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Thais warned: Don't go to Thaksin's birthday party - we might not let you back home


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I didnt realize Thaksin is still so popular, nice of the PM to let us know

Free all expense paid trip to HK for a party? Hell, I may jump on that one myself.

BTW, who is is this Thaksin guy?

Who is Thaksin? He is the bogeyman the junta uses as an excuse to overthrow an elected government and cling on to power. Some Thais believe this <deleted>, but what's astonishing is that a small group of foreigners believe it too!!


if you believe that hype, then you don't understand the real reason the Military removed the corrupt PTP (Thaksin) government and why they are holding onto power for the present

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Being him back.....he hated farangs. hated any type of visa violation. If you didnt have big juice to stay here. You would be on a slow boat out of here. No help with lawyers and visas. Prove you have the cash....and are spending it. or go home.

who here remenbers what he did to Suan plu Bkk immigration?.....no agents. No people applying for a visa in an area they dont live in.

careful for what you wish for.

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Can't they see that they're just solidifying people's alliance to Thaksin by making such threats?

Who made what threat? Could just as easily been the PTP treasurer didn't want to admit they don't have the funds to sponsor 1,000 followers to HK for a wild shindig, especially with Thai Airlines cutting back on free seats for the well connected.

Or a PTP leader just trying to drive another wedge between the good guys and the bad guys. (Note carefully I didn't say which were which)

Seriously? Here's the quote from the article. I assume you can read.

"...after potential guests were warned by the military junta - go to the party and we might not let you back into Thailand."

Good lord, man!!! At least I'm basing my opinion on something we can see. Yours seems to be based on very wild speculation (or those voices in your head LOL).

Now wait for 'Ha!! So how do you know it wasn't just Thaksin disguised as the junta?'...

Quite possible .. remember Charlem and his third hand.. its a tried an tested PTP tactic. I havent seen it in any other media as the Red Khoasod reported and no official reports. Do you really think it is not possible they are making it up ?

Not to mention that the source of the Khaosod is a PTP official.. not a government official

Edited by robblok
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They can not stop them from returning to there home country. Stupid strong arm tactics being used here. They do anything to get their way.

You think? The UK and others are looking at, or have already implemented, such a rule for those who have gone to Syria to join the fighting. A passport can be withdrawn at any time.

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So if Thaksin is such a big threat that you warn people of visiting him, Why haven't you just brought him back to Thailand to serve his prison sentence? What is keeping you from doing that?

Because no other country on the planet recognizes him as a criminal.

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So if Thaksin is such a big threat that you warn people of visiting him, Why haven't you just brought him back to Thailand to serve his prison sentence? What is keeping you from doing that?

Because no other country on the planet recognizes him as a criminal.


Thailand has no credibility whatsoever where the charge against Thaksin is concerned and the reason why all requests from any country that has been asked has been turned down.

They can fool the thai people and the few idiot farangs on here but the real world see's right through it

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"Quite possible .. remember Charlem and his third hand.. its a tried an tested PTP tactic. I havent seen it in any other media as the Red Khoasod reported and no official reports. Do you really think it is not possible they are making it up ?"

Robblok - If you are prepared to believe that Thaksin disguised himself as the entire junta and... Actually there is no point in continuing, really..

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Pathetic bah.gif

Pathetic - what that someone might be gullible to believe a story seemingly made up by Pheu Thai?

They said..... the government might,,,,,,,, people got worried,,,,,,,,

All another press release for the gullible,

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They can not stop them from returning to there home country. Stupid strong arm tactics being used here. They do anything to get their way.

You think? The UK and others are looking at, or have already implemented, such a rule for those who have gone to Syria to join the fighting. A passport can be withdrawn at any time.

"You think? The UK and others are looking at, or have already implemented, such a rule for those who have gone to Syria to join the fighting."

Providing they are a citizen of another country. They can not be left stateless.

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So if Thaksin is such a big threat that you warn people of visiting him, Why haven't you just brought him back to Thailand to serve his prison sentence? What is keeping you from doing that?

Or is it because it is mighty convenient to have a bogeyman to blame?

Bring him back and he would also have to face all those other outstanding charges. And all sorts of things might crawl out especially if he decides to really blab all he knows.

This version is only Pheu Thais btw and as they have repeatedly demonstrated they have a little difficulty telling the truth.

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So if Thaksin is such a big threat that you warn people of visiting him, Why haven't you just brought him back to Thailand to serve his prison sentence? What is keeping you from doing that?

Or is it because it is mighty convenient to have a bogeyman to blame?

Bring him back and he would also have to face all those other outstanding charges. And all sorts of things might crawl out especially if he decides to really blab all he knows.

This version is only Pheu Thais btw and as they have repeatedly demonstrated they have a little difficulty telling the truth.

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Can't they see that they're just solidifying people's alliance to Thaksin by making such threats?

