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Trump's shocking crude comments on women leave him reeling


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9 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:




P.S. If anyone can get me Melania's phone number, that would be cool.  I predict she'll be one super rich single woman in a few months.     She'll dump her 'bitch' (that's what Trump called himself in the taped conversation) as soon as the ink dries on the divorce papers.



You think a twice married man is soooooo dumb he wouldn't get a prenup? If that's the case, he probably deserves to be taken for everything her lawyers could get.

Anyway he could lose half of what he has and still be way richer than every TV poster put together.


The only reason I think he should drop out is to spare his family further ridicule.

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8 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

they let him because he was such a big celebrity.

That's what groupies do. It's CONSENSUAL.There is nothing to see here. Move on.


Strange thing is that if Joe the plumber did the same they'd be screaming the roof down.


I find it hard to believe that people on a THAI forum don't understand the connection between money and allowable sexual activity. Perhaps they don't know as much about LOS as they like to think they do!

I amazed you don't know what consensual means.


A woman saying "go ahead and  grab my pussy" is consensual.  Grabbing a woman crotch without an invitation and no complaint made due to the power of the aggressor is not consensual.


You can engage in all the denigration of the victims you want, but that doesn't change the fact Trump bragged about being able to get away with sexual assault because he was such a big celebrity. 



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2 hours ago, ChidlomDweller said:

Don't know if someone else mentioned in this long thread, but the type of behavior reminds me of Dominique Strauss-Kahn a few years ago.  Even for the French it was too much.  Biiiggg difference between being a suave ladies' man and that guy,,  the one no woman wants to be alone in an elevator with.  


Can't say I despise Republicans more now because my despiso-meter was already maxed out, but what a stomach-turning group of hypocrites for dropping him now.  First they had no principles in endorsing him (for instance it's despicable that Cruz, Rubio, Ryan and McCain in the end still endorsed him).  Now, in withdrawing their endorsement, they're not taking a principled stand.  They're rats leaving a sinking ship.  

 'despiso-meter was maxed out.'  .....that's funny.


I want to go on record as saying I'm a better judge of character than all the Republican leaders you mentioned (above), and all other Republicans who have, at one time or another, endorsed the Trumpster fire.  I and millions of other Americans saw (and have known about) him as the low-class heel he is - for months/years before he declared running for prez.   


Either that, or the Republican leadership (except Romney) knew all along Trump was low class scum, and decided to support his candidacy anyway.  They can't use the soggy excuse "well, Hillary and Bill are worse, whaaaah, boo hoo." Because that's obviously not true.  Bill was a good and well-liked prez, and HRC has a long public record of working hard to help disadvantaged people.  They've stayed together as a married couple through thick and thin.  

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34 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:


Does she?  Yet, for how long will Melania stand by the windbag?  She could threaten to leave him before the election (it would be bigger than the Bradgelina split!) in lieu of a billion dollars cash in suitcases (no checks accepted).


Or, she could split from him after he loses the election.  She probably signed a pre-nup, but could still get a tidy several hundred million as Trump's ships sink over the ensuing years.  She's got proof of his infidelities, and probably a lot more dirt on the scoundrel.  Until then, she's got to sleep with the overweight sweaty 70 yr old.  Am glad she's not my daughter or sister.  No amount of money would make it worthwhile.

For several hundred million I'm sure many would disagree with you and would think it worthwhile.

I would.

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23 minutes ago, thaihome said:

I amazed you don't know what consensual means.


A woman saying "go ahead and  grab my pussy" is consensual.  Grabbing a woman crotch without an invitation and no complaint made due to the power of the aggressor is not consensual.


You can engage in all the denigration of the victims you want, but that doesn't change the fact Trump bragged about being able to get away with sexual assault because he was such a big celebrity. 



Were you in the room? If not you don't know what was said or not said, nor do you know what happened, or didn't happen.

Short of her reporting sexual assault to the police and it being on the record, it can be taken as consensual. It's only unwanted if something is said or done to indicate that, and no indication has been made so far by any woman involved that he was reported for assault.


Does anyone doing the horizontal mambo ask permission before every different activity? I don't think so.

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17 hours ago, Jingthing said:

People who don't want rapey presidents care, women especially. He was talking about sexual assault. That's typically illegal in states and often carries PRISON sentences. LOCK HIM UP! 


Don't look now, but for trumpy-poo it may just be OVER!


Down to 1/4 of a horseman. Lowest ever:










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3 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

DUH It's called body language. Perhaps you never heard of it, or don't understand it.


If that's what you read into her body language from her walking along a corridor with two men, then you're correct "DUH" is the operative word.

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It's hard to believe I'm writing this, but there are a couple of possibilities of better things if Clinton wins and stacks the SCOTUS.

Abortion on demand in the first trimester for free would be a good first step, and single payer healthcare ( like the UK NHS ) would be better than the atrocious Obamacare fiasco.

