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Deplorable? Trump more so than Clinton, AP-GfK poll finds


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1 hour ago, Chicog said:

He'd sell anything if it lined his own pockets.


You're right.  He sells vodka and he won't drink the stuff himself.  He sells a fake university degree which is like an MLM rah-rah session (everyone gets rich! Sign up now!). And he won't allow his kids to be involved with the scam.  Would you want your kids to be involved with a scam which is suffering multiple lawsuits for fraud?

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34 minutes ago, Hawk said:


The same can be said about the Clintons and their Clinton Foundation scam. How much money has this little family made over the years, an enormous sum is the answer.


Does she care about the ordinary person in the street, of course not. 




Geez man, are you guys ever concerned about the truth?  The Clinton Foundation has actually done a whole lot of good, charitable work all over the world.  The Trump Foundation is purely a slush fund for Trump's personal use.  Surely you can see that. 

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9 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

It's too bad Americans don't have a choice between decent candidates, like Kasich (the best of a rotten batch of Republicans) and Sanders.  Yet, Americans in their respective party affiliations, chose the two we have now.   Oh, but wait a cottonpickenminute.  There are 2 other candidates:

I'm voting Green.  I vote in CA where HRC will take the most delegate-rich state in the nation.  However, if I were in a state where HRC wasn't a shoe-in to win, I'd vote for HRC.  Anything to keep The Divider out of the Oval Office.


Besides all his gaping flaws, one sticks out (it's hard to pick one flaw from Trump's flush array, because there are so many).  Here goes:  He's a back-stabbing pretend-friend.  He went to Mexico and acted decent (even a bratty 6 yr old boy can act decent for a few minutes if his grandma is nearby).     Then, 5 hours later, Trump is in AZ shouting red-faced about how draconian he will treat Mexicans.   Go figure.


Not sure of your endorsement of Kasich. He signed a pledge to endorse the winner of the Primaries but refused to honour  that pledge. Can't respect that.

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7 hours ago, boomerangutang said:




  Trump charged Florida Police a six-figure sum to use his Florida mansion for one evening ....for a Trump fundraising event!  He also has golf courses, all of which have banquet facilities.   


What is the difference with Hillary charging $250,000 for a fundraising celebrity dinner? six figures as well.

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The thing is that Clinton is a known quantity whereas Trump is just his rhetoric.  For him to actually be the President he would have to backtrack on all of that because none of his "plans" are workable in the real world.


But apart from that it is not just the outcome of the election.  It is what happens then.  Neither candidate is capable of building bridges in a deeply divided USA.

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2 hours ago, Berkshire said:


Geez man, are you guys ever concerned about the truth?  The Clinton Foundation has actually done a whole lot of good, charitable work all over the world.  The Trump Foundation is purely a slush fund for Trump's personal use.  Surely you can see that. 


TRUTH? Dunno I heard that it is unaudited and only records of 10% of it's millions gone to charity 



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And now for some reality based facts on the Clinton Foundation per some charity watchdog sites:


Charity rating: A

Program %: 88%

Overhead %: 12%



Overall score (out of 100): 94.74



"One independent philanthropy watchdog did an analysis of Clinton Foundation funding and concluded that about 89 percent of its funding went to charity."


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6 hours ago, Linzz said:


Not sure of your endorsement of Kasich. He signed a pledge to endorse the winner of the Primaries but refused to honour  that pledge. Can't respect that.


I'm not a fan of Kasich, but I sense he's a decent well-meaning man. He must be royally turned off to Trump if he squelched on a gentleman's agreement to support the sleazebag.


6 hours ago, Linzz said:

What is the difference with Hillary charging $250,000 for a fundraising celebrity dinner? six figures as well.


Did HRC rent out her own facilities for that amount and put the money in her pocket?  If so, then she's as low of a dirtbag as Trump.  Somehow, I don't think HRC stooped that low.  HRC has principles and a daughter who is ambassador to Japan.  Trump has a gold toilet and a son who cuts tails off of dead elephants.

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7 hours ago, Linzz said:


Not sure of your endorsement of Kasich. He signed a pledge to endorse the winner of the Primaries but refused to honour  that pledge. Can't respect that.


While I agree with you, I still would prefer that he were the candidate. He would have won against "crooked" Hillary in a landslide!

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For people, particularly Trump fans, who trot out the tired analogy - which goes something like this;  "Trump lies, but so does Hillary. So they're both liars."


