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Obama: Trump ‘woefully unfit’ to be President


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5 hours ago, Opl said:

" Why I Will Not Cast My Electoral Vote for Donald Trump" By CHRISTOPHER SUPRUNDEC. 5, 2016 - " I am a Republican presidential elector, one of the 538 people asked to choose officially the president of the United States. Since the election, people have asked me to change my vote based on policy disagreements with Donald J. Trump. ..Hamilton also reminded us that a president cannot be a demagogue....Presidential electors have the legal right and a constitutional duty to vote their conscience...."



Now there is a true American!

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14 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

Here we go, from rednecks touting automatic weapons to people actually advocating an all out war with the worlds next super power! You are off your bloody rocker!!!!

Do you have a problem with comprehension?

I said "I for one, hope that is true.

The conflict is going to happen eventually. I'd prefer it to happen when my side has a better chance of winning."

point out where in that I "advocate" an all out war".

Definition of conflict


competitive or opposing action of incompatibles :  antagonistic state or action (as of divergent ideas, interests, or persons).


It would be great if people responded to what I actually say and not inventing things I never did say.



BTW such statements as You are off your bloody rocker!!!! are, IMO, trolling and flaming.

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15 hours ago, scorecard said:


And you make it all sound so simple.


Are you aware of any of the details why Carrier wanted to move some work offshore? I don't know but just maybe the reality is simply business survival and/or provide an acceptable return to shareholders (after all the good old USA is the bastion of unabated go go go capitalism).


So just wait a while and no doubt Carrier will find another way to reduce costs, quite possibly by generating greater business inefficiencies and downsizing some jobs.


No doubt hero donald trump will then step in again and order them not to downsize and lose jobs. The irony of course being that in the good old USA it's unwritten law (and gop philosophy) that making big dollars and with little respect for workers comes first.


The second irony is donald trumps' own long and substantial record of not paying his bills, so how can he ask other companies to have morals and take care of employees?  


So just wait a while and no doubt Carrier will find another way to reduce costs, quite possibly by generating greater business inefficiencies and downsizing some jobs.


In a recent interview, Greg Hayes (UT CEO) gave further insight with regard to Carrier's future plans. Keeping production in the US will be possible through investment in automation, which ultimately means jobs will be lost, one way or another. Another thing discussed was that focus should be given to job education - what with production line jobs being less desirable, and less viable.


The CEO of United Technologies just let slip an unintended consequence of the Trump-Carrier jobs deal



Such shifts in job skills take time, even if introduced in a planned manner.

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3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Do you have a problem with comprehension?

I said "I for one, hope that is true.

The conflict is going to happen eventually. I'd prefer it to happen when my side has a better chance of winning."

point out where in that I "advocate" an all out war".

Definition of conflict


competitive or opposing action of incompatibles :  antagonistic state or action (as of divergent ideas, interests, or persons).


It would be great if people responded to what I actually say and not inventing things I never did say.



BTW such statements as You are off your bloody rocker!!!! are, IMO, trolling and flaming.


It would be great if people responded to what I actually say and not inventing things I never did say.



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About the trump base voters. Real people for sure but really not so smart.



But I will not concede that a greater wisdom exists in what is known as “flyover country.” It has voted for a charlatan, a blinged ignoramus who has promised the past as the future. Trump, who lives in a gilded bubble of his own, cannot reverse automation, replace robots with people or blunt American businesses’ compulsive search for the cheapest workforce.

Gibson is one thing. I understand. What I cannot understand is fellow bubble dwellers who tell me, with an air of impeccable condescension, that a vote for Trump was such proof of their own superior wisdom that it eclipsed all doubts about his qualifications, his temperament, his honesty in business and his veracity in speech. These people live in a bubble of their own. It is one that excludes the lesson of history and the demands of common sense. It will burst.




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On ‎07‎.‎12‎.‎2016 at 1:35 PM, Morch said:


So just wait a while and no doubt Carrier will find another way to reduce costs, quite possibly by generating greater business inefficiencies and downsizing some jobs.


