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Trump's shocking crude comments on women leave him reeling


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1 minute ago, SoiBiker said:


If filming is taking place, and those being filmed are wearing a microphone, then of course those microphones are being recorded. Why else would they be wearing them?


The mic should not have been off - the whole point is that they were filming Trump's arrival. He was participating in the scene being filmed, and therefore his mic was turned on. The only person who 'screwed up' here is Donald Trump, by saying something he shouldn't have when he knew he was being recorded. 


Anyone who takes part in a TV production is aware that anything they say is likely to be recorded and may be made public. Trump knew it wasn't a private conversation. He just said those things anyway. We could speculate why - he forgot where he was, perhaps, or merely didn't care - but the fact remains that is was not in any way a private conversation. 


Sorry, but you're desperately clutching at straws here, and you're dead wrong on this one. 


Im not clutching at a damn thing. 


by your logic, he meant to say it publicly? It was meant to be heard and aired on TV? 

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4 minutes ago, Strange said:


Im not clutching at a damn thing. 


by your logic, he meant to say it publicly? It was meant to be heard and aired on TV? 


Like I said, either he made a mistake, or he just didn't care who heard what he said.


Trying to characterise a conversation where both participants are fully aware they're being recorded as 'private' is just bizarre.

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2 minutes ago, SoiBiker said:


Like I said, either he made a mistake, or he just didn't care who heard what he said.


Trying to characterise a conversation where both participants are fully aware they're being recorded as 'private' is just bizarre.


How do you know they were fully aware? 


you forgot option 3 


trump or or both of them thought they were not being recorded. 

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8 minutes ago, Strange said:


How do you know they were fully aware? 


you forgot option 3 


trump or or both of them thought they were not being recorded. 


That would come under 'made a mistake'.


I know they were aware for the reasons that I and others have repeatedly stated - they were wearing microphones and taking part in a tv show.


Really, this is getting silly now.

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1 minute ago, SoiBiker said:


That would come under 'made a mistake'.


I know they were aware for the reasons that I and others have repeatedly stated - they were wearing microphones and taking part in a tv show.


Really, this is getting silly now.


Nothing silly about it. "Made a mistake" thinking the mic was off and they were joking on a bus isn't the same as some of you jokers paint it up to be. 


Such as OMG trump is sexually assaulting women!! Look he's on TV telling people to do it!!!


Hes an idiot but you guys take it to another level with the sensationalizing. 

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2 minutes ago, Strange said:


Nothing silly about it. "Made a mistake" thinking the mic was off and they were joking on a bus isn't the same as some of you jokers paint it up to be. 


Such as OMG trump is sexually assaulting women!! Look he's on TV telling people to do it!!!


Hes an idiot but you guys take it to another level with the sensationalizing. 


You're confusing two different issues. Yes, he made a mistake in allowing his comments to be recorded, but that's not the problem here. The content of what he said would have been offensive in any context. That's what he's being condemned for.  His mistake simply allowed it to come to light.



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On 10/8/2016 at 8:31 AM, Strange said:


Trump says what he says, bill ACTUALLY committed adultery on "Hill" but hey semantics right?


     Our  Bill ,  did  he really cheat on the  future  lady  President of,  the US of A ?

          Dollar  due to fall soon. asap.

Edited by elliss
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1 hour ago, canuckamuck said:

I said that? I would like to see it. I am sure I have only been discussing how greater choice is better for the people. 

In other words, there would be more difficult for the mafia tactics of the military industrial complex to control who the candidates will be. They have no problem playing on two sides, but they will not as much like to be on four sides for example.


Military industrial complex under a four party political system.


More difficult for the complex to control the candidates.


Got it.   :giggle:

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1 hour ago, Strange said:


Nothing silly about it. "Made a mistake" thinking the mic was off and they were joking on a bus isn't the same as some of you jokers paint it up to be. 


Such as OMG trump is sexually assaulting women!! Look he's on TV telling people to do it!!!


Hes an idiot but you guys take it to another level with the sensationalizing. 


