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I am an otherwise healthy guy in my mid 20s, but for the past year living in Thailand I have been getting sick very often with a stubborn cold. I am trying to figure out what could be causing such a weak immune system - or if there are more ways I could try to improve it. I tend to get a cold at least every 2 months, or sometimes once a month. These completely disable me for a week from productive work and exercise. The thing is, that I live extremely healthy, so I don't really understand what is causing it. Maybe I am just blessed with a weaker immune system? For example, I can be very sick and still sleep in the same bed with my girlfriend (who eats quite unhealthy and never exercices) but she will never get sick.

I don't have any other significant health problems and I go to healh check ups regularly including blood tests. I am on testosterone replacement therapy, but this definitely should not weaken the immune system since my T-levels are kept at a very healthy level. I do suffer from Herpes (HSV-2), that also indicates a weakened immune system: Normally, herpes outbreaks should become less and less frequent as time goes on, but in my case I have actually started getting more of them with time. In the beginning I only had a few blisters that I could take care if in a couple of days with an Acyclovir treatment, but now I get some serious outbreaks with fever-like feeling, and swollen lymph nodes in my neck and groin. Typically, I will also get sick after a herpes outbreak, or I get an outbreak while I am sick.

I am a serious fitness enthusiast and excercise regularly at the gym 5 times a week, training heavy both weights and a bit of cardio (never overtraining). I eat extremely healthy; my diet consists of lean meats, brown/black rice, fresh vegetable/fruit shakes, high quality whey protein, with the occasional shabu buffet or burger on the weekends. As supplements, I take a multivitamin and fish oil. I only drink alcohol very rarely, maybe once or twice every 2 months. If I do drink, I typically get sick as a result, a few days after the hangover is gone. I sleep at least 8 hours per night to make sure I get enough sleep and my muscles can recover from exercise. I clean my condo weekly to keep it clean from dust and get the aircons cleaned a few times per year. I have sex almost daily.

One thing though that surely contributes to this is increased stress; I am working in Bangkok as well as running my own online business which takes a lot of time and effort, and surely keeps my stress levels up. But work's gotta be done, so cannot do much about this at this stage. I do take weekends of to rest sometimes though, go on a trip or something to relax.

What else could I do to strengten my immune system?

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Something on top of my mind.

Getting often sick in another country might be due to your immune system not being used to local bugs. Maybe I am talking crap, but I remember clearly when my Australian wife moved to Canada she would get sick almost every month. Stress doesn't help.

Another thing is that you may be picking up crap at the gym. They are not exactly the cleanest of places.

If you spend a lot of time in public transport like BTS/MRT that could also be the problem. I always prefer to take non aircon bus when going around Bangkok.


Something on top of my mind.

Getting often sick in another country might be due to your immune system not being used to local bugs. Maybe I am talking crap, but I remember clearly when my Australian wife moved to Canada she would get sick almost every month. Stress doesn't help.

Another thing is that you may be picking up crap at the gym. They are not exactly the cleanest of places.

If you spend a lot of time in public transport like BTS/MRT that could also be the problem. I always prefer to take non aircon bus when going around Bangkok.

your not talking crap when i first came to Thailand i was sick all the time after a few years all went away especially in particular bad stomach almost every week, now i could eat shit from the floor and not get a bad stomach but i wont put that to the test haha


Something on top of my mind.

Getting often sick in another country might be due to your immune system not being used to local bugs. Maybe I am talking crap, but I remember clearly when my Australian wife moved to Canada she would get sick almost every month. Stress doesn't help.

Another thing is that you may be picking up crap at the gym. They are not exactly the cleanest of places.

If you spend a lot of time in public transport like BTS/MRT that could also be the problem. I always prefer to take non aircon bus when going around Bangkok.

