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Pleasure derived from the misfortune of other Expats


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The schadenfreude of Expats

It’s noticeable with expats in person (and on Thaivisa); a pleasure derived from the misfortune of other expats.

Pleasure at another expat’s business gone bad; self-satisfied ‘told you so’ about marriage gone bad, money lost, retirement savings gone.

Showing scorn for expats who rely on pensions, have limited financial means and limited life choices; and when there is a worsening exchange rate or impending financial difficulties, reveling in the misfortune of others. I even read some people celebrating that their own happy situation in life would be made even better by being an unpleasant pill for other expats to swallow; finding spite in joy.

Are people this bitter and petty back in our home countries?

Is it particular to Thailand expats? Petty jealousies and competition to who is more successful here?

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4 minutes ago, JJGreen said:

Are people this bitter and petty back in our home countries?




People use other peoples misfortune as a way to propel them selves into a feeling of superiority. They think its a good way to improve their image and the way other people view them. The reality is people see it for what it is - bottom of the barrel, scum of the earth douchebaggery. 


Norman Person - "Oh man my wife cheated and stole all my money"


Weirdos in Thailand - "Haha lololol I don't know what kind of woman you married, but mine would never do that!! You must be a real piece of work!"


Normal Person - "What?"

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26 minutes ago, JJGreen said:

It’s noticeable with expats in person (and on Thaivisa); a pleasure derived from the misfortune of other expats.


You should perhaps seek help for your stalking issues. Either that or change your habitat and stop taking for gospel everything that you read on TV.


I have never met an expat ( yet ) that derives pleasure over another expats misfortune.

30 minutes ago, JJGreen said:

Are people this bitter and petty back in our home countries?


Not sure what your home Country is, or the last time you visited, but the next time you go home, open your eyes. :thumbsup::thumbsup:

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there are miserable bastards everywhere that get their jollies from other peoples misfortunes, its not just here. We do have a few that often rubbish others but its not worth worrying about as they are more than likely just doing it because they are not happy with their positions, the rest are simply smart ar*es that are simply trying to stir the pot and get a bite. Personally I think you will find that there are a lot of genuine people on TV, much of the crap is from non Thailand residents or people that simply visit only and think they know everything. I know I have seen just how helpful and sincere many in TV are when some one is genuinely in trouble or suffering and would not hesitate to help out if they can. Maybe you just read too many  posts by the trolls etc or cant tell which ones are simply sarcasm/venting.

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Mostly on ThaiVisa.com.  On an anonymous forum, religious fanatics, feminists, and bitter grumpies can troll their hidden agendas like there is no tomorrow if it is not checked by moderators.


Once you interact with actual expats on the ground, you see the majority attitude towards living thailand is usually much more positive and/or constructive.  They tend to focus more on workarounds and tradeoffs to their problems rather than passing judgement with hindsight.



Edited by 4evermaat
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Never do I take pleasure in another's misfortunes.....


 Neither do I look down on others - nor elevate the station of others....


Although - there are lessons to be learned from the experience of others....


I will evaluate situations/intent as encountered where it might affect me or mine.....



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Do I take pleasure or amusement in others' misfortune?


Nope - it's seriously bad karma


Do I take pleasure or amusement at the consequences of others' stupidity?


It depends on the individual case but if, like most of the "misfortune" befalling Westerners here, it involves old men, young locals, house building/buying and monthly stipends - (in other words, the oldest one in the book) . . . . 


Hell, yes

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You are correct - and there are a few of them here on TV.  We all can occasionally 'debate' with others perhaps a little too strongly.  But there are some TV members who do nothing much other than argue/abuse/debate/criticise.


One of the best improvements in the new TV system is that it is so easy to ignore these TV members.  This is what you do:


Hold mouse over their name - a pop-up screen will offer three options: message;  ignore;  content.


