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On 10/1/2016 at 2:10 AM, Basil B said:

There has been talk for a few decades now that the buildings on the westside of beach road that encroach on to the beach are illegal and will be pulled down. but I can not believe they would be replaced by hotels as they would be illegal too...

Its a mighty thin line between legal and illegal here. Bahts have a way of pushing the puck over the goal line.

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On ‎02‎.‎10‎.‎2016 at 9:01 AM, joepattaya1961 said:

The initial and still existing plan is to create a Cannes-like boulevard; this means that the structures along the beach-side of Walking Street will be removed and the night-attraction-park on the other side of Walking Street will be replaced by posh and high-end branded shops and outlets as well as restaurants and yes.........some 5* hotels will occupy the area between Walking Street and 2nd Road.

The 'boulevard' will end near the Pattaya Marina which is ready to occupy expensive yachts and vessels..........


........and now I'll be dreaming a bit more.

the Pattaya Marina which is ready to occupy expensive yachts and vessels

I hope you were being sarcastic. That decrepit fiasco is already collapsing.


If it is true, I wonder what bubble the people that think it is realistic live in? Even if they did build the hotels and posh shops, just who do they think will come to Pattaya? Other than being close to Bkk, Pattaya per se has nothing to bring in high spending tourists. The beach is very ordinary, the infrastructure is too decrepit ( unless they tear down the entire town and rebuild it nothing can be done to improve it, due to the roads being too narrow for the amount of traffic- can't widen the pavements to an acceptable width ), and unless they bring in some qualified engineers to rebuild everything, whatever they do build will be just as bad as the present version of the walkway.


If this is a government scheme, far better to go to the long and deserted beaches down south of Chumpon, and build the Riviera in LOS from scratch.


Playing around with Walking Street will not make Pattaya any more of an attraction for the rich than it is now.

Also, Pattaya has reached it's carrying capacity. More people can not be sustained by the infrastructure. It's not even high season and the roads are at capacity, and pavements are too narrow for the numbers on them now. Water is also an issue- just not enough of it.


Judging by Pattaya today, the people that were running it had no idea of what they were doing, and any attempt to increase numbers will probably fail, simply due to the bad reputation Pattaya will gain, if it does not already have one.


I have been assuming that the push would be for the international rich set, but even if the intention is to bring in more Bkk wealthy, just how many more are there that want to stay in Pattaya? Enough to fill even more 5* hotels? I don't know, but it seems like a big ask.

On ‎01‎/‎10‎/‎2016 at 5:42 PM, lor said:

A number of buildings on the beach side have recently had demolition orders posted on walls.


And I am certain you take a pic of one of them. Can you show it us please? :rolleyes: 

The comprehensive trend is out with the old, and in with the new!
The tear downs are accelerating and eventually some of the sex industry will take it on the chin.
My guess is Nana Plaza will be the next to go, then sections of walking street.
Perhaps as these old buildings get torn down, that attract the downtrodden, crime may decrease as well.
I will not miss some of the freak shows in and around Walking Street that made the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah famous.
With more single ads accelerating worldwide, the Internet may in time force the closure of many go go clubs/massage parlors with retreating cash flows and increases in taxes. Most currently are nothing like they use to be and some are down right boring and a waste of money.
 Let's not forget some of the very same depravity occured just prior to the fall of Rome. 

I resent being called 'downtrodden', what ever that means.....I still resent it. 555

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18 minutes ago, Winkburn said:

Great to see some forward thinking people prepared to close down a blight on Thailand tourism. There is nothing attractive about walking street apart from the occasional woman. Good riddance, cant for the life of me understand why anyone would be unhappy about the Pattaya demolition

I don't understand why you are on a Thai forum, as you seem to know nothing about Thailand.

Do you not understand that the farang scene as in Pattaya is just an insignificant part of the huge Thai P4P scene?

Do you imagine that closing Walking St will make an iota of difference? It will just go elsewhere.

Do you know how much money P4P puts into the Thai economy?

Do you know who owns or profits from the Thai P4P scene?  

I doubt it, or you wouldn't be posting naive comments like that.

While you would be happy if the entire farang scene vanished, it would consign hundreds of thousands of poor Thais to poverty. The numbers of people supported by the scene extend well beyond the visible bars and ladies.


