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Republican Convention Day 1: security, Melania and marines


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Republican Party formally nominates Trump for president

CLEVELAND (AP) — The Republican Party formally nominates Donald Trump for president, completing the New York billionaire's rise from political outsider to major party candidate for the White House. A day after a distruptive fight over the party's rules, there was little drama as delegates to the GOP convention united behind the real estate mogul and reality TV star.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-07-20

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The hits just keep on comin at the RNC. laugh.png

Actor, former underwear model and reality show star Antonio Sabato Jr. — who stumped for Donald Trump on the floor of the Republican National Convention Monday — told ABC News that he "absolutely" believes President Barack Obama is a Muslim.

Another brill Forrest Gump reality star with barely a high school education shines at the convention.


Edited by keemapoot
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What kind of cruddy prenuptial agreement did she have to sign to marry the Donald ... coffee1.gif ???

I detest trump. He's a total fascist. He hasn't read a book in decades. His attention span is in minutes. He does get "information" from conspiracy theory websites though, as you would expect from the RACIST leader of the "birther" movement.

trump as president really IS dangerous.

It says some really bad stuff about the USA that trump is even getting as close as he is. But it's not too late to block this insanity.

Melania as first lady, a high end trophy wife that he'll dump later as he always does, is a minor consideration. trump as president would already be vomitous. She would just be icing on the vomit cake.

Tell us what you really think and get it out of your system. Your rants seem to be getting worse.

I think what we're seeing here on TV and other social media is that it is starting to sink in that Trump is going to win. Dems just don't know how to deal with it. They blame themselves for not running Bernie, who they feel would have a better chance. The latest NBC poll has Trump up by one if you include Libertarian Gary Johnson and Green Party Jill Stein. And this is PRE Convention! It's all over now Baby Blue.

Been dreaming again?
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I'll bet Trumps wife is fuming mad. Trump told her to lie..."tell them YOU wrote the speech" She did....then she gets busted for reading Michelle Obamas 2008 speech.... Then Trumps people say they wrote the speech.

Crooked Melania! Melania the liar! She should be deported! This is just the beginning for this lady.

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Alabama Sen. Jeff Sessions, the first senator to endorse the billionaire real estate mogul's bid, spoke first and put Trump's name into nomination, boasting that he was unafraid to defy political correctness.
"One man, Donald Trump, was not intimidated. He would not be silenced," Sessions said.

Boomer responds: He's hard to silence. He shouts down everyone else in the room, often cussing and calling childish names, while casing untrue aspersions. Examples: He says he was against the Iraq War II, (he wasn't at the outset) ....that he is not John Miller (he was).
"He spoke the truth," says Sessions.

Boomer: He lies every time he opens his pie hole.
".......he gave voice to the people's concerns, he said that the hyped trade deals have hurt America and hurt people," Sessions said.
Boomer responds: Four-time bankrupt Frump would start a trade war and fuel a severe recession. His business deals have already hurt tens of thousands of American workers by withholding payments for work already done. If you don't believe me, just google: "Trump Cheats Workers"
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Where are all of Trumps highly qualified rich buddies, those expert negotiators, that are going to help him make America great?

None of them have appeared so far. His kids are running his campaign.

The lineup of speakers are a list of "who's that?"

Well, Governor Rick Perry spoke but he never mentioned Trump cheesy.gif

The underwear model Antonio Sabato Jr., that spoke at the convention is a whacko conspiracy nut to boot!

He told ABC News that he "absolutely believes President Barack Obama is a Muslim."

"I believe that he's on the other side ... the Middle East," Sabato told ABC News. "He's with the bad guys."

This is the kind of quality people that Trump surrounds himself with. LOL

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What no articles on Melania copying Michelle Obama's speech??

I don't think we should be too critical of Melania, she is doing the best she can. So what if she copy's, he husband comes out and ball faced lies and no one is all that concerned about that, espeacally cons-ervatives biggrin.png

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What kind of cruddy prenuptial agreement did she have to sign to marry the Donald ... coffee1.gif ???

I detest trump. He's a total fascist. He hasn't read a book in decades. His attention span is in minutes. He does get "information" from conspiracy theory websites though, as you would expect from the RACIST leader of the "birther" movement.

trump as president really IS dangerous.

It says some really bad stuff about the USA that trump is even getting as close as he is. But it's not too late to block this insanity.

Melania as first lady, a high end trophy wife that he'll dump later as he always does, is a minor consideration. trump as president would already be vomitous. She would just be icing on the vomit cake.

Tell us what you really think and get it out of your system. Your rants seem to be getting worse.

I think what we're seeing here on TV and other social media is that it is starting to sink in that Trump is going to win. Dems just don't know how to deal with it. They blame themselves for not running Bernie, who they feel would have a better chance. The latest NBC poll has Trump up by one if you include Libertarian Gary Johnson and Green Party Jill Stein. And this is PRE Convention! It's all over now Baby Blue.

