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8 dead in Munich mall shooting; police hunt up to 3 suspects


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It was interesting that they asked people not to upload videos and photos on social media and not speculating the attack. Merkel is really copying China on this and I wonder when she starts to block Facebook / Twitter entirely or ask for a "German version" of it. Police already raided homes of persons spreading "hate speech" online.. No wonder she likes Erdogan too. However none of the radical imaams have been arrested and no mosques raided (unless there was a clear indication of weapons).

"Police in Munich are also urging people not to upload videos or photos from the shooting attack on social media but instead to provide them to authorities for their investigation by uploading them at a special link online. The link is https://medienupload-portal01.polizei.bayern.de."

It's OK for msm to broadcast drowned bodies in Mediterranean though.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

People ARE wising up to this though.

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"Islam is responsible for over 200 MILLION deaths since this crazy ideology was started by the murdering child abusing thief called Mohamad"

Please do not use Aryan Nation right wing Propaganda you figures may be correct but Christianity has killed as many if not more, All religions and Empires in their Day. Nazism how many millions of deaths in Europe,Japanese Imperialism, British Imperialism. Religions , So called Empires guilty of mass genocide. We are supposed to be the enlightened western Civilisation and yet we kill 4 million in pursuit on a war on Terror. The more you buy into the spiel of Islamist hate speech the more you serve the Mullahs of Death. I am not saying not to be outraged by acts of Terror or atrocities. But do not condemn all people of the Muslim faith. I will say again Voltaire said Islam and Christianity are the worst curses ever visited upon Man. We kill indiscriminately in the name of both. I have Muslim, Hindu , Christian and Buddhist friends . Do you? Do not presume to know me. Because we may disagree does not mean I do not try and see your side. I just try and balance it.

Edited by Kiwiken
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So after Paris, Brussels, Nice, Würzburg, Köln and countless rapes and assaults in whole Europe we can add München.

The attacks are increasing at ever shorter intervals.

These stupid politicians allow that millions of young islamist men from crisis areas, with the demographics of an army, can uncontrolled invade europe.

They're too stupid to secure the external eu borders and to close the borders immediately.

The invasion continues:

Now Italy is the main country of first arrival. In June 2016, migrants came to the country mainly from Nigeria, Eritrea, Sudan, Guinea and Ivory Coast.

The second country of arrival is Greece with migrants, are from Syria, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq and Algeria.

How many of these are potential radical Islamist terrorists, is unknown.

And again the politicians and their media assistants are to gloss over the situation.

To keep the number of future deaths preferably low there are now immediate action necessary. The entire EU population would welcome that.

Closure of all EU external borders.

Eu-wide activation of the armys for outer securing the borders.

Immediate intake stop of migrants.

Exceptionless repatriation of all refugee boats.

Immediate expulsion of all preachers of hate, salafists, jihadists, violent radical Islamists, including their families, friends and supporters.

Immediate expulsion of all economic refugees.

Immediate expulsion of all illegal immigrants.

Immediate expulsion of all criminal immigrants.

General stop for issuing citizenships with immediate extension of the qualifying period for citizenship (min 8-10 years).

Redoubling of international efforts to pacification of the war zones.

Repatriation of war refugees to their home areas.

Step 2: Invade Poland?

I'm guessing you're German?

I find his post making more sense than what our politicians are doing (or not doing for that matter) at this very moment.

The current situation will not stop, not by itself.

Why would you make a reference to ww2? Can you apologists not come up with something better? It's too easy.

I'm not quite sure how a (supposedly) humorous reference makes me an apologist. It was satirically pointing out the extreme nature of the proposed remedies!!

I guess you need a modicum of intelligence to appreciate satire and I am sincerely sorry that you don't qualify.

I think that all my previous posts prove me to be on the side of the angels, if not actually an islamophobe like you nice, reasonable chaps!


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Step 2: Invade Poland?

I'm guessing you're German?

Poland has good immigration policy.

Let's see if they hold under Merkel's pressure. The only country who does not play by her book. Look what happened in Turkey just now..

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But you are not in the least outraged by the 4 million Muslims killed since the so called war on terror began or is that acceptable? I think both sides of the equation are disgusting and driven by Man's inhumanity to Man.

Do you have a citation for that figure or did you just conjure it out of thin air?

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But you are not in the least outraged by the 4 million Muslims killed since the so called war on terror began or is that acceptable? I think both sides of the equation are disgusting and driven by Man's inhumanity to Man.

