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GOP to examine FBI decision on Clinton emails


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I question the common sense of the Reps.

Under their regime there was a fabricated war in Iraq with more than 4.000 US soldiers and up to half a million Iraqis killed not to mention the incredible huge number of badly injured people and their demolished homes and future during and after this war. This alone deserved a second Nuremberg. But nothing happened, nobody of the real responsible in jail, a shame.

And now .... Mrs. Clinton had the official e-mails on her private PC. An incredible crime, if you follow the Reps bah.gif . That's the reason why a normal brain questions the Reps memory, common sense, IQ and moral.

The Reps have lost any judgment about what is a real crime. They think only for themselves and not for their nation.

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For non-Americans, it isn't within the jurisdiction of any law enforcement agency including the FBI to decide whether to prosecute. They engage in police work, gathering evidence. They give it to a prosecutor who decides whether there is sufficient evidence and whether to prosecute. In some circumstances the evidence has to go to a grand jury of ordinary citizens who vote on whether to prosecute.

This whole thing is most unusual and entirely perplexing. Law enforcement - the police called the FBI decided not to prosecute when that decision actually rests with the Attorney General - Lynch.

Some very unusual things happened in the past week, much of which would be at the least a violation of ethics.

1. Attorney General Lynch who has the say about prosecuting met with her former boss and worse, a potential witness in the case on a private airplane all of which was supposed to be private. That of course was Bill Clinton.

2. Almost the next day the FBI said it was meeting with Hillary about the case.

3. The FBI then held a press conference and did what it has no authority to do - said Clinton wouldn't be prosecuted.

4. At the same time that the head of the FBI was making this press conference statement, his boss, Obama, was boarding Air Force One to go campaign with Hillary. Why would Obama do that unless he knew what the head of the FBI would say on that very day?

The US has 3 branches of government. Congress, the courts (the Judicial Branch) and The Executive branch which answers to the president. That includes the Department of Justice of which the FBI is part. The FBI works directly for Obama. So does the Attorney General - Lynch.

Now the Legislative Branch - Congress has called for immediate hearings about this which is their job. It's about checks and balances if people are honorable.

I haven't talked to a single person today from any party who isn't flabbergasted that the head of the FBI stepped outside his job description and said Clinton wouldn't be prosecuted when that isn't his call to make. That call belongs to Lynch who had just met privately with Bill Clinton at an airport.

Each can draw his own conclusions for reasons behind all of this but to say the least it's far outside of normal protocol. That's putting it nicely.


The basis of your reasoning "This whole thing is most unusual and entirely perplexing. Law enforcement - the police called the FBI decided not to prosecute when that decision actually rests with the Attorney General - Lynch." is incorrect. It was Lynch who has decided, the FBI has only recommended.

Since the basis is incorrect your whole reasoning is flawed.

However, you are ignoring an important point. AG Lynch decided BEFORE the FBI's announced recommendation that she would accept their recommendation, whatever that may be.

Among many others, see:


In effect, she had stated that the federal government's chief prosecutor will rubber stamp whatever the FBI recommends. Is it not the AG's responsibility, being the prosecutor and not the investigator, to review the FBI's provided evidence and decide whether or not to prosecute? Should local District Attorneys consistently allow the police to decide whether to prosecute as well?

That is not the point nor the reasoning of NeverSure.

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And for you Demos that squeal about the expense, sure it will be far less than the tax money Americans spend on Obama and hitting the campaign trail on Air Force 1. All in a effort to "rebuild the trust of the racketeering witch" at American tax payer expense.

Actually, the campaign picks up the tab on these campaign trips...but don't let the facts influence your viewpoint.

More demo spin, actually the Washington Post (a left wing rag) says that Clinton will only pay 10% of the cost:

"Those figures suggests that Clinton's campaign will probably end up paying less than a tenth of the cost of Obama's trip to Charlotte. Had she been running prior to 2010, the flight would have cost her a few hundred dollars instead."


