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Mum's lesbian lover up for abuse on seven year old Thai boy


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15 hours ago, tifino said:


or rather the jest of the earlier Post goes along the lines:


"how do you get a Nun pregnant?"


"oh I don't know  - how, do you... ?"


oh!  the usual way"



 and the priest is long gone...



dress her up as a choir boy

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17 hours ago, Kasset Tak said:

There is really a big difference in behavior between ordinary lesbians and Toms. I can clearly see that differences when I look at the students her in the college:

Lesbians study plant or computer science while most of the Toms study farm mechanics.

On the final exams last week my lesbian and khatuy students scored over 60% while the Toms didn't even get past the 10% line...

Lesbian girl usually hesitate to fight while i have seen more than one Tom trowing haymakers, fighting both boys and girls. I separated two Tom students fighting... it's the one and only time (in real life) I have seen teeth flying in a fight!

If a lesbian drink alcohol they stay with things like spy or low alcohol drinks while a Tom usually go for pure alcohol like lao khao or Hong Thong on the rocks.

and so on...




Toms emulate what they perceive is "manly" behaviour...so they sit slouched to the side in restaurant, talk obnoxiously loud, whistle for service etc. I have also seen them treat there girlfriends worse publicly than even the biggest douche would do. I clearly remember having to break up a "figh"t between a Tom waiter and her girlfriend who she was holding by the hair and slapping repeatedly. I have lovely lesbian friends, but Toms can go <deleted> themselves.

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I don't care if I'm being politically incorrect, but I find most of the 'Toms' in Thailand just as unpalatable as the outrageous ladyboys. Both are caricatures and both are highly detrimental to quiet, respectable lesbians and transsexuals. If I belonged to one of the latter categories, I would be furious at these clowns who remind me of those white guys who painted their faces black back in the 30s, and played jazz in clubs that would not allow black people in. It's despicable and shocking.


These Toms thoroughly hate men, yet they act like the most revolting caricatures of the male sex. How utterly stupid is that ?


God, I hope this piece of brainless sh*t gets what SHE deserves for harming that poor kid.

Edited by Yann55
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3 hours ago, teacherpaul said:

No sh**, Sherlock. No-one said it didn't occur in other countries. Agreed that the teacher deserves credit.


Calm down teach.....if you use your investigative literary skills, you will see that post #15 (the one before mine), intimated that it was somehow expected in LOS.


But I guess Sherlock may have missed that one too.

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