The sexual deviant and serial abuser of women was not having a private conversation. He was in the work place. A work place that this pervert knows contains recording equipment.


This desperate attempt to focus on the means rather than the message is offensive to all victims of sexual assault.


Trumps history of sexual assault has destroyed his Candidacy. It will also reduce the value of his brand, preferably to zero and one hopes will result in criminal and financial penalties after he loses the election.


He is damned by his own words. It makes entirely no different how those words became known. Any suggestion otherwise is pure desperate deflection from the losing side.

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3 hours ago, Bob9 said:

Trump may have said a few inappropriate words for public consumption (unless in a music video or movie).  But where is all the hysteria about Obama showing his erection??  Where are all the media commentators and media personalities condemning this man and demanding he resign from Office !!!


I guess it must be OK if you are a Democrat.  Hypocrites the lot of them.




Have a thing for well endowed black men clearly.


How is this equivalent to the admission of sexual assault by the sexual perert Trump?


What stupid conspiracy theory are we going to get next? Or are you just interested in male erections?


The UK chapter of the fringe dwelling Right are truly desperate these days.

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Haha, the latest hilarious and outrageous conspiracy theory Trump is shouting is that Clinton used illegal performance-enhancing drugs prior to the last debate. He is demanding a drug test before the next debate. 


I read that Clinton is seriously considering demanding a sanity test before the next debate, and that Bill Maher has called her to suggest demanding a DNA test prior to the debate to ensure Trump is not the offspring of lesser primates. :tongue:  :laugh:

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6 hours ago, Bob9 said:

For those that dont watch old movies - there is one called Citizen Kane which many people rate as the greatest movie of all time (either that or Gone With The Wind).  Kane is a highly successful man and runs for President - the campaign is going great, but then he is undone by allegations of sexual misconduct.  Seems to me the Democrats have decided that they would try to do the same to another great man - they have been planning this smear campaign for many months.


But this time it wont work. Nowadays information gets out quickly and is investigated quickly - the smear campaign is being seen for what it is - a desperate attempt by a lying woman to degrade all women by using allegations of sexual misconduct against her opponent. And all while having years of evidence showing that she proactively attacked her husband's accusers, and as a lawyer even defended a man who raped a 12 year old.  


Crooked or Evil ??  Go figure.  Rosebud





If what you say is true, then it would not be difficult for citations for disproven claims to be provided. Since you provide none, it is clear that there are none and that the stories of sexual assault by these women are true.


It is quite clear from the grubby reactions of some posters why victims of sexual assault do not come forward when they are degraded and slurred by such people. Such tactics are as bad as th assault itself.

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Just now, Jingthing said:

Bragging about sexual abuse? To add he wasn't in a locker room. He doesn't even exercise except for his tiny tiny hands to grab without consent you know what ...

That's definitely not 'sexual abuse my friend.

Men talk like that with abandon in locker rooms all over the world

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7 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

You're in an old timey misogynist bubble my dude ...

Doubt it buddy - men are going to be men until the end of recorded history.

It's Nature! :smile:

Edited by Boon Mee
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26 minutes ago, LennyW said:


Gilberthorpe is not a credible witness. Where are the reports from credible news outlets? Until this happens then all that you are doing is trying to shame a victim of sexual assault. No wonder many of them do not want to come forward with their experiences.

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2 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


Gilberthorpe is not a credible witness. Where are the reports from credible news outlets? Until this happens then all that you are doing is trying to shame a victim of sexual assault. No wonder many of them do not want to come forward with their experiences.

LOL, do try to keep up, shes a fake!!! Her credibility is questionable from the get go!!!

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31 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

That's definitely not 'sexual abuse my friend.

Men talk like that with abandon in locker rooms all over the world


The Manly Men and the homoerotic experience of the locker room. You may be one of the sexually inadequate braggarts who talk about women's genitals in locker rooms but most Men do not indulge in this after they have graduated high school.


In any case, Trump was having a conversation with a work colleague in the work place and not indulging in banter but bragging about sexually assaulting women.


The testosterone argument does not work here.

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