Before you shut someone out (ignore) take a look at their content. The new TV system shows all of a members posts - in summary (4-6 lines) . Have a read through and see if they are just having a bad day and said something stupid/mean/abusive, but they otherwise offer reasonable opinion and debate and provide advice to others asking questions.  If after looking through a few you see nothing but argument and abuse and criticism (and no advice), then add them to your ignore list. by clicking on ignore - easy peasy. :D




Edited by Bob9
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Once you interact with actual expats on the ground, you see the majority attitude towards living thailand is usually much more positive and/or constructive.  They tend to focus more on workarounds and tradeoffs to their problems rather than passing judgement with hindsight.

I have noticed some of that workaround and tradeoff mentality here...
It's good if it can be applied to other people's issues
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there are miserable bastards everywhere that get their jollies from other peoples misfortunes, its not just here. We do have a few that often rubbish others but its not worth worrying about as they are more than likely just doing it because they are not happy with their positions, the rest are simply smart ar*es that are simply trying to stir the pot and get a bite. Personally I think you will find that there are a lot of genuine people on TV, much of the crap is from non Thailand residents or people that simply visit only and think they know everything. I know I have seen just how helpful and sincere many in TV are when some one is genuinely in trouble or suffering and would not hesitate to help out if they can. Maybe you just read too many  posts by the trolls etc or cant tell which ones are simply sarcasm/venting.

I should have written 'some' expats, which was the intent of my post.
You might be right about posters who don't live here being most vocal.
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There is a term used by those who study human behavior which is a German term starting with the letter F.

I wom't even try to spell it because I can't

Losely translated it mens "Taking gleeful pleasure in other  people's misfortune".

All humans will display it sometimes, usually when something they dislike happens to them and they they see something bad happen to another person.

Part of it is that you nay  think "better you suffer than me".

It is a normal human reaction you will see in all countries afound the world.

It is not a logical human reaction to enjoy, even if briefly, seing another person dixcomforted by an unexpected event, but real human bhaviour is not logical.



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1 hour ago, IMA_FARANG said:

There is a term used by those who study human behavior which is a German term starting with the letter F.

I wom't even try to spell it because I can't

Losely translated it mens "Taking gleeful pleasure in other  people's misfortune".

All humans will display it sometimes, usually when something they dislike happens to them and they they see something bad happen to another person.

Part of it is that you nay  think "better you suffer than me".

It is a normal human reaction you will see in all countries afound the world.

It is not a logical human reaction to enjoy, even if briefly, seing another person dixcomforted by an unexpected event, but real human bhaviour is not logical.



<deleted>? Doesn't start with an F though. I can't think of any other German word that describes it better. 

Edited by metisdead
Foreign language term removed. English is the only acceptable language anywhere on ThaiVisa including Classifieds, except within the Thai language forum, where of course using Thai is allowed.
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1 hour ago, Gulfsailor said:

<deleted>? Doesn't start with an F though. I can't think of any other German word that describes it better. 


I can think of a 2 word expression that starts with F and describes it well.  The second word is "up".


Not sure it's German, though.

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Yup.....that's me.

I always take pleasure in the misfortune of others........and I don't just limit it to expats.

I'm an equal-opportunity <deleted>.........

Edited by metisdead
Foreign language term removed. English is the only acceptable language anywhere on ThaiVisa including Classifieds, except within the Thai language forum, where of course using Thai is allowed.
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2 hours ago, Agent Sumo said:

Do I take pleasure or amusement in others' misfortune?


Nope - it's seriously bad karma


Do I take pleasure or amusement at the consequences of others' stupidity?


It depends on the individual case but if, like most of the "misfortune" befalling Westerners here, it involves old men, young locals, house building/buying and monthly stipends - (in other words, the oldest one in the book) . . . . 


Hell, yes



Oh really, i distinctly remember a Post from yourself finding it amusing that less well off Brits would be really struggling after the Brexit exchange rate drop. I remember it because i thought it was offensive and unnecessary.


You go on and on about old man / younger girl / house building stupidity but there are a number of relationships of this type Thailand that do work and have been successful even if a bargirl is one of the parties. If you buy a house in the West and have kids when things go wrong you are just as likely to lose the house as here. We all make mistakes at times. You should lighten up and have more consideration for others.

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Earlier another poster pointed out that many languages have words with similar meanings to schadenfreude which predate the German word.