I live here sine 2009 and I have to be very careful with what I eat or drink. Have been treated for parasites at least 5 times now and boy oh boy you can get sick having these little buggers. Treatment has it's own side effects too. And I have never, ever been treated for this prior to 2009. Ongoing gut problems (diarrhea, bloating at least once a month for a week or so) sometimes make me want to go back home. Going 'home' for holidays and I clear up in a couple of days and feel great for the rest of my stay. Right now I am (again) recovering. I love it here, I really do but this ongoing problem wears me down...

Just look into over-training.. you could be training too hard. Though its hard to really over train its possible and one of the signs is that you often get sick.


Maybe combo of the herpes and gym germs and stress certainly doesn't help. Thing is when one lifts/exercises too much, especially in a hot, humid environment, the immune system takes a big hit. It is concentrating on ploughing blood into the muscles, putting oxygen about at a great rate and sweating to cool off, lessening effectiveness of other processes like immunity and digestion. Happens to me a lot when I workout hard, knocking me out for days and often opening me up to colds. Also, gyms are perfect for picking up bugs; always wash hands really well after... but you know all that. Perhaps drop Tue and Thu. Are you taking electrolytes, like DeChamp or Royal D? Imperative to replace lost salts; water alone don't cut it. Food allergies? Drop everything you currently eat and introduce one at a time. Off fish oil can also cause problems. Pillow dust mites?

As an aside, I was lethargic, sick for months on end and eventually found out it was the aircon causing it. I know you get yours cleaned but how well? Could be mold right up in there.

On increasing immunity, have a read about cordyceps.

All the best.


Buy some foil.....it works wonders for HYPOCANDRAIA........or move. or god forbid margolloans


2013 i stayed for 3 months in a hotel in Patts, i had back to back colds for 3 months. 2014 and 2015 nothing. Its either because I'm immune now to all the things i caught or it was the hotel air con, or bit of both.


Thanks for the tips guys. I never use public transport apart of flights as I ride a bike in Bangkok. The gym I go to is one of these fancy chain gyms that has a cleaning lady mopping the floor for every minute of the day, but can be the reason of course as there are lots of people there and doubt the surfaces get cleaned very often.

Local bugs.. this could be it. For the record, I rarely get any stomach problems even eating som tum off the sois, but it's colds that are the main issue.

Good one with the electrolytes, should add these to my diet. Hope I can find some without sugar from Europe.

Air con cleaners coming next week and finally also bought a hoover so I can get the dust out of pillows and the bed.

Interesting one that Cordyceps, gotta read into that. I heard a glutamine is a good supplement to boost immunity, perhaps could add some to my post-workout shakes as it is supposed to have some marginal effect on muscle recovery as well.


Don't forget to consider mold and mildew. I spray with isopropyl alcohol every day. My bedding is changed every day and I spray the carpet well. When I am near a water source such as a sink, I can feel the mildew on my face. Have you been tested for allergies? Dust and dust mites, pollen, feathers and mold/mildew are some of mine. Perhaps you might want to get an allergy test and see what things in your environment you are allergic to. I am also allergic to salicylates in food and personal care products. I must avoid cherries and grapes and use Mennen Regular deodorant because it is salicylate-free. Allergens will make you feel bad and replicate cold and flu-like symptoms.

Also, your immune system lives in your gut. Probiotics can boost your immune system and cure irritable bowel syndrome. I use Nature Made Advanced Probiotics because they contain plenty of Lactobacillus Plantarum. It's available for order on the Internet.

Good luck. Sometimes good health requires a bit of detective work. Don't hesitate to Google any of the things that I've mentioned.

Oh, another tip - for herpes take Lysine 2-3 times a day and lay off of supplements that deplete your Lysine levels. It, along with Virogon 800 may help you a lot. Other brands of Acyclovir don't help me - only Virogon does but every body is different. Experiment to find what works for you!


