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Are you a American that left the U.S. because its people have become to aggressive, violent, greedy, selfish, uncaring, unconcerned, allowing a police state to flourish?


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I am not American i am from the UK but my reason for leaving the UK is as the Op says to seek an improved and better way of life, better climate etc. I also wanted to leave because i am embarrassed about my country of birth for its gross support of the war mongering USA leading to the Iraq War and have also felt embarrassed by the jingoistic and sometimes racist attitute of fellow UK citizens in the run up to Brexit. I want to live in an environment where the attitude of the individual is much more important than their Nationality.  I am surprised to hear so often the 'proud to be American,  proud to be Briish,  i embrace Thai Culture attitude expressed. I don't think there s much to be proud about. MaybeThailand is not the right place for me either !

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14 hours ago, pgrahmm said:



It's been no fun, however, watching my country's marked decline over the last 7+ years....Some of my friends would like to do the same but feel they are trapped by life.....And not happy about it.....


But hasn't the US become a little less aggressive Internationally in the past 7 years and isn't this a good and important step?


I apologse if i sound pedantic but America is not 'your' country, you don't own it you just happen to have been born there. I know people use this terminology a lot even (for example) with references to he football team they support but i think language is important in the way a point of view can come across. 

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10 minutes ago, rogeroc said:


But hasn't the US become a little less aggressive Internationally in the past 7 years and isn't this a good and important step?


I apologse if i sound pedantic but America is not 'your' country, you don't own it you just happen to have been born there. I know people use this terminology a lot even (for example) with references to he football team they support but i think language is important in the way a point of view can come across. 


But it is HIs Country and it is my Country and it is JingThings Country even though none of us may agree on anything. 


Maybe if these refugees around the Globe took a bit more ownership then they would stay and make their locations better. 




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11 hours ago, Testacall said:

Not a doubt the European s are so much above this kind of disgusting behaviour...they are very graceful ..in winning or DEFEAT ...

:cheesy: We couldn't keep winning though, it was embarrassing 8 time on the trot i think? 

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13 hours ago, swissie said:


The Canadians have a different approach: "Unless you already have a solid education (true marketable skills) and/or bring along some serious money, don't even try to knock on our door."



The thing is, most people really don't want to live in Canada. 

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2 hours ago, giddyup said:

Couldn't win Vietnam though, and that was against soldiers in flip flops.

I can't tell whether that was a slur at me or Americans?  By 'We' winning 8 times on the trot I meant Europe and not the US

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9 hours ago, Caps said:

:cheesy: We couldn't keep winning though, it was embarrassing 8 time on the trot i think? 

Now you are being so silly ....your avatar is a Yorkshire (pony) then you say USA lost 8 times "on the Trot" ...suggest you get back in and muck the stables ....Welcome to 2016. The Ryder cup is Europe's  LOSS .....It's a USA Win :laugh:

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12 hours ago, giddyup said:

Couldn't win Vietnam though, and that was against soldiers in flip flops.


Im sure if you poke the bear enough, it might attack. 


Im sure aussie land would have just smashed then flip flops without a single casualty. 

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Now you are being so silly ....your avatar is a Yorkshire (pony) then you say USA lost 8 times "on the Trot" ...suggest you get back in and muck the stables ....Welcome to 2016. The Ryder cup is Europe's  LOSS .....It's a USA Win :laugh:

Why is that being silly? The Us did loose 8 times on the trot, so yep it was about time the yanks won.
What has a Yorkshire avatar got to do with it? More drivel. If you can't do banter go annoy someone else

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13 minutes ago, Caps said:

Why is that being silly? The Us did loose 8 times on the trot, so yep it was about time the yanks won.
What has a Yorkshire avatar got to do with it? More drivel. If you can't do banter go annoy someone else

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Wow wait a sec it was just a little banter back...easy tiger 

Oh btw suggest you check you facts ...USA last won the Ryder cup in 2008 and before you get all excited it's played every 2 years. 

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On 10/4/2016 at 3:35 PM, citzofwrld said:

as Americans wake up to the very disturbing reality they have been ignoring for decades.


^Well sadly most have not. Some are coming around  Most have to work too much to pay attention to their surroundings quite frankly. Becoming self aware in America can be a bit frightening which is why most prefer to live in a vacuum. Easier to ignore it all and just pay what they demand and have conveniences around when you may or may not want them. Of course a big wake up call is coming soon when they have to vote in 1 of the 2 buffoons running for President. That should be a real proud moment for the US.:laugh:


But again as I have said I do not hate the US at all. The best way to manage it all is enjoy the best in both places. I much prefer visiting the US versus living there now. For me going to the US now is like an awesome shopping experience. It has everything. Beauty now though is I am not paying to have to sustain it. 


This will be a fun thread to follow, they always get wild. Bullet proof vest is on. Fire away........:shock1:

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