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Expats -- one remaining bigotry?


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A quote with resonance from President Bill Clinton on the Daily Show with Trevor Noah  --



We have one remaining bigotry. We don't want to be around anybody that disagrees with us.


In this case, Bill Clinton was speaking about Americans.


It made me think.


Does it also apply to EXPATS in general living in Thailand?


Like if you're Australian for example, do you go out of your way to avoid hanging out with other Australians with very different views than you? 



Edited by Jingthing
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6 hours ago, Jingthing said:

We have one remaining bigotry. We don't want to be around anybody that disagrees with us.



American here - I don't think that is bigotry and it kinda annoys me when people put a bigotry spin on things. Intolerance would be a more accurate term as bigotry implies an air of racism, sexism, etc. Bigotry implies a sense of feeling that you are better than someone based on things that you have no control over or a feeling of superiority over a certain gender/race/age/sexual preference/etc while being intolerant of a certain person (regardless of age/sex/preference) is completely normal. I don't have to like a certain person but I would be a bigot if I cast intolerance over a demographic. 


7 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Like if you're Australian for example, do you go out of your way to avoid hanging out with other Australians with very different views than you? 


Ill hang out with anyone don't care about where they come from or what they are about, unless they are a <deleted> in witch case that certain person would be on my do not call list. 

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53 minutes ago, fishbrando said:

I'm happy to hang out and have discussions with anyone on any topic as long as (1) they don't get angry and worked up during the discussion and (2) they actually listen and acknowledge points that are made.


Was going to post this but you beat me to it. If these 2 points are broken then a discussion/debate can't really be beneficial. Someone is going to get p*ssed off and the conversation will likely degrade to insults. 

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29 minutes ago, kenk24 said:

USA - one remaining bigotry?


Racial relations, religious prejudices, lgbt rights... neo nazis, neo cons, conservative vs liberal, repubs vs democrats, rich vs poor, 


seems I can go on and on... 


This.... This right here is the definition of Bigotry. 

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41 minutes ago, kenk24 said:

USA - one remaining bigotry?


Racial relations, religious prejudices, lgbt rights... neo nazis, neo cons, conservative vs liberal, repubs vs democrats, rich vs poor, 


seems I can go on and on... 


1 minute ago, kenk24 said:


so, pointing out the existence of other people's bigotry is now bigotry... strange indeed...


Nope its not, but your first sentence casts intolerance over an entire country and its 300,000,000 people due to what a very slim minority believe and its retarded BS like this that get repeated over and over again. 

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Some of the most aggravating people I have ever come across were people with "closed" minds,  Some of the most beautiful people I have come across were people with "open" minds....their humility (a word often misunderstood) was utterly refreshing.

    I once heard a man say ( and I had to take a good look at myself after hearing it) that..."He came to a point in his life where he seriously had to consider the possibility that most of the beliefs and principles he held in life up to that point....may have been totally wrong" .

     After looking closely at my own principles and beliefs I could see clearly that they were wholly influenced by my Father. He was a regimental man and could not bend on his principles. They were indeed very honourable ones....but so strict that it was hard to maintain a friendly relationship with other people....they always came up short.

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1 hour ago, fishbrando said:

I'm happy to hang out and have discussions with anyone on any topic as long as (1) they don't get angry and worked up during the discussion and (2) they actually listen and acknowledge points that are made.

it is quite surprising how quickly a discussion on here can turn angry, just over a difference of opinion. sure ruins a good discussion. it seems many people are not on here to discuss and learn, they are only interested in expressing their point of view however. probably due to the fact many posters are older and not so open minded to new ideas or different ways of thinking.

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7 minutes ago, canthai55 said:

If you want to be Happy - practice Compassion


If you want others to be Happy, practice Compassion


Dalai Lama


Sadly, in today's greedy world compassion is often treated or mistaken as a sign of weakness.


A surefire recipe for misunderstanding and conflict.

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3 hours ago, fishbrando said:

I'm happy to hang out and have discussions with anyone on any topic as long as (1) they don't get angry and worked up during the discussion and (2) they actually listen and acknowledge points that are made.


Try discussing Islam with a Muslim.

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Bill Clinton a super hypocrite working for the elite. So if someone disagrees you are a bigot. that is the claptrap that is being spread around these days by politicians when they want to force the people to agree with them. Well I disagree and I am not a bigot. just someone with a different point of view. Disagreeing is part of the  democratic process, provided it is done without violence and intimidating.

