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Trump praises late Iraqi leader Saddam as terrorist killer


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Trump praises late Iraqi leader Saddam as terrorist killer

RALEIGH, North Carolina (AP) — Presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump, who frequently criticizes U.S. foreign policy under President Barack Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, has praised former Iraqi President Saddam Hussein's ruthlessness.

"Saddam Hussein was a bad guy, right? ... But you know what he did well? He killed terrorists. He did that so good," Trump told a campaign rally Tuesday night in Raleigh, North Carolina. "They didn't read 'em the rights, they didn't talk. They were a terrorist, it was over."

Trump has previously said the world would be "100 percent better" if dictators like Hussein and Libya's Moammar Gadhafi were still in power. Prior to the U.S. invasion, Iraq was listed by the U.S. as a state sponsor of terrorism.

Jake Sullivan, a Clinton senior policy adviser, said Trump's "praise for brutal strongmen seemingly knows no bounds."

Sullivan said such comments "demonstrate how dangerous he would be as Commander-in-Chief and how unworthy he is of the office he seeks."

Trump's foreign policy pronouncements have proved controversial, even within the Republican Party. He has said the United States is too fully engaged around the world and has questioned the role of NATO and said the United States has been taken advantage of by nations benefiting from its security cooperation and troop presence. Some critics within the GOP have said his policies suggest an isolationist stance in an increasingly dangerous world.

Sens. John McCain of Arizona and Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, partners among Republican congressional critics of Obama administration foreign policy, carried out a fact-check on Trump's national security statements earlier this year at a Capitol Hill hearing.

On April 19, when the Army general selected to lead U.S. forces in South Korea testified before the committee, McCain seized the opportunity to undermine Trump's suggestion that the U.S. withdraw its forces from the South because Seoul isn't paying enough to cover the cost of the American military presence.

"Isn't it the fact that it costs us less to have troops stationed in Korea than in the United States, given the contribution the Republic of Korea makes?" McCain asked Gen. Vincent Brooks.

Yes, Brooks said, telling McCain the South Koreans pay half, or $808 million annually, of the U.S. presence there.

Two days later, Trump's claim that NATO is irrelevant and ill-suited to fight terrorism came under the microscope. As president, Trump has said he would force member nations to increase their contributions, even if that risked breaking up the 28-country alliance.

In early March, more than 70 conservative national experts, including former Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff, wrote in an open letter that they have disagreed with one another on a variety of issues but are united in their opposition to a Trump presidency. Chertoff served in President George W. Bush's administration.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-07-06

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Ooh, this'll rattle the liberals. He's right, Saddam was a terrorist killer and kept everyone in line and the region is a mess without him. On the other hand, he also killed untold thousands of decent folk, or anyone he saw fit if there were any hint of resistance or through boredom. Trump could acknowledge the fact without coming across as a tyrant himself... 'He did that so good'. huh.png

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One of my friends back home is a Christian Iraqi (refugee) and I just want to quote him on this...
"Under Saddam Husein Shia, Sunnis, Christians and even Jews lived together in peace in my city then US invaded Iraq and all the non-Muslims (and even some Sunnis) that didn't leave was killed!"

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Ooh, this'll rattle the liberals. He's right, Saddam was a terrorist killer and kept everyone in line and the region is a mess without him. On the other hand, he also killed untold thousands of decent folk, or anyone he saw fit if there were any hint of resistance or through boredom. Trump could acknowledge the fact without coming across as a tyrant himself... 'He did that so good'. huh.png

Yes, that liberal George W. Bush is well rattled now.

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Ooh, this'll rattle the liberals. He's right, Saddam was a terrorist killer and kept everyone in line and the region is a mess without him. On the other hand, he also killed untold thousands of decent folk, or anyone he saw fit if there were any hint of resistance or through boredom. Trump could acknowledge the fact without coming across as a tyrant himself... 'He did that so good'. huh.png

And we have been responsible for the killing of 'untold millions' of decent folk. Just who is the biggest bad guy? the biggest terrorist?

One day the truth will be known and our great grand children will look back on our generation in total disbelief that we the people would allow such monstrous liars, cheats and inhuman self serving oxygen thieves to run the thing we hold most precious, our Governments and Democracy. We are as shamefully blameworthy as Bush and Bliar, because we do nothing. Despite all those guns held by millions of Americans to ensure that their Governments are responsible, honest and accountable, the guns are pointed at rabbits, school children, church goers, gays, take your pick, and every day the liberty of the normal US citizen trying to live the dream is irreparably eroded. In the UK and Europe we have the power of the pen at the ballot box, but people cannot be bothered to get out of bed and vote or we simply accept totally unacceptable candidates put forward by the 'establishment' without saying - NO. Think about it - Cameron, May, Merkel, Boris, Trump, Clinton. Why don't the people just say sorry no election until you come up with a set of candidates interested in the country and serving their office rather than themselves.

