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Obama: Trump ‘woefully unfit’ to be President


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On 12/29/2016 at 6:13 PM, Briggsy said:

Trump will... take credit for every positive thing that happens



Not just Trump. His supporters too:

"Trump gets elected, and suddenly people all over the world are celebrating Christmas! Coincidence? I think not!"



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16 hours ago, maprao said:

History will prove him to be a great president just like Ronald Reagan


4 hours ago, iReason said:



You need to raise your standards bubba...


 “By the end of his term, 138 Reagan administration officials had been convicted, had been indicted,

or had been the subject of official investigations for official misconduct and/or criminal violations."


"In terms of number of officials involved, the record of his administration was the worst ever.”





Reagan's Real Legacy



10 Reprehensible Crimes Of Ronald Reagan


 I have no doubt Trump will be able to surpass these achievements.

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Now elected (what a tragedy!) man baby, obviously mentally ill trump now begins to prove what we already knew, he is totally unfit to be president.


twitter mad man strikes again. Tone of a president?  More like an immature child, which is why the MAN BABY label has stuck --


Donald J. Trump ‏@realDonaldTrump  2h2 hours ago
Happy New Year to all, including to my many enemies and those who have fought me and lost so badly they just don't know what to do. Love!





Trump keeps saying he wants unity — and keeps showing that it’s up to everyone else

Past presidents have similarly entered office to lead a divided nation. For Trump, the path to unity is narrow: Stop complaining about him and unify around him. When given a teleprompter, Trump makes the sort of pronouncements about working together that you'd expect of a president-elect. Once he grabs his phone and starts tweeting, though, his real thoughts — as always — leak out.




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A quote from Michael Lewis, the author of Liars' Poker and The Big Short  as well as many other books:

"The phenomenon of Donald Trump, whose crassness is alien to Michael’s upbringing, has reinforced this basic premise of his morality. “The truly bad thing about Trump is that he’s exploiting for his own gain the envy that some people feel, playing on their resentments,” Michael tells me with a political intensity I have never before noticed in him. “He denigrates and preys on people who are unlucky and then reinforces the good fortunes of people who are already lucky.”


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The Huckster hires a Huckster. Birds of a feather...


Meet the Pastor Who Prays With Donald Trump


Donald Trump’s son Eric was glowing when he sat down at a Cleveland restaurant next to Orlando pastor Paula White."


“Your prayer did it, Paula,” Eric told her. The younger Trump’s teleprompter had broken the night before

as he prepared to address the Republican National Convention."


“I thought I was going to have to wing 15 minutes to them all,” he said. “You prayed, and the prompter went back on.”  :laugh:



Florida ‘seed faith’ huckster pastor to deliver religious invocation at Trump inaugural

"White is a practitioner of what is known as the “prosperity gospel”, which, in it’s simplest terms,

means followers give the church money based upon the belief that God. will somehow return that investment many times over.

That offering is known as “seed.”




Televangelist Paula White Hawks "Resurection For Life" For $1144 "Seed"

"Longtime televangelist and senior Pastor of New Destiny Christian Center in Apopka, Florida, Paula White offered her followers an Easter Sunday deliverance from a spiritual death sentence for a $1,144 "resurrection seed" she says was set by God."


"I don't know what decision that caused death to come upon whatever the situation you're facing,

but I do know that God has sent me to you to bring resurrection life."


"To tell you that I believe that as we put our faith together before Easter Sunday on March 27, there's gonna be resurrection life in your life," said White."



Hallelujah! Back from the dead for only $1144 bucks!


The Clown Train continues it's dive into the depths of absurdity.

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11 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

Olberman on form and 100% correct.


Here we have a guy that said he 'knows nothing about computers' and later says he 'knows a lot about hacking, more than you know'!


If you want a celebrity for President, go for Olberman!



he 'knows nothing about computers' and later says he 'knows a lot about hacking, more than you know'!


Desperate much, methinks, to tar Trump. Millions of people know nothing about how a car works, yet they consider themselves to be good drivers.

I know sod all about how a computer works, but if I were interested enough I'm sure I could find out lots about hacking, especially if I were rich enough to hire people that do know lots to educate me about it.

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32 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

he 'knows nothing about computers' and later says he 'knows a lot about hacking, more than you know'!


Desperate much, methinks, to tar Trump. Millions of people know nothing about how a car works, yet they consider themselves to be good drivers.

I know sod all about how a computer works, but if I were interested enough I'm sure I could find out lots about hacking, especially if I were rich enough to hire people that do know lots to educate me about it.

We have a yuuge record of Trump bloviating on just about every topic.  No evidence at all that he has a deep understanding of any of the issues. Yet now you credit him with being knowlegeable on the subject of hacking?  Do you have access to his private deliberations?  Because publicly he has said nothing that would indicate any understanding of the issue at all.

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Just now, ilostmypassword said:

We have a yuuge record of Trump bloviating on just about every topic.  No evidence at all that he has a deep understanding of any of the issues. Yet now you credit him with being knowlegeable on the subject of hacking?  Do you have access to his private deliberations?  Because publicly he has said nothing that would indicate any understanding of the issue at all.


He was clever enough to become president elect, so compared to that hacking is elementary.

His best trick was to convince the opposition that he is stupid, when he's not.

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6 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:


He was clever enough to become president elect, so compared to that hacking is elementary.

His best trick was to convince the opposition that he is stupid, when he's not.

No he is not stupid, most master crooks are not. Your attempts to try and defend the Trump by actually trying to persuade us that maybe Trump does know a lot about hacking are simply beyond ridiculous. Talk about scraping the barrel.