Who made what threat? Could just as easily been the PTP treasurer didn't want to admit they don't have the funds to sponsor 1,000 followers to HK for a wild shindig, especially with Thai Airlines cutting back on free seats for the well connected.

Or a PTP leader just trying to drive another wedge between the good guys and the bad guys. (Note carefully I didn't say which were which)

Seriously? Here's the quote from the article. I assume you can read.

"...after potential guests were warned by the military junta - go to the party and we might not let you back into Thailand."

Good lord, man!!! At least I'm basing my opinion on something we can see. Yours seems to be based on very wild speculation (or those voices in your head LOL).

Good lord man, do you believe all you see in the press? Do you believe everything Pheu Thai say.

Pheu Thai have said this. Now show me a witness, witnesses or proof that anyone was warned. Show me the cancelled flight details, cancelled hotel reservations and cancelled party arrangements and I'll start to believe.

That's the trouble when you're proven regular liars like Pheu Thai, no one believes you any more. "Word got through senior PTP officials" - yeah right, sure if you say so!

Edited by Baerboxer
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hey it's easy - the system cancels their passports whilst abroad dry.png

What, and try to make them stateless persons?? How does cancelling a passport enable an IO to deny a Thai citizen re-entry to his own country, even if the passport gets confiscated in the process? 'Seems like that would actually precipitate human rights issues. You can cancel the passport, but it's still proof of nationality/citizenship.

Something got lost or added in translation here...

...ummm, I never said the System was smart

you just never know what a heap of knee-jerks are capable of...

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As much as I dislike the Junta you guys here all seem to be taking the words of Pheu Thai as being gospel.

We all know they fools are notorious for distorting facts and lying while they look you right straight in the face.

I will believe it when I hear it from the government and definitely not from Pheu Thai.


Seriously haha

Yeah seriously.

If the government states that if these people go to Thaksins birthday they will not be allowed back in the country.

I would believe it. You wouldn't?

What's so hard to understand about that?

Do you really think Prayuth is afraid to publicly state such a thing, if true.

I don't.

He's publicly said worse in the past and doesn't really give a s××t what anyone thinks.

You really should learn to comprehend people's posts.

You must be wearing your red shirt today.

Edited by Rayk
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I didnt realize Thaksin is still so popular, nice of the PM to let us know

Free all expense paid trip to HK for a party? Hell, I may jump on that one myself.

BTW, who is is this Thaksin guy?

Who is Thaksin? He is the bogeyman the junta uses as an excuse to overthrow an elected government and cling on to power. Some Thais believe this <deleted>, but what's astonishing is that a small group of foreigners believe it too!!


What rubbish. Every point you attempt is distorted.

Are you saying the paymaster is clean and innocent?

'Small group of foreigners...' No comment needed.

"What rubbish. Every point you attempt is distorted."

Distorted how?

"Are you saying the paymaster is clean and innocent?"

No, what I'm saying is that Thaksin is but one of a million crooked individuals in Thailand. But since Thaksin cleverly used the great unwahsed and disenfranchised masses to get elected, thereby challenging the old elite's position at the trough, he has been portrayed as the instigator of original sin and corruption. And that is, of course, pure BS and only the extremely naive buy into that junta propaganda.

"'Small group of foreigners...' No comment needed."

On the contrary, comment is indeed needed. Tell me, do you honestly think that most foreigners living in Thailand agree with your junta hugging? If so, then I suggest TVF conduct a poll to see who's right.

You don't like the idea of a poll, do you? Not surprised as you re against elections as well.

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I do not have a particular view on this. Yes Thaksin was convicted in absentia. Yes the Junta granted themselves immunity from all crimes past present and future. Yes the Military and there Elite Cronies still control LOS with an Iron grip.

I believe no matter how long it takes that the Thai People will one day change this equation.

But What never ceases to amaze me is the tirades from the Thaksin Haters? What did he do to you personally. Or did your Isso friends tell you how bad he is.

Me I try to listen to both sides.

I have me own opinions

But in the end on the running of the State and Government I have none because I have no say any way.

And just hope that they continue to let me stay in their lovely country.

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I didnt realize Thaksin is still so popular, nice of the PM to let us know

Free all expense paid trip to HK for a party? Hell, I may jump on that one myself.

BTW, who is is this Thaksin guy?

Who is Thaksin? He is the bogeyman the junta uses as an excuse to overthrow an elected government and cling on to power. Some Thais believe this <deleted>, but what's astonishing is that a small group of foreigners believe it too!!


if you believe that hype, then you don't understand the real reason the Military removed the corrupt PTP (Thaksin) government and why they are holding onto power for the present

Hype??clap2.gifclap2.gif Please explain what the real reason is - I'm shaking in anticipation!

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So if Thaksin is such a big threat that you warn people of visiting him, Why haven't you just brought him back to Thailand to serve his prison sentence? What is keeping you from doing that?

Because no other country on the planet recognizes him as a criminal.


