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Democrats to give Trump 'rude awakening' in summer onslaught


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The biggest obstacle Trump has to overcome...is the old guard of his own GOP party...they would rather see 4 - 8 more years of Obama style government in play...than to lose their perceived elite status as the rulers of the GOP...the top guys...either play to their lordship...or get crushed...

Should be interesting...Trump has his work cutout for him...he will need to change tactics quickly or become a footnote in history...

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Trump has an unfavorable rating of 78% with women, 89% with Latinos, and 94% with black as well as a 70% unfavorable rating with Americans as a whole.

This is up 10 points in the last month.

His crazy train is about to derail in a big way.

Maybe there is hope for the American voters after all?

Only if Hillary also goes to jail.

That's what the Republicans are hanging their hats on...Hillary going to jail.

When the Fox News media echo chamber tells you everyday that HRC is going to jail and Donald Trump will be President, and that's all you listen to...you think Hillary is going to jail and Trump will be President. No reality filter there to tell you that's wingnut nonsense.

So we have to read about how she's a liar and crook and blah blah blah. The Trumpeteers turning themselves into logic pretzels trying to support Trump.

The Trump campaign is a dumpster fire.

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Trump supporters are the same kind of people who come to Oz from US or elsewhere and give all their money to a bar girl then wonder how they are left with nothing looking over the edge of Baiyoke ll or found in a shallow grave upcountry. And for those here who say they are a success story just remember it ain't successful until you die of natural causes which is rare in Thailand.

Edited by Whyamiandwhatamidoinghere
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The biggest obstacle Trump has to overcome...is the old guard of his own GOP party...they would rather see 4 - 8 more years of Obama style government in play...than to lose their perceived elite status as the rulers of the GOP...the top guys...either play to their lordship...or get crushed...

Should be interesting...Trump has his work cutout for him...he will need to change tactics quickly or become a footnote in history...

It is not just the old guard.

Republicans have a number of priorities.

First it is their own carers and they need to tread lightly through this minefield,

second it's their party that provides support for them and their ideology ,

and thirdly the county.

They are aware the damage Trump can do to all three, and they are being very cautious.

They know this cycle is lost, their only hope is to minimize the damage,endure another 4 years of a democratic presidency.

and come back in 4 years with a republican party.

With a Trump presidency, it is possible that the Republican party will not survive.

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Trump got to the position he is in today with the help of the "liberal-biased media" in the US. The liberal cable TV station, MSNBC, gave him an estimated $3 billion (and counting) in free coverage. Some of the stuff was so absurd I would have thought it was from The Onion if I hadn't seen it myself. Eg, regular programming was interrupted to show that Trump's plane was about to land, and we're shown an empty runway while someone prattles on. "Trump is about to speak" and the camera is focused on an empty podium for a half hour while the off-air prattle continues. Team Hillary should go after them with an 'equal time' demand, but on the other hand that would virtually turn the station into something like CSPAN this summer.

Since the start of this century every U.S. presidential election has been historically noteworthy (2012 was sort of an exception) and this one really is taking the cake. I'm really looking forward to the conventions, especially the GOP, which is going to be Trump's show. Cue "For The Benefit of Mr Kite."

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Trump got to the position he is in today with the help of the "liberal-biased media" in the US. The liberal cable TV station, MSNBC, gave him an estimated $3 billion (and counting) in free coverage.

I doubt MSNBC makes $3 Billion. (The last figure I can find was Fox making a $700M profit in 2010 which was more than all the other networks put together).

But the total from all the networks is supposedly at least $2Bn he would have had to spend.

Which is roughly what the 2012 election cost.

Edited by Chicog
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Trump got to the position he is in today with the help of the "liberal-biased media" in the US. The liberal cable TV station, MSNBC, gave him an estimated $3 billion (and counting) in free coverage.

I doubt MSNBC makes $3 Billion. (The last figure I can find was Fox making a $700M profit in 2010 which was more than all the other networks put together).

But the total from all the networks is supposedly at least $2Bn he would have had to spend.

Which is roughly what the 2012 election cost.

That $2 billion estimate is a few months old. The figures are supposed to be what would have been spent to get that kind of coverage, as paid political ads.

But MSNBC is still at it. Last week they were doing it again at a DT rally, same old bs, and then the feed went dead. One of the other personalities was teasing the one whose show was pre-empted, saying "I thought that was you taking an axe to the cables behind the venue!"

Edited by bendejo
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Trump has an unfavorable rating of 78% with women, 89% with Latinos, and 94% with black as well as a 70% unfavorable rating with Americans as a whole.

This is up 10 points in the last month.

