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Increase in Thai violence and anger, or an increase in reporting?


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Proliferation of smart phones and the crimes they record increase due to the influx of yaba. I noticed things getting bad back just after the tsunami in Phuket when yaba was just coming on the scene. Before that violence and home invasions were not very common.

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The entire world is embroiled in turmoil due to economic slowdown, unemployment, religious terrorists, and a shortage of goods and services.

I'm not seeing any shortages of anything, anywhere, and certainly not of goods and services.

No problems with shortages of good and services here.... just a shortage of their money.... or at least their credit.... which doesn't allow them to get what they want/need.... face , ego.


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Just more media exposure than before while cell phone cameras are a notable factor along with CCTV while reports on violence seem to capture the attention of the public more so than other news so often enough violence based events are given precedent and published more often.

Meantime....approximately 70 million people live in Thailand so you can be assured there is a whole lot of violence going and far more than what you want to hear about or know about......while ignorance is bliss...... relative to having to hear about and absorb all the information concerning all the violence gong on.

Police officers and hospital staff and ambulance drivers could give you plenty of insight about all the violence going on

Just pick up the Thai Police and Crime magazines that are on sale and you will see plenty of gruesome photos and stories about all kinds of violence happening all over the country....just like most other countries evolving into more affluent, consumer oriented, "Money is God" oriented societies.


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so right !

exactly like african and arabs, balless when fighting government buy pretending to be a superhero on the road or with 10 friends with them....

"Are many Thais closer to their breaking point, or has Thai society and Thai behavior always been so angry and volatile and we're simply seeing an increase in reportage?"

I believe it's a feature of their primitive feudal society.

Just reported more widely now due to the mobile phone and social media explosion.

South Africa is exactly the same (tribal fighting all the time).

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The entire world is embroiled in turmoil due to economic slowdown, unemployment, religious terrorists, and a shortage of goods and services.

I'm not seeing any shortages of anything, anywhere, and certainly not of goods and services.

Thailand...and Asia in general has not experienced a shortage as of yet...other parts of the world...those countries who have mismanaged their income and resources...many are on the brink of debt default...which brings about the shortage alluded to in the original post...Venezuela with it's empty store shelves, lack of jobs and lack of leadership...is the first to experience anarchy...will not be the last..

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The entire world is embroiled in turmoil due to economic slowdown, unemployment, religious terrorists, and a shortage of goods and services.

I'm not seeing any shortages of anything, anywhere, and certainly not of goods and services.

No problems with shortages of good and services here.... just a shortage of their money.... or at least their credit.... which doesn't allow them to get what they want/need.... face , ego.


Thailand has one of the most robust economies...even as it appears to be declining...on the planet...the government encourages individual entrepreneurs...many of the world's governments have over-regulated businesses and are experiencing a dramatic decline...several countries are busted...can not pay their bills...just a matter of time before more countries experience a Venezuela-like anarchy...

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Personally, I have only seen the increase in anger in the newspapers and in video captures. I think its reporting, but I have no real proof. In my life in BKK I personally have not encountered more violence. That of course does not say much as I am just 1 person.

But with all those new phones and dashcams a lot more gets reported.

Agree. Not sure why the OP has to ask the question--just freakin walk outside. What do you see? I haven't seen any evidence of increase in violence, at least not in Chiang Mai.

" just freakin walk outside. What do you see? "

lots of lady boys on Pattaya Beach Road some of whom wouldn't think twice about sinking their high heeled shoe into your skull if you dealt with them in the wrong way


I don't live next to ladyboys so wouldn't know. They've gotten more violent you think? Maybe if you paid the agreed price, they wouldn't consider busting your head with their high heels.

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Personally, I have only seen the increase in anger in the newspapers and in video captures. I think its reporting, but I have no real proof. In my life in BKK I personally have not encountered more violence. That of course does not say much as I am just 1 person.

But with all those new phones and dashcams a lot more gets reported.

Agree. Not sure why the OP has to ask the question--just freakin walk outside. What do you see? I haven't seen any evidence of increase in violence, at least not in Chiang Mai.

" just freakin walk outside. What do you see? "

lots of lady boys on Pattaya Beach Road some of whom wouldn't think twice about sinking their high heeled shoe into your skull if you dealt with them in the wrong way


I don't live next to ladyboys so wouldn't know. They've gotten more violent you think? Maybe if you paid the agreed price, they wouldn't consider busting your head with their high heels.

Hormones and amphetamines don't seem to make a great combination.

