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Trump's shocking crude comments on women leave him reeling


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7 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

I don't know who you support, but it is interesting that the media and the Dems establishment have pronounced Trump guilty of sexual assault without him having a chance to defend himself in a court. Any pretense of upholding the law re proven guilt has long departed this campaign.


Is it any different to Republicans (and/or Trump supporters, seems like its not as synonymous anymore) going on about several issues relating to HRC's conduct? As a reminder, most of these were actually investigated by authorities and done with.


Seems like the care expressed for upholding the law (even if there was such a law) is applied only one way.

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47 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Hmmmm. I'd claim that Switzerland has the closest to real democracy, but never mind.


Unfortunately, IMO, US democracy has been corrupted by big business and lobbyists. IMO it's time to start over, and if Trump makes that happen we'll all be the better for it.

It's rather disturbing though, that some crude language that most men indulge in at some point in their life has had such a shocking effect on the future of the country. Perhaps American democracy isn't that strong after all.


Hmmmm. I'd claim that Switzerland has the closest to real democracy, but never mind.


Never mind but it is so easy to say and so commonly said as to be meaningless.


Coming from you it is glib, vacuous. Almost no country could take Switzerland as a model. Or as a reference point of their respective democracy.


Trying to compare Switzerland to the USA is a joke. Trump's language is unprecedented in its nature and its quantity, however, USA is more than able to move past this. You're going to be a very unhappy guy over the next four years. Maybe more than four.


I'm luvin it. 

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6 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Trump will never remain silent, though a good debate for him would be a succession of repeating the e mails released by Wiki.

However, the great American obsession with sex ( the French must be laughing like drains ) has doomed any possibility of a discourse on policy, and reduced the entire event to a very bad tv reality show, in which the one that throws the most dirt that sticks wins.

Given that, and an acceptance that she will win the election, I repeat my desire to see Trump go down in a huge explosion of vitriol that will destroy the US political elite, of both parties. The corruption of the US establishment has become such a threat to world stability that it needs to be swept away and a new system with checks and balances to prevent any similar emerging.

Remember the military–industrial complex as warned by Dwight D. Eisenhower. It has, IMO, become the main threat to world peace. 


Yes, you would wish Trump to act like that.

But that's because of your obvious anti-US stance, and the hope that such "revelations" by Trump would damage US, and by extension its international position. Of course, the chaos and havoc resulting from such a hypothetical meltdown of the "political elite of both parties", "US establishment" and the ever useful "military-industrial complex" will not be confined to the US. But do go on about "world stability".


The good news is that the World usually ignores losers of political campaigns. Considering Trump's constant barrage of nonsense claims, wild assertions and outright lies - doubt much credit will be given.


The bad news is that it will be the right tune for hardcore Trump supporters, and perversly, for those opposing the US. If someone wanted to assure the internal rifts weakening the the US being kept as they are - that would be one way of assuring it.


And IMO, Trump's motivations in taking such hypothetical action will be far removed from those expressed by most posters - not so much to do with national greatness, fighting the "establishment", reforming the political system and exposing corruption. Ultimately, Trump is about Trump.

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58 minutes ago, Publicus said:


Whatever Donald Trump does destroys everything he touches. Neither the Clintons nor the Democratic Party will allow Trump near 'em. Trump belongs to the rightwhinge nutcases and to the Republican Party or his rightwhinge media project, or whatever he may do in the short term or the long term future. 


Trump's mouth and mind are self-destructive or destructive of those he chooses to be with. Anyone who hasn't seen that is in a fog. Trump is busily electing Hillary Clinton Potus. He's an idiot thank you. 


Publicus, I like your posts, but, you do yourself no favours when you use words like "rightwhinge" and other altered words.

It's the equivalent of the Republicans word "lamestream" media.

Frankly, words like this are cringeworthy. You're better than that and you're eloquent enough to not have to use them.....

Edited by KarenBravo
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8 hours ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


Obama is not in muslim costume. He is in Somali National costume.



Then why did the Omama campaign complain about the photos - that Hillary's campaign spread - feeding into claims that he is a Muslim? Why did he call it a smear campaign?


 You folks can't deny the obvious and expect anyone to believe it.




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55 minutes ago, KarenBravo said:


Publicus, I like your posts, but, you do yourself no favours when you use words like "rightwhinge" and other altered words.