It could be allergic reactions you are having and not colds. I used to get head 'colds' especially sinus problems all the time, one after another. It started in the UK and continued when I started spending winters in Thailand. I went to my English doctor and asked for specific allergy tests as it obviously wasnt related to the pollen count. He suggested it wasnt necessarily an allergy but that I may be having 'allergic reactions' when the body over reacts to certain things. He suggested I try an anti-histamine nasal spray called 'MOMETASONE FUROATE' (Nasonex) so when any cold symptoms start or I feel something may be incubating inside me, I use it. It seems to 'nip it in the bud' and, amazingly, I havent had a cold or sinus problem for 2 to 3 years now. I sometimes feel tired and a bit unwell for a day or 2, but it never develops into anything. I sincerely think that it could actually be killing the cold virus which breeds in the nose. Obviously this is where the spray must hit hardest. It is steroidal so Im wary of overuse. I also mostly only spray once when they advise 2 in each nostril. It really has been quite miraculous for me, 'touch wood', as they say. Sometimes I also take loratadine anti-histamine tablets for a few days but not often.

Also I think there must be a lot more viruses around these days as they are jetting around internationally with us and interbreeding far more than they used to happily joining the 'Mile High Club' as the aircraft air recycles......lol. I nearly always used to get a bad cold either end of my flights between the UK and Thailand but, touch wood, not anymore.

There is also, of course, a lot more bacterial activity in a developing and tropical country like Thailand especially when food & drink hygeine & storage can be far from ideal. But we have to live with this and get used to it. I believe that It is counter-productive to try and insulate yourself from it by attempting to create a sterile home environment and using anti-bacterial this and anti-bacterial that. This will only weaken your immune system. Also, unlike some Expat friends, for 10 winters I have been washing my Thai veg and salad in tap water and cleaning my teeth in tap water and it has done me no harm whatsoever. In fact, it must have strengthened my immune system to deal with the tap water washed (or unwashed) produce which you cannot avoid when you eat out.

Take care and good luck in sorting out your health problems. If this can happen to me at 60 then Im sure you can overcome it at your age.


Don't forget to consider mold and mildew. I spray with isopropyl alcohol every day. My bedding is changed every day and I spray the carpet well. When I am near ai water source such as a sink, I can feel the mildew on my face

Umm, yeah.


You should reduce your training, Your body needs to repair itself and no healthy food can help you of you are stressed all the time. Especially if you already have a virus in your blood like Herpes. So you should learn from your gf and relax more.

So to summarize , continue to eat healthy but reduce the stress level in your body, lifting weights and training hard at the gym every day is not for everyone and should be avoided until you feel better.


It sounds like you have come to Thailand relatively recently.

It is quite usual to get frequent colds/flus for the first 1-2 years after newly arriving since you have no prior immunity to the strains of viruses prevalent here. Your gf, if she is Thai, will already have immunity to hundreds of viruses that you do not.

Typically this improves with time, but it does so only after you have gone through many infections and thus developed antibodies to prevalent viruses.

An additional factor is the air pollution in Bangkok. Many people find that they cannot reduce respiratory problems without moving elsewhere. I had constant respiratory and sinus problems when I lived in Bangkok. I now live out in the countryside and am fine; get maybe 1 cold every 3 years or so.

Other than the passage of time and if possible moving to another part of the country with cleaner air, what may help is zinc supplementation....say10 mg daily and at the first sign of a respiratory infection take Redoxan which is zinc + Vit C (available at all pharmacies, boots, Watsons etc) - up to twice a day if necessary until it passes.


And never eat any somtam that has uncooked palaar (rotten fish) in it. If in doubt stick to palaar-free varieties like 'dam thai'

A parasite, not an immune system issue. Google opisthiorchasis vivvereni if you need to know why.


