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Where is cheap price in Thailand?


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It is not always convenient to go to Hong Kong just for an ice cream or Bulgaria (Spain or Holland) just to rent an apartment, or Germany just to buy a BMW or Peugeot which I cannot re-import here. So, apart from being a smarty-pants what is the point of this whole posting exercise for you? I mean, you obviously know all the answers before you start asking the questions. You say don't want to move here and obviously think the rest of us are doing it wrong by living here at all. Price of essentials is very important but not a whole reason for living somewhere Look instead at the whole package that comes from living in a country, not just what is cheap. I would not want to live in Hong Kong, Bulgaria or Holland, or anywhere it snows for 1/2 the year at any price.

So, is the cheap sex that is the only reason you visit here? Try Philippines, Hong Kong or anywhere in Eastern, formerly Soviet Europe.

To answer the question you did not ask, those of us who live here, choose to do so for a variety of reasons. Family, weather lifestyle etc. Personally I am living here quite nicely here for a fraction of what i would spend at home. My wife owns land so rent is nil and in the countryside or local markets (no, not supermarkets) staple food items are very cheap. My fixed retired income is in another country where I do very nicely from it and here I pay no personal or land tax (council rates) here. I can easily afford to buy many (but obviously not all) the things I miss from home and, on what I save in rent, mortgage, local land taxes, fuel & utility prices against back home, I am well ahead.

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The OP is talking rubbish. In the last year or so i have bought several big ticket items, car, bike, camera, TVs, laptop etc and they have all been far cheaper than the UK. My car a top of the range Fiesta 617,000 baht = @ 12,000 GBP, UK list price 18,000 GBP. My bike a Yamaha NMAX 80,000 baht = @ 1,500 GBP UK list price 2,500 GBP.

I find that hard to believe as all such items I see here seem to cost more than they would in the UK.. And who is his right mind would pay list price for a vehicle in the UK?

I agree you can get a discount in the UK but there is no way you would get a 33% discount. All the other quoted items were much cheaper than the UK.

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The OP is talking rubbish. In the last year or so i have bought several big ticket items, car, bike, camera, TVs, laptop etc and they have all been far cheaper than the UK. My car a top of the range Fiesta 617,000 baht = @ 12,000 GBP, UK list price 18,000 GBP. My bike a Yamaha NMAX 80,000 baht = @ 1,500 GBP UK list price 2,500 GBP.

I find that hard to believe as all such items I see here seem to cost more than they would in the UK.. And who is his right mind would pay list price for a vehicle in the UK?

I agree you can get a discount in the UK but there is no way you would get a 33% discount. All the other quoted items were much cheaper than the UK.

Why would you want a Yamaha nmax in UK? Is the Fiesta the exact model in Thai as per UK? Fiestas are cheap cars, try and buy a more expensive model and compare the prices.

What laptop did you buy? I have just returned from UK with a case full of computer accessories and upgrade parts, far cheaper then sourcing in Thailand.

Edited by DMC1
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Cheap price in LOS..

Gov supplied water...


No local gov house tax...

Motor garage services....

Bottled household gas...

Electricity (not sure but seems cheap to me)...

Local labour cost for household work...

Cigarettes and beer...


New House prices in my area...

Electrical goods....Try Makro....

Computer stuff..(look around)....

Computer and printer repairs...(look around)...

Taxi rides....

Bus services...

Clothes...(look around, Tesco sells some good stuff of various non Tesco brands very cheap)....

whats that lot got to do with the price of a BMW in Hong Kong ?

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Ardo ...scanning through this topic ... I think your wife must be a very understanding lady.

For you and some others Thai currency is called Bhat .... a bath is something slightly different ...and yes gbp to thb is around 45 now ... not your 20 to 25. If it falls to your 25 wife and I may have to go to rice and fish sauce in week four ....555

Edited by JAS21
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Ardo ...scanning through this topic ... I think your wife must be a very understanding lady.