In a recent interview, Greg Hayes (UT CEO) gave further insight with regard to Carrier's future plans. Keeping production in the US will be possible through investment in automation, which ultimately means jobs will be lost, one way or another. Another thing discussed was that focus should be given to job education - what with production line jobs being less desirable, and less viable.


The CEO of United Technologies just let slip an unintended consequence of the Trump-Carrier jobs deal



Such shifts in job skills take time, even if introduced in a planned manner.

The link doesn't work for me, but anyway. IMO American companies will be happy to return to the US when Trump's policies make it cheap to do so, or stay to avoid the penalties. Unfortunately, they will all automate shortly. That would have happened anyway, regardless of whomever is president. Looking at the humans on the Carrier assembly line, they do nothing that can't be done by a robot.

I don't know if Trump is not aware of this or does and isn't saying anything, but it's coming in by stealth, and a lot of people are going to be getting severance notices in the next few years.

It's long past time for a full on discussion about this, as it will mean nations full of unemployed and unemployable people.

Like I said, this is nothing to do with Trump, but he is going to have to deal with the results.

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14 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

The link doesn't work for me, but anyway. IMO American companies will be happy to return to the US when Trump's policies make it cheap to do so, or stay to avoid the penalties. Unfortunately, they will all automate shortly. That would have happened anyway, regardless of whomever is president. Looking at the humans on the Carrier assembly line, they do nothing that can't be done by a robot.

I don't know if Trump is not aware of this or does and isn't saying anything, but it's coming in by stealth, and a lot of people are going to be getting severance notices in the next few years.

It's long past time for a full on discussion about this, as it will mean nations full of unemployed and unemployable people.

Like I said, this is nothing to do with Trump, but he is going to have to deal with the results.


I would guess there's quote a difference between your opinion and actually running a company facing this dilemma. How will Trump's policies make it cheap to do so? How will companies actually react to such policies? What would be the effect on consumers and workers? I don't think you have good answers for any of these questions, so no need to bother. And before the tired rejoinder - I do not have these answers as well, but I do have doubts based on the explanations provided up until now. Why not shut up, wait and see? Because I don't have to, and because if and when it goes pear shaped, the damage done would be hard to undo. Mind, this is not saying that things are great and should not be changed, more to do with how change is introduced and where it's supposed to lead.


We are agreed this was nothing much to do with Trump, more a PR stunt than anything else. 

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On ‎12‎/‎6‎/‎2016 at 2:10 PM, Andaman Al said:

Now there is a true American!

Now there's an American in name only who puts his "vote" above every other American's, not to mention the Constitution.  Yeah - some American he is.   'Hopefully not going to be an elector much longer since he can't handle the responsibility.   Talk about small-minded and self-obsessed.   Gee, more like him and we can just abandon democracy entirely, implement a one-party system, and be more like N. Korea and Iran.  Woohoo!


And Obama calling someone else, ANYONE else, "woefully unfit" is just TOO funny!    5555555555555555555555555555555555   Barry, you're a hoot!









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1 hour ago, linksman00 said:

I haven't visited any of these political threads since the Trump election so it will take me a while to get caught up, but so far I am in utter amazement that the left wing flakes here on thaivisa are still in such denial about the Trump victory. You boys and girls really need to get over it and move on with your lives :wink:   The American people in the heartland ( black, white, hispanic, asian, women and men)  finally woke up and said  they have had enough with the libs on both coasts, they are tired of part time minimum wage jobs, they are fed up not only with the failure and lies of Obamcare but also with the federal government trying to run their lives, and last but not least they are fed up with political correctness and their loss of liberty. The U.S.A. has been very badly damaged over the past 16 years of gross fiscal negligence and incompetent leadership, it is time to get back to what made the U.S.A. great in the first place, free market capitalism, opportunity for everyone without burdensome regulations, and most of all personal responsibility :thumbsup:  There is no doubt that  President elect Trump has an uphill battle, given the fiscal mess the U.S.A. is in and the massive stock, bond and real estate bubbles that the Federal Reserve has created, but if anyone can fix this mess it will have to be a non politician like Trump.  There will be a great deal of pain in 2017-2018 as the stock and bond markets reset to more realistic values and some of the real estate markets around the country drop by 30-40%, but the end result will be a country with greater opportunity for everyone (not just the 1% like during the Bush-Obama years), a country with more fiscal and personal responsibility, and a country that helps the underclass with jobs instead of handouts and gives them a sense of self respect. The Nanny State and political correctness will die a horrible death as they should, but in the end the U.S.A. will once again be that beacon on the hill that the rest of the world will marvel at, and yes we all will work together to make America great again!