Yet he does it constantly. You are right, using such hateful, condescending rhetoric continually makes it easy to dismiss his posts.

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1 hour ago, KarenBravo said:


Publicus, I like your posts, but, you do yourself no favours when you use words like "rightwhinge" and other altered words.

It's the equivalent of the Republicans word "lamestream" media.

Frankly, words like this are cringeworthy. You're better than that and you're eloquent enough to not have to use them.....


Given a PM seems not in order to you let me say a few things.


As long as the right keeps howling about how awful it is, the "altered" words will keep coming. And the right sector posters (to include vile anti-American ones) howl regularly about the words and terms.


I have taken to using 'right sector' of society with an increasing frequency, however, that awfully polite term doesn't quite describe the people defending Trump these dayze to include their own rhetoric.  


The Birther-in-Chief is trying to get elected Potus next month and he's barreling head-first through the Constitution so this is not the time or the place to discuss diction.


One of the rightwhingers is howling over your shoulder already in support of your suggestion. Those guyz exist in a parallel universe, or hadn't you noticed. They are people who call Potus a traitor Muslim extremist. 


These people go to the demo derby and gun shows not to tea parties.

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As I was saying...


A blast from the past applicable precisely today concerning Donald Trump....


“I’ll take a drug test if you’ll take an IQ test.”


— Sen. Fritz Hollings (D-SC), quoted by NPR, in 1986 when Henry McMaster (R) challenged him to a drug test.


More trash out of the mouth of Trump.

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Primary and caucus campaigns within a political party are to get things sorted out among (or between) candidates for the nomination. At the national convention the party unites then moves forward to the general. 


That's what was done in the Democratic Party in 2008.


When OB became the presumptive nominee, HRC endorsed him fully. The extreme whingenut right sees sinister droppings in HRC becoming OB's SecState, but it was in fact the political norm to do.


OB got over it quickly and forever. Only the virulent far out right is pursuing the past matter. It's intentions and purposes are not in the interest of the Democratic Party. They were not in 2008, not in 2012, and certainly not in 2016.


The right remains bent while the rest of the country moved on long ago in the matters posted by the extreme and unrelenting rightwing reactionaries that almost all of the Republican Party has become.

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16 hours ago, Chicog said:


It is disturbing that one of a choice of two people for leader of one of the worlds superpowers boasts about "grabbing women by the pussy".


It should really disturb anyone with any decency.



That would be hypocritical of most guys, as most guys have said the same sort of things at some point in their lives.

However, most guys aren't faced with having things they said long ago saved to be used against them in the future.

Had Trump come out in public and said such I'd agree with you, but he didn't.

A case of people casting the first stone etc.

I find it hard to believe that there are such a lot of "pure as driven snow" characters, as some proclaim themselves to be on this forum. Compared to what I heard in the military, the things that were said by Trump would have been minor, at most, and I very much doubt that has changed.


Frankly, I'm somewhat bemused that so many profess to be incensed at what would be normal behavior for most rock stars and their groupies. I've seen more outrageous behavior in a Bkk gogo than what Trump was describing.

I refuse to be drawn by yet more hypocritical Clinton propaganda, when she lives with someone that has been proven to actually DO the things that she claims to find appalling. Does she think Monica let Bill use a cigar on her because he is so good looking, or could it possibly be that it was because he was president?

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7 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

That would be hypocritical of most guys, as most guys have said the same sort of things at some point in their lives.

However, most guys aren't faced with having things they said long ago saved to be used against them in the future.

Had Trump come out in public and said such I'd agree with you, but he didn't.

A case of people casting the first stone etc.

I find it hard to believe that there are such a lot of "pure as driven snow" characters, as some proclaim themselves to be on this forum. Compared to what I heard in the military, the things that were said by Trump would have been minor, at most, and I very much doubt that has changed.


Frankly, I'm somewhat bemused that so many profess to be incensed at what would be normal behavior for most rock stars and their groupies. I've seen more outrageous behavior in a Bkk gogo than what Trump was describing.

I refuse to be drawn by yet more hypocritical Clinton propaganda, when she lives with someone that has been proven to actually DO the things that she claims to find appalling. Does she think Monica let Bill use a cigar on her because he is so good looking, or could it possibly be that it was because he was president?


pssst! It's not so much he said it but that he DID it!