For you and some others Thai currency is called Bhat .... a bath is something slightly different ...and yes gbp to thb is around 45 now ... not your 20 to 25. If it falls to your 25 wife and I may have to go to rice and fish sauce in week four ....555

Hmm, actually I thought it was written as Baht, not Bhat. wink.png

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Ardo ...scanning through this topic ... I think your wife must be a very understanding lady.

For you and some others Thai currency is called Bhat .... a bath is something slightly different ...and yes gbp to thb is around 45 now ... not your 20 to 25. If it falls to your 25 wife and I may have to go to rice and fish sauce in week four ....555

Its not am i say 20-25.

Guy say car price sane as in UK

So i take two car an calculate exchange rate.

So for same price exchange rate must be 20-25.. if 45.

Car near double price different;)

About baht sorry . Its my Poor English.

I try be better

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Ardo ...scanning through this topic ... I think your wife must be a very understanding lady.

For you and some others Thai currency is called Bhat .... a bath is something slightly different ...and yes gbp to thb is around 45 now ... not your 20 to 25. If it falls to your 25 wife and I may have to go to rice and fish sauce in week four ....555

Hmm, actually I thought it was written as Baht, not Bhat. wink.png

It is ... next time I'll use the computer so I can see the screen...I struggle a bit with this phone screen ...
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Cheap price in LOS..

Gov supplied water...


No local gov house tax...

Motor garage services....

Bottled household gas...

Electricity (not sure but seems cheap to me)...

Local labour cost for household work...

Cigarettes and beer...


New House prices in my area...

Electrical goods....Try Makro....

Computer stuff..(look around)....

Computer and printer repairs...(look around)...

Taxi rides....

Bus services...

Clothes...(look around, Tesco sells some good stuff of various non Tesco brands very cheap)....

With what coutry you compare?

In HK/UK not have this is qality water. So how you compare?

Beer... mm in HK cheaper.

Electrical and computer in UK/ HK cheapest 20-70%

Computer chines staff as cable etc in HK cheapes double.

In UK cheapest.

Hoishold work in HK near 4000$hk per month 6 day 24 hour per week from PHilipine

Its 18000 baht. In Bangkok very dificult for 24/6 day oer week for this is price.

Motogarage service? So why i have friend send engine to Singapure and not go to local ?

Taxi riders?? What is?

Taxi in Chiang mai different find and minimum 200 for they move.. in Pattaya same..

Yes in Bangkok its cheap..

Ok then

+ cheap taxi in BKK


In tesco? You mast kidding me.

Where is good?

Slipers simular Tesco 59 -99 . I both in Pattay at evning for 120.. not big deal.

But after few days it looks sucks..

Normal slippers on sales i see i Thailand be price 900 B.( but i am not sure it even original. In HK same 90-120hk on sale its 400-600 B.

So where cheaper?

Cheap stuff as convers in Thailand near 3000b .. OMG... in HK same double cheapest.

Look moto jackets for wife... 30-100% price up when in HK/US/ Spain( to UK its free delivery 1-3 days)

Same for motobot and etc. And even not have!!!

For moto only Helmets HJC low and midle in Thailand same price or maybe cheaper when in HK/UK/ US


I not complain.

Just fact and numbers.

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The OP is talking rubbish. In the last year or so i have bought several big ticket items, car, bike, camera, TVs, laptop etc and they have all been far cheaper than the UK. My car a top of the range Fiesta 617,000 baht = @ 12,000 GBP, UK list price 18,000 GBP. My bike a Yamaha NMAX 80,000 baht = @ 1,500 GBP UK list price 2,500 GBP.

Not to mention housing of course, rent on a 3 bed house 15,000 baht = 300 GBP. Buy a nice house 4-5,000,000 baht = 90,000 GBP. Costs in the UK probably 300% more.

Soorry Fiesta probaly nice car.