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And for you Demos that squeal about the expense, sure it will be far less than the tax money Americans spend on Obama and hitting the campaign trail on Air Force 1. All in a effort to "rebuild the trust of the racketeering witch" at American tax payer expense.

Actually, the campaign picks up the tab on these campaign trips...but don't let the facts influence your viewpoint.

More demo spin, actually the Washington Post (a left wing rag) says that Clinton will only pay 10% of the cost:

"Those figures suggests that Clinton's campaign will probably end up paying less than a tenth of the cost of Obama's trip to Charlotte. Had she been running prior to 2010, the flight would have cost her a few hundred dollars instead."


There better be an investigation I tell you !!!

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This was so predictable it is laughable, I mean totally laughable. If you are republican you should change the name of your political party/Identity and get as far away from this circus as possible, because it is embarrassing on an inter-planetary scale. I was trying to look for one word to sum it up and 'pathetic' just falls so short of the mark. God give us strength.

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The GOP will just turn this into another political/circus witch hunt to crucify HC. Its all about politics not justice. I am not a HC fan but she sadly seems the best that the Dems can put forward. Yes she was arrogant and stupid in the way she handled the email process but a far darker cloud is that of the possibility that Trump could be president. Then watch out for a true Sh*tstor*

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For non-Americans, it isn't within the jurisdiction of any law enforcement agency including the FBI to decide whether to prosecute. They engage in police work, gathering evidence. They give it to a prosecutor who decides whether there is sufficient evidence and whether to prosecute. In some circumstances the evidence has to go to a grand jury of ordinary citizens who vote on whether to prosecute.

This whole thing is most unusual and entirely perplexing. Law enforcement - the police called the FBI decided not to prosecute when that decision actually rests with the Attorney General - Lynch.


"Attorney General Loretta Lynch said in a statement Wednesday evening that she was accepting Comey's recommendation and the case would be closed."

That sentence shows the lie on which your analysis is based. As police agencies do elsewhere, the FBI Director made his recommendation based on the information gathered. Lynch accepted his recommendation.

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And there's American democracy for you. Helps me in understanding why Prayuth is in no rush to bring this sham to Thailand.

Have to agree.

Now the truth is known to the world. Our democracy and legal system, in America, are corrupted....

The rich and influential, who govern and speak for the masses...are above the same laws that they create for the rest of us. Democrats follow Hillary completely blinded and stupified, so I am helpless to give any suggestions...except they need to wise up.

Left nut wingcrazies simply want a woman president. That is it. Hillary could spend the next 3 months stealing ice cream cones from kiddies, drive drunk and naked, rob some 7 Elevens, and slap a cop......she still would evade prosecution.

We are doomed.....and everyone in the world sees that now. Our only hope is that her Security Clearance gets revoked (for incompetency and careless handling of sensitive information). That might happen. If it does happen....she would have to be dropped as a prospective candidate.

Thailand seems like a better place..today.

Edited by slipperylobster
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For non-Americans, it isn't within the jurisdiction of any law enforcement agency including the FBI to decide whether to prosecute. They engage in police work, gathering evidence. They give it to a prosecutor who decides whether there is sufficient evidence and whether to prosecute. In some circumstances the evidence has to go to a grand jury of ordinary citizens who vote on whether to prosecute.

This whole thing is most unusual and entirely perplexing. Law enforcement - the police called the FBI decided not to prosecute when that decision actually rests with the Attorney General - Lynch.


"Attorney General Loretta Lynch said in a statement Wednesday evening that she was accepting Comey's recommendation and the case would be closed."

That sentence shows the lie on which your analysis is based. As police agencies do elsewhere, the FBI Director made his recommendation based on the information gathered. Lynch accepted his recommendation.

The prosecutor will always accept the FBI recommendation since the FBI will be the witnesses.

Standard procedure.

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After holding a US government for over 34 years with many different levels of access I can say without a doubt, something is fishy and this isnt over.

I guess on a forum board poster's can claim a lot of things aye? The only ones this isn't over with are the right whingers who hang their hopes on your statement.

