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British Labour MP Jo Cox dies after being shot and stabbed


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Keep up the good work lads!

Will everyone please stop turning this event into a right/left wing(who are the worse nutters) debate..

Maybe the people above and brexiteers alike,just want Britain's sovereignty back...Has anyone thought that if EU rules dictate open borders maybe more of these

violent event will occur.

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He has appeared at Westminster Magistrates Court today.

From twitter feed of BBC reporter Daniel Sandford:

Asked his name the defendant in the dock says "My name is death to traitors, freedom for Britain."


Mentally ill, but clearly (to my mind) far-right orientated. I loathe the far right as much as I loathe the far left, any form of extremism.

Well isn't that good to know. Because it is both the extremist right organisations and the extremist left organisations in the UK which are supporting the BREXIT cause. Mind you, whenever this has been previously pointed out elsewhere on this forum our friendly forum BREXIT supporters have ignored the observations ie shrugged it off. They can't now, so only now a belated disassociation.

So all Brexit voters are homicidal nutters in your opinion?

Your logical thinking is not up to scratch. You favour a Brexit?
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That is a very extremist and very dangerous website.

Just because some offers a different point of view does not warrant it as extremist. I really am getting annoyed that when people have as different point of view you are racist. It is not true. If you complain about Israel you are anti sematic. Once again not true.

My own take on Jo Cox is that, what a tragedy. The timing though is very suspicious and people should look at this as to why now? From whom? Already it has been proven that the guy who allegedly killed her did not shout Britain First. the mainstream media do not always report the truth and are very politically motivated and directed.

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That is a very extremist and very dangerous website.

Just because some offers a different point of view does not warrant it as extremist. I really am getting annoyed that when people have as different point of view you are racist. It is not true. If you complain about Israel you are anti sematic. Once again not true.

My own take on Jo Cox is that, what a tragedy. The timing though is very suspicious and people should look at this as to why now? From whom? Already it has been proven that the guy who allegedly killed her did not shout Britain First. the mainstream media do not always report the truth and are very politically motivated and directed.

"Just because some offers a different point of view does not warrant it as extremist."

Agree with you, but this website is clearly extremist.

Where did you get your information btw of your statement "Already it has been proven that the guy who allegedly killed her did not shout Britain First."?

Edited by stevenl
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That is a very extremist and very dangerous website.

Just because some offers a different point of view does not warrant it as extremist. I really am getting annoyed that when people have as different point of view you are racist. It is not true. If you complain about Israel you are anti sematic. Once again not true.

My own take on Jo Cox is that, what a tragedy. The timing though is very suspicious and people should look at this as to why now? From whom? Already it has been proven that the guy who allegedly killed her did not shout Britain First. the mainstream media do not always report the truth and are very politically motivated and directed.

"Just because some offers a different point of view does not warrant it as extremist."

Agree with you, but this website is clearly extremist.

Where did you get your information btw of your statement "Already it has been proven that the guy who allegedly killed her did not shout Britain First."?

Some guys trying desperately hard to deny that it was a terrorist act committed by a fascist sympathiser and extremist BREXIT supporter. Just a poor misunderstood guy with mental problems. And now we have the second-rate loony websites also cited in support of the 'it was just a tragedy' storyline. The polls certainly not convinced which is probably why the BREXIT supporters are going into overdrive to rescue their lost momentum.

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That is a very extremist and very dangerous website.

Just because some offers a different point of view does not warrant it as extremist. I really am getting annoyed that when people have as different point of view you are racist. It is not true. If you complain about Israel you are anti sematic. Once again not true.

My own take on Jo Cox is that, what a tragedy. The timing though is very suspicious and people should look at this as to why now? From whom? Already it has been proven that the guy who allegedly killed her did not shout Britain First. the mainstream media do not always report the truth and are very politically motivated and directed.

"Just because some offers a different point of view does not warrant it as extremist."

Agree with you, but this website is clearly extremist.

Where did you get your information btw of your statement "Already it has been proven that the guy who allegedly killed her did not shout Britain First."?

It is actually all over alternative news. Stay away from the BBC and Sky as they don't always tell you the truth. Just one source that gives an accurate account.


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That is a very extremist and very dangerous website.

Just because some offers a different point of view does not warrant it as extremist. I really am getting annoyed that when people have as different point of view you are racist. It is not true. If you complain about Israel you are anti sematic. Once again not true.

My own take on Jo Cox is that, what a tragedy. The timing though is very suspicious and people should look at this as to why now? From whom? Already it has been proven that the guy who allegedly killed her did not shout Britain First. the mainstream media do not always report the truth and are very politically motivated and directed.

"Just because some offers a different point of view does not warrant it as extremist."

Agree with you, but this website is clearly extremist.

Where did you get your information btw of your statement "Already it has been proven that the guy who allegedly killed her did not shout Britain First."?

It is actually all over alternative news. Stay away from the BBC and Sky as they don't always tell you the truth. Just one source that gives an accurate account.


Many 'facts'' in your article have been proven incorrect since its time of publication (May 16). Far from accurate.

Edited by stevenl
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Well go and enlighten us on which facts are incorrect. Please don't use the BBC or the mainstream papers. They have often lied and continue too.

Since that pre condition only leaves the source itself open the options here are limited.

Most clearly, at the bottom of the original article, the claim 'suspect had no political views' is incorrect, as they admit themselves. Then on one of the links to a follow up story they admit that the suspect was heard shouting 'Britain first'.

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