Edited by Laughing Gravy
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5 hours ago, Luckysilk said:

I go out of my way avoiding expats who aren't able to carry on without mentioning either Trump and or Clinton in every sentence and or post.

Yeah, me  too!! Yours was the last comment I read. Didn't know the thread was going to be about Clintons or Trumps. Yuch!!

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There is a vast gulf in the Political leanings between one of my closest friends and I. 


He's a gentleman and I'd like to believe I am too...   I find it extremely difficult to understand his understanding of the world and the Politics he believes in. I enjoy the odd debate when it crops up, we always agree to disagree, not once has a discussion ever become heated or argumentative. 


In the past one of my closest Thai friends was a strong supporter of a Political figure whom I vehemently objected to. Our debates were often alcohol fuelled and heated and very funny... Other friends often thought we may end up at blows, something which we both understood would never happen. 


In short, I enjoy being around my friends and respect even if I don't agree with their views on politics and religion. 


However, I avoid having such discussions with people I do not know very well as I am unsure as to how emotionally stable they are when faced with opposing views. 

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Just to clarify what we are talking about:


The English noun bigot is a term of abuse aimed at a prejudiced or closed-minded person, especially one who is intolerant or hostile towards different social groups (especially, and originally, other religious groups), and especially one whose own beliefs are perceived as unreasonable or excessively narrow-minded, superstitious, or hypocritical.[1] The abstract noun is bigotry.

The word was adopted into English from Middle French by 1598, at first with a sense of "religious hypocrite". The word is recorded in the same sense in French as bigot since the 15th century, and was loaned into English as well as into Italian (bigotto) and German (bigott). Around 1900, the word bigot meant in French someone who has an excessive, narrow or petty religious devotion.[2]


Thank you Wikipedia




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1 hour ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Bill Clinton a super hypocrite working for the elite. So if someone disagrees you are a bigot. that is the claptrap that is being spread around these days by politicians when they want to force the people to agree with them. Well I disagree and I am not a bigot. just someone with a different point of view. Disagreeing is part of the  democratic process, provided it is done without violence and intimidating.


1 hour ago, Laughing Gravy said:

Bill Clinton a super hypocrite working for the elite. So if someone disagrees you are a bigot. that is the claptrap that is being spread around these days by politicians when they want to force the people to agree with them. Well I disagree and I am not a bigot. just someone with a different point of view. Disagreeing is part of the  democratic process, provided it is done without violence and intimidating.

You missed Clinton's entire point, and read into it an oversimplified and erroneous interpretation. Starting with his use of the term bigot in a way not normally used, in order to emphasize the problem of a country divided against itself, prejudiced and judgmental, neither side listening or trying to understand the other, or acknowledging that the world might be a lot bigger than either of their perspective. He was talking about Americans, the USA, me and my compadres. That's the mess we're in as a culture right now. And it's human nature for someone to prefer to be right rather than wrong, because being "right" validates someone, and being "wrong" is taken as  being flawed in some way. That is immaturity and lack of real confidence and self esteem. Confidence and respect are replaced by arrogance and hostility. . . It's emotions getting in the way of reason. So, as to to other people here who got their underwear in a bunch,  using your Webster dictionary to bludgeon Clinton for what you think is misuse or inappropriate use of a word shows a lack of understanding of the fluidity and adaptability of words and language. Words are defined by usage as much as by the rules. He is exactly correct and to the point, in a few well chosen words. I am a songwriter and lyricist by profession, language and meaning and expression with an economy of well chosen words are the tools of my trade. Clinton is a very skilled and effective communicator. He is using radical language in order to illustrate the problem, to hit people in the head with it, in order to make people recognize  the seriousness of the problem. Look in the mirror and see if the shoe fits, rather than react as though he insulted you personally. . There's no reason people can't speak from their perspective to another's, as long as you are willing to listen as much as talk, with an open mind, try to understand why that person sees things the way they do, and have the maturity to not think or respond with your emotions. If you listen you might learn something you didn't know, and you might find your views actually agreeing with the other person to one extent or another, or they yours, or you might both actually raise your awareness and capacity to understand and adapt. . unfortunately More often than not you find a case of intersecting monologues instead of a real conversation, , or worse, each person trying to yell louder than the other, shout down the other view, , as if being right is some kind of contest or blood sport that you "win". If someone wants to argue, walk away. It's not a discussion or conversation. It's a contest to that person and there is nothing to be gained. I would not engage in a conversation with half or more of the people who post here, because there is no common ground to base it on, and too many people reacting without thinking. As you Mr. Gravy just did, and I mean no offense, but thinking things through requires effort and discipline. . 

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