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Thai monks behaving badly - three reported for assault on boy,11

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Thai monks behaving badly - three reported for assault on boy,11


Image: Manager Online

TAK:-- A senior monk and two novices have been reported to police for a serious assault on an 11 year old boy.

The boy was beaten unconscious with sticks, reported Manager Online.

The child - named only as "N" is a student at a school for homeless children in Mae Sot in Tak province in the north east of Thailand. Teachers from his school along with a human rights official took the child to Mae Sot police to make the complaint about the attack.

They claimed that Phra Somsak Uttaro, the head monk of the monastic clerical office in Tha Sai Luat sub-district along with two novice monks had set about the boy continually from early morning until he passed out.

Mae Sot police sent the boy to Mae Sot hospital for a detailed examination by doctors as officers gather evidence before proceeding with the case.

It was reported that the attack follows a fire in the monks' quarters at the Pa Mai Duang Dee clerical office last month.

The monk and novices claimed that N, who was sleeping there with the novices, lit a candle that led to the blaze. Today, when they saw N walking past the temple area they set about him, it was claimed.

-- 2016-06-16

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My wife's son was a monk a couple of years ago at small 'select' temple (sponsored by 2 local Thai/Chinese building-supply companies)..all seemed to be going well.

After a few months the son was getting bullied, and any amount of phonecalls from my wife to the head monk did nothing to stop this..!

In the end I drove 12 hours to Utteradit, drove the pick-up right in there, loaded all son's things and got him the hell out..no one in that temple approached us or even challenged us..& on leaving the head monk just sneered at us...

..What with all the stories that have surfaced this year alone, & what I've witnessed of the 'saffron robe'..It is me that sneers every time I see a monk close up or passing...In my mind they come a close second to the RTP..Same-same, but.....

Rant over.

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Monks think they can do what they want with no fear.

They are just arrogant/ selfish/ignorant money grabbing bullies.

When are the people of Thailand going to wake up to all the corruption/ stealing/ bullying that is going on??

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There has got to be in this day and age a national register of monks !

It's 2559 in Thailand and even the monks are using tecnogly so surely all these imposters of the faith can be traced and thrown out.

Abuse is so now rife from multi millionaires to child molesters to animal cruelty that even the Buddhist councils failure to act brings them into question.

It's on par with the Catholic Church with the turn a blind eye attitude .

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I have said many times:

This is a most dangerous thing to be a child in TH.

This is especially true for "no parents" kids, no-one protect them, They are exploited, abused and hopeless small hearts,

Shame on TH and all of greedy and careless officers.

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To all those judging Thai Buddhism by the vial actions of these and other monks: Don't forget the many pedophile priests in the Catholic Church and their superiors who helped cover it up.

Edited by HerbalEd
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The problem is nobody really believes in religeon anymore, even the practioners. So with God gone how do you set your moral standards. The current philosophy seems to be do what you like, but don't get caught.

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The problem is nobody really believes in religeon anymore, even the practioners. So with God gone how do you set your moral standards. The current philosophy seems to be do what you like, but don't get caught.

Rubbish! I won’t waste my time backing that up over such an inane comment which has and cannot have evidence.

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The problem is nobody really believes in religeon anymore, even the practioners. So with God gone how do you set your moral standards. The current philosophy seems to be do what you like, but don't get caught.

So because I am an atheist I have no morals? The biggest fallacy is that morals are established through religion. In many cases it is actually religion that is used to defend against reprehensible acts.

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The problem is nobody really believes in religeon anymore, even the practioners. So with God gone how do you set your moral standards. The current philosophy seems to be do what you like, but don't get caught.

Buddhism is a philosophy, and moral standards are embedded.

Furthermore, moral standards are documented in most religions' major writings.

Actually, moral standards seem to be based on similar values across the board.

So what is the problem, your God has gone or have you gone?

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This may amaze you !!

I had the privilege to meet some real monks.

They were impressive, knowledgeable, wise, pious and devoted.

As you pointed out there are many decent monks in Thailand, unfortunately there are some bad apples too.

The problem is no one is tackling this, the hierarchy of Buddhism or the Government.

To me Monks should be novices for at least two years, and Temples/Wats should have a limit (a quota) of monks set by the community they serve.

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Lots of comments about "when will the Thai people wake up to what is going on". Well actually Thai people know what is going on but this is normal life to them. If you raise issues like this you just get a shrug of the shoulders. As usual we are judging Thailand by western standards. Waste of time. T.I.T and it's their country. Dangerous, corrupt, immoral and a ruthless society it may be but that is their choice and only they could change it. As they don't appear to want to then nothing to be done.