Thailand has no credibility whatsoever where the charge against Thaksin is concerned and the reason why all requests from any country that has been asked has been turned down.

They can fool the thai people and the few idiot farangs on here but the real world see's right through it

I don't believe they did ask...can you please provide a link to any country were the standing Thai government of the day has requested that he be detained pending extradition back to Thailand

Further he was convicted in a Thai court and skipped the country, therefore irrespective of the charges/conviction he is a fugitive from Thai law, and no country will make a determination of his guilt or innocence while he is a fugitive from the Thai courts

so please get your facts correct, before posting such comments

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Isn't that a face you'd just love to punch. 555555

What a piece of excrement, glad it's having another birthday.....one step closer to death.

No not at all he was a democratically elected PM that was removed by an Illegal coup finally when the people were allowed to vote again they voted in his Sister and again she as the legal democratically elected PM and yet again removed by a Coup hmmmmm LOOKS like a pattern here 2 democratically elected individuals removed by a coup and now they are doing their very best to avoid and make it hard for THE PEOPLE to elect who they want

So No I dont want to punch him in the face I want to wish him a Happy Birthday

You go right ahead and wish a convicted criminal, whose party as well as himself pilfered billions of Baht from the Thai people and country.

You have that right.

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They can not stop them from returning to there home country. Stupid strong arm tactics being used here. They do anything to get their way.

Off course. They will receive same practice like Thaksim:Stay away Thailand or rot in Jail......after all, they have a choice.

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Hype??clap2.gifclap2.gif Please explain what the real reason is - I'm shaking in anticipation!

Yes hype..you obviously don't understand the political and governance of Thailand very well...you can shake in anticipation all you want,

but you will not get the reason discussed on this forum,

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They are completely mad. Just that they believe that they can keep Thai residents to return, just because of a birthday. And to tell this in Public. clap2.gif Again another day, another joke from this so-called Government.

OK so please post a verifiable link from a spokes person for this "so-called" government which advises publicly that current government will not let those persons attending this party back into Thailand ?....not second hand information, or hear say...but a statement from a government official stating this in Thai or English is fine.

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Isn't that a face you'd just love to punch. 555555

What a piece of excrement, glad it's having another birthday.....one step closer to death.

What an absolutely vile thing to say about a person.

But ok you want to call people disgusting names, then don't piss and moan when it is you on the receiving end.

Considering the fantastic and extremely positive things and achievement's he has made for the country. What on earth have you done for the country?

I reckon NOTHING in comparison to Thaksins achievement's,

your list of achievements;

like most of us bought a little money in, paid some taxes added to the economy a little. BIG DEAL mate,

And as for your so-call you should look at my status in Thailand. You sound much like a so-called hi-so,,, do you know who I am? I have connections, do you know who my father is? Sounds like you have lived here to long and think you are above the other people of the country and the world.

Are you a Thai citerzen? if not then .

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"Quite possible .. remember Charlem and his third hand.. its a tried an tested PTP tactic. I havent seen it in any other media as the Red Khoasod reported and no official reports. Do you really think it is not possible they are making it up ?"

Robblok - If you are prepared to believe that Thaksin disguised himself as the entire junta and... Actually there is no point in continuing, really..

No actually there is no point because you fail to see the points I made.. do engage your brain for once.

Nation.. no article on this

Bangkokpost.. no report on this

Source of the Khaosod.. a PTP spokesman.. NOT someone from the government

Khaosod.. known to be red aligned.

Now I would give this credibility when.. the other newspapers had run this story.. and or the source was not a PTP spokesman.

We all know how Charlem always talked about a mysterious 3rd party who in fact were his own men. So these kind of games are not new to them.

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Isn't that a face you'd just love to punch. 555555

What a piece of excrement, glad it's having another birthday.....one step closer to death.

No not at all he was a democratically elected PM that was removed by an Illegal coup finally when the people were allowed to vote again they voted in his Sister and again she as the legal democratically elected PM and yet again removed by a Coup hmmmmm LOOKS like a pattern here 2 democratically elected individuals removed by a coup and now they are doing their very best to avoid and make it hard for THE PEOPLE to elect who they want

So No I dont want to punch him in the face I want to wish him a Happy Birthday

You go right ahead and wish a convicted criminal, whose party as well as himself pilfered billions of Baht from the Thai people and country.

You have that right.

evidence? or are you just making it up?

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They are completely mad. Just that they believe that they can keep Thai residents to return, just because of a birthday. And to tell this in Public. clap2.gif Again another day, another joke from this so-called Government.

OK so please post a verifiable link from a spokes person for this "so-called" government which advises publicly that current government will not let those persons attending this party back into Thailand ?....not second hand information, or hear say...but a statement from a government official stating this in Thai or English is fine.

It's from a reliable news source. That's good enough for me. If we judge on precedent, the NCPO did banned supporters from attending Thaksin BD. I think you should ask Thaivisa where they get their information.

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