His crazy train is about to derail in a big way.

Maybe there is hope for the American voters after all?

From one point of view, it's not at all surprising. White American Males now realize the great society agendas have produced an [un]intended consequence. As a diagnosis of exclusion, there's only one minority left in America- The White American Male.

Everyone else gets a shirt, a perk, an affirmative edge, civil service preference, college quota preference, civil service exam curve grading, politicians identifying them for unique representation, media accommodating their narrative, etc. All done to level a playing field that's perpetually distorted by the medicine, it's an inevitable logic that at a certain point one or few remain upon who the entire socialist redistribution schema pivots. With all the militant mouths shouting "me, me, me" it increasingly looks like a cocophony, a revolutionary stew of pre-violent militants who, unable to take more politically because of Trump supporters threatening their real and political grand theft, are inches from open violence (See HuffPost OpEd-call for violence).

True or not objectively, in a Progressive world of 'feeling' and 'perception' Trump supporter's perceptions have every bit as much legitimacy as the nihilist, socialist Mao-like rage that's destroying the US, reflecting in the polling parts above (and the violent 'anti trump deny other Americans freedom of association criminal acts'). All others get a free pass to vote 'black,' 'woman,' 'latino,' 'Muslim,' fly Mexican flags, etc., or their darling agendas. People are so sick of this crap. So, wheel out these takers and opportunists and nihilists and unwitting dupes acting as agents in this socialist coup, and amplify their now tired claims and guilt and 'me, me, me' cries.

Quite frankly, perhaps an aspect of this low grade fever of perception is why Trump is both a suprising formidable force AND he has such high minority unfavorability numbers. Perhaps. One thing is certain, the numbers prove the white American male perception- none of it was ever about equality in opportunity. Its about grand larceny and subjugation, a means to an end that the parts are not even aware. Hillary's attacks on Trump will EXCLUSIVELY use minority as injured tools, a fulcrum to demand emotion and obfuscate. This will motivate Trump supporters.

*Edit: it even distills further, I realize. It's actually the 'heterosexual white American Christian male.' With minor variations...Hrmm, yup! This is it! (And I am no defender of religion, America, or sexuality).

Edited by arjunadawn
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Curiously as it turns out, it's been been white heterosexual males who have been pulling the levers of power, Republican ones at that, for the past 20 years.

That's what I find so curious when people seem to rail against the left for destroying America. I would wager not a single CEO who outsourced jobs to China ever voted Democrat. Never seen true Red State Republican arguing to eliminate federal subsidies, which would be in line with the rhetoric, but not in line with getting reelected!

Trump is a reflection of these incongruities. The GOP for all their decades of dog whistle politics have no one to blame but themselves for this nightmare. Trouble is is, we all now have to pay the price

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Curiously as it turns out, it's been been white heterosexual males who have been pulling the levers of power, Republican ones at that, for the past 20 years.

That's what I find so curious when people seem to rail against the left for destroying America. I would wager not a single CEO who outsourced jobs to China ever voted Democrat. Never seen true Red State Republican arguing to eliminate federal subsidies, which would be in line with the rhetoric, but not in line with getting reelected!

Trump is a reflection of these incongruities. The GOP for all their decades of dog whistle politics have no one to blame but themselves for this nightmare. Trouble is is, we all now have to pay the price

Yet ironically Trump has lined his pockets by selling overpriced tat made in Mexico and China while he berates others for doing it.

You have to wonder about the idiots that think he represents any kind of "change".


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The Donald is still doing well with the old, white, scared, teeth > IQ, racist, barely-high school educated male demographic. Mississippi and Alabama locked down.

The Republican convention in Cleveland should be interesting, not.

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Complete waste of money for the democrats. They can just stand back and watch Trump dig himself into hole after hole all by himself

1. Nobody said Democrats were smart.

2. They are afraid of Trump, that he may be planning something wicked.

3. They are anticipating that Hillary will slide another 5 points down in the next poll...making Trump Even.

4. They are not using their own money..using the Hillary Foundation Money from Saudi Arabia (The ultimate gay bashers)

5. Gays are flocking to Trump.

6. One more act of Terrorism and her and Obama are Trashed for Eternity...Trump would win by default.

7. Too many slaps on the side of the head for refusing to use the words.."Islamist radicals", and "Sharia".

Pick one or all of the above, and you would pass the course.

Edited by slipperylobster
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Methinks this will backfire spectacularly.

Wrong strategy

Works for The Apprentice not for America. Trump is burnt Toast...

Never having seen the Apprentice, I believe that it was / is a Trump TV show.

