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Clinton: First day of Republican convention 'surreal'


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Clinton: First day of Republican convention 'surreal'

LAS VEGAS (AP) — Hillary Clinton dismissed the first day of the Republican National Convention as a "surreal" experience on Tuesday, comparing the gathering led by Republican Donald Trump to the classic fantasy film "The Wizard of Oz."

"There were similarities that appeared to me. Lots of sound and fury — even a fog machine," Clinton told 6,000 people at the convention of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees in Las Vegas. "But when you pull back the curtain, it was just Donald Trump with nothing to offer to the American people."

Clinton rallied labor allies in Nevada as Republicans met in Cleveland for the second day of the national convention where delegates are expected to officially select Trump as their party's nominee. Speaking to longstanding Democratic allies, Clinton noted Trump's shadowy appearance before he introduced his wife, Melania Trump, but made no mention of allegations that she lifted passages of her speech from first lady Michelle Obama's 2008 address.

Bracketing Trump, the presumptive Democratic nominee said "last night in Cleveland was surreal," prompting a chorus of boos at the mention of her Republican rival's name. She added that viewers heard a lot about her and Trump but "not a single solution" that would help workers and their families.

The former secretary of state addressed 6,000 members of AFSCME, a labor union representing 1.6 million public sector workers. The union endorsed Clinton in October.

She pointed to ongoing struggles with Republican governors in the Midwest, accusing Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, a former GOP presidential hopeful, of ripping "the heart out of public sector workers' right to bargain."

In Illinois, she accused Gov. Bruce Rauner, a Republican elected in 2014, of "holding the budget hostage for months," hurting families and demanding "outrageous concessions" to fix a multibillion dollar deficit.

She also warned that Trump would undercut the Dodd-Frank Act passed six years ago this week by Congress in response to the financial crisis. Trump, Clinton said, wanted to "tear up Dodd-Frank and let Wall Street run wild again."

Clinton later rallied supporters in North Las Vegas, where she picked up the endorsement of the 270,000-member UNITE HERE union that represents workers in the hotel, gaming and food service industries. The union's largest affiliate is the local Culinary Workers Union, a powerhouse in Nevada politics that declined to endorse during the primaries.

Nevada is among the top battleground states in the fall election and Clinton used the events to point to a new voter mobilization push under way by the campaign aiming to register more than 3 million voters and have them commit to vote in the election.

"We're not leaving anything to chance," she said.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-07-20

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Funny as...., i am working in Arizona right now (the neighboring state) and the unanimous opinion among the people here seems to be that if by any remote chance Hillary wins.....an awful lot of people will be evacuating to Canada.... regardless of Justin Beiber, their words not mine, she is not popular around here!!

It's good working here laugh.png

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Clinton and Democrats will get a GREAT surprise in November.

Americans loves fancy shows and millionaires, and probably are the most superficial people on earth.

Trump is a GREAT entertainer and a promoter, and he knows his audience very well. A GREAT manipulator and marketer too.

He will become the next USA President. I do not have doubts about.

And...AMERICA WILL BE A GREAT TROUBLE MAKER AGAIN.... next time taking the World for a ride with them....Middle East, Europe, Africa, Japan, Korea, Philippines, Australia, Brazil, Venezuela, Mexico, Cuba, Ukrania ,....."the sky is the limit"....or better....Russia is the limit.... again.

Believe it or not...Thailand may be the safer country in the world now....

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Funny as...., i am working in Arizona right now (the neighboring state) and the unanimous opinion among the people here seems to be that if by any remote chance Hillary wins.....an awful lot of people will be evacuating to Canada.... regardless of Justin Beiber, their words not mine, she is not popular around here!!

It's good working here laugh.png

It won't do any good, we got Trudeau and I hear he has a picture of Hilary and Merkel pinned on the ceiling above his bed.

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I'm no Hillary supporter, in fact I think she should be in jail.

But if anyone wanted to cement Melania into the bimbo class which she seems to want to climb out of, she couldn't have done a better job doing it herself. Practically verbatim Michele. How embarrassing. How remiss.How stupid. The whole party must have been cringing. Bet she was angry at her speech writer although she said she wrote most of it herself. Well she would say that even if not true and by now she would wish she could blame someone else and she would be fuming behind the scenes. CNN trashed her and Fox glossed over it as expected. Wizard of Oz and My Little Pony? What a shambles

Wonder if her speechwriter is a closet Democrat! No I apologize they're devious but not that clever. It has to be Mitt Romney's crowd handing her a speech to sabotage Trump at the last minute! Not even a bimbo would copy Michele's speech verbatim, would she?

Well whatever but I'll go with conspiracy theory

But who are these Never Trump fools who think they can beat Hillary without yet a replacement candidate? Well they've gone and Trump's in.