Do you have a citation for that figure or did you just conjure it out of thin air?
Thin air comprising, mostly, the 90% hot gas that fuels him I suspect.
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The thing that always amazes me is the beautiful Cities built in the Centuries of the early Caliphates and the wondrous Architecture and Libraries. How they cultivated science and advancement. Yes now those same people cultivate so much hate. The wars and occupations on them do not help. But going back 600 years in thinking does not either. All I am saying is the Arab and the Middle East has produced and continues to produce some forward thinking people. By giving into the fanatics. And by Ourselves realising these are a minority not the whole. By reacting with hate we just play their game. It is easy to go along with the crowd hard to stop and think is your reaction correct or a knee jerk reflection of the hurt you feel.

Getting desperate are you, as you are tossing up the old myth about how advanced the Caliphate was. That architecture came from the non muslims. Those books? Ancient Greece and Rome provided much of it. Remember those Israelites? They had a history of learning that was looted by the muslims.

Forward thinking? Please provide an example of this forward thinking, because there is none. The Turkish Empire ruled the middle east for centuries. What great scientific discoveries or contributions to the advancement of humankind have come from the muslim dominated countries in the past 500 years? I admit that hummus is delicious. I like my kebabs too. However, I was wondering if there was something like a vaccine for polio, or mobile phone technology or oncology treatments? You repeat a lie because it fits with your political views. Educate me. What great scientific contributions have we seen in the past 500 years from your idols? Arm chair socialists must be getting sore bottoms now.

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The suspect was an 18-year-old German-Iranian dual national who lived in Munich, police told a news conference, but his motive is unclear.

Lot of talk saying because he was of Iranian decent he is not an IS Terrorist be because IS is at war with Iran... like saying that during the second world war no British person would be Nazi sympathiser.

Edited by Basil B
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He is probably just a mental case.

In the video that was posted last night where he was walking on the parking roof , he shouted : I am German and also I am on medication. Yes he was German-Iranian but if he was very sick , I am not sure he was brainwashed by IS.

Edited by balo
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'Gun attacks in Germany are uncommon. Firearm ownership is widespread but they are strictly regulated ... Many types of firearms are banned ... ... In the U.S., President Barack Obama pledged to provide Germany with whatever help it might need to investigate the mall shooting.' Irony indeed.

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The religion of peace is at war again, westerners need to wake up this will be coming to your postcode soon.

And if this unknown Gun man is identified as a Lutheran or Roman Catholic will you then extend your rhetoric to Christians as well? Do not assume you know when the truth has not yet been revealed.
If the attacker was carrying out the attack in the name of Christianity then "yes". I'll give you 50/1 that that is not the case here :rolleyes: Edited by SABloke
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'Gun attacks in Germany are uncommon. Firearm ownership is widespread but they are strictly regulated ... Many types of firearms are banned ... ... In the U.S., President Barack Obama pledged to provide Germany with whatever help it might need to investigate the mall shooting.' Irony indeed.

Yes in Germany a 18 year old kills 10 people and it's big news, country goes into mourning, in America a 18 year old shots up his school and kills 10 people just an everyday occurrence.

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The religion of peace is at war again, westerners need to wake up this will be coming to your postcode soon.

And if this unknown Gun man is identified as a Lutheran or Roman Catholic will you then extend your rhetoric to Christians as well? Do not assume you know when the truth has not yet been revealed.

would you like to take a guess at the bookies odds on that........please share what you think, I honestly would like to know

here are the runners

- we all know this one - it begins with "M" possibly from Iran

- some sick dude off his meds

- Lutheran - off his meds

- Roman Catholic - should be on meds

- someone out shopping and lost it

- Kiwikens Uncle - off his meds

I only have One Uncle left and he is Maori so is this a racist slur?

And from way out of left field the joke about your uncle becomes a "racist slur". <deleted> :blink:

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'Gun attacks in Germany are uncommon. Firearm ownership is widespread but they are strictly regulated ... Many types of firearms are banned ... ... In the U.S., President Barack Obama pledged to provide Germany with whatever help it might need to investigate the mall shooting.' Irony indeed.

Yes in Germany a 18 year old kills 10 people and it's big news, country goes into mourning, in America a 18 year old shots up his school and kills 10 people just an everyday occurrence.

Stop lying. That's not everyday.

In this case, I think wait to see what the investigation says about motivation. Going after an American symbol, McDonalds, and reports of specifically targeting children (as in Nice) is a clue though that there may be an Islamist Jihadist link. I think so far more unclear than Nice which was obvious from the first minute.

Edited by Jingthing
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OK fine - we are willing to wait for the investigation - but why do you feel the need to issue a specific denial. How come you never said "there are no indications it was aliens?"

Well I presume because we have had no instances of attacks by Aliens in recent history, whereas attacks by Muslim extremists across the world are currently quite frequent and the first thing that crosses everybody's minds (be honest) immediately at the moment is 'muslim terrorist attack' and not 'ooh I wonder if it was an attack by Aliens'..

