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Trump's shocking crude comments on women leave him reeling


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1 hour ago, Pinot said:


Sexual deviant? The guy playing the richest swinging D#$^ in the world now wants to be President. The beauty pageant behavior is creepy but...



I actually believe that his behavior is a perversion and since his perversion involves non consensual acts, it is not acceptable behavior. The sexual pervert Trump has been able to avoid consequences of his actions through his wealth and fame. This appears to no longer be the case and hopefully he will have to face up to these consequences now.


Clearly the guy has psychological issues. I do not attack him for his mental health status but for his unacceptable behavior and actions.

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11 minutes ago, SoiBiker said:

If we're not talking about racists, why did you mention racists?


What, the hell, are you trying to corner me in? 


This statement started the "Racist" and "White Nationalist" argument in regards to trump:


45 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Actually plenty of Trump supporters wouldn't mind being called a racist. Just do a search on the web to see what the white nationalists are saying about Trump.


Soooooo? What? 

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1 hour ago, Ulysses G. said:


Sounds like a personal problem. Most people in locker rooms are just average Joes talking nonsense.


Who cares what people do in locker rooms. The sexual predator Trump was in a work place environment and having a conversation with a work colleague. The pervert admits his perversion and some people think that it is ok to enable this.


It is not.

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1 hour ago, Ulysses G. said:


Another gay sexual reference, meant to be insulting. It seems that you are projecting.


Who are the ones talking about Obama's genitals?


Is accusing everyone of projecting today's tactic to generate noise?


Directing personal comments at members is off topic but hey, whatever gets you to 50,000.

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1 minute ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:

Who cares what people do in locker rooms. The sexual predator Trump was in a work place environment and having a conversation with a work colleague. The pervert admits his perversion and some people think that it is ok to enable this.


It is not.


You don't think "Sexual Predator" for saying this BS is over the top? 

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2 minutes ago, Tawan Dok Krating Daeng said:


Who are the ones talking about Obama's genitals?


Is accusing everyone of projecting today's tactic to generate noise?


Directing personal comments at members is off topic but hey, whatever gets you to 50,000.


Do you even read what you post? You have 39 posts as of me writing this, and I guarantee you there is at least ONE derogatory insult in every one of them. 

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Just now, Strange said:


This should be under your username, Pub. 


You refer of course to my statement to a particular poster that I wuz sorry to invite him to read so much.


I do make the statement rarely and specifically only to certain posters who I know to be of the hit and run variety or mentality. Again, I rarely engage hit and run posters or their drippings but once in a while something about one of 'em strikes me as meriting a particular attention.


So thx for reading my post and for quoting from it. I always read your posts btw (your swinging back and forth philosophically from the extremes and back to centrism again is dazzling -- truly stunning.)

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54 minutes ago, Strange said:


Do you even read what you post? You have 39 posts as of me writing this, and I guarantee you there is at least ONE derogatory insult in every one of them. 


Another characteristic post where you make claims that you are not equipped to support.


You started off as a typical Trump fan boy and now that you realize that you have hitched yourself to a failure and sexual predator, you are attempting to claim the high road. Calls for discussion on policy. Boring babble about how the country is going downhill as a result of Obama.


Well Deputy Sheriff. You are inserting yourself into a discussion on a picture that purports to show Obama's erect penis. A picture that is being circulated as somehow a justification of Trump's self admission of sexual assault. So much for your high ground now.


Keep whiling away your time counting my posts. Keep whining about being on the losing side. You are not equipped to claim any moral high ground. You and the other fanboys tried to foist this pervert on us. Your fellow fanboys physically assault protesters who object to the pervert's hate speech. The pervert has insulted all and sundry and his very Candidacy is an insult to the intelligence of any politically aware individual. The pervert's Candidacy is an object lesson in derogatory insult. So keep talking out  of your butt hole about other posters.