BTW, I'm sure there is a thriving P4P scene in your country. Perhaps you should go home and do something about that.

1 hour ago, Anthony5 said:



I take it that in your country the red light district is also promoted internationally, and is located in the center of the city.

If I was Dutch and lived in Amsterdam that would be true.


We can go back and forth on the morality issues; whether girls are being exploited ad infinitum. Everyone has their opinion and experiences.  The facts are that Thailand is trying to clean up its image and many in the Government are completely opposed to places like Walking Street; Nana Plaza and Soi Cowboy. It is way too visible and attracts the wrong type of tourist per the thinking of certain powers to be.

In addition, the land values of these places makes them unattractive business based upon what could be there and what could be achieved financially. The police cannot protect these places any longer because the police have been neutralized somewhat by other officials who report directly to Bangkok.

Purely economics is working against the  red light districts plus the government recognizes that tourist arrivals and agenda's are changing.  Thailand is seeing and will continue to see a downturn of the Western tourist and increases in Asian tourists as well as domestic tourism by a burgeoning middle class.

I also agree that Soi 6 in Pattaya will be a target area- it is simply too visible and as one poster indicated bar owners/managers putting pics on social media gives the powers a ready beacon on where to start.  

There will still be a nightlife industry in Thailand but it will be much  less visible and not attract tourists in hordes as in the past. Thailand is changing and it wants to become an industralized country and with that- it knows it has to control  all those elements of society that keeps it in a Third World status.

Most of the bar owners I am aware of are selling out if they can and headed for other countries more friendly to their lifestyle. The smart ones know their days are numbered. The others are still drinking beer and posting on facebook.


I have not heard about Walking st being closed.It would be like closing Soho in London.What will the BIB do with no bars to raid ? Or no ferangs to hassle re,overstays and possible drug offences?I have not been to WS for 12 years and have no desire to.Dont get me wrong,i'm not holier than thou(we all like a bit of sleaze,thats the fun of being here)but,i find the over inflated prices and the atmosphere of possible violence,very distasteful.

As for Action street,i went there twice and it was full of lady boys and there seemed to be nothing going on.

I think that WS will always be an attraction for tourists,the two week millionaires, and newbies,and old farts who want young women and are willing to be easily parted with their money.

All in all,i dont see how Patts could really survive without it.

They will tear it down and then,later,bemoan its demise.

But the good thing is,that it might just weaken the Thai baht.

And yes,i have heard about the switching of sides of the roads for drivers.They say that on Jan 1st,all Songteaws and lorries will cange over to the right hand side and if that works out ok,then on jan 5th all other traffic will follow suit.

1 hour ago, Kabula said:

It's a fact the dancers who are 10's are and have been walking away from the clubs and using social media and single ads to generate income. They are also saving their livers, which you should consider before the black outs.  This is why many go go clubs are forced to hire coyote dancers that are paid a flat fee and then leave alone. 


Would you want your daughter or wife to work in the clubs on walking street?


Would you do what these women and men are forced to do to survive? Of course not.


You say no harm!  You are ignorant to the fact most working girls over time age rapidly from drinking hard liquor daily making them susceptible to cancer.


More are doing illegal drugs and many are seeking psychiatric help from depression.  


Not to mention abandoning their children and families in the village year after year attempting to support the families. Their divorce rate is extremely high as well. 


Most have no life sharing a room with several gals, sleeping on the floor with no air conditioning. Most never marry and end up in their 30's doing maid services, cooking on the street or killing themselves.


I recommend you live with a go go dancer for a year and listen to the horror stories then you would be competent in responding to my content. 


It's all an act to grab up your cash...


Some may allege you are a troll with the knowledge of a mosquito regarding this subject.



Would you do what these women and men are forced to do to survive?

You just lost your argument right there. None of the ones involved in the farang scene are compelled to be there. Perhaps your crusade would be better done in the Thai scene, where such things do go on.


Would you do what these women and men are forced to do to survive?

If I was unable to make loadsacash any other way, I certainly would.


Not to mention abandoning their children and families in the village year after year attempting to support the families.

That is normal for poor Thais having to move around for work. My wife's nephews were both brought up by granny, and their mother wasn't working P4P. Do you know that thousands of Fillipinas do exactly that ( I knew many Fillipina nurses doing that )? I guess not.


