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Danish man conned me of 100 million baht while I had cancer -  Thai woman begs PM for justice


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8 hours ago, richard_smith237 said:


No one is celebrating a Woman with Cancer being ripped off. 


But many are documenting the thought that came to many of our minds first.


100 million Baht - 51% of a company...  Who's company was it ? Who put the Money Into the company ?


Without knowing more we can only speculate - However, in the absence of better information speculation could be that the Dutch Man put forwards all of the money and gave his Wife 51% share as any Company in Thailand needs to me Majority Thai owned. 

Upon separation the lady expected 51% of the company which was later agreed upon by the court. 

The Dutch guy obviously believes the money to be his. 


The lady appears to be using the fact that she has cancer to Martyr herself publicise the story.


It matters not who put the money in to start the company. She had control of company 51% as per thai law. He has swindled her out of her shares no if no buts she has been to court and won her case. He is obviously not bothered what the court says a law unto himself and to do it all when his wife is suffering from cancer proves what sort of a man he isnt. To make matters worse he also has hounded her out of the place she called home. She has done nothing wrong at all yet as usual the glee club here jump on the band wagon giving each other a slap on the back post 2 through  to at least 12 back this up. Personaly I hope he is still in thailand and gets put away. Shameful creature. 

Edited by Deepinthailand
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What has happened to the 51% of the shares that were (stolen/reassigned)?


Our Danish friend can't own them, so I assume they must be in the hands of another Thai.


So, while we are all speculating about the wife, allow me to speculate that there is a hidden mia noi or gik somewhere in this saga.

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Well, try to congregate all those "Danish Farang" who got cheated out of certainly much more money combined and see then. 

Trust me, there is much, much more to this story but it made me chuckling - for once - provided the story is as written above - the flip side of the coin made it :partytime2:

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What kind of man leaves their ex wife with absolutely nothing to live on at her age? I don't care if she cheated or became the world's biggest bitch, relationships end, people move on, but what sort of heartless b'stard would leave a woman without a pot to piss in?  I'm not saying she should get anything out of the business, but he should at least make sure she has a place to stay and money to get on her feet. 

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9 hours ago, G Marks said:

Two FACTS jump to mind immediately, firstly He is Danish not Dutch and secondly a judge has ruled on it and didn't need the assistance of Thai Visa.  It would be crazy to think that absolutely no money was made after marriage, I am not privy to his accounts though, unlike the judge.

Why is it "crazy to think that absolutely no money was made after marriage"?


IMO it's more likely money was lost after marriage and he pulled it out before he lost more - 7 years ago.


The wife thought she'd hit the jackpot with this guy.

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9 hours ago, G Marks said:

"Yes, over the years people have developed jaded opinions when such news is reported... but why is that ?....  "  Firstly even sigmund freud would struggle with analyzing this bunch, so I think I will swerve any attempt thanks.  Secondly, the laws the law, it doesn't tend to change because you don't like it.  I am 99% sure she didn't put in 1 red cent, however that has nothing to do with anything. 

If the "law is the law" as you put it, then why hasn't she been paid after 7 years? I'll tell you why: Because "law is the law" doesn't apply in Thailand. It's flexible for reasons we shouldn't go into here. With the kind of money that this Danish guy had or has, he could pull some serious strings.

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3 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

It was probably all the Farlangs money to begin with, but under the law he needed to have Thai partners to run his company including one of his partners is his wife.


In the UK even a common law wife is entitled to equal shares of a common law husband`s money and assets even if all the investments and assets were the husband`s in the first place.


Farlangs that decide to invest money in Thailand, either land and property, businesses or companies that many hide under Thai names or make Thais the majority asset holders should know the risks involved and under the law his wife is entitled to 51% of the company shares whether she invested in it or not. That`s the risk the man took when he threw money into the company. 


I hope the wife does receive her entitlements under the law because he used her to setup his company and has to honour his commitments to her.

I think you will find that you are mistaken. The spouse is not entitled to half the assets. The spouse

is entitled the half the increase in value of the assets during the period they were deemed to be

married, and half the value of the matrimonial home. If the value of the business/assets did not

increase the spouse is entitled to only half the value of the matrimonial home. Of course there

is child support, and alimony so the spouse can support themselves unlit they can get a job.

The length of time varies according to how long they were married, what training/schooling may

have to be done etc.....etc....