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15 hours ago, Morch said:


The post I was replying to attempted to cast Trump as a victim. He's not. Anyone who ever followed a presidential election campaign knows the ropes. The choice to take it down a few notches was Trump's. Whinging when it backfires is just being a sore loser. Or an entitled spoiled brat.


Indeed, not claiming HRC is a "good person", not even that she's honest, trustworthy and whatnot.  Being a "good person" is not a fundamental requirement for the job of POTUS. In all likelihood, some of the choices and decisions involved are not the ones a "good person" will intuitively make. That people want to see leaders as a projection of their ideals is all very fine, just got little to do with most being politicians (or entertainer, or generals).


How is HRC behaving badly within the context of this topic (reminder: "Trump's shocking crude comments on women leave him reeling")? In a similar fashion, many of HRC campaign ads are simply things Trump said. Should her campaign ignore these things?


Lovin' it would indicate an anti-US stance I'm not party to. The World will not be a better place with an embattled, weak POTUS, nor with a crass buffoon at the helm.

How is HRC behaving badly within the context of this topic

While she hasn't specifically spoken about women in the same fashion ( that we know of, and who knows what else is waiting to be released? ), she has no problem denigrating women that support Trump, accusing them of being deplorable and irredeemable.


My "lovin' it" is just a sly dig at US OTT commercialism that I use from time to time- a bit of an in joke. Not specifically anti US.

However, I, and millions, are enjoying the reality show. Pity it will be over in November.

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A number of bickering, argumentative, inflammatory, off-topic, troll posts have been removed along with replies.  


Continue and you will get a suspension.


This topic is about Trump.   Stay on topic or face the consequences.  

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10 minutes ago, AYJAYDEE said:

pssst! It's not so much he said it but that he DID it!


Link please. Just because some women come out and say he did something is meaningless without proof he did those things, and none of them filed a police complaint or did anything official. I wasn't in the room, so I can't say that he did or didn't, but apparently neither was anyone else. Some of the accusations have been challenged by those that claim to have been there.

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26 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Put a lid on it plse thx

From the poster that likes to subject us to more pixels that probably any other contributor to these threads, that's OTT!


he said he did it, nine women agreed with him.


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2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

That would be hypocritical of most guys, as most guys have said the same sort of things at some point in their lives.

However, most guys aren't faced with having things they said long ago saved to be used against them in the future.

Had Trump come out in public and said such I'd agree with you, but he didn't.

A case of people casting the first stone etc.

I find it hard to believe that there are such a lot of "pure as driven snow" characters, as some proclaim themselves to be on this forum. Compared to what I heard in the military, the things that were said by Trump would have been minor, at most, and I very much doubt that has changed.


Frankly, I'm somewhat bemused that so many profess to be incensed at what would be normal behavior for most rock stars and their groupies. I've seen more outrageous behavior in a Bkk gogo than what Trump was describing.

I refuse to be drawn by yet more hypocritical Clinton propaganda, when she lives with someone that has been proven to actually DO the things that she claims to find appalling. Does she think Monica let Bill use a cigar on her because he is so good looking, or could it possibly be that it was because he was president?


I've never in my whole life talked about grabbing a woman by the vagina without her permission - and I doubt other most men have either.


The fact that you'd use the activities found in a go-go bar as a comparison suggests that perhaps too much time spent with prostitutes has somewhat warped your moral compass.

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Just now, SoiBiker said:


I've never in my whole life talked about grabbing a woman by the vagina without her permission - and I doubt other most men have either.


The fact that you'd use the activities found in a go-go bar as a comparison suggests that perhaps too much time spent with prostitutes has somewhat warped your moral compass.


some guys have to use physical or economic power over women to get lucky and so it seems normal behaviour to them


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8 minutes ago, AYJAYDEE said:

some guys have to use physical or economic power over women to get lucky and so it seems normal behaviour to them



I can see how if you spend all your time in an environment where the women you meet are sexually available to you, you might come to view all women that way.

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Just now, SoiBiker said:


I can see how if you spend all your time in an environment where the women you meet are sexually available to you, you might come to view all women that way.


especially if its only your wealth that makes them available.