That's about it though.

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47 minutes ago, thaihome said:

I amazed you don't know what consensual means.


A woman saying "go ahead and  grab my pussy" is consensual.  Grabbing a woman crotch without an invitation and no complaint made due to the power of the aggressor is not consensual.


You can engage in all the denigration of the victims you want, but that doesn't change the fact Trump bragged about being able to get away with sexual assault because he was such a big celebrity. 



bragged about being able to get away with sexual assault because he was such a big celebrity. 

No, he bragged about how women would engage in sexual activity with him because he was a big celebrity.

Anyone would think no rock star had ever engaged in a bit of groupie play to read the stuff on this thread.

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20 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Were you in the room? If not you don't know what was said or not said, nor do you know what happened, or didn't happen.

Short of her reporting sexual assault to the police and it being on the record, it can be taken as consensual. It's only unwanted if something is said or done to indicate that, and no indication has been made so far by any woman involved that he was reported for assault.


Does anyone doing the horizontal mambo ask permission before every different activity? I don't think so.

Let me make sure of what you are saying.


Unless a woman makes a police complaint afterwards, by definition every act the man makes is consensual on her part. Correct?


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Wall Street Journal reporting that Priebus is now cutting off funding for Trump campaign.


Will DT show up for Sunday's debate?  If he does, how will he handle the first outraged woman voter who puts him on the spot?  Can you see Trump apologizing humbly?

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Just now, CaptHaddock said:

Wall Street Journal reporting that Priebus is now cutting off funding for Trump campaign.


Will DT show up for Sunday's debate?  If he does, how will he handle the first outraged woman voter who puts him on the spot?  Can you see Trump apologizing humbly?


Presumably, he'll accuse her of bleeding from "wherever".

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Just now, Chicog said:


Presumably, he'll accuse her of bleeding from "wherever".


Yeah, Damn I'm not going to be able to watch that live as I have an important engagement. But I expect Trump to come out like a raging bull, and be a perfect deer in the headlights for the patiently waiting, cunning and crafty Hillary. :smile:

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33 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

bragged about being able to get away with sexual assault because he was such a big celebrity. 

No, he bragged about how women would engage in sexual activity with him because he was a big celebrity.

Anyone would think no rock star had ever engaged in a bit of groupie play to read the stuff on this thread.

No, he didn't brag about them engaging in sexual activity,  he bragged about not having to wait. He just grabs them by the pussy. 



Trump: “I’ve gotta use some Tic Tacs, just in case I start kissing her. You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star they let you do it. You can do anything.”

Unknown: “Whatever you want.”

Trump: “Grab them by the p—y. You can do anything.”


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6 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

It's hard to believe I'm writing this, but there are a couple of possibilities of better things if Clinton wins and stacks the SCOTUS.

Abortion on demand in the first trimester for free would be a good first step, and single payer healthcare ( like the UK NHS ) would be better than the atrocious Obamacare fiasco. That's about it though.


Some other things with a Clinton presidency:

>>>  reasonable people for the Supreme Court, as opposed to ultra-right wingers. No chance Christie would get nominated.

>>>  reasonable and experienced people for top gov't positions.  In other words, no chance Sarah Palin would get Sec. of Defense, or Ailes would get Sec. of State.

>>>  Climate change would be studied.

>>>  Alternative, non-polluting power solutions would be pushed.  Already, the WH has solar panels on its roof.

>>>  She would be respected by foreign leaders, many of whom are already her friends.  

>>>  Russia would be held in check if it tried getting its Soviet satellite states back.

>>>  Prisons would be de-privatized (taking away the incentive for corps to incarcerate more people for longer)

>>>  Pharma drugs would be cheaper

>>>  Less youngsters would have to go into profound debt in order to attend colleges and U's.

>>>  Taxes would not be lowered for the super rich, and loopholes and off-shore accounts would be made harder to establish. 


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4 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Given the speed that the GOP is abandoning him, Trump should realise the fat lady has sung, and bow out if the GOP nominate Pence to replace him.

Pence has recognition, won his debate handily, and has none of the baggage that Clinton has. He could win.


I think it would be rather interesting if Trump either drops out or the GOP force him out. I believe the GOP party would need to come to some sort of agreement on who the new nominee would be. I don't think it would automatically get handed to Pence. I think it would first come down to some infighting between previous contenders like Cruz, Rubio or Kasich and probably others as well. I doubt this type of decision would be reached within a day or two afterwards. It might take some time and there isn't much time left between now and election day. But let's say a new nominee is selected (whomever it may be), then for all those pre-printed ballots that can't be changed or votes already cast, you would have to convince the election committee that a vote for Trump translates to a vote for the new nominee otherwise those votes would have to be all tossed out. Even so, there isn't enough time to promote the new nominee sufficiently enough to gather the important swing voters. No, Trump dropping out doesn't seem to make any difference for the election of a new POTUS. It seems the Republicans will have to let this one go for now and come back in 4 years. Instead, they should just pull their support for Trump (already being done) and focus on the Senate and House elections.


