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Massive British referendum petition hijacked


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Massive British referendum petition hijacked


LONDON: -- The parliamentary petition which calls for a second referendum on EU membership had been signed online an incredible 3 point seven million times by Monday afternoon.

Unfortunately for the “remainers” who are desperate to reverse the referendum result, the petition has been infiltrated by internet bots. They’ve been automatically adding thousands of obviously fake signatures from as far away as Antarctica.

Officials from parliament are busy removing tens of thousands of them but it’s still tainted the country’s biggest online petition ever.

Despite the fraud it’s clear the petition has created a massive wave of protest.

Bizarrely the man who created it before the referendum, William Oliver Healey, is actually a Brexit activist. He thought, as the polls did at the time, that a close win for the remainers was the likely outcome.

And so his petition asks for a second referendum to be held if neither side reached 60 percent of the vote.

Britain’s prime minister David Cameron has clearly ruled out another referendum but, since he’s resigned, it’s likely that his successor will ultimately have to address the petitioners’ concerns.

Now petition fever has spread to Slovakia where the far right leader Nase Slovensko is urging Slovakians to sign his petition calling for a referendum on EU membership.

Back in March Slovensko’s anti immigrant Our Slovakia party got 209,000 votes.

That’s significant because if 350,000 Slovakians sign the petition legally a referendum must be held.

Opinion polls, for what they are worth, suggest more than 60 percent of Slovakians are firmly in favour of remaining in the EU. Polls got both Britain’s referendum result and its last election result very wrong.

But, as with Britain, if a Slovakia referendum does go ahead, it’s just a question of getting more than 50 percent to win.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-06-28
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"3 point seven million times by Monday afternoon"

3 million out of 65 million, wow what a waste of time, I thought 99% of brits were childish whingers.

Oh well at least the pretenders look alike got his photo in the head lines.

He later broke out into song, singing " I'm on my wee from misery to happiness "

Edited by FourAces
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A derogatory post has been removed.

Let's keep the insults to the normal "whinging pom" level we Brits all know and love.

Whinging Pom doesn't refer to all British, as I am reliable assures by Aussie friends, only the English.

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Is anyone surprised that an online petition was hijacked and how can those weeding out suspect names be able to assure what's left is still genuine ?

Correct. As per another thread on this site, it was being signed by non Brits in Thailand. Are they deleting suspect names: just how many people called R Soul can there be?

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Is anyone surprised that an online petition was hijacked and how can those weeding out suspect names be able to assure what's left is still genuine ?

Correct. As per another thread on this site, it was being signed by non Brits in Thailand. Are they deleting suspect names: just how many people called R Soul can there be?

Damn, you spotted me and I thought I'd got away with it.

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Whereas they can state the petition has been signed online 'an incredible 3.7 million times' they are not able to state how many of these signatures are true.

Have they found all the bots yet? How many new bots will have penetration?

Right or wrong, the whole petition is now flawed beyond credibility.

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Is anyone surprised that an online petition was hijacked and how can those weeding out suspect names be able to assure what's left is still genuine ?

Correct. As per another thread on this site, it was being signed by non Brits in Thailand. Are they deleting suspect names: just how many people called R Soul can there be?

Damn, you spotted me and I thought I'd got away with it.
Don't tell anyone, but I think I got away with signing as P. Nuss...
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Whereas they can state the petition has been signed online 'an incredible 3.7 million times' they are not able to state how many of these signatures are true.
Have they found all the bots yet? How many new bots will have penetration?
Right or wrong, the whole petition is now flawed beyond credibility.

All we need now is for a genuine ' R Soul ' to point to the petition as an indication of the will of the people. Those in the Remain camp would be well advised to leave this alone other than maybe to point out the original idea belonged to Farange of the Leave campaign.

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A derogatory post has been removed.

Let's keep the insults to the normal "whinging pom" level we Brits all know and love.

Whinging Pom doesn't refer to all British, as I am reliable assures by Aussie friends, only the English.

Reading your sentence above, I assume you're a non-English (speaking) Brit? blink.png

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If people are not prepared to accept the majority vote in a fair ballot they are wingers whatever country they come from !!!!

Who said it was a fair ballot? It was won by lies and deceit. Many who voted Out now regret it. The pound's tanked, and now we've got high inflation and job losses to look forward to.