It's too simplistic.  There are little lies (like HRC saying there were bullets shot when she disembarked at an airport in a war zone), and big lies (like Trump saying HRC and Obama founded ISIS).  There are rare lies like HRC tells (perhaps 5 in 45 years), and there are daily lies brought to us by The Divider.   

It's as different as sparklers and hand grenades.  


I'd rather have a president who deleted emails, than a president who wants to disable NATO and says the Russian prez is doing a lot better job than the American prez.



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2 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

For people, particularly Trump fans, who trot out the tired analogy - which goes something like this;  "Trump lies, but so does Hillary. So they're both liars."


It's too simplistic.  



Hillary's lies were about national security. THEY ARE THE BIG ONES.

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17 hours ago, Linzz said:


You can always find a crooked Hillary link. Finding a creditable one is the tough part. The wingnuts wake in the morning spouting Hillary hate out every orifice. 


It's just that none of it EVER sticks. EVER! Greatest liar in the history of the world. BENGHAZI!!!


Trump as President of the United States :cheesy:

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On Friday, September 23, 2016 at 6:31 PM, Ulysses G. said:


While I agree with you, I still would prefer that he were the candidate. He would have won against "crooked" Hillary in a landslide!

Seriously you dont think Trump is a far bigger crook , thats amazing ,he will have the White House silver in his pocket within a week.

I know that USA politics is so polarised that most of you would vote for a monkey if it wore the right colour shirt but....

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There have always been doubts voiced about how wealthy Trump actually is, going back decades, but you almost never hear stories like this about other rich business people.  I guess that's because most have the sense to not boast about it.

I would think someone who is supposedly worth billions wouldn't be troubled about how he'll find his next buck, but he's always running these petty operations like a jive-assed business school or selling steaks.  It breeches logic, like seeing a guy collecting cans from the street (each can fetches US$0.05 for recycling, 20 of them gets you a buck) then seeing him put the cans in the trunk of his Mercedes.  He also appears to be a notorious tightwad. 


He is either not worth as much as he claims, or he is addicted to the thrill of the scam, like Jimmy McGill (Better Call Saul).  The man is a walking psycho-drama.  Many an academic career will be launched by analyzing his behavior.


There is a certain Elvis Costello song (which I won't name) with the lines:

he wants to know the names of

all those he's better than


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I can't actually believe that the DFL will somehow find a way to lose this. It was given on a plate, three months ago I said Trump would tap out and now I will eat my words. Don't get me wrong unfortunately Hillary will still win because of Pennsylvania but it is closer than it should have been. 


The debates will be interesting, Hillary has to be a little less reptilian and not slip up, it is her election to lose now.

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1 hour ago, anotheruser said:

I can't actually believe that the DFL will somehow find a way to lose this. It was given on a plate, three months ago I said Trump would tap out and now I will eat my words. Don't get me wrong unfortunately Hillary will still win because of Pennsylvania but it is closer than it should have been. 


The debates will be interesting, Hillary has to be a little less reptilian and not slip up, it is her election to lose now.


Agreed. The Dems have far too much political advantage so it is Hillary's election to lose. UNLESS there is a bigger pro Trump silent majority groundswell that is not showing  in the polls.

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On 9/24/2016 at 9:45 AM, Ulysses G. said:

Hillary's lies were about national security. THEY ARE THE BIG ONES.


          And what US secrets were picked up from HRC's emails and put to use my America's enemies?  The thickness of the skin of a nuclear sub?  The top cruising speed of a B-1 bomber?  Her favorite pant suit color for visiting with the Queen of Norway?


         I would say Trump's plan to dismante NATO is probably a big reason why Putin likes the idea of a Trump presidency so much.  Maybe Trump was telling the truth (about not supporting NATO allies who don't pay their dues), or perhaps Trump has other harmful (to US security) beliefs that he keeps secret.  Keeping a secret is akin to lying.


             Trump keeps mentioning the US's awesome nuclear bomb capability.  More than once he's asked rhetorically, "If we don't plan to use them, why have them?"  It's almost as if Trump has an itchy finger to push the buttons.   A sage person, like Al Gore (who tirelessly campaigned for elimination of nukes ww) would advocate the destruction and abolition of all nukes worldwide.  For Trump, controlling nukes are just another way to show what a big powerful man he is.  Trump relates to nukes like a redneck relates to the arsenal of shotguns and semi-automatic weapons he keeps in his trailer.  He has an urge to find an excuse to use them.

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