Abd i in my life use many low qality car.

Bat i say about QUALITY!!!

Last year in Thailand even have proof ford VS mersedes about what is better quality..

Just no need say benz it lux car an bla bla.

We not check how is deep some pocket.

Just talk about Number.

And i can named to you dozen and dozen car in UK cheapest when in Thailand even some model fiesta.

Sorry but your fiest its not TOP in model line..

So if 10% car in Thai have same price or little be cheapest. Its not change full picture.

And i even not talk abou hight price car.

Look to mazda. WV.. etc..

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laugh.png ............Looks like you are any easy target.........laugh.png

No men.

Its just look.

But.. can we comeback to number?

What electronic stuff is cheapest?

Can you tel me model, spec etc?


Edited by ardokano
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whats that lot got to do with the price of a BMW in Hong Kong ?

Open more your wiev.

... benz,audi,tesla.. LG, Sony .. Lenovo.

Chines no name..


Its not even luxury goods expensive in Thailand.

Chines No name cheap stuff.. double expensive even in LONDON.

But ofcouse not all.. some only 10-20%

About HK i am even not talking..



Have some "71export" or etc chaine cheap clothes. And have some not good but well quality at this is shop..

In HK its CHEAPER!!!

About brand name(even low cost) i am not say...

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Ardon, I think I have given you too much to think about, plus I do not understand your replies, so lets take ONE thing at a time and then you can reply....

First...I sold my UK house in 2006 which was on the outskirts of London, ordinary 3 Bed one bathroom house for 310,000 UKP..

At the same time bought land and built a 3 bed house with 3 bathrooms over looking a lake for around 40,000UKP...

Sorry cant compare.

Any can own land in UK.

In Thai NOT.

Even if burn Children and do not want Thai sitizen. After mom(father) thai die.. relatives can legitimately take away. I do not say they Do it. But CAN!!!

And yiu compare house near London

And house in Tgai vilige?;)

Where even not have normal road(its you say not me)


How much is be price and cost V8 in thailand?

Its same as in UK;)

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Ardon, I think I have given you too much to think about, plus I do not understand your replies, so lets take ONE thing at a time and then you can reply....

First...I sold my UK house in 2006 which was on the outskirts of London, ordinary 3 Bed one bathroom house for 310,000 UKP..

At the same time bought land and built a 3 bed house with 3 bathrooms over looking a lake for around 40,000UKP...

why you spend money so much Mr. Trans for 3 bathloom? 2 bathloom enough. one for Mrs. Trans one for you.

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another example of quality. at my friend not long ago robbed your house. rent for 140 thousand baht. many cameras. the guards at the entrance of the village. even carried two sofas .. and no one has seen or knows anything .. how is this possible? I have to ask permission from the Hong Kong office of the village so that I could take out the old junk furniture.

Even if this is house price rent 17k HK$.. near 75 k B..

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Ardon, I think I have given you too much to think about, plus I do not understand your replies, so lets take ONE thing at a time and then you can reply....

First...I sold my UK house in 2006 which was on the outskirts of London, ordinary 3 Bed one bathroom house for 310,000 UKP..

At the same time bought land and built a 3 bed house with 3 bathrooms over looking a lake for around 40,000UKP...

Sorry cant compare.

Any can own land in UK.

In Thai NOT.

Even if burn Children and do not want Thai sitizen. After mom(father) thai die.. relatives can legitimately take away. I do not say they Do it. But CAN!!!

YOU are OFF topic, WE are talking about YOU complaining about costs in LOS.

NO. 2

In 2006 UK my house monthly water bill was about 50 UKP, in 2016 in LOS my house monthly water bill is between 5 and 9 UKP....

NO 3 soon, but wait your reply...

Its not same..

Its as say in Thailand click price 1000 UKP. And in UK price C 63 70000..

Ah in UK its 70 time highest.

Please compare same.

Water in UK and In LOS not same!!

