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Trump denounces 'lies and smears' as more women come forward


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Maybe Trump is scumbag, maybe he's not.  He's been around publicly for 30+ years. He's had beautiful woman around him all these years. Because he's got tons of money, they hang on him. In all that time have you ever heard any woman scream rape? Or sexual assault? Do a Google search...I didn't find one report. Maybe your better than me. If you find one, post it!  But it has to be a report "before" he started to run. Dated before 2000 or 1990. So you need to ask yourself one question, why only 3 weeks before the election, suddenly women are making claims? They could have made these claims when it happened, if it did happen and they would have walk away a victory for woman and a hell of a lot richer.  These claims are just too suspicious to believe.  Trey Gowdy for President!

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11 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

List of Debunked Groper Allegations by Corrupt Media Against Donald Trump


The Democrat-media complex carpet bombed Donald Trump with several alleged groping stories this week from several women.

The media clearly did not fact check these stories. They ran the stories no matter how farfetched they were. It is clear from the number of stories dropped in the last week that this was a coordinated effort, probably from inside the Hillary Clinton campaign. The goal was not to present facts to the public. Their goal was to destroy Donald Trump.

Read the list of shame here:  http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2016/10/list-debunked-groper-allegations-corrupt-media-donald-trump/


Oh dear Boon Mee. Still quoting extreme right-wing blogs and presenting them as facts.

You didn't get away with it on TD and you are not going to do any better here.


You are still a prisoner of your own ideology. If Charles Manson was the Republican nominee and Jesus was the Democrat, you'd still vote for Charlie boy due to your stupid "principles".

I know you well Boon Mee.

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11 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

He's definitely a scumbag and most Americans know that now. But it goes well beyond his sexual assaults. Ask the contractors he stiffed.


It's unfortunate that he is so appealing to and has targeted the poorly educated. They are the least able to see through his confidence game.

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13 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

He's definitely a scumbag and most Americans know that now. But it goes well beyond his sexual assaults. Ask the contractors he stiffed.

At least he's not an unindicted felon as HRC is, eh? :sleep:

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Trump’s Butler Debunks Another Alleged Groper’s Story: “That Never Happened




Donald Trump’s former butler stepped forward to debunk another accuser’s story.

Anthony Senecal said the so-called incident with the People magazine hack “never happened.”
The Palm Beach Post reported:

Donald Trump’s former Mar-a-Lago Butler backed up the Republican nominee for president in denying the billionaire groped a reporter from People magazine.

“No, that never happened. Come on, that’s just bull crap,” said Anthony “Tony” Senecal.

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It's unfortunate that he is so appealing to and has targeted the poorly educated. They are the least able to see through his confidence game.
He is literally a destructive monster. He knows he lost but he intends to inflict maximum damage on his own country in the process. Notice how Ivanka who is clearly a decent person has disappeared.
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1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

He is literally a destructive monster. He knows he lost but he intends to inflict maximum damage on his own country in the process. Notice how Ivanka who is clearly a decent person has disappeared.

A destructive monster?

Get a grip jing...:sleep:

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1 minute ago, Jingthing said:

He is literally a destructive monster. He knows he lost but he intends to inflict maximum damage on his own country in the process. Notice how Ivanka who is clearly a decent person has disappeared.


Yup, and with a weak candidate for the Dems, Hilary, combined with partisanship, has made this a relatively close race, though clearly Clinton will win.  I am still chuckling though at how Trump has called for a drug test before the next debate. Where does he come up with this comedy material. It's great.



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2 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Sorry you can't see it. He's inciting violence and encouraging his supporters to never accept any result except him winning.

Au Contraire mee amigo - Trump is bringing down the wall of Political Correctnes and exposing the corruption in Washington.

Why do you think that 1/2 the FBI wants to revolt after the the blatnnt coverup of Crooked Hillary's email? :saai:

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20 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Sorry you can't see it. He's inciting violence and encouraging his supporters to never accept any result except him winning.

Well, if you're a One World Advocate and seek to destroy the first and second Amendments of the Constitution, vote for for Crooked Hillary! :sleep:

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14 hours ago, Jingthing said:

He is literally a destructive monster. He knows he lost but he intends to inflict maximum damage on his own country in the process. Notice how Ivanka who is clearly a decent person has disappeared.


Is it likely Trump has had her killed!


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 I think she is tearing him a new one in private ..she seems smarter than the other 2 Trumpbots 

I reckon she has given up. Especially as she's Jewish and his global financial and media conspiracy rants sound so similar to Hitler. trump train is a train wreck and she's smart enough to realize by now that Daddy poo is deplorable and irredeemable. It's painful when a close family member becomes an existential threat to your country and indeed the world.
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58 minutes ago, tonray said:

 I think she is tearing him a new one in private ..she seems smarter than the other 2 Trumpbots 

Appears she is too busy marketing her line of clothes (for the "empowered" woman) to address the issue of her father's remarks and actions.





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3 hours ago, Mrjlh said:

Maybe Trump is scumbag, maybe he's not.  He's been around publicly for 30+ years. He's had beautiful woman around him all these years. Because he's got tons of money, they hang on him. In all that time have you ever heard any woman scream rape? Or sexual assault? Do a Google search...I didn't find one report. Maybe your better than me. If you find one, post it!  But it has to be a report "before" he started to run. Dated before 2000 or 1990. So you need to ask yourself one question, why only 3 weeks before the election, suddenly women are making claims? They could have made these claims when it happened, if it did happen and they would have walk away a victory for woman and a hell of a lot richer.  These claims are just too suspicious to believe.  Trey Gowdy for President!