I was referring to the Democrat Ad Campaign backfiring, not a TV show.

I also believe that the Republicans fielded 17 Candidates, only 1 man left standing.

I also believe that the majority of Political Hacks did not give Trump a snowballs chance in hell, but here we are.

Who will become the next POTUS, I have no idea, but in a 2 horse race anything can happen.

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The Donald is still doing well with the old, white, scared, teeth > IQ, racist, barely-high school educated male demographic. Mississippi and Alabama locked down.

The Republican convention in Cleveland should be interesting, not.

Teeth greater than IQ? What does that mean?

I flipped the bird to one feller, and he didn't even know what it meant. He said.."Whats that...your age, IQ or number of parents left after your dog died !"

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Curiously as it turns out, it's been been white heterosexual males who have been pulling the levers of power, Republican ones at that, for the past 20 years.

That's what I find so curious when people seem to rail against the left for destroying America. I would wager not a single CEO who outsourced jobs to China ever voted Democrat. Never seen true Red State Republican arguing to eliminate federal subsidies, which would be in line with the rhetoric, but not in line with getting reelected!

Trump is a reflection of these incongruities. The GOP for all their decades of dog whistle politics have no one to blame but themselves for this nightmare. Trouble is is, we all now have to pay the price

Post of the thread so far.

Makes me laugh when I read that too. You'd swear white hetro mates had just been released from bonded servitude where they'd been held for the last two centuries or something, listening to some of the extreme comments on this forum and the right wing press. Seriously, how deluded are some folks? As you rightfully say GinBoy, who's been driving the bus for the last few decades if not white hetro males. Doesn't fit the narrative though, does it. Some one else is to blame for the fact I've missed my chance at life as I perceive it should have been.

In other words, "I coulda been a CONTENDER!". Coulda, shoulda, woulda is the cry of the loser... the cry of the atypical Trumpkin.

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The Donald is still doing well with the old, white, scared, teeth > IQ, racist, barely-high school educated male demographic. Mississippi and Alabama locked down.

The Republican convention in Cleveland should be interesting, not.

The exact same rhetoric that is being thrown around willy - nilly in the UK.

Why ?

The establishment, both in the US and the UK is rattled.

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Curiously as it turns out, it's been been white heterosexual males who have been pulling the levers of power, Republican ones at that, for the past 20 years.

That's what I find so curious when people seem to rail against the left for destroying America. I would wager not a single CEO who outsourced jobs to China ever voted Democrat. Never seen true Red State Republican arguing to eliminate federal subsidies, which would be in line with the rhetoric, but not in line with getting reelected!

Trump is a reflection of these incongruities. The GOP for all their decades of dog whistle politics have no one to blame but themselves for this nightmare. Trouble is is, we all now have to pay the price

Post of the thread so far.

Makes me laugh when I read that too. You'd swear white hetro mates had just been released from bonded servitude where they'd been held for the last two centuries or something, listening to some of the extreme comments on this forum and the right wing press. Seriously, how deluded are some folks? As you rightfully say GinBoy, who's been driving the bus for the last few decades if not white hetro males. Doesn't fit the narrative though, does it. Some one else is to blame for the fact I've missed my chance at life as I perceive it should have been.

In other words, "I coulda been a CONTENDER!". Coulda, shoulda, woulda is the cry of the loser... the cry of the atypical Trumpkin.

That is almost as funny as hearing HIllary Scraping her Tin Cup against the jail bars, screaming: "I have a name, I am not a number !!!"

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it would be wonderful if there was a conservative counterpart to Bernie Sanders...someone who holds fairly conservative outlooks on domestic spending and foreign affairs, someone who has held reasonable convictions for decades rather than moments...but the last two decades has purged these people from government...

I think the closest we have this election is Gary Johnson, the Libertarian candidate..and he is on the ballot in all 50 states.

Is Gary Johnson Like Bernie Sanders? Libertarian Nominee Says He’s Similar To Vermont Senator


It would be wonderful if Bernie spoke his true mind (and he may yet do that) about Clinton and the money-machine and throw his hat in the ring as Johnson's VP and running-mate.

After all, Clinton's husband has already told the Bernie supporters that they didn't matter.

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Trump has an unfavorable rating of 78% with women, 89% with Latinos, and 94% with black as well as a 70% unfavorable rating with Americans as a whole.

This is up 10 points in the last month.

His crazy train is about to derail in a big way.

Maybe there is hope for the American voters after all?

From one point of view, it's not at all surprising. White American Males now realize the great society agendas have produced an [un]intended consequence. As a diagnosis of exclusion, there's only one minority left in America- The White American Male.

