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Clinton tells Trump to apologise for Obama 'birther' claims


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Clinton tells Trump to apologise for Obama 'birther' claims




Hillary Clinton has said rival Donald Trump owes Barack Obama an apology after questioning the president’s American citizenship. Speaking in Washington at an event with Black women, the Democratic presidential nominee blasted her Republican rival, claiming there was ‘no erasing’ Trump’s so called birther history.


“We know who Donald is, for five years, he has led the birther movement to delegitimise our first Black president. His campaign was founded on this outrageous lie,” Clinton said.


Clinton’s comments came as Trump finally retreated from his ‘‘birther’‘ campaign, which falsely claimed Obama was born outside the US, and said he wanted to move on from the conspiracy theory.


“President Barack Obama was born in the United States, period,” Trump said.


However, the Trump accused Clinton of introducing the so-called ‘birther movement’ during the 2008 Democratic nomination contest. There is no evidence of this, and Clinton and her allies have denied the suggestion.


From Washington, Euronews’ Stefan Grobe reported on the latest developments in the race for the White House.


‘‘The presidential campaign has reached a new state of ugliness. After weeks of appearing to be more restrained and looking presidential Donald Trump is seeming to be back in cocky attack mode and slightly off message. In a interview he refused to say whether he believes President Obama was born in the United States. Thus, reopening the infamous birther conspiracy that has long been fact checked, debunked and put to rest. His campaign data walked back his remarks accusing Clinton to have brought up the issue first in 2008, which is false. Why is Trump still talking about it? Probably, because his poll numbers have ticked up in recent days, instilling in Trump a sense of victory. And democrats are starting to feel terrified. And ironically, that might be the secret weapon. The fear of a Trump victory might be the only thing that gets many disaffected democrats and independents to hold their nose and vote Clinton.’‘


-- © Copyright Euronews 2016-09-17
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28 minutes ago, davecmarino said:


Thanks for an excellent article on how Hillary's campaign staff and supporters started the birther movement in 2008. Trump just went along with it a few years later.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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 For the record, Mr Trump did not make the claim that Obama was born in America, one of his staff did. That is not the same. IMO Mr Trump is still of the opinion that Obama was born abroad most likely in Kenya just like his brother, he just does not want to detract from his campaign now that his poll numbers are growing like Topsy. Had Obama not been such a shameless liar (see his recent Iranian hostage ransom BS) I would be inclined to believe him, but his word is meaningless and totally untrustworthy.


 I expect Trump to deliver proof of Obamas actual birth place when the time suits him.

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58 minutes ago, ezzra said:


Not before Obama  apologies to the American people for wasting 8 years they will never get back and for ruining the US reputations within and with the wide world with his bad policies.....


Trump's claim was blatantly untrue, Obama's claim is clearly correct.

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I imagine what Hillary's Pols are doing, and will do for the remainder of the campaign, is put out material that Trump would really really like to get up on his soap box, crack jokes, snear and make semi racist comments about. Ones that he then denies he meant it that way. This plays big with his crowd. Unfortunatly for those who aren't Trumps crowd but less than excited on Hilary, when Trump goes up crazy, on these,  is it makes them bite the bullet and say ... might as well vote for Hillary.


Trumps team knows this but they can't seem to get him to SHUT UP    :thumbsup: ... Expect a lot more of these before the election closes

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Anyone else find it amazing how distant the wingnuts are from reality? 


Fox let Trump come on weekly and spew his birther nonsense for YEARS AND YEARS. He continued to do it after Hawaii published the birth certificate. 


Try and get a grip boys. :coffee1: 

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1 minute ago, Ulysses G. said:


No one said otherwise. Thank your fellow Hillary supporters for starting the rumor in the first place.


That's not true and you know it. 


He's on record saying that if Obama proved he was American, Trump would write a check for $50 million. He's so full of it. He lies with impunity. Blaming HRC for this nonsense now.  :clap2:   I'd say it was unbelievable, but it's Trump. What an asshat!


You've certainly hitched your wagon to a true star. Imagine wanting this buffoon for President? (snickers) 

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3 hours ago, ezzra said:


Not before Obama  apologies to the American people for wasting 8 years they will never get back and for ruining the US reputations within and with the wide world with his bad policies.....


You think Obama has ruined America's reputation abroad? Wait and see what trump manages if he gets elected.  America will be a laughing stock as trump goes from gaffe to gaffe.  Might be entertaining if he was just a reality show host. You may as well continue to build that wall the entire way around your country and live on your own.  

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2 hours ago, jaidam said:

 For the record, Mr Trump did not make the claim that Obama was born in America, one of his staff did. That is not the same. IMO Mr Trump is still of the opinion that Obama was born abroad most likely in Kenya just like his brother, he just does not want to detract from his campaign now that his poll numbers are growing like Topsy. Had Obama not been such a shameless liar (see his recent Iranian hostage ransom BS) I would be inclined to believe him, but his word is meaningless and totally untrustworthy.


 I expect Trump to deliver proof of Obamas actual birth place when the time suits him.