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OK fine - we are willing to wait for the investigation - but why do you feel the need to issue a specific denial. How come you never said "there are no indications it was aliens?"

Well I presume because we have had no instances of attacks by Aliens in recent history, whereas attacks by Muslim extremists across the world are currently quite frequent and the first thing that crosses everybody's minds (be honest) immediately at the moment is 'muslim terrorist attack' and not 'ooh I wonder if it was an attack by Aliens'..

Yes, but if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, there's a pretty good chance it IS a duck. To nobody's great amazement, it turns out it was a duck.

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The thing that always amazes me is the beautiful Cities built in the Centuries of the early Caliphates and the wondrous Architecture and Libraries. How they cultivated science and advancement. Yes now those same people cultivate so much hate. The wars and occupations on them do not help. But going back 600 years in thinking does not either. All I am saying is the Arab and the Middle East has produced and continues to produce some forward thinking people. By giving into the fanatics. And by Ourselves realising these are a minority not the whole. By reacting with hate we just play their game. It is easy to go along with the crowd hard to stop and think is your reaction correct or a knee jerk reflection of the hurt you feel.

Getting desperate are you, as you are tossing up the old myth about how advanced the Caliphate was. That architecture came from the non muslims. Those books? Ancient Greece and Rome provided much of it. Remember those Israelites? They had a history of learning that was looted by the muslims.

Forward thinking? Please provide an example of this forward thinking, because there is none. The Turkish Empire ruled the middle east for centuries. What great scientific discoveries or contributions to the advancement of humankind have come from the muslim dominated countries in the past 500 years? I admit that hummus is delicious. I like my kebabs too. However, I was wondering if there was something like a vaccine for polio, or mobile phone technology or oncology treatments? You repeat a lie because it fits with your political views. Educate me. What great scientific contributions have we seen in the past 500 years from your idols? Arm chair socialists must be getting sore bottoms now.

Suggested reading. You could also try Muhammad and Charlemagne revisited - Emmet Scott.


Edited by Steely Dan
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Another disturbing thing about this trend, without concluding yet that there is a Jihadist motivation in this case, is that there are always a significant percentage of young people that feel alienated, mentally disturbed, angry at the world, and considering or acting on suicidal feelings. Always in all cultures.

But with Jihadist ideology which people can be infected easily online, a "normal" suicide can be transformed into some kind of "glorious" ideological act.

Whether this was a case of that or not, yes, expect more of it. The genie is out of the bottle.

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Not sure what to say all about this. I am sure it was a lone wolf and he was discussed with his life in Germany but this is the second incident in a week in just Bavaria and I am sure that next week their will be more attacks. A lot of migrants have almost no future in Germany because they are not integrated and are possible a ticking time-bomb.

How on an earth this 18 year old teenager could get a weapon makes me think he had other people that sold him the weapon.

The German government will do anything (Mutti Merkel) to make it sound he has no Islamic links and German media has a blackout for over 6 hours that it was a German Iranian which makes me think the German government is fueling the situation and if those attacks happened more regularly I don't think Merkel can hold on to power.

As for the victims RIP

Edited by MobileContent
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Ok no worries as I have stated before go on your crusade. Hey nuke and napalm every Muslim. And when you finish get rid of every other person who offends you in your World. Blacks, Hispanics, Get to the Jews. Every man woman and child. Don't forget every Hindu and Buddhist because they are not the same as you "Christian " Faith. Make sure to kill every man . Woman and child because children grow up and may hold resentment. Because I ask you not to judge every Muslim as this person or the Nice offender I am weak. I do not care I know your bigotry. I left school 1971 I was then idealistic. I went to enlist in the Army to fight in Vietnam to fight the evil Communism. By that time it was obvious the War for my Country after 10 years was over. Over the next 20 years I came to see how corrupt was the vision of the war on communism. For Vietnam it was a war of Liberation and Unification. Ever since then i try to take a step back and analyse what is this conflict about.

You Guys on here Kill everyone Let God sort them out.

Seen you before. seen you piss you pants when the other fellow shot back.

I have known fear. Thought wholly <deleted> I am going home in a bag.

But I cannot hate people the way you seem to. I have seen the worst of people. But seen so much good. So judge all as a package if you want. Call me weak. But I will take every person on this planet as I find them. If that makes me weak in your opinion Good. But I sleep ok each night because i AM A HUMAN BEING WHAT ARE YOU BECOMING?

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Once again the naïve are assuming immigrants are responsible and once again they are wrong. As with the Nice attack the perpetrator was a citizen of Munich and had been for many years. Eventually we will get to known who he really was but until then we have to put up with all the ignorant posts based on nothing but right wing rhetoric. It's what you get when people live inside their little blinkered boxes.

At the moment all we know is that was a lone gunman shooting innocent people. Something that will be very familiar to our American chums.