Pretty bleak.

BTW I'm Mayor of San Francisco, can I sell you a bridge?crazy.gif

Clueless in Seattle

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Just a political game.

The FBI has spoken.

The FBI is as credible as it gets.

The FBI deeply and legitimately trashed HRC politically, but rationally went short of pursuing a conviction.

It's now up to the voters.

Not an original thought, but in a NORMAL election year, it would be game over for a candidate getting a justified spanking as HRC got from the FBI

But this is very far from a normal election year.

Because donald trump is running.

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And there's American democracy for you. Helps me in understanding why Prayuth is in no rush to bring this sham to Thailand.

Have to agree.

Now the truth is known to the world. Our democracy and legal system, in America, are corrupted....

The rich and influential, who govern and speak for the masses...are above the same laws that they create for the rest of us. Democrats follow Hillary completely blinded and stupified, so I am helpless to give any suggestions...except they need to wise up.

Left nut wingcrazies simply want a woman president. That is it. Hillary could spend the next 3 months stealing ice cream cones from kiddies, drive drunk and naked, rob some 7 Elevens, and slap a cop......she still would evade prosecution.

We are doomed.....and everyone in the world sees that now. Our only hope is that her Security Clearance gets revoked (for incompetency and careless handling of sensitive information). That might happen. If it does happen....she would have to be dropped as a prospective candidate.

Thailand seems like a better place..today.

Beyond delusional!

Nothing happened. I'm sorry Hillary won't be going to prison, BUT NOTHING HAPPENED! Therefore, it's over.

I know how disappointed you must be, but try and get a grip!

Yeah, the President of the United States gets her security clearance revoked! 555

We're doomed! Doomed, I tell ya. 555

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What makes me laugh is Republicans think that people don't understand what these stunts are all about.

Taxpayers should be white hot with rage with their Tax dollars being wasted on these idiotic political witch hunts.

Using the House to prosecute their stupid attacks on their opposition. The GOP should be sent the bill.

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And there's American democracy for you. Helps me in understanding why Prayuth is in no rush to bring this sham to Thailand.

Have to agree.

Now the truth is known to the world. Our democracy and legal system, in America, are corrupted....

The rich and influential, who govern and speak for the masses...are above the same laws that they create for the rest of us. Democrats follow Hillary completely blinded and stupified, so I am helpless to give any suggestions...except they need to wise up.

Left nut wingcrazies simply want a woman president. That is it. Hillary could spend the next 3 months stealing ice cream cones from kiddies, drive drunk and naked, rob some 7 Elevens, and slap a cop......she still would evade prosecution.

We are doomed.....and everyone in the world sees that now. Our only hope is that her Security Clearance gets revoked (for incompetency and careless handling of sensitive information). That might happen. If it does happen....she would have to be dropped as a prospective candidate.

Thailand seems like a better place..today.

You seem to be losing touch with reality slippery. Don't panic read some tweets from Trump. That will make you feel better.

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What makes me laugh is Republicans think that people don't understand what these stunts are all about.

Taxpayers should be white hot with rage with their Tax dollars being wasted on these idiotic political witch hunts.

Using the House to prosecute their stupid attacks on their opposition. The GOP should be sent the bill.

Agree. This is one (or yet another) reason why Americans hate politicians. Instead of doing their job, they spend so much time with these silly political games. Like Bernie says, we're sick of hearing about these damn e-mails. It's not nearly as serious as they make it out to be. And now it's over...yet, the freakin GOP wants to keep reviving this non-issue. The GOP needs to be dismantled before they do any more damage to the country.

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In presidential campaigns, competence, character, judgement, and temperament are always and legitimately relevant.

Hillary Clinton has shown flaws in some of these areas.

But compared to donald trump on those same concerns, I still think the smart money (with or without "Sheriffs" stars) is on a LANDSLIDE win for Clinton.