Quote SunsetT: "It could be allergic reactions you are having and not colds. I used to get head 'colds' especially sinus problems all the time, one after another. It started in the UK and continued when I started spending winters in Thailand. I went to my English doctor and asked for specific allergy tests as it obviously wasnt related to the pollen count. He suggested it wasnt necessarily an allergy but that I may be having 'allergic reactions' when the body over reacts to certain things. He suggested I try an anti-histamine nasal spray called 'MOMETASONE FUROATE' (Nasonex) so when any cold symptoms start or I feel something may be incubating inside me, I use it. It seems to 'nip it in the bud' and, amazingly, I havent had a cold or sinus problem for 2 to 3 years now. I sometimes feel tired and a bit unwell for a day or 2, but it never develops into anything. I sincerely think that it could actually be killing the cold virus which breeds in the nose. Obviously this is where the spray must hit hardest. It is steroidal so Im wary of overuse. I also mostly only spray once when they advise 2 in each nostril. It really has been quite miraculous for me, 'touch wood', as they say. Sometimes I also take loratadine anti-histamine tablets for a few days but not often"

Absolutely agree with the above because the same thing happened to me and after I had a real sinus infection cleared up, with antibiotics, I now use Nasonex now and a saline nasal wash with the occasional Zyrtec antihistamine, so no more cold/flu type symptoms for some time.

Something on top of my mind.

Getting often sick in another country might be due to your immune system not being used to local bugs. Maybe I am talking crap, but I remember clearly when my Australian wife moved to Canada she would get sick almost every month. Stress doesn't help.

Another thing is that you may be picking up crap at the gym. They are not exactly the cleanest of places.

If you spend a lot of time in public transport like BTS/MRT that could also be the problem. I always prefer to take non aircon bus when going around Bangkok.

I live here sine 2009 and I have to be very careful with what I eat or drink. Have been treated for parasites at least 5 times now and boy oh boy you can get sick having these little buggers. Treatment has it's own side effects too. And I have never, ever been treated for this prior to 2009. Ongoing gut problems (diarrhea, bloating at least once a month for a week or so) sometimes make me want to go back home. Going 'home' for holidays and I clear up in a couple of days and feel great for the rest of my stay. Right now I am (again) recovering. I love it here, I really do but this ongoing problem wears me down...

Geez, what are you eating and drinking to do this to you?

I've lived here full-time for10 years and been coming here for another two, also worked in Libya and Nigeria/Biafra and eaten some absolute rubbish food, yet never had parasites, or at least I don't think I have?

Are other posters having similar experiences?


Quote SunsetT: "It could be allergic reactions you are having and not colds. I used to get head 'colds' especially sinus problems all the time, one after another. It started in the UK and continued when I started spending winters in Thailand. I went to my English doctor and asked for specific allergy tests as it obviously wasnt related to the pollen count. He suggested it wasnt necessarily an allergy but that I may be having 'allergic reactions' when the body over reacts to certain things. He suggested I try an anti-histamine nasal spray called 'MOMETASONE FUROATE' (Nasonex) so when any cold symptoms start or I feel something may be incubating inside me, I use it. It seems to 'nip it in the bud' and, amazingly, I havent had a cold or sinus problem for 2 to 3 years now. I sometimes feel tired and a bit unwell for a day or 2, but it never develops into anything. I sincerely think that it could actually be killing the cold virus which breeds in the nose. Obviously this is where the spray must hit hardest. It is steroidal so Im wary of overuse. I also mostly only spray once when they advise 2 in each nostril. It really has been quite miraculous for me, 'touch wood', as they say. Sometimes I also take loratadine anti-histamine tablets for a few days but not often"

Absolutely agree with the above because the same thing happened to me and after I had a real sinus infection cleared up, with antibiotics, I now use Nasonex now and a saline nasal wash with the occasional Zyrtec antihistamine, so no more cold/flu type symptoms for some time.

Ref. saline nasal wash: I find the salt too overpowering but what I do is every time I shower I sniff water up each nostril and blow it out to really clean my nasal passages.


Drink Ginger tea with lemon or lime and honey. If you can digest garlic, eat it too. They are boosting immune system really well.

  • 5 months later...