We are a failed generation. We constantly stand and observe - in HD, crimes being committed all over the world and we do absolutely nothing. In the 21 century there is no excuse, information is instantly at our finger tips. Our generation will be remembered, not like our forefathers who we recently just remembered for their sacrifices, we will be remembered for aiding and abetting some of the worst injustices ever.

Edited by Andaman Al
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The U.S. invasion of Iraq was obviously a mistake, and arguably the worse foreign policy mistake in U.S. history. But trump is fascist creep. He has shown a sickening pattern of suspicious admiration for murderous strong man leaders. American voters, you've been warned. What you see is what you'll get. If we elect that horror show, we'll deserve it.

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One of my friends back home is a Christian Iraqi (refugee) and I just want to quote him on this...

"Under Saddam Husein Shia, Sunnis, Christians and even Jews lived together in peace in my city then US invaded Iraq and all the non-Muslims (and even some Sunnis) that didn't leave was killed!"

He's right. So is Trump. The neo-cons who invaded Iraq, killing tens of thousands of innocent civilians and destroying Iraq permanently should be tried for war crimes and crimes against humanity. Wolfowitz, Rice, George 'dubya' Bush, Hilary Clinton, Rumsfeld, they all have blood on their hands. The biggest joke was when the lies of the US administration came out that Iraq was never a threat to the US and that Saddam never had any weapons of mass destruction.

​Granted, Saddam Hussein was no saint, neither was Gaddhafi. But at least they were able to keep their countries together. Iraq has single handedly gone from the status of a middle income country on par with Thailand in the 1980s and 1990s, to one of the world's most strife ridden, poorest countries in just under a generation. Libya has experienced the same in just a few years. Now it's Syria's turn. We can only hope that Iran isn't next.

We all know that US and Israeli foreign policy is to blame for this.

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One of my friends back home is a Christian Iraqi (refugee) and I just want to quote him on this...

"Under Saddam Husein Shia, Sunnis, Christians and even Jews lived together in peace in my city then US invaded Iraq and all the non-Muslims (and even some Sunnis) that didn't leave was killed!"

I worked in Iraq 2003, had many translators in the company I worked for. As per instruction from US State, the company I worked for had many translators from all sectors. It was common to work with different translators. What you said was absolutely repeated time and time again by all sects. Christians at that time were really desperate to get out, unfortunately for them many migrated to Syria. A real sad story in Iraq.

Sadem was an equal opportunity/secular killer but if you kept your mouth shut life was not that bad. I was in Baghdad when Sadem was arrested, by then bombings were everywhere and almost daily. Most of the expats I worked with agreed the best thing to do with Sadem was slap him around a few times, tell him what not to do and lastly, "now get back out there and unscrew this place"

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One of my friends back home is a Christian Iraqi (refugee) and I just want to quote him on this...

"Under Saddam Husein Shia, Sunnis, Christians and even Jews lived together in peace in my city then US invaded Iraq and all the non-Muslims (and even some Sunnis) that didn't leave was killed!"

He's right. So is Trump. The neo-cons who invaded Iraq, killing tens of thousands of innocent civilians and destroying Iraq permanently should be tried for war crimes and crimes against humanity. Wolfowitz, Rice, George 'dubya' Bush, Hilary Clinton, Rumsfeld, they all have blood on their hands. The biggest joke was when the lies of the US administration came out that Iraq was never a threat to the US and that Saddam never had any weapons of mass destruction.

​Granted, Saddam Hussein was no saint, neither was Gaddhafi. But at least they were able to keep their countries together. Iraq has single handedly gone from the status of a middle income country on par with Thailand in the 1980s and 1990s, to one of the world's most strife ridden, poorest countries in just under a generation. Libya has experienced the same in just a few years. Now it's Syria's turn. We can only hope that Iran isn't next.

We all know that US and Israeli foreign policy is to blame for this.

Sure, bring Israel into this.

It is true that Saddam was funding terror group enemies of Israel.

But it seems to me Israel would have felt more threatened by Iran than Iraq.

Bottom line, if you want to find someone to blame for the U.S. foreign policy mistake of destabilizing Iraq which it's many dire consequences, the finger points to George W. Bush. You can blame the neocons and his various advisers, but he was the man in power with the plan, so that's where the blame should go. History will judge him harshly for that. Sending Bush up for war crimes. Good luck with that one.