Been dreaming again?

Yeah, just like I was back in September when I predicted that Trump would get the Republican nomination, which he just did officially.

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Donald Trump officially secures Republican presidential nomination

CLEVELAND: -- Donald Trump has won the Republican Party’s nomination to contest the next presidential election on November 8.

During a roll-call vote at the the Republican Convention in Cleveland, Trump secured the majority of delegates -1,237 – needed to run for the White House.

The vote to put Trump’s name in nomination took place one day after opponents staged a failed attempt to force a vote opposing his candidacy.

His rival is set to be Democratic Party candidate Hillary Clinton once she has been formally nominated at her party’s convention next week.

-- (c) Copyright Euronews 2016-07-20

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I hope Trump becomes president.

I hope you're not too angry and sad when he loses. More than that, I hope Trump fans don't grab their guns and start shooting things/people when they realize, on Nov. 9th, that their baffoon has lost. Regardless, there will be oceans of blame and continued intransigence (by a lesser # of Republican Congresspeople) after Trump loses. They're great at blame and fear mongering. Too bad they fail at specific policy proposals for bettering America, except a few items like, "I will build a great wall, believe me folks, and we'll get Mexico to pay for it. Trust me on this, folks. I've got a great brain. I know a lot of words. I'm great with words."

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Trump triumphs as GOP nominee, completing stunning climb

CLEVELAND (AP) — United for a night, Republicans nominated Donald Trump Tuesday as their presidential standard-bearer, capping the billionaire businessman's stunning takeover of the GOP and propelling him into a November faceoff with Democrat Hillary Clinton.

"I will work hard and never let you down!" Trump quickly wrote on Twitter following the roll call vote.

Trump's campaign hoped the formal nomination would both end the discord surging through the Republican Party and overshadow the convention's chaotic kickoff, including a plagiarism charge involving Melania Trump's address on opening night.

There were flurries of dissent on the convention floor as states that Trump did not win recorded their votes, but he far outdistanced his primary rivals. His vice presidential pick, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, was also formally nominated.

Trump was put over the top by his home state of New York. Four of his children joined the state's delegation on the convention floor for the historic moment and appeared overwhelmed with emotion.

"Congratulations, Dad, we love you," declared Donald Trump Jr.

Some delegates emphasized a need for a televised display of unity after the deeply divisive GOP primary. "United we stand, divided we fall," said Johnny McMahan, a Trump delegate from Arkansas.

But Colorado's Kendal Unruh, a leader of the anti-Trump forces, called the convention a "sham" and warned party leaders that their efforts to silence opposition would keep some Republicans on the sidelines in the fall campaign against Clinton.

This week's four-day convention is Trump's highest-profile opportunity to convince voters that he's better suited for the presidency than Clinton, who will be nominated at next week's Democratic gathering. A parade of Trump's campaign rivals and Republican leaders lukewarm about his nomination were taking the stage Tuesday night to vouch for the real estate mogul, including House Speaker Paul Ryan.

Still, the plagiarism controversy and other unforced errors by the campaign cast a shadow over the convention and raised fresh questions about Trump's oversight of his campaign, which gives voters a window into how a candidate might handle the pressures of the presidency.

The plagiarism accusations follow Monday night's speech by Trump's wife. Two passages from her address — each 30 words or longer — matched a 2008 Democratic convention address by Michelle Obama nearly word-for-word.

Trump's campaign failed to quell the controversy on Day 2 of the convention by insisting there was no evidence of plagiarism, while offering no explanation for how the strikingly similar passages wound up in Mrs. Trump's address. The matter consumed news coverage from Cleveland until the evening vote, obscuring Mrs. Trump's broader effort to show her husband's softer side.

Clinton pounced on the tumult, saying the Republican gathering had so far been "surreal," comparing it to the classic fantasy film "Wizard of Oz."

"When you pull back the curtain, it was just Donald Trump with nothing to offer to the American people," Clinton said during a speech in Las Vegas.

Top Trump adviser Paul Manafort said the matter had been "totally blown out of proportion."

"They're not even sentences. They're literally phrases," Manafort told The Associated Press.

Conventions are massive organizational undertakings, with thousands of attendees to manage and dozens of speakers to oversee. But the weeklong gathering pales in comparison to the scope of a president's responsibilities as head of the U.S. government.

It was unclear whether there would be much if any effect on how voters view Trump. The businessman has survived numerous politically perilous moments that might have doomed other candidates.

Manafort, a longtime Republican operative, has been a central figure in Trump's Cleveland operations. He led efforts to successfully tamp down a rebellion on the convention floor Monday, though the campaign still had to contend with angry outbursts from anti-Trump delegates.

The campaign chairman also upended Republicans' unity message by slamming Ohio Gov. John Kasich in his home state. He called Kasich "petulant" and "embarrassing" for not endorsing Trump or attending the convention, drawing quick condemnation from other GOP leaders worried about angering the popular governor of one of the most important election states.