Edited by Tawan Dok Krating Daeng
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1 hour ago, Strange said:


Thing is, Im on plenty of other forums than this one and don't care to discuss US politics with the English. Nor any other foreigner for that matter. I chime in here from time to time and say what I wanna say but other than that, aint interested to debate politics with y'all. 


My post was directed to our US Liberal group on here to see what they want. Cause this is where they are. Nothing weird about it. Im sure your choices are sound, irrevelent, but your opinion nonetheless. 


The thing is, it goes both ways, the US Libs completely insult anyone that isn't firmly in "Hills" camp, and its off-putting to the max. Racist, hateful, hate speech, KKK, nazi, and it creates a serious divide in the people under the flag of "Tolerance". 


I don't know your history with the US. I don't know if you lived there or just poke around on here. The problem is on the ground in the US the Liberal Group is extreme. Like, hatefully extreme. If you disagree? Racist. Nazi. Nobody wants to be called a fuggin Nazi or a Racist or HATE HATE cause you don't see eye to eye. 



Goes on about nasty liberals, supports a candidate liberally spewing nastiness. Go figure.

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39 minutes ago, Publicus said:

You refer of course to my statement to a particular poster that I wuz sorry to invite him to read so much.


I do make the statement rarely and specifically only to certain posters who I know to be of the hit and run variety or mentality. Again, I rarely engage hit and run posters or their drippings but once in a while something about one of 'em strikes me as meriting a particular attention.


So thx for reading my post and for quoting from it. I always read your posts btw (your swinging back and forth philosophically from the extremes and back to centrism again is dazzling -- truly stunning.)


lol your pseudo-intellectual sarcasm is almost, almost, funny. 


"Truly Stunning" - I wouldn't go that far..... But ill take it. 

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6 minutes ago, Morch said:

Goes on about nasty liberals, supports a candidate liberally spewing nastiness. Go figure.


Yeah, I'm going on about nasty liberals. The nasty ones. The hate filled ones. Go back through my post history and see if I'm a trump supporter. Im in the "Not Hillary" camp. Does not mean that I am anything like what the nasty liberals say about people that don't want "Hill". 


Thats the thing about the Libs. If you are not on their side completely, you are a hate filled devil. 

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Just now, Strange said:

Nobody in any of these threads talk policy or anything.


A demonstrative example of an uninformed Trumpeteer.


A blanket statement of ignorance.


There has been, and is plenty of substantive talk on policy on many threads.


Apparently, you have missed them all given your statement that y'all just like to drop in from time to time.

Just to drop a ridiculous line like the one quoted above?


And what kind of "policy talk" do you expect to find on this particular thread/topic?


The one that appears to interest you so much that you have gone on and on with countless posts on countless pages...

While attempting to defend the indefensible.

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2 hours ago, CaptHaddock said:

So I don't where the US went to hell in a handbasket during this period.  I am baffled as to in what way the nation has deteriorated that is so self-evident to you that you do not even both to identify it.   Now, if you mean that the "problem" that the US has a black president, gay people can get married, millions of productive, law-abiding immigrants lack immigration status, somebody died in Benghazi, or that more women graduate from college than men, then you lose me because none of these conditions is a "problem" for me in any way, even when I still lived the in the US.


Black President? Made no difference to me. I liked the guy and liked what he had to say prior to his first term. 


Gay people wanna get married? No problem here. Got my support. But does that mean that children should be raised gender neutral and without vaccinations? Im going extreme here, but no, I don't thing its good for the children, and they are whats important. 


Productive, law abiding immigrants? You mean illegal immigrants? No, don't agree there at all. Millions of law abiding illegal immigrants should not be rewarded for breaking the law, nor allowed to vote. This is a very slippery slope. 


Somebody died in Bengazi? This is a big deal. No matter what "Hill" says. Downplaying it is an insult to our integrity as a nation. 


More women graduate college than men? Um, well, ok, sounds good for women.... 


Hell in a hand basket? No, but will doing ANY of this do anything for America other than making people "Feel Good"? Jobs, taxation, bureaucracy, foreign policy, innovation... Anything? 

