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Lashing back, Trump calls accusers 'horrible horrible liars'


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Donald Trump Imagines Shadowy 'Conspiracy' Behind Women Accusing Him of Misdeeds


"If Donald Trump loses in November, he'll have no shortage of people to blame. Besides himself, that is."

"Trump, who has peddled a variety of conspiracy theories throughout his campaign, is in the midst of building his most elaborate one yet around the recent flood of allegations that he groped, kissed, and grabbed women without their consent."

"At a Thursday rally in West Palm Beach, he lashed out at women accusing him of "fabricated" and "absolutely false" sexual misconduct, linking them to an ever-expanding plot to undermine his campaign that he's laid out in recent days."  :clap2:


Of course it's plot you 3rd string minor leaguer.

And a plan to keep your ignorant, bigoted, racist, incoherent, unqualified buffoonish butt out of the Oval Office.

It might have turned out differently if you hadn't lied to your Lemmings by telling them you were self-funding your campaign.

And spent some dough on it.  Who knows now?

But no, you went cheap.

Like the cheap hack, huckster that you are.


It's all a "plot"... :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:

Lovin' it.


By the way, how's that "Wall" thing going?

And the deportation of 11 million people from the U.S.?

And denying the entrance of 1.6 Billion people into the U.S.?


Dunning Kruger. MAAK.

Edited by iReason
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42 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

Many more women to come.  Donald, you can't sue everybody! unquote. Its just the threat of a lawsuit by an unscrupulous guy like the Donald that puts fear into a lot of people. 


Not this time.  Trump can threaten lawsuits (which he has, NY Times ignored), but to actually go through with it...




"If the Republican presidential candidate makes good on threats to sue the New York Times and other media outlets for reporting that he groped and kissed more women without their consent, he won't just be challenging major media entities unlikely to be cowed by such litigation. He'll also be inviting much deeper scrutiny into his entire sexual history, and more."

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48 minutes ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

I would be more worried about a  former Secretary of State who was pretty bad.    To put  someone so lax in that position, into the position of President is totally scary.

What does that mean? Are you implying she might accidentally give away state secrets by carelessly using email servers? How funny considering that Trump is openly colluding with the enemy - Putin. He is kissing his butt and inviting him to hack US servers amongst other things. You are all so blinded by hate now that I fear the Trump has divided America for at least the next generation. If you are American you should be in a rage concerning Trumps comments about Putin and Russia.

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1 hour ago, Andaman Al said:

What is even more shocking than Trumps behaviour is that people like you believe him. You were baying for Cosby's blood!


Whoa, hold on there, Jimbo. Now I don't see color, but unlike Trump, Cosby's black (allegedly), and we all know The Blacks can't keep it in their pants.



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Lashing back, Donald Trump heatedly rejected the growing list of sexual assault allegations against him as "pure fiction" on Thursday, hammering his female accusers as "horrible, horrible liars" as the already-nasty presidential campaign sank further into charges of attacks on women.


A German comedian said on TV:

The US medias – especially TV stations - are so hypocritical.

When Trump uses the (TV-) forbidden words „f..k“ or „p...y“ you hear a bleep.


But when you hear Trump's lies you don't hear the same sound. If they would do the same as with his unethical words you hardly wouldn't hear Trump's voice;  maybe complete silence or „bleep, bleep, bleep ..... tomorrow again.“ .

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Trump says this about a 10-year old:

"I'm gonna be dating her in 10 years"


He was 46 at the time. What decent adult looks at a fifth grader and thinks this way, and then has the lack of mental filter to say it out load? That makes him a pervert AND and an idiot.


Not only should he not be allowed in the White House, he should not be allowed on any public property.



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17 minutes ago, Thakkar said:

Trump says this about a 10-year old:

"I'm gonna be dating her in 10 years"


He was 46 at the time. What decent adult looks at a fifth grader and thinks this way, and then has the lack of mental filter to say it out load? That makes him a pervert AND and an idiot.


Not only should he not be allowed in the White House, he should not be allowed on any public property.




"C'mon, that's just escalator talk. A lotta men talk that way when on a crowded public escalator, with a mic on, and cameras rolling and it's Christmas".

~ Trump Surrogate.

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6 hours ago, davecmarino said:

More Clinton crony bullshit. He's no angel but if you believe this bullshit then you are a fool.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


Those who think the sun shines out of Trumps backside may well be proved to be fools...

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6 hours ago, Berkshire said:

With Trump, you need clear video evidence with sound...otherwise he denies everything.  But the American people aren't stupid.  All these different women who don't know each other, from all walks of life, telling in specific details what he did...sounds pretty believable to me.  So who should America listen to, serial liar Trump, or ordinary everyday women?  Many more women to come.  Donald, you can't sue everybody!


All at the same time? Do you honestly believe that there was zero coaching going on? Nothing in the background? No influence? 

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1 minute ago, Strange said:


All at the same time? Do you honestly believe that there was zero coaching going on? Nothing in the background? No influence? 


You guys will never believe it, so whatever.  But it came right after the debate where Trump denied ever doing any of those things that he said he did in the video.  I can see how some women would want to set the record straight.  But again, whatever.  Trump is getting absolutely buried...and it couldn't happen to a nicer guy.     

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I am totally disgusted with the whole process, I think the US has stooped to new lows. I really didn't think it could get any worse, but man was I wrong. The media has fed the fire also, I'm sure they are making money off all this nonsense. The moderators should be ashamed of themselves also. I hope in the future the government will ban all personal attacks during an election. I don't see how any of the allegations from either side effect the nations policies. The place for this stuff would have been the judicial system not the election process. The first time I remember this stuff happening was when they made a big deal out of Jimmy Carters brother who was a bit of a strange man and was selling Billy Beer. Its come a long way from there. Sad

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40 minutes ago, Opl said:


How old are you ?

