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My history of being in Thailand would make many  others pale into total insignificance, first visit 1978, worked in Bangkok seven years, own a condo, own a decent car , have seen Thailand at its best and worst, been there got the T shirt. From day one the sex life of Thailand soon disappeared, sleazy, dirty and soul destroying.

but this is not my issue as every heart pumps a different way, there are those who like under age girls, there are those who like the same sex, there are those who like trangenders, there are those who like beer, coffee, spirits etc. Each to their own!

BUT whilst I accept here on TV there is a huge cross section of the expat community, from retired CEO's managers, airline pilots, ex professional soccer stars down to supermarket shelf stackers, criminals, thugs, and nobodies probably including benefit recipients, let's not forget pensioners of differing ages and backgrounds.

my point is, to me it appears that only around 40% of posters, talk sense the remainder appear to be adamant to add posts that are downright rude, offensive and aggessive. Why is this ? Is it lack of knowledge of the threads ? Are these posters trying to pretend they are capable of involving themselves in a thread when they are obviously not.

i hope the mods pay more attention to their charges and severely reprimand the wasters ........ok head down steel helmet on awaiting I coming from morons .

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I don't know what the percentage is. But IMHO, there's too much unwarranted rudeness and personal insults in this forum for my taste. And it drags down the overall experience and atmosphere of the forum.


I'll admit, I used to sometimes get drawn into those kinds of degenerating personal insult debates by other folks, and much regretted it. But now, hopefully, no more.


These days, I try my best to keep my head above water, and if others want to get down into the gutter, I'll just walk away. There's no reason people ought not be able to have a civil exchange/debate/conversation even when they wildly disagree. But obviously, not everyone here follows that path.


Civility can go a long way in this world, both in personal dealings, and in online ones as well. But it seems the anonymity of the internet makes some people feel as though the normal rules of civility don't apply.



"My history of being in Thailand would make many  others pale into total insignificance,"


You start your thread with a sentence like that and wonder why it will devolve into nonsense? You did your best to hide a valid point in the rest of the nonsense you have posted. I don't know what else to tell you, you had a point but squandered it with unnecessary judgements aimed at others. Posts like yours are part of the reason nothing on here can be discussed reasonably. they way you worded your post from the very beginning is begging people to take exception to it. 



2 minutes ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

I don't know the percentage and whether it's 40% or more or less.  But there's too much unwarranted rudeness and personal insults for my taste. I used to sometimes get drawn into those kinds of degenerating debates by other folks, and much regretted it.


These days, I try my best to keep my head above water, and if others want to get down into the gutter, I'll just walk away. There's no reason people ought not be able to have a civil exchange/debate/conversation even when they wildly disagree. But obviously, not everyone here follows that path.


Civility can go a long way in this world, both in personal dealings, and in online ones as well.


Thank you so much we feel,the same way, but should genuine intelligent posters walk away, to follow up on my original post, I am embarrassed that fellow expats have to ask .... What's the cheapest way to do this ? What's a cheap hotel in area B, what's the cost of a cheap bus from a-b, why are the baht buses so expensive. For the love of god or whoever why emigrate to a country when you have to ask these questions ..... The posters are obviously in deep financial shit .... Why bloody bother  to stay here ? 

4 minutes ago, anotheruser said:

"My history of being in Thailand would make many  others pale into total insignificance,"


You start your thread with a sentence like that and wonder why it will devolve into nonsense? You did your best to hide a valid point in the rest of the nonsense you have posted. I don't know what else to tell you, you had a point but squandered it with unnecessary judgements aimed at others. Posts like yours are part of the reason nothing on here can be discussed reasonably. they way you worded your post from the very beginning is begging people to take exception to it. 





4 minutes ago, anotheruser said:

"My history of being in Thailand would make many  others pale into total insignificance,"


You start your thread with a sentence like that and wonder why it will devolve into nonsense? You did your best to hide a valid point in the rest of the nonsense you have posted. I don't know what else to tell you, you had a point but squandered it with unnecessary judgements aimed at others. Posts like yours are part of the reason nothing on here can be discussed reasonably. they way you worded your post from the very beginning is begging people to take exception to it. 



Thanks Einstein, please be so intelligent to interpret my English to what you , I mean you,.  thinks ir should be. Or are you another one who knowns best many posts but yawn. 


Wow dumb just got dumber. People ask questions because it is a forum. Members contribute content and the forum benefits from them doing so. There is no such thing as a stupid question in this manner. Way to start a thread that wonders about the negativity of people on the forum and continues on to accuse many members of being stupid. 

3 minutes ago, DipStick said:

Thank you so much we feel,the same way, but should genuine intelligent posters walk away, to follow up on my original post, I am embarrassed that fellow expats have to ask .... What's the cheapest way to do this ? What's a cheap hotel in area B, what's the cost of a cheap bus from a-b, why are the baht buses so expensive. For the love of god or whoever why emigrate to a country when you have to ask these questions ..... The posters are obviously in deep financial shit .... Why bloody bother  to stay here ? 


I think you're taking a topical left turn. Your original post was more on the manners of posters.


Now you've veered into the kinds of topics people post about. Speaking personally, given the serious lack of available, useful information available in so many other places here including from the government, TV is an invaluable places for finding suggestions or answers to all kinds of different living questions, from the common, simple to the esoteric. I never begrudge anyone for asking a fair question. I know I've asked my share over the years, and answered many more, I'd wager.


And IMHO, there's absolutely nothing wrong with folks wanting to know how they can save money. You don't have to be poor in order to have an interest in saving your money or not spending more than you need to.