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6 hours ago, Publicus said:


Some people are history buffs while others collect art, so finding someone whose lifelong thingy on the side is the military-industrial complex can be an adventure of sorts. Which means I'd regret missing the moment if I didn't say*...


You as a person who pays special and dedicated attention to the military-industrial complex see in present political party developments the opportunity to have four political parties, and that the reason all of us should have four parties is that the "mafia" military industrial complex would (for sure) have a tougher time controlling four nominees instead of its long term cakewalk of controlling two.  :ermm:


My hope and prayer in this is that you know Pres. Eisenhower in his farewell remarks that first presented the term had cut it short. Ike had more (as you may or may not know). His original draft had "military-industrial-congressional" complex. Ike excised the 'congressional' after his top people said he shouldn't drag congress in to it regardless of whether congress might be deserving. 


Not Ike nor anyone from then up to now has said anything consequential about the complex in relation to the presidency or to political parties. Yes things change but the term remains static -- it's still today what it was when Ike coined it. It long ago became a catch-all term frozen in the time, the place, the principal players, carried forward ever so haphazardly.  


Because anyone who wants to talk about the U.S. military industrial complex would need also to talk about the Russian military industrial complex and the Chinese military industrial complex. That might however involve comparing the constitution document of each country -- all three of 'em. 


Without taking the time or trouble however, let the record show two of the three aren't too strong on democracy not to mention the western classic liberal notions of society and civilisation. 


*Sorry to invite you to read so very much.

I have no problem including congress under the term military industrial complex. Obviously they get paid quite a lot to rubber stamp the war machine.

However, this line of discussion is off topic, and I do not wish to write much on my own definitions of the military industrial complex because I hate to spend time on something just to see it deleted. It happens enough as it is.


The American government controls the world's drug trade and certain people profit heavily from weapon sales to regimes it has destabilized or has prompted to aggression. This is the business model Hillary is protecting and potentially Donald might interfere with (just wishful thinking really). A multi party system may be a hedge against this racketeering. That was essentially my point.


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4 hours ago, Basil B said:


Seems pretty credible to me.The fact that he said British politicians in the 80s were molesting young boys is supposed to disqualify him?  It is common knowledge. 

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18 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Seems pretty credible to me.The fact that he said British politicians in the 80s were molesting young boys is supposed to disqualify him?  It is common knowledge. 

Pretty credible? You missed that he didn't say British Politicians were molesting young boys, HE was said he was recruiting 15 year olds for them. He was 17-18 years old at the time of this 'flight' (First Class) that he says his photographic memory allows him to remember exactly what was being said between the two. Pity his photographic memory can't recall when the flight was. Now this IS some nut job after 15 mins of fame.


I wonder if in secret Mike Pence really does think 'OMG what am I doing!'.

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1 hour ago, Andaman Al said:

Now this IS some nut job after 15 mins of fame.

I think the same can be said for the people coming out with all these allegations. Its been a week since these claims started and still not one has came forward with even the thinnest shred of evidence.

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1 minute ago, dcutman said:

I think the same can be said for the people coming out with all these allegations. Its been a week since these claims started and still not one has came forward with proof of anything.


Proof like what?  One of Trump's tiny grubby finger prints on her bra or something? 

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55 minutes ago, keemapoot said:


Proof like what?  One of Trump's tiny grubby finger prints on her bra or something? 

A sexual assault report with the police would be ideal. But they all claim they told family, friends, coworkers and even said unrelated persons witnessed these incidences. Unless I have missed something, none of these people have come forward to corroborate  these allegations.

I find odd that none of these women, not one, has came forward prior to this point, just as Wikileaks starts dumping thousands of emails daily about Clinton. As we all know, these sexual assault allegations have completely dominated MSM reporting.

I also find it odd that most or all these women claim they became enraged after watching the last debate, and thats the reason they are making these claims now.


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8 minutes ago, dcutman said:

most or all these women claim they became enraged after watching the last debate, and thats the reason they are making these claims now.