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Once again the naïve are assuming immigrants are responsible and once again they are wrong. As with the Nice attack the perpetrator was a citizen of Munich and had been for many years. Eventually we will get to known who he really was but until then we have to put up with all the ignorant posts based on nothing but right wing rhetoric. It's what you get when people live inside their little blinkered boxes.

At the moment all we know is that was a lone gunman shooting innocent people. Something that will be very familiar to our American chums.

Immigrants are another issue.

On the Jihadist motivation question in Nice, the link of Jihadist motivation to that terrorist attack has been strongly established.

This Munich case is still a question mark.

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The suspect was an 18-year-old German-Iranian dual national who lived in Munich, police told a news conference, but his motive is unclear.

Lot of talk saying because he was of Iranian decent he is not an IS Terrorist be because IS is at war with Iran... like saying that during the second world war no British person would be Nazi sympathiser.

Yes - but Iranians are sponsors of terrorism at the government level.

They hang gay people in the street. Imprison people for thinking.

You saying that Iranians cannot be terrorists? That is quite a bizarre claim.

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Ok no worries as I have stated before go on your crusade. Hey nuke and napalm every Muslim. And when you finish get rid of every other person who offends you in your World. Blacks, Hispanics, Get to the Jews. Every man woman and child. Don't forget every Hindu and Buddhist because they are not the same as you "Christian " Faith. Make sure to kill every man . Woman and child because children grow up and may hold resentment. Because I ask you not to judge every Muslim as this person or the Nice offender I am weak. I do not care I know your bigotry. I left school 1971 I was then idealistic. I went to enlist in the Army to fight in Vietnam to fight the evil Communism. By that time it was obvious the War for my Country after 10 years was over. Over the next 20 years I came to see how corrupt was the vision of the war on communism. For Vietnam it was a war of Liberation and Unification. Ever since then i try to take a step back and analyse what is this conflict about.

You Guys on here Kill everyone Let God sort them out.

Seen you before. seen you piss you pants when the other fellow shot back.

I have known fear. Thought wholly <deleted> I am going home in a bag.

But I cannot hate people the way you seem to. I have seen the worst of people. But seen so much good. So judge all as a package if you want. Call me weak. But I will take every person on this planet as I find them. If that makes me weak in your opinion Good. But I sleep ok each night because i AM A HUMAN BEING WHAT ARE YOU BECOMING?

Congrats. You are now the Virtue Signalling champ of all TVF.

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Ok no worries as I have stated before go on your crusade. Hey nuke and napalm every Muslim. And when you finish get rid of every other person who offends you in your World. Blacks, Hispanics, Get to the Jews. Every man woman and child. Don't forget every Hindu and Buddhist because they are not the same as you "Christian " Faith. Make sure to kill every man . Woman and child because children grow up and may hold resentment. Because I ask you not to judge every Muslim as this person or the Nice offender I am weak. I do not care I know your bigotry. I left school 1971 I was then idealistic. I went to enlist in the Army to fight in Vietnam to fight the evil Communism. By that time it was obvious the War for my Country after 10 years was over. Over the next 20 years I came to see how corrupt was the vision of the war on communism. For Vietnam it was a war of Liberation and Unification. Ever since then i try to take a step back and analyse what is this conflict about.

You Guys on here Kill everyone Let God sort them out.

Seen you before. seen you piss you pants when the other fellow shot back.

I have known fear. Thought wholly <deleted> I am going home in a bag.

But I cannot hate people the way you seem to. I have seen the worst of people. But seen so much good. So judge all as a package if you want. Call me weak. But I will take every person on this planet as I find them. If that makes me weak in your opinion Good. But I sleep ok each night because i AM A HUMAN BEING WHAT ARE YOU BECOMING?

Who said here something about killing every muslim (or Hindu or Christian)? "You Christian Faith? I'm an atheist.

YOUR muslims (I think I can say now this) make themselves so lovable.

Islam in Sydney, Australia
Ungrateful Muslim Want To Murder Those People Helping Her

15% of 1.6 billion is a lot of angry people... Can you make them calm down? Lot's of hugs or do you have another remedy?

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OK fine - we are willing to wait for the investigation - but why do you feel the need to issue a specific denial. How come you never said "there are no indications it was aliens?"

Well I presume because we have had no instances of attacks by Aliens in recent history, whereas attacks by Muslim extremists across the world are currently quite frequent and the first thing that crosses everybody's minds (be honest) immediately at the moment is 'muslim terrorist attack' and not 'ooh I wonder if it was an attack by Aliens'..

Well done captain obvious.

So by telling people NOT to speculate about Muslims it reveals that the authorities themselves have the same thing on their mind. Hence the ironic alien reference.

Sometimes an early denial is the most obvious indication that something is true.

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