"There will be a great deal of pain in 2017-2018 as the stock and bond markets reset to more realistic values and some of the real estate markets around the country drop by 30-40%..."


As painful as that would be, I almost want to see it just to witness the reaction of the new Ego in Chief.  Most of Trump's fortune is in real estate.


The rest of the post is nonsense.  Since 1992 the US voters have been alternating between smart and dumb presidents.  The smart Presidents, Clinton and Obama, stay out of wars, improve the economy, and reduce the deficit.  The dumb presidents, Bush and now Trump, start wars, wreck the economy, and drive the deficit sky high.  Trump will be interesting, he will do more damage in four years (assuming he isn't impeached for criminal incompetence and self-enrichment) than Bush could to in eight.

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Stock up on essentials, water, bullets and anything else they recommend in Doomsday Preppers!


Trump leaps in before he is even in the chair! An incident involving a US Military Drone being handled in Military/Diplomatic channels tweeted out by Trump.



Donald Trump wades into diplomatic crisis with China again - but gets his spelling wrong with 'unpresidented' tweet



Both countries had been seeking to quietly resolve the delicate incident, with the Chinese foreign ministry stating it was working with the United States to "appropriately handle" the matter. President Barack Obama avoided passing comment at his end-of-year press conferenceon Friday. 

But in the early hours of Saturday morning the US president-elect waded into the row, tweeting out a misspelled commentary: "China steals United States Navy research drone in international waters - rips it out of water and takes it to China in unpresidented act."


US and China had both appeared keen not to allow the drone capture, which occurred on Thursday in the South China Sea, to escalate into afull blown diplomatic incident.

The Chinese foreign ministry played down the details, explaining it was negotiating with the US over the “glider”, which is used to collect unclassified scientific data.

It said in a brief statement that the two countries were using military channels to "appropriately handle" this issue.




Trump is absolutely dangerous!

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The Deplorables have been confirmed.

By Huckster himself.  :thumbsup:


Donald Trump: Yes, My Supporters Were ’Nasty and Mean and Vicious’ During Campaign


"The 70-year-old real estate mogul’s remarks come in sharp contrast to his characterization of his own rallies during the campaign, which at the time he called a “love fest” and “the safest place on Earth.” :laugh:




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6 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

Pretty sure Trump was just kidding around. Sounds like a coach lecturing a football team on a new strategy. Very little violence was initiated by his supporters at the rallies. 


no, no, ..... he was describing himself, his supporters mirror and parrot his ego ( " I am a gentlemean .. go ahead Hillary")

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50 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

Pretty sure Trump was just kidding around. Sounds like a coach lecturing a football team on a new strategy.

Very little violence was initiated by his supporters at the rallies. 




The Trump Troll Army at Spin Central are shameless with their disinformation and blind devotion.  The Hate spewed at the con-man's rallies was so putridly thick, one needed a chainsaw to cut through it. Plenty of violence initiated as well.


But The Huckster, like yourself, wants to rewrite "his story"


P.S. Why would you need a new strategy if you had won? :laugh:

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Farewell, America

No matter how the rest of the world looked at us on Nov. 7, they will now look at us differently.


Well worth a read, unless you are a Trumpeteer, who will ignore anything that is written and just character assassinate the author - pretty much what it says in the text actually.



