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Get your noses out of your phones


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I am so sick and tired of seeing every single Thai Person, with their noses in their mobile phones.  Their eyes bulging, completely transfixed to the latest comings and goings on Facebook or Line.

The only time they take their eyes off their screens is to post yet another stupid lucking narcissistic photo of themselves doing a "selfie".


It gets right up my nose.  </RANT>

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got into a lift today closed the door went to press the button for the floor and then the doors  reopened and the woman who had been standing next to me outside  "finally" got in...............head  buried in her cackphone hadnt even noticed the lift had come and id  got in and almost gone.

I agree with you, many wont

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Says the guy who joined TVF last week and has 133 posts already.  :lol:


Edit:  Oh well, it was 2015 not last week.  I must of been looking at my phone whilst typing on the computer.  LOL.  :P

Edited by 55Jay
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I have noticed the same enthusiasm for this kind of narcissistic behaviour in the UK or USA and certainly not in Germany.


Yes everyone uses a mobile phone, but not having their face in it 24/7 .  Where are the inter personal skills going ?

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1 hour ago, bendejo said:

Been out of Thailand lately?  It's all over the world, wherever the net is accessible and people can afford the phones.




No sorry, it is definitly much worse in Thailand. They have really taken to it.

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I thought about it and it doesn't bother me. I rarely use my phone on the train or MRT because I find it too crowded and it just isn't comfortable. My trips are really short though, usually one or two stops. If I was some working slob coming all the way from the very end and doing hard time on the train an hour each way I would probably be on my phone. Good way to kill time on an otherwise tedious commute.


As the trains get fuller I was thinking it may be good to institute a ban on phones and tablets just because people having on outstretched arm to use their phone take up more spaces than somebody standing with their arms at their sides. 



No sorry, it isn't worse in Thailand, try Singapore, China or Japan. On the island I have a guesthouse and it is all backpackers mainly. Some people have bemoaned the fact everybody is on their phone and ask whatever happened to books? I never really saw what the difference socially is between having your nose in a book or a phone. both aren't great for interaction and it could actually be argued that the book is actually more anti-social as people on phones are normally communicating with other people. 

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When Ipods were the rage and everybody had earphones I never wore them (out and about) because I thought it was rude to be in social settings or working with someone and to be listening to music. Nothing wrong with disconnecting when stuck with strangers or on your own. But so annoying in other situations when you have to break in to someone's consciousness every time you need to communicate. Especially when the communication is only casual and seems too unimportant to make the effort.

Now the smart phones have taken over and people are twice as disconnected.

I am not a chatty guy, but it feels like being ignored even if you don't have anything to say.

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People can do whatever they want BUT when they walk into me because they are staring at their phone..........


Hard to avoid them because you don't know where they will walk to. And they don't either.


People who feel the need to pace as they are talking on their phone are also a hazard.


I am also tired of people that are looking one way and walking in another direction. It's as if I need to walk for both of us.


Anyway, that's MY rant. I now just let them walk into me but I steel myself so I don't get knocked over. They don't appreciate it. Oh well.

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2 minutes ago, elgenon said:

People can do whatever they want BUT when they walk into me because they are staring at their phone..........


Hard to avoid them because you don't know where they will walk to. And they don't either.


People who feel the need to pace as they are talking on their phone are also a hazard.


I am also tired of people that are looking one way and walking in another direction. It's as if I need to walk for both of us.


Anyway, that's MY rant. I now just let them walk into me but I steel myself so I don't get knocked over. They don't appreciate it. Oh well.


'Gave up on trying to dodge the phone morons ages ago.  Now I just let them walk into me if I can't easily walk around.  They barely seem to notice, so I gather they're used to it.  I've seen a few miss their floor on the elevator as well.  Strange behavior.  'Wouldn't think kids doing that could survive to adulthood...    DEFINITELY more Thais subject to this than foreigners.

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Believe you me....nobody gets more annoyed than myself at what you're talking about (ask my wife).

   But I soon realized that this cannot continue (judging people) so I make a sincere effort to "Live and Let Live"...I'm seldom successful. I decided to try and turn a negative situation (in my eyes only) into a positive one....If I can lessen my mental criticism of just one person in a day I am conquering my own defects by at least a tiny bit. .

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10 hours ago, autanic said:

I have noticed the same enthusiasm for this kind of narcissistic behaviour in the UK or USA and certainly not in Germany.


That doesn't surprise me since the new world order there probably don't own phones yet. Sorry, couldn't help it. :whistling:

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I nearly ran a lady over yesterday, so busy with her phone she simply walked across the road without looking, but wait, am on holidays back in Oz, guess it isn't  just Thailand, the younger generation is addicted to their phone.

Edited by Rorri
Predictive text sucks
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I don't mind the ones on the BTS or sitting at Starbucks or anyone who is not really doing anything. The morons who walk down the sidewalk, drive their motorbikes or cars, the waitress who pays more attention to her phone than her customers, these are the ones who bother me. As long as it don't affect me I don't really care, live and let live !

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I gave in about 4 months ago and bought a ""smartphone""".After a week it was driving me crazy and now after four months I took out the sim card and replaced in my old Nokia which behaves itself.I did find out that the not so smartphone was actually made in India but comes in a nice glossy box and looks the bees knees but it just did not perform ,how much ?B2500.Example wake up and look at the screen,message says CPU overheating now 47degs!!!Using the phone ,after approx. ten minutes talk phone goes dead screen goes black and you have to restart by remeoving battery!!Other stuff such as a million "Apps"appear each day .

   Finally considered that as I really only need a device to make phone calls the old Nokia fits the bill!!!!!!!!

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11 hours ago, autanic said:

I have noticed the same enthusiasm for this kind of narcissistic behaviour in the UK or USA and certainly not in Germany.


Yes everyone uses a mobile phone, but not having their face in it 24/7 .  Where are the inter personal skills going ?

When you enter a train in the UK . please be sure to shake hands with all the other passengers.

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Why are you singling out Thai citizens in your post?


Very rude post!


The world population is addicted to their electronic devices!


You should edit your content so discrimination and hate is not alleged. ;)

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I have this FB acquaintance who seems to only eat and take pictures of the food again...again...again....and again. I tried FB settings to get lesser of those posts but it seems the more I try to get lesser of those posts....the more she posts...like mind reading or something.....

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19 minutes ago, brownknees said:

I gave in about 4 months ago and bought a ""smartphone""".After a week it was driving me crazy and now after four months I took out the sim card and replaced in my old Nokia which behaves itself.I did find out that the not so smartphone was actually made in India but comes in a nice glossy box and looks the bees knees but it just did not perform ,how much ?B2500.Example wake up and look at the screen,message says CPU overheating now 47degs!!!Using the phone ,after approx. ten minutes talk phone goes dead screen goes black and you have to restart by remeoving battery!!Other stuff such as a million "Apps"appear each day .

   Finally considered that as I really only need a device to make phone calls the old Nokia fits the bill!!!!!!!!

Really sad to hear somebody abandon the whole "Smartphone" concept just because trying out one obviously faulty product. Like buying a Nokia that is defective from manufacturing and abandoning the whole concept of "Phone" because of one faulty product.

And by the way first time ever I hear of someone getting a phone from India purchased in Thailand lol

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Rather nice little Bistro just opened close to us. We went in. Before we got menus we were given a small card with there WiFi password. I'm old school. If I'm going to drop two or three grand for a nice meal. I either don't bring my phone or turn it off.

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