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Drug fugitive shot dead in a hail of bullets as he takes his wife hostage


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Drug fugitive shot dead in a hail of bullets as he takes his wife hostage



Image: Daily News


KANCHANABURI: -- Dramatic pictures show the moment when a desperate drug fugitive takes his own wife hostage when cornered by police.


Seconds later after he fired at cops a decision was made to take him down - he was shot in the back multiple times and was pronounced dead at the scene, reported Daily News.


His wife was also hit but survived.


The dramatic shootout played out at a rented house in the Tha Maka district of Kanchanaburi on Tuesday when 100 police and soldiers found where Suthiporn Klinhorm, 26, was hiding.


Earlier on Sunday he had escaped from custody in a safe house where he was being held after his arrest for having 25,000 Ya Ba pills. 


He had grabbed a Glock 16 from a soldier when the military man was distracted and made good his escape with another man called Chalermphon Jitniyom, 25.


Police tracked down Chalermphon to Kamphaeng Saen after information was received from relatives and close associates and this ultimately led to Suthiporn.


He was hiding out with his brother in law and was with his wife too when the large force of cops and soldiers cornered him. 


Cops tried to talk him out and persuade him to give himself up but in the end he grabbed a gun and took his own wife hostage aiming shots at police in a bid to escape justice again.


A SWAT team shot him many times in the center of his back with the bullets emerging through his chest. His wife was hit in the right leg and lost the middle finger on her right hand. She was seriously hurt.


A police investigation by top brass officers has begun.


Source: Daily News

-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2016-09-07
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One wonders what training the soldier had having his pistol taken away in the safe house,

then you think about SWAT , does that mean special weapons and tactics, who"s skill in placing single shots away from the centre mass,

it all just seems to be a bit cowboy-ish, 


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I'm no military expert but shouldn't a good sniper be able to shoot a targrt without riddling the human shield with bullets.

Their seeming incompetence has by the reports' words seriously injured this poor lady.

And by all accounts what preceeded this disgraceful incident is farcical to put it mildly

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44 minutes ago, leeneeds said:

One wonders what training the soldier had having his pistol taken away in the safe house,

then you think about SWAT , does that mean special weapons and tactics, who"s skill in placing single shots away from the centre mass,

it all just seems to be a bit cowboy-ish, 


and 100 police personnel to corner him.

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a SWAT, or a blowfly-by-night team?


lucky if she didn't get a leg shot in the main artery




and she's lucky to have some spare fingers, to point with in the photoshots

Edited by tifino
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13 minutes ago, edwinchester said:

Arrested with 25000 yaba tablets and being held by a soldier in a 'safe house' who is then relieved of his handgun.

Perfectly believable.


They didn't gave him the chance to hang himself by his socks,/shirt, of even have

have a liver failure....

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Lost a finger and got shot in the leg. That'll teach here not to get taken hostage in the future.


SWAT my rear end.  They had two choices...keep their heads down or take out the gunman and hostage. I suppose evaluating the risk to the hostage, when they were aiming in her direction, was beyond them. And they say students aren't capable of critical thinking

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30 minutes ago, edwinchester said:

Arrested with 25000 yaba tablets and being held by a soldier in a 'safe house' who is then relieved of his handgun.

Perfectly believable.

Straight out of an evening soap.

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1 hour ago, leeneeds said:

who"s skill in placing single shots away from the centre mass,


There's no such thing as shooting to wound.  You shoot to kill.  I'm currently sitting in the same office with someone who's husband is a SWAT officer in the US and I can assure you that he would get a good chuckle if someone suggested he try to only wound a suspect.  


I'm not saying Thai SWAT couldn't use better training and perhaps there were ways to deescalate the situation but once it becomes a gun fight, shooting to wound is something cooked up by Hollywood.  


Keep in mind, 70% - 80% of bullets fired by police in the US miss their target.  A gun fight is a highly stressful situation and shots are often taken on the move either seeking cover or revealing oneself from a covered position.  There are very few people in the world who could land an intentional "wound" shot (vs. a kill shot) under those conditions.  



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All you need to know is when SWAT comes in wearing jean shorts and tennis shoes. Were they undercover?


I have as much confidence in their command and control abilities as their driving.....


Close range - what not one head shot under a hostage situation? Time for American Sniper training 101.......

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He had grabbed a Glock 16 from a soldier when the military man was distracted and made good his escape with another man called Chalermphon Jitniyom, 25.


Pokemon strikes again!  

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6 minutes ago, Raymonddiaz said:

shot a the back. In any civilized country, there would be an investigation, we don't shoot in the back unless it is a self defense.


There should be an investigation but just looking at the photos, there would appear to be ample cause to shoot him anywhere they could land a bullet with minimal risk to the hostage.  



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2 hours ago, webfact said:

The dramatic shootout played out at a rented house in the Tha Maka district of Kanchanaburi on Tuesday when 100 police and soldiers found where Suthiporn Klinhorm, 26, was hiding.


Even though it was apparently SWAT that ended the incident, these people are acting under enormous stress. The hostage taken would have been 'marked' from multiple sources, it only takes one person to discharge a weapon for a domino effect to occur by others not fully trained for restraint. 


As for the head shot from a marksman, the sniper needs line of sight and authority for that, not sure if that was available. 

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