More are doing illegal drugs and many are seeking psychiatric help from depression.  

BS. MOST are not. SOME are.


I don't know where you get your facts from, but you come across as someone working for an NGO that uses bar girls to make loadsacash by convincing the gullible that bar girls are an oppressed species that must be rescued by farang white knights if only they ( the NGO ) get given lotsacash. :rolleyes:

If I only learned one thing about the farang scene, it is that they are in it because they want to make lotsacash without lotaswork, or find a rich farang husband, and they do not deserve sympathy for what they do.



Some may allege you are a troll with the knowledge of a mosquito regarding this subject.

Perhaps you should be careful what you post. It might be used against you!


Multiple off topic and troll posts also replies have been removed, topic is about:

walking Street being closed down

"Smoke me a kipper, I'll be back for breakfast!"

Arnold Judas Rimmer of Jupiter Mining Corporation Ship Red Dwarf

27 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

We can go back and forth on the morality issues; whether girls are being exploited ad infinitum. Everyone has their opinion and experiences.  The facts are that Thailand is trying to clean up its image and many in the Government are completely opposed to places like Walking Street; Nana Plaza and Soi Cowboy. It is way too visible and attracts the wrong type of tourist per the thinking of certain powers to be.

In addition, the land values of these places makes them unattractive business based upon what could be there and what could be achieved financially. The police cannot protect these places any longer because the police have been neutralized somewhat by other officials who report directly to Bangkok.

Purely economics is working against the  red light districts plus the government recognizes that tourist arrivals and agenda's are changing.  Thailand is seeing and will continue to see a downturn of the Western tourist and increases in Asian tourists as well as domestic tourism by a burgeoning middle class.

I also agree that Soi 6 in Pattaya will be a target area- it is simply too visible and as one poster indicated bar owners/managers putting pics on social media gives the powers a ready beacon on where to start.  

There will still be a nightlife industry in Thailand but it will be much  less visible and not attract tourists in hordes as in the past. Thailand is changing and it wants to become an industralized country and with that- it knows it has to control  all those elements of society that keeps it in a Third World status.

Most of the bar owners I am aware of are selling out if they can and headed for other countries more friendly to their lifestyle. The smart ones know their days are numbered. The others are still drinking beer and posting on facebook.

I recommend you read post # 38.

No matter how much the government would like to change LOS to an industrialized society and make everyone rich it depends on a lot of things happening, and the world is changing, FAST.

Why would countries make anything overseas in places like Thailand ( and China ) when AI can make everything in automated factories at home?

Without all the factories, and if fishing is unviable due to overexploitation ( which is happening as I write this ), LOS will be begging mongers to return to Pattaya, and might even be opening Walking Streets in every tourist town.




Sorry Rimmer, I posted before I saw your warning.

2 hours ago, Krataiboy said:



One does not know whom to feel most sorry for, the exploited and dehumanised inhabitants of the bars, massage parlours and brothels which line this sordid alley or the mobs of degenerate foreign tourists who flock to the place like mesmerised moths to a candle flame -or perhaps flies to a piece of rotten meat would bed a more appropriate analogy.



Quote edited for brevity.


NB there are no brothels on Walking St.


A country does become industrialized overnight- it eill take another 20-30 years for Thailand to achieve it. Thailand already is the 20th largest economy in the world.  Thailand will never beg 'mongers' to return. It's goal is to get rid of as many of them as possible and to limit their reason for coming to Thailand.

Anyone with a business acumen knows that the future is in technology and robotics. However, we are talking about the entertainment districts of Thailand and tourism. Thailand is less and less dependent on Western tourism simply because as Asia including china increase its middle class- in pure numbers and proximity more Asians to include the Chinese will be coming to Thailand. These tourists are not interested in GoGo bars and Western style entertainment. In addition, the sprouting of malls and Thai style restaurants in Pattaya attract midle class Thais. Again, Western tourists are not the target audience.

Thailand's  junta believes places like walking street; Nana , Cowboy  Soi 6 in Pattaya are what gives Thailand a bad reputation. Their goal is to change that reputation and to do it they need to get rid of places that are visible. In the past- I would have said it won't happen but now I can say it is happening and will continue to move forward.  