6 minutes ago, DipStick said:



Thanks Einstein, please be so intelligent to interpret my English to what you , I mean you,.  thinks ir should be. Or are you another one who knowns best many posts but yawn. 




Thanks guys, accept all responses, that's what a forum is all about, but would suggest a good look in the mirror before retiring, have a good night . My five minutes of being truthfully honest and not antagonistic is over 


Thanks Einstein, please be so intelligent to interpret my English to what you , I mean you,.  thinks ir should be. Or are you another one who knowns best many posts but yawn. 


If you seriously believe that wasn't antagonistic you have serious problems.


 the simple answer is 90% of  foriegners you will meet ( in person) here, and 95% on this site are  D'heads.


They like to think they are the international travelling man of mystery and everybody should be in awe of them.

They divide their time between bashing eveything Thai, their own countrymen, and generally anyone else they feel jealous of.

Strangely enough, the exception is the language forum, where they suddenly become more Thai than Thai,

 forgetting everything they previously bashed, as this makes  them the all knowledgeable guru who has embraced the culture and conquered all. 

But even the language threads get derailed as one D'head (who cant even read Thai) will post Thai words in English and argue with everyone on how its spoken.




5 minutes ago, bamukloy said:

 the simple answer is 90% of  foriegners you will meet ( in person) here, and 95% on this site are  D'heads.


They like to think they are the international travelling man of mystery and everybody should be in awe of them.

They divide their time between bashing eveything Thai, their own countrymen, and generally anyone else they feel jealous of.

Strangely enough, the exception is the language forum, where they suddenly become more Thai than Thai,

 forgetting everything they previously bashed, as this makes  them the all knowledgeable guru who has embraced the culture and conquered all. 

But even the language threads get derailed as one D'head (who cant even read Thai) will post Thai words in English and argue with everyone on how its spoken.



You seem like you are the exception to the rule. 


''BUT whilst I accept here on TV there is a huge cross section of the expat community, from retired CEO's managers, airline pilots, ex professional soccer stars down to supermarket shelf stackers, criminals, thugs, and nobodies probably including benefit recipients''


Nice to see you putting the criminals and thugs above benefit recipients.

Now I wonder why do some people have to post nasties ?.


Trip Adviser and Lonely Planet forums for serious travel questions.

I just come here for comic relief these days, except for a couple of the specialty forums. There are worse out there.




1 - Increasing numbers of posters who don't live here, trying to run interference across sensible debates and even more with some kind of grudge against all things Thai trying to denigrate all things Thai, at any opportunity.


2 - Alcohol/substance abuse amongst posters, most evident around the 4.30pm timeslot.


3 - Thai bashing is a popular bandwagon, it's an easy answer to any question or problem, not favoured by many older expats who live here (see point 1 again).


4 - Poster and posting vanity, the last word syndrome and "I know more than you do" and "I'm never wrong" syndromes.


5 - Historic personal vendetta's, frequently based on little more than trollism.


I'm waiting patiently for the rise of another breed of poster, somewhat akin to years ago when Phallus heads, trolls and flamers got shot down in 2 seconds. 


Threads and posts  in the main were entertaining, humorous, educational and most of all intelligent .


In the meantime  whilst waiting for that miracle to take place  I will be taking advantage of open season on halfwits,  dimwits, no-wits. I openly admit to returning , like for like plus 100% to any Troll. flamer that tries to make "clever" or sarcastic comments on any of my posts or threads.


I am grateful for these lastly named participants because there are a lot of the good posters not here any more and it isn't because of the rudeness, aggressiveness etc that has driven them away .

IMO it's simply natural wastage, so like I said these half baked grumps,, uttering their two sentence negative paragraphs, usually when they have the courage of a tad too much beer in them  will have to make do until something else of a quality nature Poster comes along.


So to all those (and there are many) who have crossed swords with me over the years  I would like to say "Thank you" and long may you continue to be "grist to my particular mill".


I can hear some say "why bother"

It's just part of my nature I suppose  and maybe the product of  a very active mind


As an edit, it just occured to me to say a big Thanks to all those who are in the majority on here, the helpful posters, the kind and considerate ones, too many good people to name here and also from the many non mainstream forums that make thai-visa forums the best site that I know, indeed in the world

3 minutes ago, Deepinthailand said:

Got yourself well covered there chiang mai ??


Clearly there's no single reason for what happens, it's a mix of different things. And whilst I concede that on occasion, based on the debate and the posters involved, I may be guilty of point number 4, that's the only one I am guilty of.


A couple of troll posts have been removed

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf


there are some good posts in TV at times but then there are also posters that only come in here to sh*t stir and try to cause conflict. Serious questions get some good help/answers but also a lot of crap, unfortunately some people just cant help themselves. We also have the serial trolls that simply try to start the in fighting with bullsh*t topics then you have all those that do not live in Thailand just stirring too plus those with their pre conceived bias against others. This is all part of any online group and I doubt it will ever change but then you are also guilty of what you are questioning, to be honest this really sounds like a troll post as your replies certainly point out that you do exactly the same things you accuse others of, if you boil it down then you either have to accept it happens and move on or simply stop reading the posts but with the attitude of being better than everyone else you really shoot yourself in the foot


Usually because they turn boring after a few posts.....and they need to keep it alive, so they can repost using their other user names...:cheesy:


12 hours ago, augustwest said:

Too many <deleted> on the forum. All keyboard warriors, just wonder if some one would say it to your face,I doubt it. Hide in anonymity.

Oh dear..And don't be rude...........:gigglem:

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