You asked for it. Here goes.  The following is just one of many.  There's also Ivana's court document claiming he raped her, which was filed well before 2016.   .....and the woman who (when 13) alleges being roughly raped and slapped around by Trump.  Her formal accusations were also filed in court prior to this election cycle.   There are more, but I don't want to do research for you.  


      Learn how to Google, if you want to find out more.   The craziest part is, Trump's sexual predation IS JUST ONE of his many dire drawbacks.   The only conclusion I can draw from his campaign is: there is a significant segment of the US population (23%?) who want a sexual predator as president, who is also mean-spirited, anti-American (continually bad-mouthing its military and leaders), a failed businessman, a racist, is out-to-lunch on issues, and has many other sickening character flaws.   There will be no one on the planet who will be more relieved than I, when he loses.


Jill Harth says Trump groped her in his daughter’s bedroom

The most prominent accusation against Trump comes from Jill Harth, a makeup artist who 
accused Trump of harassing her and grabbing her against her will in a 1997 lawsuit.

At two business dinners, Harth said in a lawsuit, Trump put his hand on her thigh and reached his hand up her leg to try to grope her in the crotch. (After the first dinner, she alleges, he started referring to himself as her “new boyfriend.”) He tried to lure her to Trump Tower for late-night meetings and called and demanded that she sleep with him.

Then, Harth said, he tried to assault her: In January 1993, according to the lawsuit, Trump stopped her from leaving Mar-a-Lago, which she was visiting on a tour, and “forcibly removed” her to a bedroom, where he kissed her and groped her. She said in the lawsuit that Trump’s unwanted attention caused her to vomit.

The lawsuit says Trump attempted to rape Harth, but Harth, in interviews this year, has described him as groping her and kissing her. She told the Guardian in July:

He pushed me up against the wall, and had his hands all over me and tried to get up my dress again, and I had to physically say: “What are you doing? Stop it.” It was a shocking thing to have him do this because he knew I was with George, he knew they were in the next room. And how could he be doing this when I’m there for business?



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On 10/15/2016 at 4:03 AM, Boon Mee said:

Really strange that there's not been one iota of sexual abuse in all these years focused at Trump until this month?

Something tells us the Clinton Corruption Camp are getting desperate? :sleep:


Indeed. He's been in the public eye for 30+ years. Not a peep about any of this. And now that he's running against a leftist media darling, we're suddenly finding out he's a racist and woman abuser?


I read about one of the accusers. She thought enough of Trump to ask him to her restaurant in April. Now he's a creepy groper?


Oh please...

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5 minutes ago, MajarTheLion said:


Indeed. He's been in the public eye for 30+ years. Not a peep about any of this. And now that he's running against a leftist media darling, we're suddenly finding out he's a racist and woman abuser?


I read about one of the accusers. She thought enough of Trump to ask him to her restaurant in April. Now he's a creepy groper?


Oh please...


Yes, I saw that on television: the woman was said to be furious that Trump had declined an invitation to her restaurant and suddenly she's screaming abuse/molestation ( according to her brother or cousin being interviewed, he added that she has something of a history of such claims...however unlikely that it would seem given her rather ratty look).

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I think something is wrong with my browser settings. I see several threads started on Trump this, Trump that. There's nothing on Hillary getting debate questions in advance, her Goldman Sachs speech transcripts, her statement about having private and public positions on issues and her stated desire for open borders.


Does anyone know how I change my settings so I don't just see the leftist threads?

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3 hours ago, MajarTheLion said:


Indeed. He's been in the public eye for 30+ years. Not a peep about any of this. And now that he's running against a leftist media darling, we're suddenly finding out he's a racist and woman abuser?


I read about one of the accusers. She thought enough of Trump to ask him to her restaurant in April. Now he's a creepy groper?


Oh please...


Well he is on tape stating quite clearly that he engages in this sort of behaviour. Now when people come forward to confirm what he says he says they are all liars. 

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1 hour ago, pitrevie said:


Well he is on tape stating quite clearly that he engages in this sort of behaviour. Now when people come forward to confirm what he says he says they are all liars. 


So accusations shouldn't be vetted? For example, just this past April one lady invited Trump to her restaurant. A relative of her says she's being dishonest. We should simply believe her because it fits a narrative? That doesn't sound very bright to me.


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New witness comes forward to vouch for Mr Trumps good behaviour.


Mr Claws a delivery person, said in an exclusive interview with the Foxtown Bugle that Donald was a exceptionally well behaved man compared to the Clinton's who he had not delivered parcels too for years because they were very naughty people.


Mr Claws an elderly gentleman, obese, with a long white beard, wearing red with white trimmings, (Real Name Jack Fiddler) used to work at a top New York department store until management were alerted to his past, (seems he also answers to the name Kiddy Fiddler, and the store in question have threatened to sue if we name them).



The Foxtown Bugle

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27 minutes ago, MajarTheLion said:


So accusations shouldn't be vetted? For example, just this past April one lady invited Trump to her restaurant. A relative of her says she's being dishonest. We should simply believe her because it fits a narrative? That doesn't sound very bright to me.



Now women are coming forward with accusations that Hillary groped them. This whole thing is out of control.



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