There will always be places of entertainment  in Thailand but they will not be allowed tobe so visible and their numbers will become limited simply because there is no longer much money to be made from it.

On 9/30/2016 at 9:06 PM, mcfish said:

Ummm the hotels would have killed the Golden goose. When the sex leaves, what then?


For every monger $$$ attracted by the sex, there's probably 5-10 family $$$ staying away from the place because of the same sex.


For the life of me, I don't know how to explain a kiosk selling dildos or Porn DVD's to a 5 year old kid as we walk down the street.

Just now, Thaidream said:

A country does become industrialized overnight- it eill take another 20-30 years for Thailand to achieve it. Thailand already is the 20th largest economy in the world.  Thailand will never beg 'mongers' to return. It's goal is to get rid of as many of them as possible and to limit their reason for coming to Thailand.

Anyone with a business acumen knows that the future is in technology and robotics. However, we are talking about the entertainment districts of Thailand and tourism. Thailand is less and less dependent on Western tourism simply because as Asia including china increase its middle class- in pure numbers and proximity more Asians to include the Chinese will be coming to Thailand. These tourists are not interested in GoGo bars and Western style entertainment. In addition, the sprouting of malls and Thai style restaurants in Pattaya attract midle class Thais. Again, Western tourists are not the target audience.

Thailand's  junta believes places like walking street; Nana , Cowboy  Soi 6 in Pattaya are what gives Thailand a bad reputation. Their goal is to change that reputation and to do it they need to get rid of places that are visible. In the past- I would have said it won't happen but now I can say it is happening and will continue to move forward.  

There will always be places of entertainment  in Thailand but they will not be allowed tobe so visible and their numbers will become limited simply because there is no longer much money to be made from it.

I think you underestimate just how much money Walking St makes for Thailand. While it may not directly make a vast amount of money, the reputation attracts millions of men to take advantage of the scene in LOS, though they may never go to Walking St itself.

Of those millions, many go on to become expats, marry Thais, raise families and contribute many billions in overseas money to LOS.

If the government is concerned as to Thailand's poor reputation, there are a lot of things more pressing than a few farangs going to Walking St, Patong, Patpong, Cowboy and Nana to correct.


BTW, Thailand's economy depends in large part on overseas companies making things here. AI is going to take that all away. To be more topical, how many companies will stay in LOS if Ayutthaya is flooded again?


I think the positive side has been overlooked in this matter. The residents who seem to have forced themselves to all live in the walking street area will no longer be offended by the sinful women walking around with arms and legs on display, so its a win for them.

6 minutes ago, impulse said:


For every monger $$$ attracted by the sex, there's probably 5-10 family $$$ staying away from the place because of the same sex.


For the life of me, I don't know how to explain a kiosk selling dildos or Porn DVD's to a 5 year old kid as we walk down the street.

There's far too many people in Pattaya anyway. If the reputation sends them elsewhere, that is a good thing.


I have to ask the obvious question, why are you taking a 5 year old to Pattaya? You know how to use the internet, and you could have used google and found out about Pattaya before taking a kid to Walking Street. Walking street was there since 1996, and the reputation as Fun City long before that.

Many more suitable places for kids in LOS.

2 minutes ago, little mary sunshine said:

This will in no way affect 95% of the residents

in Pattaya and if brings in less drunken trash,

tear the entire place down.   Visited twice six

Years ago. Sad bunch of drunks!!

I'm amazed you visited a second time. No one dragged you there, did they?

In the meantime, many, many thousands of people enjoyed themselves there.

50 minutes ago, performance said:

A retarded Thai government. Let them dig there own grave.  They are under the impression that they have a paradise to offer tourists. In fact its far from the truth. Without the bars and sex trade and golf. Pattaya has very little.  The beaches are polluted. And no one wants book any hotel to stay here. Close the bars and you should prepare for a evacuation order by the locals.

Prayut needs consult his doctor.


    The Gov doesnt care if the nightlife vanishes .

That seems to be what they are striving for .

The Gov has no concern for bar owners , sex tourists or Issan bar girls .

The same happened in CM , now CM bars are deserted .

4 hours ago, Kabula said:

The comprehensive trend is out with the old, and in with the new!


The tear downs are accelerating and eventually some of the sex industry will take it on the chin.