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I think a small detail called the Royals is holding the Brits back from a true mature democracy. Give them a few more thousand years and check back.

What has the monarchy got to do with it? They have no aspirations on politics. That the Queen still meets with the PM is merely a formality, she doesn't (and can't) lay down any rules. What is undemocratic? UK democracy is as mature as it gets. Brits were given a voice (what other EU has), no votes were bought and the decision will stand. All this petition lark is just bluster by naturally disappointed people. But it will be accepted without violent mobs taking to the streets etc. Nice troll attempt, btw.

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New election, the #1 issue:

'activate article 50'

OR: 'reject article 50, renegotiate with EU'

Meanwhile, sober second thoughts are mounting:

'Sun columnist and prominent Brexit cheerleader Kelvin MacKenzie has said he now feels

buyers remorse over the vote to leave the EU and is fearful of what lies ahead.'


Edited by sujoop
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So the UK is waking up? " I am so sorry that I voted that way,please let me vote again". "I didn't realizes the outcome of our vote". This is just like our Dummies in The US,voting because of what somebody promises or because of religion or race and not knowing dog shxt about whats going on.

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More than a million Poms needs to be repatriated back to Blighty....Poms will need visas, work permits, import duties to be imposed, banks to be penalized so that banks in the City of London financial center move to Continental Europe. Yeah !

Where from?

Don't think they're called Poms in Europe me ol' cobber...........................thumbsup.gif

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I'll lsten when they get 18 million votes for the recount. i.e. when they convincingly beat the number who voted for Brexit. These slimy politicians. They are going to steal this victory away from the people mark my words. The slimy Tories want a new leader of Labour who will sign up to a Parliamentary vote to ignore the referendum result. Corbyn won;t play that trick. But if all the main parties vote to stay in there will be an almost unanimous vote in Parliament and when the next election comes there will be no one to penalize. Really toad sliy stuff this. Tactics which sound as though they could have come from a junta.

And a word about Cameron. We all know that Cameron's pledges are not worth the paper they are written on, but he pledged to sign and send the Article 50 letter. Now he has reneged. What a miserable excuse fora human being.

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I think a small detail called the Royals is holding the Brits back from a true mature democracy. Give them a few more thousand years and check back.

What has the monarchy got to do with it? They have no aspirations on politics. That the Queen still meets with the PM is merely a formality, she doesn't (and can't) lay down any rules. What is undemocratic? UK democracy is as mature as it gets. Brits were given a voice (what other EU has), no votes were bought and the decision will stand. All this petition lark is just bluster by naturally disappointed people. But it will be accepted without violent mobs taking to the streets etc. Nice troll attempt, btw.

i distinctly recall a democratically elected government in australia having been ousted by the governor general in the 70's, the representative of the british queen. not implying this has anything to do the the brexit outcome but it clearly shows that your royalty's influence goes way past democracy.

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This 2nd Referendum issue is a total farce. I think 48% voted to remain. How on earth can anyone judge how many of them who have already voted (in their millions) to remain, are also part of this 2nd Referendum nonsense. The People have voted and in or out, the results must be honoured. We cannot keep holding Referendums until hopefully one day, the side you are on wears down the other side and you get a positive result - absolutely barking! Likewise the Scottish Parliament is saying they "demand" a re-run of their Referendum because they want to stay in the EU. Sorry, because the majority of Scots said they want to stay as part of Britain, they must accept the results of the "British People". And the EU has already said, they are not a special case and if they wanted to leave UK, they must do that first and then negotiate entry in to the EU. On top of which the SNP no longer have the majority to carry it unopposed through Scottish Parliament and it could well be rejected. The latter is a case of small minded politicians trying to make a name for themselves and failing to do their research before opening their mouths. Rediculous.

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As a whinny protest...to losing the vote...this has been a disaster...no one in their right mind thinks that there is going to be a second referendum...because the one's who wanted to stay in the EU lost the vote...

What is this? A new tactic...keep voting until you get the desired outcome of the losers?

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A derogatory post has been removed.

Let's keep the insults to the normal "whinging pom" level we Brits all know and love.

Whinging Pom doesn't refer to all British, as I am reliable assures by Aussie friends, only the English.

Australians 'overtake Britons in the whingeing stakes' as poll shows we are happier and more satisfied


Australians: whingers and worriers



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