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i suspect when violence occurs in Thailand it has always been to the death the ugly underbelly of "Thai culture"but not reported before due to limitations in technology easily swept under the very large rug years ago after all you have to enforce your hierarchy somehow.

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By coincidence I was hit by a car on my motorbike today for no reason.


I definitely see an increase in anger on BKK roads.

I put it down to more cars on the road than ever before, the construction of MRT/SRT/BTS lines and also flooding that closes many roads. Complete congestion during rush-hours nowadays and a lot of Thais have difficulty keeping their repressed anger in.

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Personally, I have only seen the increase in anger in the newspapers and in video captures. I think its reporting, but I have no real proof. In my life in BKK I personally have not encountered more violence. That of course does not say much as I am just 1 person.

But with all those new phones and dashcams a lot more gets reported.

Agree. Not sure why the OP has to ask the question--just freakin walk outside. What do you see? I haven't seen any evidence of increase in violence, at least not in Chiang Mai.

Coz he wants to see other people's views on it that's why.

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Personally, I have only seen the increase in anger in the newspapers and in video captures. I think its reporting, but I have no real proof. In my life in BKK I personally have not encountered more violence. That of course does not say much as I am just 1 person.

But with all those new phones and dashcams a lot more gets reported.

Agree. Not sure why the OP has to ask the question--just freakin walk outside. What do you see? I haven't seen any evidence of increase in violence, at least not in Chiang Mai.

Coz he wants to see other people's views on it that's why.

I just gave my view. Does the OP only want opinions he agrees with? Apparently, so do you.

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^ Some posters are a bit defensive.

To the point that it often clouds reality. sad.png

The problem is that some people tend to be ambiguous or downright dishonest. You framed your OP as a question, but is it really a question? Or are you making a statement?

You are entitled to your opinion, of course. And I respect your opinion. But if others have opinions that are not the same as yours, do you get upset...or dare I say, defensive? Just saying.

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like the rest of the world..thailand has their 1%..who are flashing it around to the exclusion of the 99%...up in Isaan and probably many other areas of thailand families have to get by on less than 300 baht a day,with no one to fall back on except "the family"

incomes stagnate yet prices go up.More young ones on yabaa begets more violence.

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I just gave my view. Does the OP only want opinions he agrees with? Apparently, so do you.

I've seen no violence in Thailand myself, only being here a month.

But I did notice my VIP taxi driver had a bladed weapon sitting on the seat beside him, don't know what it was four razor sharp blades attached to a circular fist shaped device.

Maybe it was just for show?

Found it, here is a photo


Edited by MissAndry
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like the rest of the world..thailand has their 1%..who are flashing it around to the exclusion of the 99%...up in Isaan and probably many other areas of thailand families have to get by on less than 300 baht a day,with no one to fall back on except "the family"

incomes stagnate yet prices go up.More young ones on yabaa begets more violence.

It's not just Thailand old fella, it's a world wide phenomenon.

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I just gave my view. Does the OP only want opinions he agrees with? Apparently, so do you.

I've seen no violence in Thailand myself, only being here a month.

But I did notice my VIP taxi driver had a bladed weapon sitting on the seat beside him, don't know what it was four razor sharp blades attached to a circular fist shaped device.

Maybe it was just for show?

Found it, here is a photo

attachicon.gifblade.jpgattachicon.gifblade 2.jpg

I was going to ask for a photo....pretty cool looking. Not sure how practical it is in a heist. I doubt VIP taxi drivers get robbed very often....maybe it's his way of impressing the ladies. Heck if I know.

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Not sure theres more violence,but definatley more reporting of it. This,now,is beginning the hit the outside world.This is no good for Thailand because up til recently,it was closed off,but now the outside world is getting a view of how many people,especially foreigners,are being killed,and violently attacked,on the streets.I think it will have an adverse effect on the tourism here,but the Thais will never admit it.The punishments for such crimes are insufficient and too lenient.This is why they are committed with such abandon.And of course,the use of drugs and the Thai rage thing.

The Governmemt clearly has to get a hold of this problem by the neck and do something.But they wont,because they dont care.

As they say,the only good ferang is a dead one.(According to my wife,who is very concerned about her countries image)

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There seems to be an "increase in violence and anger" throughout the entire world.

Not sure the Vietnamese boat people would agree with you. Thai pirates raped and murdered over 200,000 of them after the fall of Saigon in 1975. Peaceful, smiling people? I think not.

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The punishments for such crimes are insufficient and too lenient.This is why they are committed with such abandon.