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My wife's son was a monk a couple of years ago at small 'select' temple (sponsored by 2 local Thai/Chinese building-supply companies)..all seemed to be going well.

After a few months the son was getting bullied, and any amount of phonecalls from my wife to the head monk did nothing to stop this..!

In the end I drove 12 hours to Utteradit, drove the pick-up right in there, loaded all son's things and got him the hell out..no one in that temple approached us or even challenged us..& on leaving the head monk just sneered at us...

..What with all the stories that have surfaced this year alone, & what I've witnessed of the 'saffron robe'..It is me that sneers every time I see a monk close up or passing...In my mind they come a close second to the RTP..Same-same, but.....

Rant over.

How could you walk away without knocking anybody out? AT THE LEAST! I would have done the whole <deleted> temple.

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Any person serving as monk, priest, rabbi, imam is a person with twisted view of the universe and until believers stop believing these imaginary crap, people will suffer wars, inequality, guilt, self-destruction, immature perception of life and world around them, imaginary or schizophrenic self importance and overvalue, and special god - man contract, and straight racism towards all others. Oh,...... and many are just seriously psychologically disturbed like psychopaths, sociopaths and all other type of criminals.

What's a pity that people are involuntarily brainwashed with all these doctrines at childhood.


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Monks think they can do what they want with no fear.

They are just arrogant/ selfish/ignorant money grabbing bullies.

When are the people of Thailand going to wake up to all the corruption/ stealing/ bullying that is going on??

About the same time Roman catholics wake up with their priests
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There has got to be in this day and age a national register of monks !

It's 2559 in Thailand and even the monks are using tecnogly so surely all these imposters of the faith can be traced and thrown out.

Abuse is so now rife from multi millionaires to child molesters to animal cruelty that even the Buddhist councils failure to act brings them into question.

It's on par with the Catholic Church with the turn a blind eye attitude .

​There is a register of monks in each province. And supposedly, this register is forwarded to the Office of National Buddhism. From there it appears it falls into a big sinkhole. There are several hundred people who work at the Office of National Buddhism. I've seen them. What they do there is beyond me. They look busy but doing what, I don't have a clue. The Office of National Buddhism needs to have a special investigator who looks at all these problems and makes recommendations to the director on what's going on. But as someone else has said on this forum, that's not the Thai way. The Thai way is to ignore the problems, and they will go away.

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I have the misfortune to live near a temple which has a nasty abbot monk.... who I often see driving in the temple pick-up truck late at night.. wearing normal clothes. He is a real bully and all the village are scared of him. He blasts out commands on the loudspeakers to tell the villagers how sinful they are.. listing in detail the bad things they do, and commanding people bring him food and more money.

There are weekly visits by a black pick up with blacked out windows.. late at night...

When I first moved here 2 years ago the head monk was a lovely old guy.. and the temple was traditional and small. It used to get lots of people going there.. and I used to go to its festivals and parties.. it was a lovely community feeling. Now its lucky to get a dozen elderly people on a festival day. People used to stand outside their gates in the morning to give the offerings to the monks.. that has stopped.

The monk has so far built a new stupa, and 2 big outbuildings, bought a new truck, and is now getting workers to build more things and cut down beautiful old rain trees.. that must be over 100 years old. I don't think that he can be getting all this money from the few donations the temple gets.

His 2 or more times a week loud speaker many hours long rants and bad music can be heard in the next village... so its torture to stay in my own house... I resort to going out at 5.30 am several times a week. He actually had the volume on so loud he blew the speakers several times!

All the villagers know what's going on, no one likes it, but they do the Thai thing of pretending its not happening.. and not talking about it.

I wish there was some number I could call to get someone to come 'inspect' whats going on there.. and kick him out. It seems that each temple can do what it likes and is above the law and public scrutiny. This is what leads to corruption and abuse.

I used to like Thai temples, the monks and the Buddhist teaching.. but since this guy I have an aversion to all that now.

Edited by jak2002003
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This may amaze you !!

I had the privilege to meet some real monks.

They were impressive, knowledgeable, wise, pious and devoted.

What had you been drinking ?

Before, people told me that I was missing something when not drinking, so I gave in to peer pressure and started drinking.

Many decades later, after I (was) stopped drinking, I started noticing what I have been missing all the years before.

How about you?

Do you really enjoy a lukewarm pint at breakfast ;-) ?

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To all those judging Thai Buddhism by the vial actions of these and other monks: Don't forget the many pedophile priests in the Catholic Church and their superiors who helped cover it up.

Indeed, which is why the Catholic Church gets judged too. Back on topic: Thai "Buddhism" is getting judged now as it is RELEVANT to the topic about Thai monks :rolleyes:

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