probably wouldn't investigate. Have you actually ever heard a news article about the police here doing an investigation themselves? Nearly every single article about the police making and arrest comes from a tip off.....not an actual investigation.

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Typical Thai....lie, lie and lie again against overwhelming evidence.

Stick you head in the sand and hope it all blows over....which it will in Thailand.

But this time? Maybe not as the victims are sons of the top Thai society with serious connections.

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The issue, for the students, is not the shirt lifting but the curtain of lies... they are just asking the guy/school to tell the truth. To the students, the lies and falsehoods are more appalling than the [consensual] sex acts...

The purity and innocence of youth.... the sex acts are less "offensive" than their photo/video contacts on Tumblr and Twitter....

There is no such thing as a consensual sex act with a person below the age of consent, it is called Statutory Rape. When the older party is an authority figure, as in this case, the crime is considered more heinous.

That's American law which does not apply in the rest of the world. Laws differ as does age of consent. Your view is typically Amerocentric.

How can I tell you this gently - I'm not American. That is how the law applies in Oz, which is based on English Common Law, which is used in much of the civilised world, and quite a few places that aren't.

BTW some 40 odd years ago, an acquaintance "knocked up" a 15 yo girl. By the time it reached court, they were married. He still got 6 months.

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I don't disagree with you, but the problem in this country is the authorities have a history of brushing things under the carpet and hoping no one finds out, it is the social media response that is pressuring them do something.

If they didn't have that pressure they probably wouldn't investigate. Have you actually ever heard a news article about the police here doing an investigation themselves? Nearly every single article about the police making and arrest comes from a tip off.....not an actual investigation.

I get that and agreed.

The problem is that trial by social media has no rules.

Anything can be said or claimed. In cases like this the presumption is of guilt.

Now this man may be guilty but if he isn't, the damage to him has been done.

The assumption of "no smoke without fire'' seems to take over and truth is discarded in the process.

The authorities need to step in and get to the truth of the matter.

However that brings us back to your point.

Vicious circles.

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Why would anyone with half a brain make any portion of those messages public? If it is evidence it should be in the hands of the prosecutor. By posting evidence you are making it difficult to have a fair and impartial trial since you are trying this guy in the public domain. Don't put face first trying to save it at any cost or you may find your ass being boinked by none other than yourself. In the real world a male boinking himself would be physically impossible but this is Thailand where anything is possible.

Edited by Whyamiandwhatamidoinghere
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What is this nonsense about "we have more proof if you need it"??? All evidence should be handed over to make the case stick and have additional charges hold up in court.

Think ABOUT THIS SYSTEM If you had evidence of wrong doing would you give everything you have to the police. NOT A CHANCE.

The other catch could also be that there are other students that this thing may have had sex with or persued.

Personally I think that knowing the way things get Lost in the system here i would only give enough to get the proper authorities (military adn high ranking police) interested.

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Well, who in here believes the WHOLE story is being told? A decade of ass tapping has been going on and noone bother to inform the police until now? Right. Seems like there is an ass poking culture here. Students on students and teachers on students and maybe even some students on teachers. Lover's quarrels will sink a ship any day. If it's true the allegations dating back 10 years of covering up sex with minors and allowing this kind of environment to exist than I don't care how long this school has been in existence,just close the doors, jail those who broken the law and be done with it.

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Now he's alleging he didn't post the pictures at all.

He says he often gives his mobile phone, passwords etc etc to people he meets online and friends. He's saying one of them must have done it without his knowledge. That explains it all, so no reason not to believe him when he says all of the victims were 20 years consenting adults.

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For gawd's sake, if Thailand must try to imitate British public schools, don't copy their worst traits.

Have you any experience of British public schools ?

The possibility of a teacher having sex with a pupil - absolute zero.

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Everyone has the right to anonymity, even the accused if no charges have yet been proved.

Charges are by definition unproven, the word is synonymous with accusation.

In your little idea, no court case could be public, no witnesses would know to come forward unless they were luckily found at the time and no other victims would ever come forward before or during the trial, your idea would seriously hamper getting a conviction of a guilty person.

I guess you have never heard the quote, "a long line of cases shows that it is not merely of some importance but is of fundamental importance that justice should not only be done, but should manifestly and undoubtedly be seen to be done", which is considered to be a fundamental of the judicial process. Without public cases, there will be corruption, interference from the police and the courts, and there will be no justice.

Funny how people only seem to want anonymity for pedos.

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Did I read it as the students have evidence that the teacher made plans to meet a 17 year old student at a department store. And that equals he had sex with him? Not sure how that would all hold up in court.

The students don't need to play games. Just submit everything they have to the police and to the press. I agree with them, it seems the students are being left out of the whole factor of things, which is a pity.

So if they are sure of his guiltiness, then put him behind bars with concrete evidence!

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For gawd's sake, if Thailand must try to imitate British public schools, don't copy their worst traits.

Have you any experience of British public schools ?

The possibility of a teacher having sex with a pupil - absolute zero.

What utter nonsense.

A quick google reveals; Michael Densham, Keith Cavendish Coulson, Bruce Roth, Father Aidan Duggan, Father Chrysostom Alexander, all prolific pedos who committed their crimes within British public schools and top private schools.

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Everyone has the right to anonymity, even the accused if no charges have yet been proved.

Charges are by definition unproven, the word is synonymous with accusation.

In your little idea, no court case could be public, no witnesses would know to come forward unless they were luckily found at the time and no other victims would ever come forward before or during the trial, your idea would seriously hamper getting a conviction of a guilty person.

I guess you have never heard the quote, "a long line of cases shows that it is not merely of some importance but is of fundamental importance that justice should not only be done, but should manifestly and undoubtedly be seen to be done", which is considered to be a fundamental of the judicial process. Without public cases, there will be corruption, interference from the police and the courts, and there will be no justice.

Funny how people only seem to want anonymity for pedos.

Where did I say only paedophiles? You do seem to enjoy claiming I have said things I have not. Twice on this thread already.

Justice should be done, I never said it shouldn't.

Justice should be seen to be done. Again I never said it shouldn't, the very opposite in fact. I have been saying that this should be dealt with by the legal authorities not the media or social media.

What you get with trial by accusation is vigilante justice, that is no justice at all.

My ''little idea''? You mean law and order, judicial process, trials based on evidence? Not my idea at all, it's been happening for century or more across the world.

I fail to see why you think it would prevent witnesses coming forward. Please explain that particular piece of 'thinking'.

From what I gather no legal charges have been made against this teacher and if this is the case his name should not be broadcast. If he goes to trial and is found guilty then that changes. If he is charged and flees, then of course he should be named. If he is loose and is considered a danger to the public by the authorities then he should be named.

However none of that has happened has it? He has been accused and is being prosecuted by social media/the press but no legal charges have yet been made.

If he is guilty he should rot in gaol, but it is the job of the courts to do this not the press/social media.

Edited by Bluespunk
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