My guess is Nana Plaza will be the next to go, then sections of walking street.


Perhaps as these old buildings get torn down, that attract the downtrodden, crime may decrease as well.


I will not miss some of the freak shows in and around Walking Street that made the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah famous.


With more single ads accelerating worldwide, the Internet may in time force the closure of many go go clubs/massage parlors with retreating cash flows and increases in taxes. Most currently are nothing like they use to be and some are down right boring and a waste of money.


 Let's not forget some of the very same depravity occured just prior to the fall of Rome. 

crime may decrease as well.

No. it won't, it will increase, just as it did when Purachai went on his crusade. Does anyone think that all the people that make a living from the scene will just go off and become hairdressers or bell boys in those new hotels on what used to be Walking St? No, they'll turn to crime, just like they did before.

6 minutes ago, sanemax said:


    The Gov doesnt care if the nightlife vanishes .

That seems to be what they are striving for .

The Gov has no concern for bar owners , sex tourists or Issan bar girls .

The same happened in CM , now CM bars are deserted .

Chiang Mai, the most boring tourist city in LOS. It has traffic like Pattaya, and ugly buildings like Pattaya, and broken infrastructure like Pattaya, but it doesn't have a beach, or an island, and it sure don't have any fun.

If you want to see what a Walking St devoid Pattaya will be like, go to C M for a couple of weeks. By then you will be gagging to get out of the place. There's only so many temples that one can see and stay sane.


PS, Pattaya only has one temple worth visiting, so it will be even more boring than C M if the fun leaves Pattaya.


Without going off topic too much but appears from photos some illegal Soi 6 buildings have been demolished over last 24 hours or so. I dont think this crew are messing around. Get legal or you're gone

Walking next perhaps


Walking street and its like are not fun . Who wants to sit around drinking over priced beer;  watching  girls looking at smart phones and incapable of carrying on an intelligent conversation in Thai let alone English. There are some fun places left in Thailand but Walking street; Soi 6; Nana Plaza and Patpong are not on the list. That is another reason why their days are number. They simply cannot attract the business anymore. People are wiser and can't be as readily fooled.

3 hours ago, Krataiboy said:

If the Thai administration and new tourism minister are serious about cleaning up Thailand's tawdry image as the sex capital of the world, removing this sprawling repository of human garbage in the heart of Sin City would be an impressive start.


One does not know whom to feel most sorry for, the exploited and dehumanised inhabitants of the bars, massage parlours and brothels which line this sordid alley or the mobs of degenerate foreign tourists who flock to the place like mesmerised moths to a candle flame -or perhaps flies to a piece of rotten meat would bed a more appropriate analogy.


However, it would clearly be cruel and counter-productive to throw sex workers and the rest of the Walking Street inhabitants onto the grubby pavements of this notorious thoroughfare with no means of earning a living to support themselves and their families.


Sex workers deserve compassion far more than condemnation  The commendable push to clean up Thailand's infamous red light districts should go hand in hand with bespoke retraining programmes to ensure that those displaced are able to find new jobs offering them a decent living wage. 


With a woman now running the tourism ministry, this should be a major government priority.

A disgusting insult you have posted. Your own country has strippers, parlours and prostitutes. You are no oversea of Thai culture. 

A clean up maybe required. But to strike a hammer on legit operations is ludicrous 

On 30/09/2016 at 8:10 PM, Basil B said:

There has been talk for a few decades now that the buildings on the westside of beach road that encroach on to the beach are illegal and will be pulled down. but I can not believe they would be replaced by hotels as they would be illegal too...

Like the Dusit resort you mean?

Walking street and its like are not fun . Who wants to sit around drinking over priced beer;  watching  girls looking at smart phones and incapable of carrying on an intelligent conversation in Thai let alone English. There are some fun places left in Thailand but Walking street; Soi 6; Nana Plaza and Patpong are not on the list. That is another reason why their days are number. They simply cannot attract the business anymore. People are wiser and can't be as readily fooled.

The better go go bars are doing good business or they were at least last night.
Pull down walking street and what westerner in their right mind would visit Pattaya, families or singles they won't come for the pristine beaches so what's left? The Chinese would be the first to go so basically you would just have bangkok thais and they are Already here

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