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10 hours ago, G Marks said:

Doesn't matter, any assets gained after marriage, by Thai law have to be split 50 50.  I assume at least some of the assets fit in that category, not to mention a judge has already ruled on it.


Court has already ruled in her favour......he's just doing what many many farangs wish they could have done !! Good luck to him.



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1 hour ago, kennypowers said:

What kind of man leaves their ex wife with absolutely nothing to live on at her age? I don't care if she cheated or became the world's biggest bitch, relationships end, people move on, but what sort of heartless b'stard would leave a woman without a pot to piss in?  I'm not saying she should get anything out of the business, but he should at least make sure she has a place to stay and money to get on her feet. 


I am sure she has a pot to piss in - 7 years through the courts is not an inexpensive adventure in Thailand believe me.

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The law prevents the man owning the company, so he did what many do and had Thai nominee shareholders. Generally when you do this you also get a signature on a form  permitting the sale of these shares to prevent issues when he wants to sell or change shareholders. Else guess what, the guy can be extorted or even lose the company. So he presumably did not con her out of 100 million baht, rather a number of shares, or, if she had already signed paperwork permitting their sale,  presumably nothing.  If he sold the shares without this signature, he is likely guilty of fraud.


Thai xenophobic restrictions generate these situations, local lawyers circumvent the restrictions using various means.

It appears she has won a legal case against him already and now it is a matter of enforcement. If she won the case surely the man was convicted?


Reeks of double standards and a warning to heed.

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Absolutely spectacular level of ignorance about simple corporate matters amongst and few other points of law. Eg. You cannot state that 51% of shares equals anything but a pit of more questions as the company M&A for example will be the authoritative document over this. And there is no mention if there was any sort of power of attorney granted to the husband to control her shares voting rights and the agreement over the source of the capital.

According to Thai law as I understand it, he should be prohibited from taking control of her shares in his own names without using a second nominee to replace her.  The companies register should of rejected the filing, indeed the company secretary shouldn't of even submitted it.

These issues can quickly become complex and entirely unique to each and every company that you look at, and especially in Thailand, beyond view of the court and regulator.   

Furthermore the claim is confusing as it listing not a number of shares, but keeps referring to a percentage and a THB amount. How is that determined and on what grounds, did she try to demand back the payed up capital in her name. or demand the value of the shares at some point in time and who and how was that value determined.

This story provides only a few basic pieces of information and inferences about the court cases are just vexing.  

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19 hours ago, steelepulse said:

I wonder who put the money in to begin with?  If I was a betting man I'd say it wasn't her.


Why "Danish Farang" instead of Danish man?



Because 80% of Thais are racist. That's why.


They are racist not because they are Thai but because they are ordinary humans, ie afraid of what they don't know and understand, envious of what they don't have, and because one government after another (never mind what color code) has been encouraging them to be racist and to blame foreigners for every problem that plagues this country. That's not specifically Thai either, hey M/Mrs Trump, Boris Johnson, Marine Le Pen, Erdogan, Wilders, etc etc etc ?


80% of people around the world are racist. The ones who are not are civilized. That's what civilization is : an acquired taste.


This story is sure gonna help solve the problem of racism and xenophobia in Thailand .... Not.

Edited by Yann55
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I would surmise that the wife did not live up to her part of the bargain / agreement while at some point tried to claim that the company was hers and control the company when the original agreement was that she is a silent 51 % and needed only to comply with the Thai company laws.

It would not be the first time a Thai wife of a foreigner tried to manipulate a foreigner established / foreigner funded  company and its shares and the financials such that the wife ended up with everything.


I think I can speak for everyone here as we would all like to hear the mans side of the story and decide for ourselves who is lying and who is telling the truth.



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She'd need to prove to me that the money that gave her 51% of the business was hers to begin with before I'd give her any sympathy. I doubt that even the idea of the business came from her.

Trace her ancestry. Is she from monied family or just crawled out of a paddy field?


Look at the people in the photo at the top. If they are her family, they don't look like the sort of people who have 100 million to chuck around.




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23 hours ago, greenchair said:

Yep, the 51 percent I put in nothing and you put in 100 percent scam. 

Then I sue you for the 51 percent that I never had and win scam. 

Well done old chap, I heard cambodia is very welcoming of foreigners right now. 