Trump's campaign hoped the convention would also highlight a kinder, gentler side of the brash candidate. Mrs. Trump was the first in a series of family members and friends who were taking the stage to vouch for the man they know.

Mrs. Trump was widely praised for her success in doing just that, despite the plagiarism charges. She spoke of her husband's "simple goodness" and his loyalty and love of family — while noting the "drama" that comes with Trump in politics.

Tiffany Trump, the candidate's 22-year-old daughter from his marriage to Marla Maples, and Donald Jr., his eldest son and an executive vice president at The Trump Organization, were to speak about their father Tuesday night.

AP writers Jonathan Lemire, Kathleen Hennessey and Steve Peoples contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-07-20

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Melania Trump: From Small-Town Slovenia to Doorstep of White House


You've come a long way Baby! smile.png

..and none the worse for wear.


That's because of his small hands.

With Crazy Hillary you just get a Worn Out Bill.

With Trump....you get...va va boom ! w00t.gif

You pick...we decide.

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There is also a passage in Melania Trump’s speech which is a direct quote from a Rick Astley song

In other words, Melania Trump’s speech was Rickrolled.

To those who do not recall the fad from 2008 or so, Rickrolling was providing a link which purported to be something else, but in fact linked to a Rick Astley video, in fact, the very video whose lyrics were included in Melania Trump’s speech.


Edited by Boon Mee
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Melania Trump: From Small-Town Slovenia to Doorstep of White House


You've come a long way Baby! smile.png

..and none the worse for wear.


That's because of his small hands.

With Crazy Hillary you just get a Worn Out Bill.

With Trump....you get...va va boom ! w00t.gif

You pick...we decide.

What would you want to haul your firewood? An old GM pick-up truck with a dependable record or a shiny red Yugo with no motor?

Seriously though, both spouses are assets (no pun intended), but for different reasons.

Melania: endlessly saying 'yes' to everything Trump utters. That's all she can do. She looks good, but how far can a girl get on good looks?

Bill: proven success on economic issues. Has first-name friendships with many world leaders.

One is married to a flip-flopping shyster who doesn't pay thousands of workers after their work is done. The other is married to a two-term congresswoman (both times soundly defeating Republican rivals) who has passed legislation which helps disadvantaged people.

Edited by boomerangutang
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jesseWilliams. ✔ @iJesseWilliams

"Work, work, work, work, work, work

He say me have to

Work, work, work, work, work, work!" #FamousMelaniaTrumpQuotes

10:15 PM - 18 Jul 2016"

♥♥♥ I doubt many will get this though (though he tried by switching out the Bajan patois)

On another note, this election race is bringing out all types of ugly.

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"Either Melania Trump Rickrolled herself or she did not.

That is impossible.

It makes no sense at all.

Melania Trumps speech was intentionally sabotaged."


lol. Even if that were so, her husband is running for the Presidency. She needs to double-check whatever is being written by someone else for her, as the stakes are high.

But Trump's writing team can get away with it, because they know many of his supporters will convince themselves it was 'sabatoged.' I gotta give it to his supporters, though - I've never seen people so eager to stay on their knees for him.

This whole presidential election is nerve-wracking.

Edited by hookedondhamma
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But Melania says she wrote it. Are you calling her a liar?

But she didn't write now did she? facepalm.gif

Trump probably told her to lie. Sadly she listened to him and her reputation took a hit. Just wait for all the other lies she has said are exposed..like graduating college.

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Melania Trump: From Small-Town Slovenia to Doorstep of White House


You've come a long way Baby! smile.png

..and none the worse for wear.


That's because of his small hands.

With Crazy Hillary you just get a Worn Out Bill.

With Trump....you get...va va boom ! w00t.gif

You pick...we decide.

I don't think Bill is wearing out Hillary.
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"Either Melania Trump Rickrolled herself or she did not.

That is impossible.

It makes no sense at all.

Melania Trumps speech was intentionally sabotaged."


lol. Even if that were so, her husband is running for the Presidency. She needs to double-check whatever is being written by someone else for her, as the stakes are high.

But Trump's writing team can get away with it, because they know many of his supporters will convince themselves it was 'sabatoged.' I gotta give it to his supporters, though - I've never seen people so eager to stay on their knees for him.

This whole presidential election is nerve-wracking.

His fans won't care.

But if is again something that won't help him with the undecided voters.

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How Melania Trump’s Speech Veered Off Course and Sparked an Uproar

It was, by all accounts, an entirely preventable blunder, committed in front of an audience of 23 million television viewers, that exposed the weaknesses of an organization that has long spurned the safeguards of a modern presidential campaign, such as the free software that detects plagiarism.


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Tiffany looks great too!

Hey... With all these gorgeous ladies that will soon be hanging around the White House, I bet the Secret Service is already installing extra "security" cameras!

I know who they are voting for...and it isn't potato sack, butt drooping hillary.

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