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Clinton has shown incompetence in everything and on every level. No, it is not left wingnuts, the only real wingnuts are right wing Republicans, that support Clinton. It is the corporate blue dawg bought and sold DNC and the "elite" of what is left of the Democrat Party. The progressives, barely left, are and have been against the lying, scheming, backstabbing, cheating, lying, neocon/neoliberal tool of Wall Street criminals/banksters and the industrial/spy/military/Congressional cabal, lying Clinton from the git-go. I for one will never vote for her or the orange monster. I'm tired of voting for the lessor of 2 evils, they are both evil, just in different ways. Clinton will renege on every move she has made to the center and support the disaster that is the TPP. That already shows in her delegates to the platform committee. She has never nor will she ever support what is left of the middle/working class or unions. Plenty of war coming up, send your kids and grandkids. And in the wrong place, better look to China and blow off the debacle in the mid-east. Yes this was rigged, long before the primaries/caucuses, along with everything else in what is left of America and it won't get any better in my life time, just worse.

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Hillary is not a criminal- she has not been convicted of anything. She did use poor judgement and her ethics are questionable. If anyone else except Trump was running against her- they may have a chance to beat her. However, this election year is different- Trump is not qualified to be President. He has no depth and he plays to everything that is wrong in American society. He has no plan to help anyone. Hillary will be elected but she will do little to help the middle class or poor. America is in a sad state. If this continues and Americans continue to have no choice- Americans will finally take matters into their own hands. The next American Revolution is coming.

This is something repeated often in the Fox News media echo chamber. They can't face the fact that the majority of Americans are dismissing the nativism, xenophobia and cynicism Trump represents. The next Republican President hasn't been born yet.

The biggest threat to America isn’t radical Islam, it’s radical Republicans.

Some TVF members bang on about Fox news ad nausea and forever. Where do such members get their high information from CNN? ABC? CBS? All news sources seem to have a political bias. Why is it that mainstream news mostly seems to favor the left? Thank God for Fox and even RT news in that case to balance information on the news by commission or omission playing field. Seems a little naive to keep repeating Fox, Fox Fox in the TVF echo chamber ...WE KNOW, WE KNOW, WE KNOW ALREADY!

Do members consider that ABC, CNN and CBS all have family ties to the Democrats or is that overlooked?


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Jeez, the lame stream media is anything but left. There is not, nor has there ever been a left bias in the news, not even when the news was not controlled by 6 corporations that toe the corporate/government line. That is nothing but an old right wing propaganda lie that obviously a lot of ignorant people fell for. All right wing, albeit not as right wing as faux (not the) news right wingnut propaganda. Couldn't be any evidence that faux (not the) news favored the Trump and other right wingnuts, now could there be...lol? There is ample verifiable evidence that the DNC on behalf of their appointed empress Clinton worked with the lame stream media to deny Bernie any coverage and positive coverage of the empress to be. Yep, another one rigged, you know kinda' like the so called fumbling bureau of idiots "investigation". They would have hung a whistle blower out to dry, in prison for what she did, oh wait, they did. Clinton wants Snowden disappeared for doing the American and world public a service. Ahem, exactly what service has she performed? And no, for those that still haven't figured it out, hell will be frozen solid before I vote for the proto-fascist orange monster, Trump.

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And there's American democracy for you. Helps me in understanding why Prayuth is in no rush to bring this sham to Thailand.

Have to agree.

Now the truth is known to the world. Our democracy and legal system, in America, are corrupted....

The rich and influential, who govern and speak for the masses...are above the same laws that they create for the rest of us. Democrats follow Hillary completely blinded and stupified, so I am helpless to give any suggestions...except they need to wise up.

Left nut wingcrazies simply want a woman president. That is it. Hillary could spend the next 3 months stealing ice cream cones from kiddies, drive drunk and naked, rob some 7 Elevens, and slap a cop......she still would evade prosecution.

We are doomed.....and everyone in the world sees that now. Our only hope is that her Security Clearance gets revoked (for incompetency and careless handling of sensitive information). That might happen. If it does happen....she would have to be dropped as a prospective candidate.