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Ooh, this'll rattle the liberals. He's right, Saddam was a terrorist killer and kept everyone in line and the region is a mess without him. On the other hand, he also killed untold thousands of decent folk, or anyone he saw fit if there were any hint of resistance or through boredom. Trump could acknowledge the fact without coming across as a tyrant himself... 'He did that so good'. huh.png

Yes, that liberal George W. Bush is well rattled now.

US/Hussein "relations" go back way before Bush


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One of my friends back home is a Christian Iraqi (refugee) and I just want to quote him on this...

"Under Saddam Husein Shia, Sunnis, Christians and even Jews lived together in peace in my city then US invaded Iraq and all the non-Muslims (and even some Sunnis) that didn't leave was killed!"

He's right. So is Trump. The neo-cons who invaded Iraq, killing tens of thousands of innocent civilians and destroying Iraq permanently should be tried for war crimes and crimes against humanity. Wolfowitz, Rice, George 'dubya' Bush, Hilary Clinton, Rumsfeld, they all have blood on their hands. The biggest joke was when the lies of the US administration came out that Iraq was never a threat to the US and that Saddam never had any weapons of mass destruction.

​Granted, Saddam Hussein was no saint, neither was Gaddhafi. But at least they were able to keep their countries together. Iraq has single handedly gone from the status of a middle income country on par with Thailand in the 1980s and 1990s, to one of the world's most strife ridden, poorest countries in just under a generation. Libya has experienced the same in just a few years. Now it's Syria's turn. We can only hope that Iran isn't next.

We all know that US and Israeli foreign policy is to blame for this.

Sure, bring Israel into this.

It is true that Saddam was funding terror group enemies of Israel.

But it seems to me Israel would have felt more threatened by Iran than Iraq.

Bottom line, if you want to find someone to blame for the U.S. foreign policy mistake of destabilizing Iraq which it's many dire consequences, the finger points to George W. Bush. You can blame the neocons and his various advisers, but he was the man in power with the plan, so that's where the blame should go. History will judge him harshly for that. Sending Bush up for war crimes. Good luck with that one.

The Israel lobby is the one who wanted war. Their phoney intelligence was used to 'justify' the invasion of Iraq by Bush.

Bush and his goons are the lackeys who decided to follow their 'masters'. Simple as that. They need to be tried in court the same way a hitman would also be tried for his role in executing someone on the instructions of another person.

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One of my friends back home is a Christian Iraqi (refugee) and I just want to quote him on this...

"Under Saddam Husein Shia, Sunnis, Christians and even Jews lived together in peace in my city then US invaded Iraq and all the non-Muslims (and even some Sunnis) that didn't leave was killed!"

He's right. So is Trump. The neo-cons who invaded Iraq, killing tens of thousands of innocent civilians and destroying Iraq permanently should be tried for war crimes and crimes against humanity. Wolfowitz, Rice, George 'dubya' Bush, Hilary Clinton, Rumsfeld, they all have blood on their hands. The biggest joke was when the lies of the US administration came out that Iraq was never a threat to the US and that Saddam never had any weapons of mass destruction.

​Granted, Saddam Hussein was no saint, neither was Gaddhafi. But at least they were able to keep their countries together. Iraq has single handedly gone from the status of a middle income country on par with Thailand in the 1980s and 1990s, to one of the world's most strife ridden, poorest countries in just under a generation. Libya has experienced the same in just a few years. Now it's Syria's turn. We can only hope that Iran isn't next.

We all know that US and Israeli foreign policy is to blame for this.

Sure, bring Israel into this.

It is true that Saddam was funding terror group enemies of Israel.

But it seems to me Israel would have felt more threatened by Iran than Iraq.

Bottom line, if you want to find someone to blame for the U.S. foreign policy mistake of destabilizing Iraq which it's many dire consequences, the finger points to George W. Bush. You can blame the neocons and his various advisers, but he was the man in power with the plan, so that's where the blame should go. History will judge him harshly for that. Sending Bush up for war crimes. Good luck with that one.

The Israel lobby is the one who wanted war. Their phoney intelligence was used to 'justify' the invasion of Iraq by Bush.

Bush and his goons are the lackeys who decided to follow their 'masters'. Simple as that. They need to be tried in court the same way a hitman would also be tried for his role in executing someone on the instructions of another person.

Sure thing, dude. The Jews control everything. rolleyes.gif They made Bush do it. Everyone knows that.