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12 minutes ago, CaptHaddock said:

Wall Street Journal reporting that Priebus is now cutting off funding for Trump campaign.


Will DT show up for Sunday's debate?  If he does, how will he handle the first outraged woman voter who puts him on the spot?  Can you see Trump apologizing humbly?

it is telling how much in crisis the GOP is when the WSJ has opinions like this. Earlier I was reading Foxnews, and clearly they are having an existential crisis on how to spin this. Never know them actually just report 'facts' without adding their own special sauce!


Interesting, if depressing times



I am however waiting for Ann Coulter to tweet something from deep within her secret lair, defending her boy.


After all, her infamous tweet was; "don't care if he performs abortions in the White House" referring to Trumps immigration policy.


Ann, go for it Baby LOL

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13 minutes ago, Chicog said:



Much like Benghazi, that one's been wrung dry.

What are you going to post next as a stunning revelation: Whitewater? Vince Foster?






I'm sure WikiLeaks has some more coming, and we haven't even seen most of the present lot.

Hillary may be making history as the first wife of an impeached president to be impeached herself. ( BIll was impeached by the House and let off by the Senate ).

Hillary is no doubt hoping that Trump stays in as then the media won't focus on her wrongdoings.

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4 minutes ago, GinBoy2 said:

it is telling how much in crisis the GOP is when the WSJ has opinions like this. Earlier I was reading Foxnews, and clearly they are having an existential crisis on how to spin this. Never know them actually just report 'facts' without adding their own special sauce!


Interesting, if depressing times


Yeah, Fox is truly in an existential crisis. They took the looney bin far right train as far as they could, starting with the tea party, and culminating with Trump. Now they have lost their leader of this effort, Roger Ailes, and he will likely team up with Trump after the election to form a competing platform for the Trumpsters, and take freaks like Sean Hannity with them.


Therefore, my prediction is that Fox will clean up its act, and become more mainstream Republican because Trump and Ailes will poach all the far right loony viewers. The result will be a gutted Fox News, but at least it will still survive if they do this strategy, and start distancing themselves from this element.

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This is all so much hypocrisy.  Most men at sometimes in their lives have made somewhat crude remarks in private about women, such as "I would not kick her out of bed" etc. and even worse, with out ever meaning much by the boast.  There was a report in the UK many years ago of a secret recording of  "Ladies toilet room" banter and what was said in there about men was just as dirty.  


Which is worse, Trump talking about it, probably in an exaggerated way, or Bill Clinton actually doing it and in the President's White House no less, followed by his wife's attempts at blaming and degrading the women involved, rather than attacking her husband?   


I do not support either Trump or Hilary as it is unbelieveable that they are the best America can offer, but  the big question is not who screwed who, but whether it  is Clinton or Trump who is going to screw America.

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1 minute ago, Retiredandhappyhere said:

This is all so much hypocrisy.  Most men at sometimes in their lives have made somewhat crude remarks in private about women, such as "I would not kick her out of bed" etc. and even worse, with out ever meaning much by the boast.  There was a report in the UK many years ago of a secret recording of  "Ladies toilet room" banter and what was said in there about men was just as dirty.  


Which is worse, Trump talking about it, probably in an exaggerated way, or Bill Clinton actually doing it and in the President's White House no less, followed by his wife's attempts at blaming and degrading the women involved, rather than attacking her husband?   


I do not support either Trump or Hilary as it is unbelieveable that they are the best America can offer, but  the big question is not who screwed who, but whether it  is Clinton or Trump who is going to screw America.

Most of us have all said things we may regret, but most of us are not aiming to be the President of the United States.


High office comes with a price that most of us aren't prepared to pay, but that's why we elect someone, who hopefully, is better than us

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Ginboy said:-

"Most of us have all said things we may regret, but most of us are not aiming to be the President of the United States.

High office comes with a price that most of us aren't prepared to pay, but that's why we elect someone, who hopefully, is better than us"



Who have you in mind?   You have outlawed Trump and many would agree with you.  But are you advocating that Hilary fits the bill?  

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12 minutes ago, keemapoot said:


Yeah, Fox is truly in an existential crisis. They took the looney bin far right train as far as they could, starting with the tea party, and culminating with Trump. Now they have lost their leader of this effort, Roger Ailes, and he will likely team up with Trump after the election to form a competing platform for the Trumpsters, and take freaks like Sean Hannity with them.


Therefore, my prediction is that Fox will clean up its act, and become more mainstream Republican because Trump and Ailes will poach all the far right loony viewers. The result will be a gutted Fox News, but at least it will still survive if they do this strategy, and start distancing themselves from this element.

They are actually doing a much better job post-Ailes.

With the exception of Hannity. He's just a whackjob.

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