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1 hour ago, Andaman Al said:


Well worth a read, unless you are a Trumpeteer, who will ignore anything that is written and just character assassinate the author - pretty much what it says in the text actually.




Wow. This is the same dishonest, leftist rhetoric that got Trump elected in the first place. Savvy voters rejected it completely. There is only one point worth considering in the whole thing - but in reality - he will not remain popular unless he can produce. 


"Though Trump is an extremist, I have a feeling that he will be a very popular president and one likely to be re-elected by a substantial margin, no matter what he does or fails to do."

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10 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

Wow. This is the same dishonest, leftist rhetoric that got Trump elected in the first place.


No, there is nothing dishonest about it, BUT THIS is dishonest rhetoric.


2 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

Pretty sure Trump was just kidding around. Sounds like a coach lecturing a football team on a new strategy. Very little violence was initiated by his supporters at the rallies. 


My God, Trump even tried initiating the violence himself, or have you forgot those clips? He wasn't kidding, his followers were nasty! Still shouting lock her up! at the 'thank you' events. Are the 'savvy' supporters just 'kidding around'


12 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

Savvy voters

More dishonest rhetoric, labelling Trump voters as 'savvy voters'  :cheesy:

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2 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

Farewell, America

Well worth a read, unless you are a Trumpeteer, who will ignore anything that is written and just character assassinate the author - pretty much what it says in the text actually.




More chicken little sky is falling crapola



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6 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:


He wasn't kidding, his followers were nasty! Still shouting lock her up! at the 'thank you' events. Are the 'savvy' supporters just 'kidding around'



Nothing nasty about demanding justice. I agree with Trump that she has already been through enough - losing her dream. However, there is the issue of those at the top escaping the punishment that the average American would surely receive. Trump has been magnanimous in victory, but that does not mean that charging Hillary is not a reasonable demand.

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3 hours ago, Andaman Al said:


Well worth a read, unless you are a Trumpeteer, who will ignore anything that is written and just character assassinate the author - pretty much what it says in the text actually.




Yes worth a read, thank you for sharing

Farewell America ... Discover Trumpworld , and it's not a new dream

Imagine the new générations born under Trump Administration ( 8 years if no more - he might be able to change the Constitution)  

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4 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


Wow. This is the same dishonest, leftist rhetoric that got Trump elected in the first place. Savvy voters rejected it completely. There is only one point worth considering in the whole thing - but in reality - he will not remain popular unless he can produce. 


"Though Trump is an extremist, I have a feeling that he will be a very popular president and one likely to be re-elected by a substantial margin, no matter what he does or fails to do."

The next sentence is far more telling:


" That’s because ever since the days of Ronald Reagan, rhetoric has obviated action, speechifying has superseded governing."


I've yet to meet a Trump supporter who can intelligently discuss the issues, or one that will acknowledge that complex problems do not have simple solutions.  I only meet Trump supporters who like the noise he makes.

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12 minutes ago, heybruce said:


I've yet to meet a Trump supporter who can intelligently discuss the issues, or one that will acknowledge that complex problems do not have simple solutions.  I only meet Trump supporters who like the noise he makes.



Sounds more like your own bias. There are plenty of them on this very forum. Neversure, JDGRUEN and ClutchClark come to mind, but there are others.

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11 minutes ago, heybruce said:

The next sentence is far more telling:


" That’s because ever since the days of Ronald Reagan, rhetoric has obviated action, speechifying has superseded governing."


I've yet to meet a Trump supporter who can intelligently discuss the issues, or one that will acknowledge that complex problems do not have simple solutions.  I only meet Trump supporters who like the noise he makes.


4 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:



Sounds more like your own bias. There are plenty of them on this very forum. Nevermind, JDGRUEN and ClutchClark come to mind, but there are others.

Really?  Here's a simple, basic issues question for the issues oriented Trump supporters:  Did Trump campaign on a promise of isolationism or aggressive intentional engagement? 

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