Interesting a topic about trump devolves into yet another idiotic Jewish global control conspiracy theory.

Edited by Jingthing
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One potential dictator praising a dead one way to go and show the American people just what kind of person you really are

Yes, I agree. He is revealing to us what he is and the kind of leader he hopes to be if given the power. Don't let that happen!

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He's right. So is Trump. The neo-cons who invaded Iraq, killing tens of thousands of innocent civilians and destroying Iraq permanently should be tried for war crimes and crimes against humanity. Wolfowitz, Rice, George 'dubya' Bush, Hilary Clinton, Rumsfeld, they all have blood on their hands. The biggest joke was when the lies of the US administration came out that Iraq was never a threat to the US and that Saddam never had any weapons of mass destruction.

​Granted, Saddam Hussein was no saint, neither was Gaddhafi. But at least they were able to keep their countries together. Iraq has single handedly gone from the status of a middle income country on par with Thailand in the 1980s and 1990s, to one of the world's most strife ridden, poorest countries in just under a generation. Libya has experienced the same in just a few years. Now it's Syria's turn. We can only hope that Iran isn't next.

We all know that US and Israeli foreign policy is to blame for this.

Sure, bring Israel into this.

It is true that Saddam was funding terror group enemies of Israel.

But it seems to me Israel would have felt more threatened by Iran than Iraq.

Bottom line, if you want to find someone to blame for the U.S. foreign policy mistake of destabilizing Iraq which it's many dire consequences, the finger points to George W. Bush. You can blame the neocons and his various advisers, but he was the man in power with the plan, so that's where the blame should go. History will judge him harshly for that. Sending Bush up for war crimes. Good luck with that one.

The Israel lobby is the one who wanted war. Their phoney intelligence was used to 'justify' the invasion of Iraq by Bush.

Bush and his goons are the lackeys who decided to follow their 'masters'. Simple as that. They need to be tried in court the same way a hitman would also be tried for his role in executing someone on the instructions of another person.

Sure thing, dude. The Jews control everything. rolleyes.gif They made Bush do it. Everyone knows that.

Interesting a topic about trump devolves into yet another idiotic Jewish global control conspiracy theory.

As usual bring the anti-semitic faux argument into it. He didn't mention anything about Jews - only Israel & the AiPAC, the latter as much Christian fanatic supported as Jews.

You also 'forget' that Israel bombed an alleged nuclear weapons site in Iraq not all that long before the invasion.

I dislike Trump but he's not far wrong here as the illegal invasion of Iraq was responsible for the emergence of IS. The bombing of Libya into a failed state opened another door for them. Kudos to Russia for preventing yet another failed state in Syria.

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One of my friends back home is a Christian Iraqi (refugee) and I just want to quote him on this...

"Under Saddam Husein Shia, Sunnis, Christians and even Jews lived together in peace in my city then US invaded Iraq and all the non-Muslims (and even some Sunnis) that didn't leave was killed!"

Don't forget the Kurds - oh wait, he gassed them with poisonous chemicals.

He was a ruthless dictator who murdered any who resisted, spoke freely or opposed his brutal regime in anyway. He advocated murdering the relatives of those guilty of political crimes - reasoning that way families would police their relations behavior.

Hitler, Stalin, Mao, must all have done some good things. Trouble is the bad outweighs the bad significantly. Saddam was bad.

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The biggest foreign affairs blunder in the history of the US was accidental invasion of Iraq. Ooops.

If Trump wants to pull in the independent voters and ALLOT of democrats, just promise to hold GWBush accountable. How many dead?

Come on Trump. Do the right thing. Convince us GW Bush will hang.

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Sure, bring Israel into this.

It is true that Saddam was funding terror group enemies of Israel.

But it seems to me Israel would have felt more threatened by Iran than Iraq.

Bottom line, if you want to find someone to blame for the U.S. foreign policy mistake of destabilizing Iraq which it's many dire consequences, the finger points to George W. Bush. You can blame the neocons and his various advisers, but he was the man in power with the plan, so that's where the blame should go. History will judge him harshly for that. Sending Bush up for war crimes. Good luck with that one.

The Israel lobby is the one who wanted war. Their phoney intelligence was used to 'justify' the invasion of Iraq by Bush.

Bush and his goons are the lackeys who decided to follow their 'masters'. Simple as that. They need to be tried in court the same way a hitman would also be tried for his role in executing someone on the instructions of another person.