And to all the TVF keyboard warriors who said it was just not possible, welcome to reality!

American politics crazy.gif

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Funny as...., i am working in Arizona right now (the neighboring state) and the unanimous opinion among the people here seems to be that if by any remote chance Hillary wins.....an awful lot of people will be evacuating to Canada.... regardless of Justin Beiber, their words not mine, she is not popular around here!!

It's good working here laugh.png

If the Canadians thought that there were more than a dozen or so Arizonans who'd be able to point to Canada on a map, they'd undoubtedly be busy building a wall to keep the drooling hordes out.

And they'd make damn sure that Arizona would pay for it!

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I'm no Hillary supporter, in fact I think she should be in jail.

But if anyone wanted to cement Melania into the bimbo class which she seems to want to climb out of, she couldn't have done a better job doing it herself. Practically verbatim Michele. How embarrassing. How remiss.How stupid. The whole party must have been cringing. Bet she was angry at her speech writer although she said she wrote most of it herself. Well she would say that even if not true and by now she would wish she could blame someone else and she would be fuming behind the scenes. CNN trashed her and Fox glossed over it as expected. Wizard of Oz and My Little Pony? What a shambles

Wonder if her speechwriter is a closet Democrat! No I apologize they're devious but not that clever. It has to be Mitt Romney's crowd handing her a speech to sabotage Trump at the last minute! Not even a bimbo would copy Michele's speech verbatim, would she?

Well whatever but I'll go with conspiracy theory

But who are these Never Trump fools who think they can beat Hillary without yet a replacement candidate? Well they've gone and Trump's in.

And to all the TVF keyboard warriors who said it was just not possible, welcome to reality!

American politics crazy.gif

Sometimes I think Trump wants to throw the election. He has had his fun his ego stroked and the Republican world is bowing down to him mostly. Who wants to spend 8 years wondering if someone has them in the cross hairs of a gun? Who would want to spend the next 4 possibly 8 years in the decaying old White House and leave the business in the hands of their children. I am sure his present digs are much nicer. The Donald just does not seem to be the "serving the public good" type. Edited by elgordo38
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I'm no Hillary supporter, in fact I think she should be in jail.

But if anyone wanted to cement Melania into the bimbo class which she seems to want to climb out of, she couldn't have done a better job doing it herself. Practically verbatim Michele. How embarrassing. How remiss.How stupid. The whole party must have been cringing. Bet she was angry at her speech writer although she said she wrote most of it herself. Well she would say that even if not true and by now she would wish she could blame someone else and she would be fuming behind the scenes. CNN trashed her and Fox glossed over it as expected. Wizard of Oz and My Little Pony? What a shambles

Wonder if her speechwriter is a closet Democrat! No I apologize they're devious but not that clever. It has to be Mitt Romney's crowd handing her a speech to sabotage Trump at the last minute! Not even a bimbo would copy Michele's speech verbatim, would she?

Well whatever but I'll go with conspiracy theory

But who are these Never Trump fools who think they can beat Hillary without yet a replacement candidate? Well they've gone and Trump's in.

And to all the TVF keyboard warriors who said it was just not possible, welcome to reality!

American politics crazy.gif

Wonder if her speechwriter is a closet Democrat!

That was the first thing that occured to me. I'll bet whomever it was is seriously unemployed by now.

Not that it'll make a difference to the Trumpers though. Like me I expect most think she's a bimbo trophy wife, and expect little of her.

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This is all tremendous fun at the moment but let's not forget that the USA is in deep sh*t with two candidates who wouldn't be given the time of day in the real world. It is surreal as is the situation in the UK and many other places in the world. There needs to be clear and strong leadership and an ability to be able to positively communicate and understand exactly what the world needs now. These are dangerous times for world stability.

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I'm no Hillary supporter, in fact I think she should be in jail.

But if anyone wanted to cement Melania into the bimbo class which she seems to want to climb out of, she couldn't have done a better job doing it herself. Practically verbatim Michele. How embarrassing. How remiss.How stupid. The whole party must have been cringing. Bet she was angry at her speech writer although she said she wrote most of it herself. Well she would say that even if not true and by now she would wish she could blame someone else and she would be fuming behind the scenes. CNN trashed her and Fox glossed over it as expected. Wizard of Oz and My Little Pony? What a shambles

Wonder if her speechwriter is a closet Democrat! No I apologize they're devious but not that clever. It has to be Mitt Romney's crowd handing her a speech to sabotage Trump at the last minute! Not even a bimbo would copy Michele's speech verbatim, would she?

Well whatever but I'll go with conspiracy theory

But who are these Never Trump fools who think they can beat Hillary without yet a replacement candidate? Well they've gone and Trump's in.

And to all the TVF keyboard warriors who said it was just not possible, welcome to reality!