UPDATE FROM OP: Problem seems to be fixed!


Now having been over 6 months without catching a cold, I would like to bump this up and share what I changed in case anyone else reading this is struggling with a similar problem. Now I took too many mesures to identify which one exactly stopped me from getting ill, but in any case here is what I did.


  1. Avoiding mold in my condo: I threw away an old moldy drawer, started cleaning aircon units more often and now always leave windows and the balcony door open after I leave my condo. This is to minimise moisture, which seems to be a problem if you leave doors closed in a room cooled down by aircon. 
  2. Switched from a sterile, airconditioned gym to an old, no-aircon underground gym.
  3. Started taking electrolyte salts before the gym, and when staying/riding outdoors on hot days.
  4. Stated taking an L-Glutamine supplement, which is supposed to boost immunity
  5. Started using Vicks First Defence Nasal Spray, every time I feel even slightly that a cold may be coming. It contains zinc in spray form. I don't typically believe in stuff like this, but online reviews seem to show people having good results. 
  6. Increased water intake. 


So thanks to everyone who contributed! I think that mold was probably the biggest factor. Ended up finding some in many places in my condo. 

  • 4 weeks later...
On 14/01/2017 at 1:44 AM, fitfalang said:

UPDATE FROM OP: Problem seems to be fixed!


Now having been over 6 months without catching a cold, I would like to bump this up and share what I changed in case anyone else reading this is struggling with a similar problem. Now I took too many mesures to identify which one exactly stopped me from getting ill, but in any case here is what I did.


  1. Avoiding mold in my condo: I threw away an old moldy drawer, started cleaning aircon units more often and now always leave windows and the balcony door open after I leave my condo. This is to minimise moisture, which seems to be a problem if you leave doors closed in a room cooled down by aircon. 
  2. Switched from a sterile, airconditioned gym to an old, no-aircon underground gym.
  3. Started taking electrolyte salts before the gym, and when staying/riding outdoors on hot days.
  4. Stated taking an L-Glutamine supplement, which is supposed to boost immunity
  5. Started using Vicks First Defence Nasal Spray, every time I feel even slightly that a cold may be coming. It contains zinc in spray form. I don't typically believe in stuff like this, but online reviews seem to show people having good results. 
  6. Increased water intake. 


So thanks to everyone who contributed! I think that mold was probably the biggest factor. Ended up finding some in many places in my condo. 

Glad to hear you have made some drastic changes which have helped which includes airing the place.


May I suggest if you are using an air conditioner in your condo, that you make sure the air flow is not directed directly at you and the temperature is not overly cold, I always have ours on 26, with the fan outlet to my right, so it bounces off the wall and I can just feel it touching my body, although I know people that put theirs as low as 16 and end up with colds frequently.


Multi-vitamins are good as you have said your taking, maybe change the brand to Centrum, and depending on your age, take the appropriate ones, i.e. if you over 50 get Centrum 50 plus.


The most important part is, have you looked at getting an air purifier, if not I would recommend the IQAir it is not cheap, but it is the leading air purifier by far, after purchasing ours I have noticed a huge difference in the air quality, suffice to say its worth a hell of a lot more IMHO and internal air carries a lot of bacteria, the IQAir is great at eliminating a 99.97% of crap in the air.


I researched air purifiers for a long time, there is nothing like it out there, feel free to do your own research and if you want to go forward and get one, PM me and I will pass you on the details of where I purchased mine, don't buy one of the internet as the 3 year warranty is not covered as you must buy one from an IQAir distributor, seriously, this is not a plug, but it is the best investment I have made and we are all benefiting from this air purifier, I could go on and on and on about it, but just spreading the love so to speak.




Healthy gut microbe , it's all happening in the gut . Cyrex labs does testing for leaky gut [emoji106]

Lots of people take antibiotics here also with doctors giving them out like candy and few things can kill your healthy gut bacteria that are key to your immune system like antibiotics .

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