Oh, c’mon. I suppose a team of clever Mossad geologists set off the Nepal earthquake last year because somehow it benefited global Jewish banking interests. Conspiracy theories about how the “Israel lobby” “controls” the US government are not only stupid and wrong; they distract from the very real issue at hand: how the conduct of US foreign policy could have gone so horribly awry in the aftermath of 9/11.

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One of my friends back home is a Christian Iraqi (refugee) and I just want to quote him on this...

"Under Saddam Husein Shia, Sunnis, Christians and even Jews lived together in peace in my city then US invaded Iraq and all the non-Muslims (and even some Sunnis) that didn't leave was killed!"

Don't forget the Kurds - oh wait, he gassed them with poisonous chemicals.

He was a ruthless dictator who murdered any who resisted, spoke freely or opposed his brutal regime in anyway. He advocated murdering the relatives of those guilty of political crimes - reasoning that way families would police their relations behavior.

Hitler, Stalin, Mao, must all have done some good things. Trouble is the bad outweighs the bad significantly. Saddam was bad.

Yup, his worst atrocity. He gassed 15000 Kurds it is estimated - and he got the 'poisonous chemicals' from................?whistling.gif . At peak after our failed intervention in Iraq there were 30 000 civilians being slaughtered every month in out of control sectarian violence. We made things much better huh! And lets not get on to the US and British sons and daughters who died and the hundred thousand or so troops who were physically injured or suffered debilitating PTSD. Still Haliburton and Blackwater shares went up.

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One of my friends back home is a Christian Iraqi (refugee) and I just want to quote him on this...

"Under Saddam Husein Shia, Sunnis, Christians and even Jews lived together in peace in my city then US invaded Iraq and all the non-Muslims (and even some Sunnis) that didn't leave was killed!"

Don't forget the Kurds - oh wait, he gassed them with poisonous chemicals.

He was a ruthless dictator who murdered any who resisted, spoke freely or opposed his brutal regime in anyway. He advocated murdering the relatives of those guilty of political crimes - reasoning that way families would police their relations behavior.

Hitler, Stalin, Mao, must all have done some good things. Trouble is the bad outweighs the bad significantly. Saddam was bad.

But at least under Saddam we had no bombings or killings in Europe by ISIS. IS operates out of failed states such as Iraq and Libya. Thanks Buddha at least Syria was saved.

In the last century we had many European countries having chemical weapons.

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Saddam's only mistake was to go Rogue, keeping control of Oil and it's profits.

This wasn't part of his Deal, with the training and weapons he was given...

same as gaddafi

same as Idi

same as (add a few more Middle Eastern leaders, and a Saudi individual) ...

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Every time this clown opens his mouth, the most outrageous nonsense comes out. The man is a total boob and keeps proving it time and time again, and yet millions of Americans are cheering for this idiot and think he is the perfect candidate to be their next president. What a great country! May god have mercy on America - and the rest of the world - if it ever comes to that.

Edited by Johnpound46
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Ooh, this'll rattle the liberals. He's right, Saddam was a terrorist killer and kept everyone in line and the region is a mess without him. On the other hand, he also killed untold thousands of decent folk, or anyone he saw fit if there were any hint of resistance or through boredom. Trump could acknowledge the fact without coming across as a tyrant himself... 'He did that so good'. huh.png

Did you really think anyone was denying Saddam was a killer, terrorists included? Don't you think the complaints may be that they wouldn't want the president of the US to be a killer like Saddam?

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The U.S. invasion of Iraq was obviously a mistake, and arguably the worse foreign policy mistake in U.S. history. But trump is fascist creep. He has shown a sickening pattern of suspicious admiration for murderous strong man leaders. American voters, you've been warned. What you see is what you'll get. If we elect that horror show, we'll deserve it.

Am I mistaken or was it not a Republican US Govt. that invaded Iraq and took out Saddam on the basis of lies?

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One of my friends back home is a Christian Iraqi (refugee) and I just want to quote him on this...

"Under Saddam Husein Shia, Sunnis, Christians and even Jews lived together in peace in my city then US invaded Iraq and all the non-Muslims (and even some Sunnis) that didn't leave was killed!"

Don't forget the Kurds - oh wait, he gassed them with poisonous chemicals.

He was a ruthless dictator who murdered any who resisted, spoke freely or opposed his brutal regime in anyway. He advocated murdering the relatives of those guilty of political crimes - reasoning that way families would police their relations behavior.

Hitler, Stalin, Mao, must all have done some good things. Trouble is the bad outweighs the bad significantly. Saddam was bad.

He gased the people of Halabja 5000 dead and up to 10 000 wonded.
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