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Face to face one last time: Debate night for Clinton, Trump


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6 hours ago, canuckamuck said:

I am sure the MSM has already penned their reviews of the debate. Trump lost.

I visited the FOX news site.

Not a single word suggesting that Trump won the debate.

That's FOX-talk for "Clinton won".  


I didn't see the debate but if FOX can't find a way to spin his performance, he couldn't have done that well. 

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3 hours ago, CaptHaddock said:

I have read a report that the online bookie PaddyPower has already paid off Clinton-to-win bets. 


Did you also recall  reading:

 'Paddy Power stunned as UK votes to leave despite polls'

Just like Brexit, the debates, polls and all the noise may not matter in the outcome of the US Presidential election. Do not underestimate the numbers of low information, under-educated, fear-driven, emotional, angry, reactionary, resentful, xenophobic, mysoginistic, racist (etc) types there are out there. Banded together, likely a slight majority or higher (sadly). And do not believe the polls. Here's a very valid example where many Trumpsters will not participate in polls and similarly, many will not admit in public that they support Trump:



The mostly low-information and Archie-Bunkerfication types in the comments section represents why Trump may win:

*I agree there are millions of unpolled Trump supporters who are justing sitting back and waiting to cast their vote. If Hillary Clinton is elected President this country will be no more. She will ensure her dreams of a global free market and global open borders will be. She owes too many people too much to put the people in this country first.

*My family and I don't talk about our support for Trump outside our home...The silent majority is going to head out on election day and shock the world.

Joe the plumber and Sarah Palin types everywhere are banding together under Trump to  Make Murica Great - Agin
They, Putin, China and ISIS will be thrilled. God help the rest of us.

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Yes,  it looks like a Clinton win for POTUS but it is hard, I think, for many Americans or outsiders to raise much enthusiasm for the result.  A win for big business and certainly more of the same tired old policies.  Most European elctions end up the same way, no matter which party you vote for.  This explains why there is so much apathy when it comes to voting time. and also why a candidate like Thump has done reasonably well despite all the controversies surrounding him.  Many people just want change without always knowing exactly what change would bring.

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6 hours ago, anotheruser said:

Trump dropped the ball on the Clinton campaign being hacked by Russia. All he had to say is "Secretary given your record with security and emails is it an y wonder your campaign was hacked and not mine?" Very simple and direct she wouldn't have had a reply to that.


Why would the Russians bother hacking Trump?  He has no position in America's government.  People don't hack wannabes, only someone of prominence.

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1 minute ago, dunroaming said:


Why would the Russians bother hacking Trump?  He has no position in America's government.  People don't hack wannabes, only someone of prominence.


There are many people that would love to hack Trump. It is Hillary who has the problems with security. Trump has a problem with getting caught saying sexist stuff on tape that is his MO. Hillary seems to post her campaign secrets on facebook, that is her MO.

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1 minute ago, LomSak27 said:

He still sniffled like a madman. Probably worse than even in the first two debates. <deleted>?


Was that drug testing folderol, not folderol at all, but a smoke screen to protect his own drug habits?! Hah.


After he loses he can do all the drugs he wants. But first, time to shop for a new wife. The current one has aged out. At least based on his history.

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55 minutes ago, sujoop said:

Did you also recall  reading:

 'Paddy Power stunned as UK votes to leave despite polls'


No. Do you? Because it said:



In mid-June, two big polling outfits reported 7% leads for Leave when excluding undecided voters. This represented a marked success for the Leave camp, because decided voters for Exit were growing whilst Remain numbers were static.



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Great job Hillary!





Hillary Clinton’s 3 debate performances left the Trump campaign in ruins

Donald Trump didn't just destroy himself. Hillary Clinton destroyed him.

The third and final presidential debate has ended, and it can now be said: Hillary Clinton crushed Donald Trump in the most effective series of debate performances in modern political history.

It is easy, now, to assume her victory was assured, to read Trump’s collapse as inevitable. But remember that he triumphed over a talented, 17-person Republican field in debate after debate to win the primary — one-on-one contests are unique, it’s true, but there was no particular reason to think Trump couldn’t use his bullying, blustering showmanship to take over the stage and expose Clinton as inauthentic and out of touch. The reason he didn’t is because she never let him.

We aren’t used to this kind of victory. We aren’t used to candidates winning not so much because of how they performed but because of how they pushed their opponent into performing. But the fact that we aren’t used to this kind of victory doesn’t make it any less impressive. Hillary Clinton has humbled Donald Trump, and she did it her way.


For those who say they are equally bad choices for president, that's just not objectively true. 

Edited by Jingthing
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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

After he loses he can do all the drugs he wants. But first, time to shop for a new wife. The current one has aged out. At least based on his history.


I hear that there are some 10 year olds from about 10 years ago that should be ripe enough now for Trumps picking. Otherwise, maybe he can get Putin to send him a Russian beauty.

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Good analysis by Vox Media as to why Trump did so poorly (or Clinton did so well) in all three debates.  




Things to note:


1. Debates rarely, if ever, move the polling needle.  These debates clearly did, and by huge margins.

2. Trump was easily goaded into hanging himself, and he failed to nail Clinton even when he had several opportunities to do so, instead preferring to pull random talking points from his memory.

3. Clinton is often mocked for being too prepared or a "know-it-all", and in these debates her campaign was downright devious in planning Trump's demise.  I don't know about you, but those are qualities I'd like to see in our next head of state.

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16 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


A sneak and a compulsive liar. Congrats.


Where do you see the words "compulsive liar" in my post?



His lies have not violated national security.


And we're going to make sure he never gets that chance.

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Hillary's supporters are just the same as Hilary.  Despite the best efforts of all the hillbots, this is the real Briebart poll.  And I could post a whole lot more - Trump clearly won debates 2 and 3. And who will ever forget "you would be in jail".




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