Everyone else gets a shirt, a perk, an affirmative edge, civil service preference, college quota preference, civil service exam curve grading, politicians identifying them for unique representation, media accommodating their narrative, etc. All done to level a playing field that's perpetually distorted by the medicine, it's an inevitable logic that at a certain point one or few remain upon who the entire socialist redistribution schema pivots. With all the militant mouths shouting "me, me, me" it increasingly looks like a cocophony, a revolutionary stew of pre-violent militants who, unable to take more politically because of Trump supporters threatening their real and political grand theft, are inches from open violence (See HuffPost OpEd-call for violence).

True or not objectively, in a Progressive world of 'feeling' and 'perception' Trump supporter's perceptions have every bit as much legitimacy as the nihilist, socialist Mao-like rage that's destroying the US, reflecting in the polling parts above (and the violent 'anti trump deny other Americans freedom of association criminal acts'). All others get a free pass to vote 'black,' 'woman,' 'latino,' 'Muslim,' fly Mexican flags, etc., or their darling agendas. People are so sick of this crap. So, wheel out these takers and opportunists and nihilists and unwitting dupes acting as agents in this socialist coup, and amplify their now tired claims and guilt and 'me, me, me' cries.

Quite frankly, perhaps an aspect of this low grade fever of perception is why Trump is both a suprising formidable force AND he has such high minority unfavorability numbers. Perhaps. One thing is certain, the numbers prove the white American male perception- none of it was ever about equality in opportunity. Its about grand larceny and subjugation, a means to an end that the parts are not even aware. Hillary's attacks on Trump will EXCLUSIVELY use minority as injured tools, a fulcrum to demand emotion and obfuscate. This will motivate Trump supporters.

*Edit: it even distills further, I realize. It's actually the 'heterosexual white American Christian male.' With minor variations...Hrmm, yup! This is it! (And I am no defender of religion, America, or sexuality).

Thanks for the edit, arj. That clarified everything.

Let's try and remember here, the threat to America isn't radical Islam Trumpeteers, it's radical Republicans.

"As a diagnosis of exclusion, there's only one minority left in America- The White American Male." Let's all shed a tear for the poor White American Male. It must be devastating to feel YOU are now a minority, although a well armed minority.

I'm bummed. I thought I'd always be #1. Apparently, not any more. So sad, I feel a song coming on. Sing it Patti

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it would be wonderful if there was a conservative counterpart to Bernie Sanders...someone who holds fairly conservative outlooks on domestic spending and foreign affairs, someone who has held reasonable convictions for decades rather than moments...but the last two decades has purged these people from government...

I think the closest we have this election is Gary Johnson, the Libertarian candidate..and he is on the ballot in all 50 states.

Is Gary Johnson Like Bernie Sanders? Libertarian Nominee Says He’s Similar To Vermont Senator


It would be wonderful if Bernie spoke his true mind (and he may yet do that) about Clinton and the money-machine and throw his hat in the ring as Johnson's VP and running-mate.

After all, Clinton's husband has already told the Bernie supporters that they didn't matter.

I've read various comments about how Sanders should support anyone but Hillary. Do any of you people actually read where candidates like Trump and Johnson stand on the issues. Clearly with you people it's all about attitude and nothing about facts.

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Trump has an unfavorable rating of 78% with women, 89% with Latinos, and 94% with black as well as a 70% unfavorable rating with Americans as a whole.

This is up 10 points in the last month.

His crazy train is about to derail in a big way.

Maybe there is hope for the American voters after all?

From one point of view, it's not at all surprising. White American Males now realize the great society agendas have produced an [un]intended consequence. As a diagnosis of exclusion, there's only one minority left in America- The White American Male.

Everyone else gets a shirt, a perk, an affirmative edge, civil service preference, college quota preference, civil service exam curve grading, politicians identifying them for unique representation, media accommodating their narrative, etc. All done to level a playing field that's perpetually distorted by the medicine, it's an inevitable logic that at a certain point one or few remain upon who the entire socialist redistribution schema pivots. With all the militant mouths shouting "me, me, me" it increasingly looks like a cocophony, a revolutionary stew of pre-violent militants who, unable to take more politically because of Trump supporters threatening their real and political grand theft, are inches from open violence (See HuffPost OpEd-call for violence).

True or not objectively, in a Progressive world of 'feeling' and 'perception' Trump supporter's perceptions have every bit as much legitimacy as the nihilist, socialist Mao-like rage that's destroying the US, reflecting in the polling parts above (and the violent 'anti trump deny other Americans freedom of association criminal acts'). All others get a free pass to vote 'black,' 'woman,' 'latino,' 'Muslim,' fly Mexican flags, etc., or their darling agendas. People are so sick of this crap. So, wheel out these takers and opportunists and nihilists and unwitting dupes acting as agents in this socialist coup, and amplify their now tired claims and guilt and 'me, me, me' cries.

