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Sweet talking Nigerians conned Thai women, say police


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If memory serves right, a few months back, Thai police arrested another Nigerian guy running the same scam except that he was claiming to be a U.S. military general, as a means of scamming the local ladies.

Ahh... just last month only... handsome Randy!


Edited by TallGuyJohninBKK
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I hope his arrest does not delay the transfer of $24,000,000 dollars to my account, as he promised.

Bad news my friend, sorry to say the Police believed the Nigerians story and after expenses are transfering the money to the mans sick relatives in desparate need of life saving operation.

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Thailand what about all the lies and deception that Thais practice on us westerners i dont seem to recall to many arrests.

I cant recall ever being conned by a Thai (or by anybody for that matter)

You should get out more.....

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Thailand what about all the lies and deception that Thais practice on us westerners i dont seem to recall to many arrests.

And you Westerners never come up with false promises, of course. Soon there'll be Thai ladies calling the police if a Farang comes up with false promises, and out you go :D

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....the scammers got scammed......

...and please stop painting Thai women as 'victims'.....

Obviously they are the victims here.Lumping all Thai women in to the same box is very naive.Same as all farangs don't sit at the bar and sweet talk Thai women.

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What a sad,revengeful lot on this forum.Something bad happens to somebody and many here thing it is a good thing,just because she is a Thai woman.There are more than 30 million women in this country,they all can't be scammers.It is a sad reflection on yourselves how you think,they are bad,we are good.

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I am approached online nearly every day, with offers of between 7 million and 100 million dollars. Once I replied, just to play along. The scam was that they wanted me to cover the courier fee, to have the check sent overnight mail. The courier fee was $235, and had to be sent Western Union. Told them the jig was up. People do stupid things all the time. Plenty of foreigners get fleeced by Thai woman, with every scam under the sun. So a few Thai women get fleeced by the Nigerian men. Can't say my heart is bleeding.

The best part is this:

Shortly after his arrest a man called Patrick Ebguche, 31, also a Nigerian national appeared at the station. He told police that the money in the carrier bag belonged to someone else and was needed to "help a family who were facing danger in Nigeria". He said that he had contacted Benson to get a Thai bank account set up.

Imagine the look on the cops faces when this fool shows up at the police station? I need my money back. Please, we worked really hard for it. You have no idea how many women we had to fleece for that money. I told my friend it was a bad idea to carry it all around in a shopping bag. He just does not listen to me. Please, just give us the money back, and let us go.

What sites do you go on to receive all these offers.I don't get any,i'm feeling left out here.

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Thailand what about all the lies and deception that Thais practice on us westerners i dont seem to recall to many arrests.

That could be something to do with there not being any reports to the police about "all the lies and deception that Thais practice on us westerners". If you've been the victim of deception by Thais you would have reported it, yes?

How many times do you hear of women scamming men , its theft do you live in the real world. I know quite a few people still in litigation and yes they have reported it.

A lot of farangs are gullible and not very bright.Even after they are told they are paying too much for this and that,they don't believe the messenger.Many men are dependent on the little woman,and don't intergrate with the locals at all.Sad way to live.

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I have learned to discard any attempt from someone from an African country to contact me...

They seem to always want to send me money from a distant relative I never knew I had...

Scamming people appears not to be a crime in these countries...

While Thai women getting scammed gets a lot of attention...Thai women scamming foreigners is not news...wonder why?


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So if a Thai does it to a foreigner TUFF LUCK. But they have Thai women trusting BLACK MEN? I don't think so. People love WHITE too much here. I just love the way all these BAD people rush to the police station to ASSIST. ha ha bloody ha.

The Nigerians do not put their own photographs on the dating websites, I saw one recently that was a pic of USA government spokesman for Ronald Reagan. Very handsome flanked by two US flags.

A friend of my gf recently asked to borrow fifty thousand from us because this rich American was sending her diamonds and four hundred thousand in cash but it was held up in customs, she still believes we shafted her because we would not loan her the money.

I also years ago had a black guy contact me on a certain dating web site, with a picture of a very pretty nurse, I could tell by his use of English that he was African, and I strung him along for several weeks, he was getting very desperate to return to Thailand from nursing in Africa as his her life was in danger. I blew him away in the end to web site owners but guarantee he was on again the next day with a new photograph new line new story.

It's not only greed from the Thai lady perspective, it's lack of education and a sad lack of knowledge how the world really works, easy to hook an issan girl who left school at eleven years old.

Read my comment and understand exactly how these con artist works with people. Plenty of Thai women don't fancy white males at all and prefer the chocolate version of men. Most of them are conned by their chocolate internet lovers. Thais are born to con and manipulate other people and that are the reason why they fall for these con artists.

