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45-meter fall, sexually assaulted backpacker Hannah Gavios shares story from hospital bed


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The girl is young and maybe thinks people are basically good,I cant image what fear she had for her life instead of all the bad comments about the why she trusted him to get her back to where she was staying, we should examine the cause of this problem world wide But saying that TIT 

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Usual blame the female victim sicko's that pop up on TV every time a woman is attacked.


Glad you bit of his ear Hannah, great pity that was all.


Don't take what happened to you or any of the ugly crap you read here as really being typical of Thailand.


Hope that you are able to recover from your terrible injuries and terrifying experience and lead a full and happy life.


That will surely be difficult, but keep on hanging in.


We wish you lots of luck.

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50 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


Yes, you can insulate yourself from them by keeping your wits about you.


There is no such thing as, "insulating yourself." The best you can ever do is mitigate risk. I suspect she didn't feel it unsafe to be out and about. For the record, naivete is not a crime. However, it is often quite costly.

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4 hours ago, MyFrenU said:

Are you serious?So she should just take the sexual assault plus this halfwit jacking off over her,along with her broken back and go away quietly?
What colour are the moons on your planet anyway?


this is a presentation of facts. how does that defame anyone?

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36 minutes ago, newnative said:

Time for a hospital visit by the Tourism Minister with a big bunch of flowers.

not really possible for the tourism minister to visit all cases. as long as the victim gets justice, that  should be the concern of the TAT and its minister. she has been fairly active anyway.

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5 hours ago, MyFrenU said:

Are you serious?So she should just take the sexual assault plus this halfwit jacking off over her,along with her broken back and go away quietly?
What colour are the moons on your planet anyway?


this is a presentation of facts. how does that defame anyone?

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14 minutes ago, Songlaw said:


There is no such thing as, "insulating yourself." The best you can ever do is mitigate risk. I suspect she didn't feel it unsafe to be out and about. For the record, naivete is not a crime. However, it is often quite costly.

you are walking down the street. an ugly dog chases you. how do you keep your wits?

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1 hour ago, daveAustin said:


Oh gawd. Please, let's not get into wishy-washy, PC, not upset anyone mode. As soon as this bastard put this hands on this girl, he is fair game imo and if she were your daughter you'd be calling him all the names under the sun. He is a neanderthal, plain as day, and should be locked up in a cave and treated as such.

agree with you. the sooner the better before he victimises someone else.

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5 hours ago, Howitzer said:

the guide had his ear partially bitten off. She accidentally fell off the 45m cliff and managed to survive but remains paralysed. The guide heard her got down the cliff and sexually molested her but didn't rape her i guess in revenge for his bitten ear. Afterwards he leaves her gets help and they take her to hospital he admits to his crime and will most likely get 5-10 years of jail time while she might remain paralyzed for life. Story does sound a bit off in regards to the behavior of the guide.

you have presented only one version. hear the other for the balance.

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The good lady tourism minister's plans to make all foreigners buy plastic ID bracelets and trackable SIM cards should eliminate this type of crime for good and give Thailand the squeaky clean image that currently exists only in her mind.  Meanwhile bunches of flowers and bedside photo ops for the minister will be an effective stop gap solution.

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5 hours ago, Thechook said:

Speaking out and defaming Thailand's image isn't very smart.  Others have been arrested and imprisoned for tarnishing the kingdoms image.

You talk crap. If not true ok. But she was sexually molested. And who is going to pay her hospital bill you ?

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My sympathies for the victim and I hope she makes a full recovery.


He will obviously get some recognition from the judge for his confession and for bringing rescuers the next day, rather than leaving her to die there.  On the other hand, if he was seen leaving with the victim by witnesses willing to testify and on CTV and doesn't have money or high level connections, he would most likely have been caught rather quickly anyway.  His sudden ear injury might also have been hard to explain.  He should only get a small discount from the maximum sentence in my opinion. He could have been able to plead greater mitigation, if he had got rescuers immediately and not scrambled down the slope to continue his sexual assault and then left her overnight.  It will be interesting to see how the court perceives this. 


It is sad that Western women don't feel more of the sense of danger and self preservation when they come to Thailand as tourists that they probably do in their own countries.  There are many rapes of Thai women here too and most go unreported but all Thai women know they must not wander around alone at night and certainly that they shouldn't accept lifts or walks from strange men.

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46 minutes ago, ddavidovsky said:


You prefer to promote recklessness?

If you read the article and other articles related to it, you might see, that she took all the precautions, you and I would take, to get back to the hotel: she asked someone that she should be able to trust and was pointed towards the guy, who later turned out not to be trustworthy!

Unless, you think it is an excellent idea, for any woman, to stay inside her hotel after sunset, never touch alcohol and to turn of the lights a 8 pm after a glass of warm milk, I would really like to see, what you would have done!

Your victim blaming is despicable!


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6 hours ago, Thechook said:

Speaking out and defaming Thailand's image isn't very smart.  Others have been arrested and imprisoned for tarnishing the kingdoms image.