How Trump fanatizes his followers and manages their ego to mirror / parrot his own one.. the mind boggles



Im old enough to know when we're being fed pork pies….take a look at that woman accuser….hahahaha….funny how she didn't say a word up until 3 weeks before the elections.

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1 minute ago, JHolmesJr said:


Im old enough to know when we're being fed pork pies….take a look at that woman accuser….hahahaha….funny how she didn't say a word up until 3 weeks before the elections.

Dude, watch the second debate. There is your answer. 

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12 minutes ago, natway09 said:

Do not like the man, which does not matter because it is not my party but

Where the hell have all these sexually abused women been until yesterday ?

Very odd they all just come out of the closet ?

Just watch the second debate and that answers your question directly. Then come back if you're still confused.

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8 hours ago, webfact said:



4 hours ago, elgordo38 said:

Many more women to come.  Donald, you can't sue everybody! unquote. Its just the threat of a lawsuit by an unscrupulous guy like the Donald that puts fear into a lot of people. 

Such a joke. All of a sudden the Clinton War Machine trots out these women who never peeped a word before. The peopletter Trump used to compare his words with Bill's actions all filed charges before. Americans really must be total morons if they swallow any of the Clinton media party

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3 hours ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

Does  anyone remember what the Kennedy's were like, or some of the other previous Presidents?    Do you remember what Bill Clinton was like. Mr.  Donald  Trump is no more scary than a lot of the past leaders.  I would be more worried about a  former Secretary of State who was pretty bad.    To put  someone so lax in that position, into the position of President is totally scary.

  Sometimes even 30 years of experience  adds up to nothing. As  The Donald  says words  are  only  words,  and they  were  spoken  11  years  ago.  Try  to  remember  that fact.  Hillary  has  been  scarier  since  that time..



So you want to go back in time starting approx 60 years ago ... when men were even more sexist and got away with it?  Then go back even further to past leaders if that's not enough, any of them ..why not go back to when women couldn't even vote ...remember then?? Trump would surely win against Hillary then. Good point Geezer!!

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51 minutes ago, timewilltell said:


Such a joke. All of a sudden the Clinton War Machine trots out these women who never peeped a word before. The peopletter Trump used to compare his words with Bill's actions all filed charges before. Americans really must be total morons if they swallow any of the Clinton media party


Since you brought up the "total morons" thing, I'd say it's more likely that a person would have to be one to believe a single word of what Donald Trump says.  

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This is what we have come to expect from this circus.  Trump is backed into a corner and has decided to try to fight his way out.  The thing that I find amazing is that with all the negative reports that are flooding out that Trump still has the support he has.  Sure he is behind but not by that much.  It must be one of two reasons. One is that Clinton is so reviled that the people will accept anyone (and I do mean anyone) rather than her. Or two, that there are still people who find what Trump is, is perfectly acceptable as their leader.


There has never been an election like this in the USA but it sure makes you stop and think about the make-up of the American public. 

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1 hour ago, timewilltell said:


Such a joke. All of a sudden the Clinton War Machine trots out these women who never peeped a word before. The peopletter Trump used to compare his words with Bill's actions all filed charges before. Americans really must be total morons if they swallow any of the Clinton media party

If the Clinton's orchestrated this I'm sure our Russian friends of Wikileaks would have shown the email proving that by now.

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Donald has committed a foreseeable, tactical error by dragging Bill Clinton's follies into this.  A former President who was impeached and disbarred from practicing law.   A guy he rails against in the media as a sexual predator and rapist and then a few weeks later, painted into a corner, stupidly uses that low bar standard to compare and contrast himself to. 


At the 2nd 'debate', Anderson Cooper had him on the ropes.  Trump was virtually forced to blurt out that "NO!", he never carried out any of the acts he was caught on video/audio bragging about.  He damn well knew he stuffed himself with that one and the chickens are coming home to roost. 


Patient Hillary and Slick Willy are in a hotel room somewhere, supping Mountain Dew, munching on microwave popcorn watching an increasingly isolated Donald lashing out at the squadron of little women dive bombing his New York City sky scraper.



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How do some people not realize how difficult it is for victims to come forward against powerful aggressors without cover of some sort? The fact that many women are coming forward now that they have cover is not surprising at all (review the timeline of Cosby's demise as reference). Does this mean they are all genuine? No. Does it give credence to the accusations? Yes.

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9 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

We've come to expect such desperation from him. Let's hope he doesn't destroy all the furniture or kick out the windows and door on the way out.

I hope he does. This campaign has exposed the corrupt world of the political elites, and they need to be swept away, all of them along with their lobbyist cronies. IMO the entire Washington bubble is rotten to the core, on both sides.

It's time to start over. The founding fathers never envisaged a biased news media like they have in the US ( and all over the western world ), or stupidphones and the chattering classes.

Trump is probably going down, short of something huge on WikiLeaks, so I hope he does a Samson on the way out and tears the whole house down.


After this campaign is over, will the American people say never again, and mean it? They should ban all donations to any candidate, ban political foundations and superpacs, charge any journalist that exhibits bias, ban political appointments to federal institutions like the Justice Department and ban any head of department for standing for president.

Perhaps all federal politicians should be limited to two terms.

IMO, this campaign will be taught in political science courses in the future as how not to elect a good president.


a Clinton tweet that said "every survivor of sexual assault deserves to be heard, believed, and supported."

Unless, of course, it's women that accused Bill Clinton. They deserve to be threatened and destroyed by her.

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