Well, in Thailand it isn't the crime that dictates the punishment, it's the level of the people involved.

Jungle Culture, quite distasteful for most of us in the 21st Century.

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like the rest of the world..thailand has their 1%..who are flashing it around to the exclusion of the 99%...up in Isaan and probably many other areas of thailand families have to get by on less than 300 baht a day,with no one to fall back on except "the family"

incomes stagnate yet prices go up.More young ones on yabaa begets more violence.

I think you pretty much summed it up. And I'm not a "Thai apologist." My heart goes out to all people who are suffering and underprivileged with the poor education. I've been coming here since 1971 via the US military.

So I have really seen the changes. I was married to a Thai girl that lived outside Bangkok in Samut Sakon for eight years so I've had my dose of being in a Thai family.

The social fabric the network of the world is breaking down due to the breakdown of the integrity of the family unit internationally. Social injustice and financial inequity is epidemic. Like I said I think I know the score here. As with living anywhere you really need to "watch your peas and cues."

Knowing the "street rules" and adjusting the time and circumstance really goes along way. And even if the Thais no longer seem to go by the "mai ben rai" attitude it's still a good way to go through life here especially for us foreigners.

I personally like the "wildness" of Thailand. And I get along with Thais very well. When I'm not here I spend time in West Bengal involved in medical humanitarian work. If you want to see a real nightmare hook up with me for my next trip to West Bengal. It makes Thailand look like a child's bedtime story.

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Someone asked for statistics, well Thailand did not even make the top 50 for the most dangerous cities in the world check it out


And for top ten crime rate? The good old USA. We're number one!!!


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Someone asked for statistics, well Thailand and not even make the top 50 for the most dangerous cities in the world check it out


Interesting. Latin American cities sure dominate that list.

I lived in San Diego for 30 years. I traveled through Mexico quite a bit and spent quite a bit of time in Tia Juana. Traveling in the interior was never a problem, fortunately for me. Although I heard plenty of horror stories, visited friends in the hospital and saw the scars. Not for the faint of heart.

You did have to have your head on a swivel in TJ or suffer the consequenses. Had several encounters myself or jumped in when other guys were getting ready to get "jacked up." Again Mexico makes Thailand look like "kid's stuff."

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watching Thai soaps you will realize that every minute at least somebody is screaming, injured, beaten up, killed....

It's just they follow what they could see in TV. It's for most Thais reality. To threaten somebody is normal, to cheat is daily life, to kill sometimes necessary.

But what would you expect if a country is ruled by a General, trained in killing?

The military government has nothing to do with the stereotypical soap operas which I observe since 30 years.

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I don't believe there has been any substantial increase in violence in Thailand as a whole, I do believe CCTV, smartphones and digital video cameras are spreading news of violence to a wider audience in terms of numbers of people who hear of/see any particular incident.

But I also believe this technology is making the news accessable to non Thai speaking foreigners, who might otherwise been oblivious to events being discussed by Thai people.

I have in the past cited the case of a Farang I met telling me how safe Thailand is, but who had no idea that only a week earlier a young girl had been gang raped less than 100 meters from his front door. All his Thai neighbours knew of this, he was oblivious to the matter.

Also of note is the fact that many of the attacks are being publicised by ordinary Thai people over social media. We have in recent weeks several examples of the police being forced to act on crimes being publicised on facebook etc.This is a change in society reporting and demanding action. M, to my mind a very possitive indication of changing Thai expectations wrt law enforcement.

One aspect of violence I do see increasing is 'open attacks' on foreign tourists. I'll not speculate on why that is happening, but certainly when I first arrived in Thailand almost 30 years ago, I saw numerous cases of Thai people intervening to stop arguments between Thai people and foteigners escallating to violence. The police, and back then, the Tourist police where very quick to litteraly stamp on violence against foreign tourists.

Ladyboys certainly plied there trade on Pattaya's beach front, and occasionally there were fights, but never the gangs of ladyboys threatening, robbing and attacking people that we see today only a matter of yards from the Beach Road police station.

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watching Thai soaps you will realize that every minute at least somebody is screaming, injured, beaten up, killed....

It's just they follow what they could see in TV. It's for most Thais reality. To threaten somebody is normal, to cheat is daily life, to kill sometimes necessary.

But what would you expect if a country is ruled by a General, trained in killing?

The military government has nothing to do with the stereotypical soap operas which I observe since 30 years.

that is not correct: the govt. has all influence they want

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