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Thais flusing the toilet before they go.


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We have a saying in the west, if it's brown flush it down, it is yellow let it mellow.

I think I get why they flush sometimes before they go but it's completely unnecessary and a waste of both water (valuable resource) and some small money.
How can one train a Thai to flush only after going, not before, or can you not really train Thais, so set in their ways?


I do get that it MAY smell a bit and they are sensitive to some smells but I find this behavior ridiculous and counter productive.

One step further and probably impossible, to not flush for pee.  It is a waste of water. Especially if two people pee in a row.



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If the OP is concerned about water wastage, adjust the ballcock to stop filling at half-full level, or place a house brick (or two) in the cistern, or invest in one of those fancy, newer cisterns with the dual-button, half-flush/whole flush options.


Above listed in order of ease and lowest cost.

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39 minutes ago, sandyf said:

It may be something to do with mosquitoes lurking in the bowl. I don't bother and have been bitten regularly in uncomfortable places. Water is not an expense when you have your own supply.


Correct; and to flush out other possible hidden insects and animals. I always flush before at public toilets. 

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in Australia during droughts when there are severe water restrictions flushing becomes a big thing, most guys will go out the back to have a leak so they dont have to flush but many will also do it in the toilet and only flush when the smell starts to get strong but this is only for urine. Anyone that has gone through some of the severe droughts we have in Australia will understand this, I have had it where there has barely been enough water to wash and bottled drinking water has had to be bought. Saying that if there are no shortages you should always flush after going, you would only flush before if the smell was bad or the person before you didnt flush


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they are only worried about toilet splashback infection.


I flush the same.


Nothing worse than the feel of that little precision vertical splash after a ploop, making a beeline for the crack...


One thing is worse than that - the thought the water is yucky from the past user :hit-the-fan:



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I do it all the time at the office and workshop.


We have a fully pressurized system (no cisterns). It can be a bit embarrassing having a dump and no pressure to get rid of it.........................;)


Nothing wrong with 'user checks' IMO.

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Just now, Don Mega said:

I do it so my shit don't stick to the dry porcelain.



that's why I always use Metamucil (or whatever psylium husk you may favour) ,

this type of stuff makes the brown stuff act 'like water of a duck's back'

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Interesting. We've been married for nine years and I've never asked my wife whether she flushes before she goes, or why. She says she does it to prevent infections from dirty water. Says she does it everywhere, even at home. 


"If I don't clean, I get your pee on my ass"

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12 minutes ago, jadee said:

Interesting. We've been married for nine years and I've never asked my wife whether she flushes before she goes, or why. She says she does it to prevent infections from dirty water. Says she does it everywhere, even at home. 

Does she disinfect the bum gun before use ?

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2 hours ago, Nice Boyd said:

My gf say to make sure it flushes correctly

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect

Which all makes perfect sense in a country with dodgy water pressure and rubbish toilet fittings. I bet the Thai's never get caught leaving a great, steaming grogan in the bowl like the presumptuous and misguided farang does.

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When I stayed in a Thai village a few years ago the toilet looked like the one in the pix. Maybe that's why Thais 'flush it' before taking a dump.


That room was also the shower by the way. By 'shower' I mean you filled that black bowl with cold water from the trough and then emptied it over yourself. Quite an enlightening experience I might add. toilet.jpg

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