Thailand seems like a better place..today.

You seem to be losing touch with reality slippery. Don't panic read some tweets from Trump. That will make you feel better.

Your complacency is to be expected. Just part of the meandering crowd following Hillary, for no good reason.


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Hillary is not a criminal- she has not been convicted of anything. She did use poor judgement and her ethics are questionable. If anyone else except Trump was running against her- they may have a chance to beat her. However, this election year is different- Trump is not qualified to be President. He has no depth and he plays to everything that is wrong in American society. He has no plan to help anyone. Hillary will be elected but she will do little to help the middle class or poor. America is in a sad state. If this continues and Americans continue to have no choice- Americans will finally take matters into their own hands. The next American Revolution is coming.

This is something repeated often in the Fox News media echo chamber. They can't face the fact that the majority of Americans are dismissing the nativism, xenophobia and cynicism Trump represents. The next Republican President hasn't been born yet.

The biggest threat to America isn’t radical Islam, it’s radical Republicans.

Some TVF members bang on about Fox news ad nausea and forever. Where do such members get their high information from CNN? ABC? CBS? All news sources seem to have a political bias. Why is it that mainstream news mostly seems to favor the left? Thank God for Fox and even RT news in that case to balance information on the news by commission or omission playing field. Seems a little naive to keep repeating Fox, Fox Fox in the TVF echo chamber ...WE KNOW, WE KNOW, WE KNOW ALREADY!

Do members consider that ABC, CNN and CBS all have family ties to the Democrats or is that overlooked?


Don't dump these journalists and businessmen who happen to be in the same industry with the Ministry of Propaganda, Fair and Balanced, Fox News.

This article is about how these people can work together and be fair and balanced. They're real journalists.

Fox News has no journalistic standards. It's a pure play for wingnut/Republican entertainment. It's 24X7 crafted hate.

Here is the issue. We hear the party line, as decided by Fox, repeated adnauseum. There is never any creative thinking, never any nuance. It's all right wing blather. We hate Obama and Hillary. They're the worst people in the world and we're all going to die soon.

We get to point a finger at Fox News and call out the hateful hypocrisy.

WE KNOW, WE KNOW, WE KNOW ALREADY! Then why do you keep watching?

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Fox is the expression of right wing pc. If you don't follow the memos and use the correct language, the ordinary angry old white man could run the risk of being branded a RINO. Fox gives tutorials in how to fend off the liberals, how to be racist without the shame, how to be bigoted against minorities through the use of religious freedoms.

Even though it is not carried on True, there are sometimes opportunities to watch Fox. It has an interesting energy. It is always good when the pretty boys and girls go too far with actual real Republicans and get scolded.

The Fox boosters pushing the lame, whiney wails of 'why do liberals attack the Fox bias' invariably talk about the bias of the 'main stream media'. I find it amusing that these poor, put upon defenders of 2A and ethnic purity use their own words to defeat themselves. What does main stream mean? It means appeal to the majority. It means a centrist view. By calling it the mainstream media, the fringe, marginal and off the wall nature of Fox and the Alt Right is acknowledged.

So keep on whining. keep on complaining about the poor treatment by the main stream i.e. the majority of sensible, centered and not lunatic people. Let's see how the channel of right wing pc handles the attempted destruction of one of its own with the response to the FBI Director's decision.

We have already seen the unbalanced well represented in earlier posts from those who have fantasized about Hilary in prison and have now lost their dream. Quite extraordinarily unbalanced expressions by people one would assumed are functional enough to survive in Thailand. Or maybe not.

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Hillary is not a criminal- she has not been convicted of anything. She did use poor judgement and her ethics are questionable. If anyone else except Trump was running against her- they may have a chance to beat her. However, this election year is different- Trump is not qualified to be President. He has no depth and he plays to everything that is wrong in American society. He has no plan to help anyone. Hillary will be elected but she will do little to help the middle class or poor. America is in a sad state. If this continues and Americans continue to have no choice- Americans will finally take matters into their own hands. The next American Revolution is coming.