My thoughts were wondering where he would move to next, plenty of people in the picture might not like him .

This is the first time I've heard of one going the right way.

I have one friend at present who's house has been sold out from behind his back over a relation of GF gambling.

Another who is to scarred to live in his house that his GF paid not one Baht for as she tried to kill him over an argument and wrecked the house. He cant sell it but she cant touch it as its on a lease and his son will take it over eventually , the house now lies empty and he had to move away to avoid her.

He even got a lawyer to offer her half of its value and she refused, now when the lease runs out my friend will be a 100 and the stupid GF will be over 70

Good on the Dane for winning one.

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6 hours ago, gemguy said:

I would surmise that the wife did not live up to her part of the bargain / agreement while at some point tried to claim that the company was hers and control the company when the original agreement was that she is a silent 51 % and needed only to comply with the Thai company laws.

It would not be the first time a Thai wife of a foreigner tried to manipulate a foreigner established / foreigner funded  company and its shares and the financials such that the wife ended up with everything.


I think I can speak for everyone here as we would all like to hear the mans side of the story and decide for ourselves who is lying and who is telling the truth.





Company name?

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On 19/09/2016 at 6:30 PM, SOTIRIOS said:

...sounds like the techniques they use on foreigners.....


...strangely no statistics are available....


...but surely more that just one case....


...and the saddest thing is foreign governments do nothing for their citizens....


...go to the embassy and they deem it 'a personal matter'.....




...with such a large gang....


...and with foreigners having so few rights...hard to believe this account....


...Thai women are rarely, if ever, victims....


...maybe she didn't get it all....and that is her objection.....


...they generally demand 95%/5%......


...and get it any way they can.....


...with 'everyone' on their side.....







Foreigners are their own worst enemy.They go into business with their eyes wide open or on the other hand,complete ignorance.They always think they have the upper hand,and will fool the uneducated Thal woman.Normally reality is different.Outside pressure on wifey also come in to play.Some wilt,some don't.Somehow the Dane  as covered his arse nicely.

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11 hours ago, Keesters said:

She'd need to prove to me that the money that gave her 51% of the business was hers to begin with before I'd give her any sympathy. I doubt that even the idea of the business came from her.

Trace her ancestry. Is she from monied family or just crawled out of a paddy field?


Look at the people in the photo at the top. If they are her family, they don't look like the sort of people who have 100 million to chuck around.




She needs to prove nothing to you.Once the fool of a husband marries or hands over 51% thats half her's,in profit or debt.The glee from you and others on this forum is hypocritical and racist.If it happens to a farang,poor farang.If it happens to a Thai,there's farangs cheering in the streets.Your last sentence is ridiculous,she claims she was ripped off for the 100 mil,she hasn't got it.It is all paper money anyway,tied up in this mysterious business.

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6 hours ago, kiwikeith said:

My thoughts were wondering where he would move to next, plenty of people in the picture might not like him .

This is the first time I've heard of one going the right way.

I have one friend at present who's house has been sold out from behind his back over a relation of GF gambling.

Another who is to scarred to live in his house that his GF paid not one Baht for as she tried to kill him over an argument and wrecked the house. He cant sell it but she cant touch it as its on a lease and his son will take it over eventually , the house now lies empty and he had to move away to avoid her.

He even got a lawyer to offer her half of its value and she refused, now when the lease runs out my friend will be a 100 and the stupid GF will be over 70

Good on the Dane for winning one.

Yes it did go the right way,she won the case.He is in contempt of court for not giving her,her rightful 51%.In the west.2 people marry or are in a de facto relationship.He slaves away and pays the house off and she stays home and cooks and cleans and maybe takes care of the kids.After 10 years,they split for what ever reason.He has put in all the actual finances but in the asset split she gets 50 %.Sound familiar.This is how the law works in most countries,right or wrong.

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On 19/09/2016 at 8:19 AM, richard_smith237 said:


Assets 'Gained' after marriage - This would imply that the business 'made' 200 Million Baht since marriage, 50% of which was awarded to the 'ex-Wife' following divorce.  


Where is the part about divorce in the news article?

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The guy did well regardless of the missing facts. He either got what was his back or he got hers. Both of these are not easy and would take some work to execute. Definitely not your typical Thai rips off foreigner story. One for the underdog !

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