American politics crazy.gif

Wonder if her speechwriter is a closet Democrat!

That was the first thing that occured to me. I'll bet whomever it was is seriously unemployed by now.

Not that it'll make a difference to the Trumpers though. Like me I expect most think she's a bimbo trophy wife, and expect little of her.

Maybe I was a bit harsh on the Melania being a bimbo. She just looks like one. I'm not jealous, honest guv!

Apparently she studied architecture at the University of Ljubljana (I kid you not there is one) and can speak 5 languages. Also she photographs well especially handcuffed to a briefcase, lying on a fur blanket aboard Donald's private jet so she has many qualifications!

​I reckon the mischief was written up by one of the Stop Trumperteers and somehow got handed to her. Whatever, it's damage done, and it will be hard to live down and for folks to forget.

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Funny as...., i am working in Arizona right now (the neighboring state) and the unanimous opinion among the people here seems to be that if by any remote chance Hillary wins.....an awful lot of people will be evacuating to Canada.... regardless of Justin Beiber, their words not mine, she is not popular around here!!

It's good working here laugh.png

The citizenry of Arizona is about 30% Hispanic. The polls tell me you aren't spending too much time with them.

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Funny as...., i am working in Arizona right now (the neighboring state) and the unanimous opinion among the people here seems to be that if by any remote chance Hillary wins.....an awful lot of people will be evacuating to Canada.... regardless of Justin Beiber, their words not mine, she is not popular around here!!

It's good working here laugh.png

The citizenry of Arizona is about 30% Hispanic. The polls tell me you aren't spending too much time with them.

It does beg the question..... why wouldn't all of these "unanimously" disgruntled, patriotic Arizonans simply "evacuate" across the border nearest to hand?

Just a guess? Brown people.........

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Face the facts Americans, you have choice between two candidates. One has absolutely no political experience and is absolutely devoid of any statesmanship. The other is hugely experienced and even if accused of shady deals, is'nt this par for the course for politicians and who better to take on Putin.

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Well, crooked pants suited one, it was a joy to behold Christie ripping you a new one.

Destroyed in one tweet:

"If you think Chris Christie can lecture anyone on ethics, we have a bridge to sell you. "


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Well, crooked pants suited one, it was a joy to behold Christie ripping you a new one.

Destroyed in one tweet:

"If you think Chris Christie can lecture anyone on ethics, we have a bridge to sell you. "


Considering the source, not destroyed at all. Only the KoolAid drinkers still take her seriosly.

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What is "Surreal" is the following:

One Of Hillary Clinton’s DNC Delegates Literally Tried To Murder Someone, But Media Are Silent

A Democratic National Committee delegate pledged to Hillary Clinton tried to murder her husband with a gun on Sunday, but the national media won’t talk about it.

Deanna Vicites, a 47-year-old Hillary Clinton delegate from Pennsylvania,was charged with attempted homicide after shooting her husband in the neck with a revolver over the weekend."


Nothing to see here. Move along now...whistling.gif

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What is "Surreal" is the following:

One Of Hillary Clinton’s DNC Delegates Literally Tried To Murder Someone, But Media Are Silent

A Democratic National Committee delegate pledged to Hillary Clinton tried to murder her husband with a gun on Sunday, but the national media won’t talk about it.

Deanna Vicites, a 47-year-old Hillary Clinton delegate from Pennsylvania,was charged with attempted homicide after shooting her husband in the neck with a revolver over the weekend."


Nothing to see here. Move along now...whistling.gif

So what?
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Well, crooked pants suited one, it was a joy to behold Christie ripping you a new one.

Destroyed in one tweet:

"If you think Chris Christie can lecture anyone on ethics, we have a bridge to sell you. "


Considering the source, not destroyed at all. Only the KoolAid drinkers still take her seriosly.

Not even considering the source, having Christie lecture anyone on ethics is a bit like having Lance Armstrong lecture you on sportsmanship.


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The use of "surreal" to describe her impression of the Republican Convention is tragically comedic. After all, the whirlwind cognitive dissonance that has accompanied Hillary's entire public life and her immunity to prosecution can aptly be described as "surreal," like Edvard Munch's The Scream.

...unreal, fantastic, bizarre, dream like (and not a good one).


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The use of "surreal" to describe her impression of the Republican Convention is tragically comedic. After all, the whirlwind cognitive dissonance that has accompanied Hillary's entire public life and her immunity to prosecution can aptly be described as "surreal," like Edvard Munch's The Scream.

...unreal, fantastic, bizarre, dream like (and not a good one).

Christie whipping up the BURN THE WITCH chant wasn't exactly real real, dude. They're fascists and now they're out of the closet fascists. That could be good if there are enough Americans educated enough about history to know what that means to allow them total power.

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