The "Scorned Woman" Syndrome is always alive and well.

These Bimbos wanted a date with The Donald and got bupkis...:saai:

Edited by Boon Mee
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8 hours ago, Strange said:


Please provide a source that says that Obama himself made all this happen through is policy and performance as president for 8 years and not by the default of sitting in the president chair while it happened around him. 


A real source. 


Ah, so now we come to the crux of the matter.  You have no claim that America has generally worsened in the last eight years.  When you say "all that's been going on in the past eight years" you just mean President Obama, whom you hate.  I am guessing a large part of that hatred is because the President is black, which is why Trump's white nationalist solution appeals to you. 

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1 hour ago, canuckamuck said:

I have no problem including congress under the term military industrial complex. Obviously they get paid quite a lot to rubber stamp the war machine.

However, this line of discussion is off topic, and I do not wish to write much on my own definitions of the military industrial complex because I hate to spend time on something just to see it deleted. It happens enough as it is.


The American government controls the world's drug trade and certain people profit heavily from weapon sales to regimes it has destabilized or has prompted to aggression. This is the business model Hillary is protecting and potentially Donald might interfere with (just wishful thinking really). A multi party system may be a hedge against this racketeering. That was essentially my point.



What happened to the 3rd paragraph about the MSM as a part of the vast left wing conspiracy? Trump hasn't used the term yet but it's what he's ranting on and raging about in all of the stomach-turning spectacle that is the Trump sex, lies and videotape. 


You haven't used the term either but your life's thingy on the side is the vast military industrial complex conspiracy and its protectors, to include another fringe idiocentricity and kitchen sink, i.e., that the complex also controls the world's drug trade and all of this is, moreover, protected by HRC.  (Medication drugs presumably :giggle: )


Just a reminder here November 8th is the day Trump officially gets the Bum's Rush by the general electorate and it's when all the right wing trash he and his fanboyz have been driveling for years gets tossed out with him. 


In USA we call it election day, foreigners who learned British English call it polling day, but just about everyone who gravitates at or near the political-cultural and common sense center of politics and of everything else in life will call this one squish the lunar right day. 


Youse guyz had no credibility before but now it's going to get the official stamp of the national general electorate. The general electorate is in fact currently in the process of rejecting decisively the wild and marginal views of the people whose politics arrived on the planet in pods. 

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11 minutes ago, CaptHaddock said:


I am guessing a large part of that hatred is because the President is black, which is why Trump's white nationalist solution appeals to you. 


Wishful thinking. He lied to the American people. He pushed unconstitutional executive orders. He made America look foolish with his fake red line. His color is not the reason he is hated.

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52 minutes ago, dcutman said:

A sexual assault report with the police would be ideal. But they all claim they told family, friends, coworkers and even said unrelated persons witnessed these incidences. Unless I have missed something, none of these people have come forward to corroborate  these allegations.

I find odd that none of these women, not one, has came forward prior to this point, just as Wikileaks starts dumping thousands of emails daily about Clinton. As we all know, these sexual assault allegations have completely dominated MSM reporting.

I also find it odd that most or all these women claim they became enraged after watching the last debate, and thats the reason they are making these claims now.



I find odd that none of these women, not one, has came forward prior to this point, just as Wikileaks starts dumping thousands of emails daily about Clinton. As we all know, these sexual assault allegations have completely dominated MSM reporting.



That's WikiLeaks, Putin, Trump to the rest of us.

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7 hours ago, Strange said:


Yeah, I'm going on about nasty liberals. The nasty ones. The hate filled ones. Go back through my post history and see if I'm a trump supporter. Im in the "Not Hillary" camp. Does not mean that I am anything like what the nasty liberals say about people that don't want "Hill". 


Thats the thing about the Libs. If you are not on their side completely, you are a hate filled devil. 

Except that Morch didn't say that you were a hate filled devil.  In fact, he didn't characterize you at all.  Which makes your generalizations highly suspect.

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