Quite frankly, perhaps an aspect of this low grade fever of perception is why Trump is both a suprising formidable force AND he has such high minority unfavorability numbers. Perhaps. One thing is certain, the numbers prove the white American male perception- none of it was ever about equality in opportunity. Its about grand larceny and subjugation, a means to an end that the parts are not even aware. Hillary's attacks on Trump will EXCLUSIVELY use minority as injured tools, a fulcrum to demand emotion and obfuscate. This will motivate Trump supporters.

*Edit: it even distills further, I realize. It's actually the 'heterosexual white American Christian male.' With minor variations...Hrmm, yup! This is it! (And I am no defender of religion, America, or sexuality).

Thanks for the edit, arj. That clarified everything.

Let's try and remember here, the threat to America isn't radical Islam Trumpeteers, it's radical Republicans.

"As a diagnosis of exclusion, there's only one minority left in America- The White American Male." Let's all shed a tear for the poor White American Male. It must be devastating to feel YOU are now a minority, although a well armed minority.

I'm bummed. I thought I'd always be #1. Apparently, not any more. So sad, I feel a song coming on. Sing it Patti

Sorry Pinot, can't agree mate. Arj and 'Clarify' just don't belong together... wai2.gif

Edited by NumbNut
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Trump has an unfavorable rating of 78% with women, 89% with Latinos, and 94% with black as well as a 70% unfavorable rating with Americans as a whole.

This is up 10 points in the last month.

His crazy train is about to derail in a big way.

Maybe there is hope for the American voters after all?

From one point of view, it's not at all surprising. White American Males now realize the great society agendas have produced an [un]intended consequence. As a diagnosis of exclusion, there's only one minority left in America- The White American Male.

It's this kind of attitude that really perplexes me. When I look at the leadership in America, from corporate leaders/CEOs, to senior military officers, to elected officials, senators/congressmen, to leaders of news organizations and movie studios, to owners of major sports teams, to the list of wealthiest Americans, and the leadership of just about every single major institution in the US in the year 2016....all still dominated by white American males. So what in freaks name are you talking about???

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it would be wonderful if there was a conservative counterpart to Bernie Sanders...someone who holds fairly conservative outlooks on domestic spending and foreign affairs, someone who has held reasonable convictions for decades rather than moments...but the last two decades has purged these people from government...

I think the closest we have this election is Gary Johnson, the Libertarian candidate..and he is on the ballot in all 50 states.

Is Gary Johnson Like Bernie Sanders? Libertarian Nominee Says He’s Similar To Vermont Senator


It would be wonderful if Bernie spoke his true mind (and he may yet do that) about Clinton and the money-machine and throw his hat in the ring as Johnson's VP and running-mate.

After all, Clinton's husband has already told the Bernie supporters that they didn't matter.

I've read various comments about how Sanders should support anyone but Hillary. Do any of you people actually read where candidates like Trump and Johnson stand on the issues. Clearly with you people it's all about attitude and nothing about facts.


Facts are important. All the facts that we have prove that Hillary is a lying crook.

I would prefer Mr. Jojo the Glow worm over Hillary.

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This is Civil War. No way I will cast my vote from Thailand overseas. No wife to bite my ear because she wants me to save the price of a ticket to buy buffalos or a new septic tank. No way buddy. I want to stand in line and witness this vote of the century live and in living color. I have in the past voted for Republicans and Democrats because I vote for whoever's policies help young people to have a better chance to excel,the middle class working people, the elderly, the poor and last but not least our service men and women. I never care a party. I care about All people of The United States Of America. It is where I was born, raised and educated. My father fought wars for it.Im proud to be an American for better or worse. Sure it not perfect neither is this place nor any other country. Those who choose 'Paradise' rode in not ran in. There is a difference...

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Just wondered...

besides the fact that she is a woman (first to be nominated)....

Can anyone tell me if she has done anything that would make me change my mind about her?

Any amazing foreign policy strategies?

Anything else....except that screeching, annoying voice?

I know she lies a lot. But is there anything positive?

I ask this, because I see the only thing she has going for her is that she is a woman, and is relying on Bill to figure out the rest.

Obama likes her.....as their strategies are identical. (do we call anything Obama has done, a "strategy")

If democrats really could think hard about it, the only coverage she gets is about her past failures and her lies.

Edited by slipperylobster
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