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2 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

How is HRC behaving badly within the context of this topic

While she hasn't specifically spoken about women in the same fashion ( that we know of, and who knows what else is waiting to be released? ), she has no problem denigrating women that support Trump, accusing them of being deplorable and irredeemable.


My "lovin' it" is just a sly dig at US OTT commercialism that I use from time to time- a bit of an in joke. Not specifically anti US.

However, I, and millions, are enjoying the reality show. Pity it will be over in November.


HRC's "deplorable" comment was denounced by many, and rightfully so. If memory serves, it was not specifically related to "denigrating women that support Trump", but to Trump supporters in general. At least she did a better job of apologizing. If that's the only thing you can come up with, then contrasted with Trump's many instances of "behaving badly", I'd say it's not a comparison that flatters Trump. 

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Just now, thaibeachlovers said:

That would be hypocritical of most guys, as most guys have said the same sort of things at some point in their lives.

However, most guys aren't faced with having things they said long ago saved to be used against them in the future.


Frankly, I'm somewhat bemused that so many profess to be incensed at what would be normal behavior for most rock stars and their groupies. I've seen more outrageous behavior in a Bkk gogo than what Trump was describing.



Let's address that shall we?


Most guys I have known are not outrageous neanderthals.

Most guys I know who may have said what the PIG known as the Bloviator said, have

grown up and stopped talking about such pig-headed, dick wagging nonsense when they were 25.

i.e: Some point in their lives. Not in their 60's. Ogling 10 year olds.


Especially, if said when their third wife was three months pregnant.

Unlike the Bloviator, who "hopes" to be President of the United States and Leader of the Free World.


Rock Star and their groupies?

Really? That's all you got?



A BKK Gogo?


Welcome to your world...

Edited by iReason
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3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

That would be hypocritical of most guys, as most guys have said the same sort of things at some point in their lives.

However, most guys aren't faced with having things they said long ago saved to be used against them in the future.

Had Trump come out in public and said such I'd agree with you, but he didn't.

A case of people casting the first stone etc.

I find it hard to believe that there are such a lot of "pure as driven snow" characters, as some proclaim themselves to be on this forum. Compared to what I heard in the military, the things that were said by Trump would have been minor, at most, and I very much doubt that has changed.



You Trump guys are still confusing lewd "guy talk" with Trump boasting that he can grope women with impunity?  Heck, even Howard Stern....Howard freakin Stern disputes your claim...


[Stern, whose radio career was built on raunchy talk, also weighed in on the videotape that recently emerged where Trump says he can kiss and grope women without their consent because of his celebrity. Stern disputed Trump’s defense that the words were merely “locker room talk.”

“I have never been in the room when someone has said, 'Grab them by the pussy," said Stern, repeating the phrase Trump used in the 2005 recording. "No one's ever advocated going that step where you get a little bit, 'Hey I'm going to invade someone's space.'"]




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If Trump had never decided to run for office and that tape came out. Nobody would consider his claims any more believable than an old fisherman talking about the monster fish that got away. Despite the fact that he was likely surrounded by pliable gold diggers his entire life; his braggadocio on the day was only BS and exaggeration. Immature certainly, but anyone would have called BS on it in normal circumstances.

But the minions take it as evidence of assault and a lifetime of sexual predation.


Just more proof the claim that 'in America anyone can become president', is a total fabrication.  

The odds of winning the lottery are infinitely higher. Everyone has done something that somebody else can turn against them, if you don't have the right associations. Lots of people throwing stones at Trump that have skeletons in their closet. Hillary's closet is more like a cemetery.

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2 minutes ago, canuckamuck said:

If Trump had never decided to run for office and that tape came out. Nobody would consider his claims any more believable than an old fisherman talking about the monster fish that got away. Despite the fact that he was likely surrounded by pliable gold diggers his entire life; his braggadocio on the day was only BS and exaggeration. Immature certainly, but anyone would have called BS on it in normal circumstances.

But the minions take it as evidence of assault and a lifetime of sexual predation.


Just more proof the claim that 'in America anyone can become president', is a total fabrication.  

The odds of winning the lottery are infinitely higher. Everyone has done something that somebody else can turn against them, if you don't have the right associations. Lots of people throwing stones at Trump that have skeletons in their closet. Hillary's closet is more like a cemetery.


plenty of others are testifying he  had a lifetime of predation. he's gonna lose, get used to it

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