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another example of quality. at my friend not long ago robbed your house. rent for 140 thousand baht. many cameras. the guards at the entrance of the village. even carried two sofas .. and no one has seen or knows anything .. how is this possible? I have to ask permission from the Hong Kong office of the village so that I could take out the old junk furniture.

Even if this is house price rent 17k HK$.. near 75 k B..

What on earth are you talking about.....?


My UK house 2006...Had to pay local tax for living there...120 UKP a month...

LOS house 00.00 UKP a month...

NO.4 soon, but wait for your reply...rolleyes.gif

PS. We use LOS gov water with no problem..

House tax its maitence payment.

Look around what quality you have in LOS and in UK.. all be cost;)


I am use mio whith no problem.

But i cant compare mio with Mercedes c63

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Ardo, you keep saying how HK is so much cheaper than Thailand so I had to google cost comparisons and it appears HK is very much more expensive than Thailand is pretty much all aspects





Ha ha ha.

...or simular..


You be in HK?

10-12 k hk$

Show me simular appartment as in DiscoVery Bay...

Ho much A4??

Normaly its cheap salon car..

But one thunks in HK no need car.

Evry where have public CLEAN with aircon transport.

In Bangkok YOU MUST have for move with comfort.

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another example of quality. at my friend not long ago robbed your house. rent for 140 thousand baht. many cameras. the guards at the entrance of the village. even carried two sofas .. and no one has seen or knows anything .. how is this possible? I have to ask permission from the Hong Kong office of the village so that I could take out the old junk furniture.

Even if this is house price rent 17k HK$.. near 75 k B..

What on earth are you talking about.....?


My UK house 2006...Had to pay local tax for living there...120 UKP a month...

LOS house 00.00 UKP a month...

NO.4 soon, but wait for your reply...rolleyes.gif

PS. We use LOS gov water with no problem..

To be fair Trans you can't drink LOS water unlike UK. Sorry to keep stirring the pot!

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another example of quality. at my friend not long ago robbed your house. rent for 140 thousand baht. many cameras. the guards at the entrance of the village. even carried two sofas .. and no one has seen or knows anything .. how is this possible? I have to ask permission from the Hong Kong office of the village so that I could take out the old junk furniture.

Even if this is house price rent 17k HK$.. near 75 k B..

What on earth are you talking about.....?


My UK house 2006...Had to pay local tax for living there...120 UKP a month...

LOS house 00.00 UKP a month...

NO.4 soon, but wait for your reply...rolleyes.gif

PS. We use LOS gov water with no problem..

House tax its maitence payment.

Look around what quality you have in LOS and in UK.. all be cost;)


I am use mio whith no problem.

But i cant compare mio with Mercedes c63

UK local gov tax has NOTHING to do with maintenance of the property

Get your facts right before you comment, it is a TAX.......rolleyes.gif

Not maintace of property.

I say As maintace of city.. etc..

Look around..

What have in Thailand from this is

The remaining income, which is often almost entirely derived from business rates, and council tax, typically on a close to 50:50 basis, funds all other local government functions: the police, fire service, recycling, refuse collection / removal, council leisure centres, park and ride schemes, maintenance of parks and open spaces, street cleaning, subsidising of public transport, tourism, museums, environmental health and food safety (for example, in pubs, restaurants, and shops), planning services, support for voluntary groups, meals on wheels, facilities for young people, social care, adapting homes for disabled people, play centres for children, cctv installation, sports facilities, issuing taxi licences, flood defences, and many others.

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Ardo, you keep saying how HK is so much cheaper than Thailand so I had to google cost comparisons and it appears HK is very much more expensive than Thailand is pretty much all aspects





Ha ha ha.

...or simular..


You be in HK?

10-12 k hk$

Show me simular appartment as in DiscoVery Bay...

Ho much A4??

Normaly its cheap salon car..

But one thunks in HK no need car.