Your comment is not very smart. The girl has been viciously attacked and you come on here saying a persons with a broken back and lucky to be alive needs to worry and should not be talking in case it can be construed by some as  ' tarnishing Thailand's image!!! ' 


What an utterly stupid thoughtless statement to make. In your view then it should be swept under the carpet??


Give her a bunch of flowers, a quick photo opportunity with T.A.T. and a promise not to charge her for her hotel room whilst she is in hospital, that'll pacify her, eh???


The whole world needs to know and good on the girl for speaking what happened. I hope she is on the mend very quickly.

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5 hours ago, Howitzer said:

the guide had his ear partially bitten off. She accidentally fell off the 45m cliff and managed to survive but remains paralysed. The guide heard her got down the cliff and sexually molested her but didn't rape her i guess in revenge for his bitten ear. Afterwards he leaves her gets help and they take her to hospital he admits to his crime and will most likely get 5-10 years of jail time while she might remain paralyzed for life. Story does sound a bit off in regards to the behavior of the guide.


The article says he called police, which means he didn't show up in person to report where the girl was.  He probably tried incognito, then was caught in person.  It shows he has a little bit of conscience, if at least reporting where the girl was.  He could have just as easily kept mum and she would have died in a day or 2. 


The first day's report didn't mention anything about him going down the cliff to further molest her, but I surmised that's what happened, before the 2nd day's report affirmed that.   Also, the initial report said she jumped.  Now it sounds like she slipped.  There's a difference.   45 meters is very high.  I had a 7 meter fall through a roof, 3.5 yrs ago, onto a cement floor and barely survived (two fractured wrists and a broken foot).   It's a good thing she is young.  If older, it's likely her body would have been more broken.

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5 hours ago, MyFrenU said:

Are you serious?So she should just take the sexual assault plus this halfwit jacking off over her,along with her broken back and go away quietly?
What colour are the moons on your planet anyway?


Are you serious??? I highly recommend you stop showing what you look like because people can and will recognize this guys brother.

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34 minutes ago, sahibji said:

you are walking down the street. an ugly dog chases you. how do you keep your wits?


'Jungle rules' dictate that you must square off with the dog, though I advise picking up the nearest stick if at all possible. For obvious reasons, you are bound by his rules, so this is what you must do to mitigate risk in this case. He will only acknowledge a being which stands its ground. Squaring off with the dog will likely incur some pain, but then again, maybe not. If 'wits' are maintained, the dog will often back off, sort of. On the other hand, attempting to run virtually guarantees being mauled from behind. The first requires keeping your 'wits about you.' The second, does not. But I get your point. In moments of extreme terror, it is difficult to predict what anyone, ourselves included, will be capable of doing. The dog scenario, along with what this unfortunate young lady experienced, is the sh*t of which nightmares are made. Degrees of what this mouth-breather did, are possibilities that our wives and daughters must contemplate  each and every day of their lives, and as such, are a far graver affair than any mean-spirited dog.

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6 hours ago, Thechook said:

Speaking out and defaming Thailand's image isn't very smart.  Others have been arrested and imprisoned for tarnishing the kingdoms image.

"Defamation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Under common law, to constitute defamation, a claim must generally be false"


In English, not defamation.

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6 hours ago, Howitzer said:



attacker looks to have a few screws loose in his head

I certainly wouldn't trust a guy that looked like that to guide me into the dark.   The girl really should use a bit more reason.  And I'm not blaming the victim, but common sense can really help you out in cases like this.

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6 hours ago, Thechook said:

Speaking out and defaming Thailand's image isn't very smart.  Others have been arrested and imprisoned for tarnishing the kingdoms image.


Thailand's image has already been tarnished, this is just another nasty case to add to the ever growing list. Remember how many foreigners have been murdered in Thailand by the locals, some of the perps were even police officers. Then add to that the robberies, the rapes, the assaults, the wrongfully arrested,  the shakedowns and the innocent victims of road carnage, and sea accidents.


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17 minutes ago, DM07 said:

If you read the article and other articles related to it, you might see, that she took all the precautions, you and I would take, to get back to the hotel: she asked someone that she should be able to trust and was pointed towards the guy, who later turned out not to be trustworthy!

Unless, you think it is an excellent idea, for any woman, to stay inside her hotel after sunset, never touch alcohol and to turn of the lights a 8 pm after a glass of warm milk, I would really like to see, what you would have done!

Your victim blaming is despicable!



Kindly don't speak on my behalf. If it had happened to me I would blame myself for being naive.

I read the article and saw no 'precautions' taken at all. You can't go through life without some risk, but it's always necessary to be prudent. In that situation she should have been carrying pepper spray and kept her finger on the button, for example.

She was too trusting - the case proves it. She must have grown up in cotton wool.


Spare us the faux-outrage about 'victim blaming' - that's snowflake generation stuff. The world is full of barbarism beneath the skin. It's necessary to be critical in order to promote responsible behaviour.

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"Gavios was traveling alone. She was on a vacation from Vietnam, where she teaches English."


When I travelled around Vietnam I found the locals  very friendly and I felt safe at all times, even when I was in the middle of no where. Laos was the same.


But Thailand needs a sign put up at the entrance, "danger ahead".

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