Your last comment is racist,shame,shame,shame.From the cradle to the grave,eh.I doubt you live here and if you do,you must have a sad life,looking out for every Thai trying to con you.

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I hope the police keep the money and these scumbags are deported for good.

You don't think it would be better to return the money to the swindled women?

I hope the money is confiscated first & foremost.

If the victims can be identified and found then, ofcurse, I hope it is returned to them.

Out of curiousity, can someone name anything positive to ever have come from a Nigerian? All I have ever seen or read about them is its a corrupt people.

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if a Thai female is stupid enough to trust and even talk t a nigerian then she deserves everything she gets! only a brain dead Thai or Foreigner would trust or get near any nigerian! they have been in thailand for years fleecing both thai's and foreigners and it has been in the papers and Thai Visa! I guess it does prove that there is ALWAYS a charlie tuna out there somewhere!

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if a Thai female is stupid enough to trust and even talk t a nigerian then she deserves everything she gets! only a brain dead Thai or Foreigner would trust or get near any nigerian! they have been in thailand for years fleecing both thai's and foreigners and it has been in the papers and Thai Visa! I guess it does prove that there is ALWAYS a charlie tuna out there somewhere!

Fair enough.

But do you think the Nigerian scammers should be allowed to keep the money and be allowed to remain in thailand without criminal charges as well?

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I am approached online nearly every day, with offers of between 7 million and 100 million dollars. Once I replied, just to play along. The scam was that they wanted me to cover the courier fee, to have the check sent overnight mail. The courier fee was $235, and had to be sent Western Union. Told them the jig was up. People do stupid things all the time. Plenty of foreigners get fleeced by Thai woman, with every scam under the sun. So a few Thai women get fleeced by the Nigerian men. Can't say my heart is bleeding.

The best part is this:

Shortly after his arrest a man called Patrick Ebguche, 31, also a Nigerian national appeared at the station. He told police that the money in the carrier bag belonged to someone else and was needed to "help a family who were facing danger in Nigeria". He said that he had contacted Benson to get a Thai bank account set up.

Imagine the look on the cops faces when this fool shows up at the police station? I need my money back. Please, we worked really hard for it. You have no idea how many women we had to fleece for that money. I told my friend it was a bad idea to carry it all around in a shopping bag. He just does not listen to me. Please, just give us the money back, and let us go.

What sites do you go on to receive all these offers.I don't get any,i'm feeling left out here.

Believe me, these are not offers I am seeking. I am on a number of email lists, and get them all the time. The Nigerians are quite creative with some of their scams. They usually start off with "Dearly beloved, as God is our witness my late husband left 50 million dollars, which we are in need of your assistance to free up from the bank".

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These people are geniusus,

do they ever sleep or stay up

all night thinking up these scams

SO,, i'm no dummy myself,,,

How do you identify a Nigerian scammer

---- drum roll ---

look for the bags under his eyes

--- boom boom ---

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I hope the police keep the money and these scumbags are deported for good.

You don't think it would be better to return the money to the swindled women?

I hope the money is confiscated first & foremost.

If the victims can be identified and found then, ofcurse, I hope it is returned to them.

Out of curiousity, can someone name anything positive to ever have come from a Nigerian? All I have ever seen or read about them is its a corrupt people.

Lived in Ghana for two years and met other volunteers working in Nigeria. They said police and authorities were a nightmare but most people were great people.

But nice people don't make headlines, eh...

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The Laurel n Hardy of the underworld still managed to find enough women even dumber than them to rake in a cool million dot five? I'm calling BS. They'd clearly just done a stealth robbery elsewhere and were busted en route.

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The Laurel n Hardy of the underworld still managed to find enough women even dumber than them to rake in a cool million dot five? I'm calling BS. They'd clearly just done a stealth robbery elsewhere and were busted en route.

I wondered the dpsame thing about the amount and that most Thai women want nothing to do with Nigerians.

Maybe the money is actually from prostitution (sorry if the suggestion offends the znigerian supporters on this forum).

The Authorities would not want to openly recognize that prostitution is so prolific AND the Thai community would be more sympathetic if the source of the funds were identified as being from hard-working Thai women.

Either way, I am glad the money has been discovered and I get a real chuckle that the one guy came in to claim it was for a sick relative. Make life hard for these anigerian scumbags.

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  • 2 weeks later...

People are conned by <deleted!> crooks and this has nothing to do with greed but with the investment without a lawyer properly supervising the transaction. Those crooks will always be crooks no matter what. The only way to get them out is a long term jail and after forced labour, so they can't con anybody anymore. 

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Shortly after his arrest a man called Patrick Ebguche, 31, also a Nigerian national appeared at the station. He told police that the money in the carrier bag belonged to someone else and was needed to "help a family who were facing danger in Nigeria".


I want to see a photo of this man's testicles.  They must be gigantic.  

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