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2 minutes ago, Silurian said:

And did anyone think Mexico would pay for the wall? Another one of the con-man POTUS elect's snow jobs.


Sources: Trump will ask Congress, not Mexico, to pay for border wall



This is just too funny for words. The white supremacist movements are already threatening a revolt over Trump breaking his promises, this will have them burning crosses down in the South tonight. It is TV comedy gold but the problem is in 2 weeks he has his finger on the button.

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15 minutes ago, Silurian said:

And did anyone think Mexico would pay for the wall? Another one of the con-man POTUS elect's snow jobs.


Sources: Trump will ask Congress, not Mexico, to pay for border wall




He said that we would pay for the wall initially and Mexico would pay us back. This was before he was elected president. Nothing new here.



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2 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


He said that we would pay for the wall initially and Mexico would pay us back. This was before he was elected president. Nothing new here.





Do you have no shame Ulysses? I mean really? He TOLD all those baying screaming deplorables at his rally's that Mexico would pay. Now he is asking Congress for the money. You HAVE BEEN SCAMMED! Face up to it, look in the mirror and just admit it, the release you will feel will be truly liberating. Stop trying to defend the indefensible. If you do we will not make fun of you and comment about it........well not much anyway, and definitely not for long .

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49 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

No he is not stupid, most master crooks are not. Your attempts to try and defend the Trump by actually trying to persuade us that maybe Trump does know a lot about hacking are simply beyond ridiculous. Talk about scraping the barrel.

Not defending him at all. Just pointing out he's not stupid, and anyone can learn about hacking without knowing how a computer works.

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Just now, Ulysses G. said:

It is right there in black and white - well before the election.


He said that we would pay for the wall to start with and Mexico would pay us back. Nothing has changed.




What gobbledygook.


Oct. 22 is well before the election?

Don't you mean 18 days?


Nothing has changed? :cheesy:


Just the con-man backtracking on another of his key "promises".



"Mexico will be reimbursing the United States" :cheesy:


Funny, the huckster never mentioned that since he first announced the wall in June '15.

Or, at any of his rallies...



I can hear the alternate chant from the Deplorables:

"Build that Wall!  Build that Wall!   Mexico will pay us back! :cheesy:

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Yet another issue that the con-man POTUS elect will have no idea how to handle. He will probably just keep on spouting stupid tweets and blame the tech companies for lack of job growth.


"Forget foreign scapegoats. Tech innovation is what's killing jobs. And the revolt after Trump will resemble the real Luddite movement."


The Coming Tech Backlash



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4 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Not defending him at all. Just pointing out he's not stupid, and anyone can learn about hacking without knowing how a computer works.

A person who does not know computers can learn the sophisticated hacking that involves surreptitiously planting a program on someone's computer and have it stay there un-noticed for months while gathering and sending information to the hacker?


Nobody's buying that nonsense. I'm also not buying the "he's not stupid" claim.  He has the kind of stupidity that allows him to reject all facts that he disagrees with and invent facts that support what he wants to believe.  That is a special kind of stupidity shared by many of his supporters.  It's also an extremely dangerous kind of stupidity for POTUS.

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This guy is truly off the plot. Are they really going to inaugurate him in 2 weeks. I mean REALLY??



Donald J. Trump ✔@realDonaldTrump

The dishonest media does not report that any money spent on building the Great Wall (for sake of speed), will be paid back by Mexico later!

6:19 PM - 6 Jan 2017


  2,634 Retweets           6,916 likes


So now it is "The Great Wall", he will be calling himself Ghengis Trump next.


Just how will the USA make Mexico pay it back later? Increase taxes on their imported goods? The consumer pays for those therefore the "Great Wall" will be paid for by the American people as they will pay for the increased price of Mexican goods.


The Mexicans are to the USA what Chinese were to SE Asia and Indians to Africa and Europe. They make the economy's run. Take them away and the fabric of economy and trade collapses. Idi Amin thought it would be a good idea to get rid of the Indians from Uganda, they were the economic powerhouse behind the country. Within a very short time after the Indians were evicted from Uganda the economy did indeed collapse. If Trump messes around with the Mexicans he better have a really good strong plan B to make sure the US economy does not go down the toilet.


Obama had "Obamacare" I guess Ghengis Trump not only wants "Trump Care" but also "The Great Trump Wall", he probably wants it to be seen from outer space as well.








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Donald Trump, Melania Trump, Barron Trump


How Trump's 10-year-old son could guide U.S. cybersecurity

" Astonishingly, Trump's imagination for what computers can do — and therefore what technical vulnerabilities today's companies, consumers and governments might face — appears limited by the observed skill set of his 10-year-old son." His technical incuriosity helps us understand why, for example, he (wrongly) believes that manufacturing jobs are primarily disappearing due to insufficient tariffs, rather than automation.



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Now, what will happen in the near future. USA is going to have a mentally sick president, who suffers from narcissistic disorder. A president who is easily directed to a certain direction by a few 'nice' words from the people or countries who are willing to abuse his shortcomings. Putin is ahead of the game, in Kremlin they are already calling Trump with worse names than 'Our britch' 

The USA allies, basically the whole western world, western Europe etc. have to rethink their position over again. The once reliable friend is no longer reliable anymore. What should we do?

If we can't trust the president of the United States anymore, why should we trust the country anymore? If we can't trust the country, why should we buy our military equipment from untrusted source. Why should we trust that there are no malware included to our new fighter jets? It would be stupid. 

On consumer products, this trust of the origin country is going to be ever more important in the near future. It was talked in the telco world a decade ago and it's now coming to the everyday electronics. 

Trump is killing that trust and United States with it. Either knowingly or just being simply to narcissistic that he don't understand or admit that he is been played. 

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