A good commander in chief (not Trump) takes responsibility for there subordinates.  To hide (like a coward) behind a subordinate is a person who would make for a bad commander in chief (Trump). 

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It is strange to me to see so much venom in US (i think) posts on Mr Obama and Clinton.

Since i am in no way an expert on US internal affairs  i assume that they all can't wait to be back safe in the USA when Mr trump is elected.

W'll see.

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4 hours ago, ezzra said:


Not before Obama  apologies to the American people for wasting 8 years they will never get back and for ruining the US reputations within and with the wide world with his bad policies.....



That's a plastic man stretch. After Bush invaded Iraq and world's economy collapsed? It's pretty hard to argue that America isn't better off after 8 years of Obama than they were after 8 years of Bush. Or that the international community would prefer Trump to Clinton.

Edited by jcsmith
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22 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Already on the thread. It is common knowledge that Hillary's supporters started the rumors about Obama during the 2008 election.




While some of her supporters may have suggested that, she never went down that road. That was an article grasping at straws. 

Edited by jcsmith
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From the above quoted article:


The answer lies in Democratic, not Republican politics, and in the bitter, exhausting spring of 2008

Read more: http://www.thepoliticalinsider.com/7-news-stories-2008-prove-hillary-started-obama-birtherism/#ixzz4KU64PX3r


Interestingly if you follow the link for that quote you find this:



Birtherism is the latest and most enduring version of a theory in search of facts.

The original smear against Obama was that he was a crypto-Muslim, floated in 2004 by perennial Illinois political candidate and serial litigant Andy Martin.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2011/04/birtherism-where-it-all-began-053563#ixzz4KU6S8tS0 
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So, not Hilary, not Trump but a different Republican.  It seems a mucky business this politics.

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Trump: "Ok, ok, he was born in the USA. Fine. But, people, the most important question is: Where was he conceived? A real and honest-to-god true, red-blooded American has to be born and conceived in the U.S.A., not in Canada, not in Mexico, but in between the two. And it has to happen on the ground, not in the Mile-High-Club, although a penthouse suite in any Trump Tower is permissible. Now, there is no legislation yet to regulate the conception of a presidential candidate, but I am all for creating one right now and amend the constitution."  :P

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28 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Already on the thread. It is common knowledge that Hillary's supporters started the rumors about Obama during the 2008 election.


The link your post refers to that appears earlier in the thread is full of innuendo only and it is from the rightwhingenut mass of highly financed rightwing media that calls President Obama a traitor. 


Only the fringe and those who associate with it, to include the link in your post, continue the long corrected discredited claim the 2008 Clinton campaign pursued, promoted, employed the Trump Birther nonsense. It is an old saw that only the right and its allies continue to holler about.


Supporters of Hillary Clinton in 2008 initiated the rumor. Clinton did not. The Clinton campaign did not. The rightwhinge continues to go at it however irrespective of the facts and of real life.




Read and weep....


From Politifact:


Our ruling


Trump said that Clinton started the birther movement and "was all in."


The story appears to have started with supporters of Clinton, an important distinction.


Trump goes on to completely distort the chain of events by claiming Clinton "was all in" on the birther movement.


We rate this claim False.





Donald Trump Falsely Calls Hillary Clinton The Original Birther

Her 2008 presidential campaign didn’t quite go there





Fact check: Hillary Clinton wasn’t a ‘birther’



Hillary Clinton Wasn’t A ‘Birther’ Like Donald Trump Claims

Trump has linked her to the “birther” movement before.



Do carry on however. The extreme fringenut right is obsessive compulsive.


Because Donald Trump the leader of the Birthers today ate a shit sandwich made of his own shit. There's plenty enough of 'em to go around so all youse guyz get in line over there.

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Not sure Hillary is really the right person to ask for the apology, but it would never happen. Trump does not apologize. It takes a big man, or a serious woman to apologize. Trump just does not have it in him. He is a tiny man, with an even tinier heart. The only thing large about this man is his ego. As he would say, that is huuuuuuuge. So, how would he even be capable of apologizing? I do believe there were racist tones to the whole birther movement. It was childish, and preposterous. And I am not a fan of Hillary, nor Obama. But, let's just accept this for what it is. 

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LOL….another desperate move by Crooked's Camp to distract from her dismal performance.


Doesn't really matter where he's from now, does it? He had his very so-so run, people don't care any more.


They care more about Crooked's shady past and present.

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3 hours ago, Pinot said:


That's not true and you know it.


He's on record saying that if Obama proved he was American, Trump would write a check for $50 million. He's so full of it. He lies with impunity. Blaming HRC for this nonsense now.  :clap2:   I'd say it was unbelievable, but it's Trump. What an asshat!


You've certainly hitched your wagon to a true star. Imagine wanting this buffoon for President? (snickers)

HRC's top man was pushing it in 2008, according to a news item I saw this morning. While we don't know that she ordered him to do so, she is foolish to be going down this road. Of course she has nothing to show for her own Senate/ Sec State time so she is resorting to negative campaigning. No doubt by dredging up this old news she hopes to distract the media from her health issues.

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