It is curious that so many languages have words to describe this human emotion, and yet so few here are willing to admit to experiencing such emotions.


A statistical anomaly, or evidence of denying emotional reality? :whistling:

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Really? Schadenfreude deleted because it isn't English?


It IS now English. It's even in the dictionary http://dictionary.cambridge.org/dictionary/english/schadenfreude?q=Schadenfreude

If you don't think so, you had better delete:-







All Indian words.

There's a few thousand others that English also assimilated.

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2 minutes ago, rogeroc said:



Oh really, i distinctly remember a Post from yourself finding it amusing that less well off Brits would be really struggling after the Brexit exchange rate drop. I remember it because i thought it was offensive and unnecessary.


You go on and on about old man / younger girl / house building stupidity but there are a number of relationships of this type Thailand that do work and have been successful even if a bargirl is one of the parties. If you buy a house in the West and have kids when things go wrong you are just as likely to lose the house as here. We all make mistakes at times. You should lighten up and have more consideration for others.


OK your first point, that was aimed at those who actually voted for Brexit. Furthermore, as a Brit myself, it also affects me


I never suggested that there weren't instances where that combination works out. This thread, however, isn't about that is it? It's about "misfortune" or in the case of those who do end up falling for the oldest one in the book even with the surfeit of warnings out there, "stupidity".

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Amen. I said it before we should be like Thais who stick together in foreign countries. I have never seen Thais behave like this towards each other. That's why falang in Thailand will always lose. Personally, I find it revolting and see this and "the other forum" as something I read before I take a dump.... Save for the moderators who do give good advice and that's the only reason I keep my membership here.

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2 hours ago, IMA_FARANG said:

Losely translated it mens "Taking gleeful pleasure in other  people's misfortune".

All humans will display it sometimes, usually when something they dislike happens to them and they they see something bad happen to another person.



It is one thing to have such thoughts but it takes a step more to actual compose a few sentences, check what you are saying and Post. I don't know whether it is more prevelent with ex pats in Thailand but i am convinced it is 10 times worse on this forum than it is when you actually meet other expats.

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Motorcycle accidents, broken hips, severed spinal cords, botched surgeries, undiagnosable tropical diseases, flesh eating parasites, incontinence, erectile dysfunction; snake bites, monkey bites, soi dog attacks, tiger maulings; stories about how the wife can’t cook, refuses to have sex, is unfaithful; knuckle headed business ventures going belly up, feuds with neighbors ending in violence, bankruptcies, stolen money, mysterious disappearance of expensive hand tools, crop failure, lost pets, emptied bank accounts, and above all...crushed dreams. 


Wipe that ghoulish grin off your face right this minute, you hear me boy!!! :)

Edited by Gecko123
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26 minutes ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:

Amen. I said it before we should be like Thais who stick together in foreign countries. I have never seen Thais behave like this towards each other. That's why falang in Thailand will always lose. Personally, I find it revolting and see this and "the other forum" as something I read before I take a dump.... Save for the moderators who do give good advice and that's the only reason I keep my membership here.


No thanks. I'd rather hang out with the soi dogs than stick together with some of the other farangs that wash up here.

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The thing is that this forum, (and other similar) provide a very visible sounding off board with total anonymity which offers some of the nastier element to sound off at every misfortune reported. you always find them gleefully hanging around topics about 'foreigners' in trouble spouting their venom at every chance. 

Back in the day, and I'm sure that those of us who were in Thailand in the pre-internet days, will recall that most 'expat' bars, (especially those in Bangkok) had their own resident 'misery' who would lecture one and all with a feeling of glee when news of the misfortune of a regular (no matter where they were in the Kingdom) would filter through the grapevine to the bar in general. The internet and forums are merely an extension, albeit a more visible and accessible, version of this. On a more positive note I recall many times the 'pot' being passed around to raise a few baht for someone in distress, or sometimes in more dire cases, an event would be held to raise funds for the person in distress which is where the bar and the sense of community it helped promote, wins over the internet for me; indeed sometimes one or ther of the better off punters would dig deep and clear the problem outright albeit paying a hospital bill or a flight ticket home, I felt I learned a lot about expats during those times.

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