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Oscar Pistorius ‘broken’ South African court hears


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Oscar Pistorius ‘broken’ South African court hears


PRETORIA: -- A psychologist has said South African athlete Oscar Pistorius is a ‘‘broken’‘ man who should be hospitalised rather than go to jail.

The 29-year-old Paralympic gold medallist is awaiting sentencing in Pretoria after he was convicted of murdering his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp in 2013. He faces a minimum 15-years in prison.

Defence witness, clinical psychologist, Jonathan Scholtz said: “In layman’s terms one would describe him as broken. In my opinion his current condition warrants hospitalisation. Since the events of 2013, he becomes traumatised when he hears the sound of gunfire, even if it is part of a film he is watching.”

Scholtz also said the double-amputee was suffering from ‘major depression’

Pistorius’ sentence could be reduced due to time served and mitigating factors.

Reeva Steenkamp’s father Barry, could also take to the witness stand to ask the court to impose a lengthy sentence.

Pistorius says he mistook his girlfriend for an intruder when he fired four times through the door of his bedroom toilet.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-06-14

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Broken?! My heart bleeds! How broken is Reeva Steenkamp by comparison?! He should consider all the days he's been alive since he killed her. All the air he's breathed, meals he's eaten. The time he's spent under house arrest, reading, listening to music, watching TV, and simply waking up each morning........

I have zero sympathy for this man.

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The clinical psychologist quoted was hired by the defence and although there will be medical grounds for some of what he said he is paid to mitigate the situation in favour of his client.

Of course he's depressed, no one is going to be happy about going to jail.

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Scholtz also said the double-amputee was suffering from ‘major depression’

"This 'major depression' can easily turn into a 'major euphoria', once he is freed and a celebratory party with fireworks could instantly cure him from his gunfire sound trauma." Scholtz didn't say that, but he thought it, fleetingly.

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While he's " broken " his victim is dead and buried in the prime of her life in thee hands of her bully, raging

madman who thinks that just because he's some kind of athlete superstar, he can entitled to behave

badly and that he'll get away with murder..... long time jail sentence will put him back in his place.....

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This is what happens when you pump the little lady full of bullets.

I'm sure her family feels worse.

Time to hang up the legs and lay down and face reality.lock.gif

Perhaps the village hangings were a good thing if they found the right person.violin.gif

They saved useless news space.angry.gif

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What ever people think,he is a killer.And in my book killers go to jail for a very long time.I wouldnt give a flying F##K if he was John the Baptist. He's a killer,he murdered a young lady whose young life wasn't meant to end so brutally at the hands of someone like him.

All the sympathy in the world can not excuse him for what he did,the girls mum and dad don't want to hear it.

He's been convicted,theres no excuse,theres no forgiving,no wringing of hands and gnashing of teeth for this guy. Put him away for life and if one day some con who has had his family destroyed,puts him out of our misery.

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he is such an actorbah.gif and on the BBC website there is even a suggestion he may get off with time already served which would be disgusting.

what a shambles of a so-called justice system which throughout this and the previous trial shows how the privileged whites are treated differently

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he is such an actorbah.gif and on the BBC website there is even a suggestion he may get off with time already served which would be disgusting.

what a shambles of a so-called justice system which throughout this and the previous trial shows how the privileged whites are treated differently

''Privileged whites are treated differently'' :rolleyes:

He was CONVICTED of a lesser crime by a black judge and the harsher punishment was given to him by a white judge but that is irrelevant because the SA justice system is actually quite impartial which is why it's convicted a multi-millionare international sports star in this case and why it doesn't even mind going after the country's sitting president (read Zuma, constitutional court, Nkandla) Not many other countries' courts go after fame and fortune. I'm proud of ours and sorry that you obviously got your info on SA from a racist (black or white) old timer.

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A lot of negativity against Oscar but anyone who has been to South Africa and seen the

crime rates and that every house has high walls and barbed wire should understand

that a double amputee awaking in the night in the fog sleep could jump to the wrong

conclusion. I have no idea if he is guilty or not but his defence is credible. A tragedy

for sure. Only one person knows for sure and that is Oscar P. No winners here only

losers. sad.png

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he is such an actorbah.gif and on the BBC website there is even a suggestion he may get off with time already served which would be disgusting.

what a shambles of a so-called justice system which throughout this and the previous trial shows how the privileged whites are treated differently

You are 22 years too late with your uninformed comments.

In fact your words privileged whites can be considered an oxymoron in todays South Africa.

- Oxymoron - " figure of speech that juxtaposes elements that appear to be contradictory. "

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he is such an actorbah.gif and on the BBC website there is even a suggestion he may get off with time already served which would be disgusting.

what a shambles of a so-called justice system which throughout this and the previous trial shows how the privileged whites are treated differently

''Privileged whites are treated differently'' rolleyes.gif

He was CONVICTED of a lesser crime by a black judge and the harsher punishment was given to him by a white judge but that is irrelevant because the SA justice system is actually quite impartial which is why it's convicted a multi-millionare international sports star in this case and why it doesn't even mind going after the country's sitting president (read Zuma, constitutional court, Nkandla) Not many other countries' courts go after fame and fortune. I'm proud of ours and sorry that you obviously got your info on SA from a racist (black or white) old timer.

it beats me how you can possibly be proud of a justice system that after the first trial gave him no more than a slap on the wrist for killing another human being blink.png

Edited by Asiantravel
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he is such an actorbah.gif and on the BBC website there is even a suggestion he may get off with time already served which would be disgusting.

what a shambles of a so-called justice system which throughout this and the previous trial shows how the privileged whites are treated differently

''Privileged whites are treated differently'' rolleyes.gif

He was CONVICTED of a lesser crime by a black judge and the harsher punishment was given to him by a white judge but that is irrelevant because the SA justice system is actually quite impartial which is why it's convicted a multi-millionare international sports star in this case and why it doesn't even mind going after the country's sitting president (read Zuma, constitutional court, Nkandla) Not many other countries' courts go after fame and fortune. I'm proud of ours and sorry that you obviously got your info on SA from a racist (black or white) old timer.

it beats me how you can possibly be proud of a justice system that after the first trial gave him no more than a slap on the wrist for killing another human being blink.png

Could you state your country please? ;)

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He murdered his girlfriend there is no doubt in my mind about it.As stated before his lies are outragious he has been convicted and as far as im concerned he should not get 10 to 15 years,it should be no less than anyone of us would get,LIFE AND LIFE ONLY>no exit and die and be buried in there.Thats all he deserves.Regaardless which country it is, he is guilty for sure.The people of this country can come up with excuses,but nothing like the one he was hopeing would be accepted.<LIFE ONLY>

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A lot of negativity against Oscar but anyone who has been to South Africa and seen the

crime rates and that every house has high walls and barbed wire should understand

that a double amputee awaking in the night in the fog sleep could jump to the wrong

conclusion. I have no idea if he is guilty or not but his defence is credible. A tragedy

for sure. Only one person knows for sure and that is Oscar P. No winners here only

losers. sad.png

A rather poor attempt to whitewash Pistorius.

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