Evry where have public CLEAN with aircon transport.

In Bangkok YOU MUST have for move with comfort.

So you agree, HK is more expensive than Thailand.

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Ardo, you keep saying how HK is so much cheaper than Thailand so I had to google cost comparisons and it appears HK is very much more expensive than Thailand is pretty much all aspects





Ha ha ha.

...or simular..


You be in HK?

10-12 k hk$

Show me simular appartment as in DiscoVery Bay...

Ho much A4??

Normaly its cheap salon car..

But one thunks in HK no need car.

Evry where have public CLEAN with aircon transport.

In Bangkok YOU MUST have for move with comfort.

So you agree, HK is more expensive than Thailand.

Quality NOT!!!!


Show me 1 beddrome in place as Discovery Bay in Bangkok for 40000-60000 baht?


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another example of quality. at my friend not long ago robbed your house. rent for 140 thousand baht. many cameras. the guards at the entrance of the village. even carried two sofas .. and no one has seen or knows anything .. how is this possible? I have to ask permission from the Hong Kong office of the village so that I could take out the old junk furniture.

Even if this is house price rent 17k HK$.. near 75 k B..

What on earth are you talking about.....?


My UK house 2006...Had to pay local tax for living there...120 UKP a month...

LOS house 00.00 UKP a month...

NO.4 soon, but wait for your reply...rolleyes.gif

PS. We use LOS gov water with no problem..

To be fair Trans you can't drink LOS water unlike UK. Sorry to keep stirring the pot!

We do chum, yes it runs through a filter (which costs nothing) but we do...smile.png

Its not water from gov its water from filter!!!
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Ardo, you keep saying how HK is so much cheaper than Thailand so I had to google cost comparisons and it appears HK is very much more expensive than Thailand is pretty much all aspects





Ha ha ha.

...or simular..


You be in HK?

10-12 k hk$

Show me simular appartment as in DiscoVery Bay...

Ho much A4??

Normaly its cheap salon car..

But one thunks in HK no need car.

Evry where have public CLEAN with aircon transport.

In Bangkok YOU MUST have for move with comfort.

So you agree, HK is more expensive than Thailand.

Quality NOT!!!!


Show me 1 beddrome in place as Discovery Bay in Bangkok for 40000-60000 baht?


why don't you show us. you keep rattling on about this and that but you provide zero proof

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another extremely interesting thread with the emphasis on Hong Kong prices for chicken feed compared to a haircut and a pedicure in Nakhon Nowhere.

can't wait for the continuation! clap2.gif

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Reckon the OP has lost the plot.........Gov water is NOT gov water cos I filter it...blink.png

Its you lost..

Giv water its water witg out any filtr.

You pay for delivery to you home Clean water..

You pay house tax .. and on This is tax. Gov check. Is it clean water. Is it bot dangerouse food in restaraunt. Etc...

So when you got delivery to yiur home clean water ib Tgailand its can compare..

you even compare the price of flour and bread. well, not that. because you can buy a bread machine and oven at home.


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Reckon the OP has lost the plot.........Gov water is NOT gov water cos I filter it...blink.png

Its you lost..

Giv water its water witg out any filtr.

You pay for delivery to you home Clean water..

You pay house tax .. and on This is tax. Gov check. Is it clean water. Is it bot dangerouse food in restaraunt. Etc...

So when you got delivery to yiur home clean water ib Tgailand its can compare..

you even compare the price of flour and bread. well, not that. because you can buy a bread machine and oven at home.


government tap water in = government tap water out.


what are you talking about?

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why don't you show us. you keep rattling on about this and that but you provide zero proof

Its you give zero..proof

Do you read what you give?

WV golf 1.4 brand new in Thailand less when 900000 baht?

Are you troll?

Please carfull give information


If you sell New golf for even 1 ml baht i buy from you tommorow.

Where I need take my Golf?

Tell me adress i go to bank for cash..

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