This is something repeated often in the Fox News media echo chamber. They can't face the fact that the majority of Americans are dismissing the nativism, xenophobia and cynicism Trump represents. The next Republican President hasn't been born yet.

The biggest threat to America isn’t radical Islam, it’s radical Republicans.

Some TVF members bang on about Fox news ad nausea and forever. Where do such members get their high information from CNN? ABC? CBS? All news sources seem to have a political bias. Why is it that mainstream news mostly seems to favor the left? Thank God for Fox and even RT news in that case to balance information on the news by commission or omission playing field. Seems a little naive to keep repeating Fox, Fox Fox in the TVF echo chamber ...WE KNOW, WE KNOW, WE KNOW ALREADY!

Do members consider that ABC, CNN and CBS all have family ties to the Democrats or is that overlooked?


Don't dump these journalists and businessmen who happen to be in the same industry with the Ministry of Propaganda, Fair and Balanced, Fox News.

This article is about how these people can work together and be fair and balanced. They're real journalists.

Fox News has no journalistic standards. It's a pure play for wingnut/Republican entertainment. It's 24X7 crafted hate.

Here is the issue. We hear the party line, as decided by Fox, repeated adnauseum. There is never any creative thinking, never any nuance. It's all right wing blather. We hate Obama and Hillary. They're the worst people in the world and we're all going to die soon.

We get to point a finger at Fox News and call out the hateful hypocrisy.

WE KNOW, WE KNOW, WE KNOW ALREADY! Then why do you keep watching?

I already told you. To get some balance. And to look at the girls in their short dresses. Why do you watch it? I also watch BBC CNN Al Jazerra CNBC and RT all in about equal amounts.

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It's a political decision.

Coney wouldn't risk presenting a case to a grand jury so the constitutional rights of "we the people" could investigate Hillary because witnesses might get called and she might get indicted. The Dems would then lose the election because the penalty is "shall forfeit his office and be disqualified from holding any office under the United States".

She could be prosecuted under concealment removal or mutilation of records:



But the word "intent" is what the decision hangs on. Hillary didn't mean to so not "willful" and since there is no precedent nothing will happen. But if someone else tries this again then they will be prosecuted. Comey was appointed by Obama and as a career official it seems his job is to vindicate the government against "we the people"

Hard to prove intent or willfulness. But Hillary should be charged with gross negligence.

"Whosoever being entrusted with or having lawful possession or control of any document ...........through gross negligence permits the same to be removed from its proper place of custody or delivered to anyone in violation of his trust, or to be lost, stolen, abstracted, or destroyed.........and fails to make prompt report of such loss, theft, abstraction or destruction.....shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 10 years, or both."

But as Comey said: it was "not gross negligence it was carelessness." Gross negligence is criminal but carelessness is not. Semantics of degrees.

So the nations security perhaps being exposed to risk was simply careless. Never mind, not really important I guess. If carelessness isn't criminal then at the very least incompetence certainly does not qualify her for the highest office in the land.

As it is often said: Not Justice, Just us.

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Update for the keyboard warrior "investigators":

Comey testifies to Congress: Hillary Clinton did not lie to FBI – politics live

"Comey is explaining the difference between the “extremely careless” behavior by Clinton as he described it, and “gross negligence” which would demand prosecution."

“The question of whether that amounts to gross negligence frankly is really not at the center of this,” Comey says,

because only one such gross negligence case, he says, has been prosecuted in the last 100 years."

"Comey said he knew from 30 years at the justice department that “There’s no way that anyone at the department of justice is bringing a case against,

John Doe or Hillary Clinton based on those facts”.


“We couldn’t find direct evidence” that any hostile actor acquired material from Clinton’s server, Comey says. ( Timeline )


Get over it Fox Viewers. You got nothing.

Watch the posturing, sham witch hunt being buried here: LIVE

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