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May ready for tough talks over Brexit


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Before this all started it was fairly obvious that extricating the UK from the EU was not going to be the simplistic exercise portrayed by the leave campaign.

Only the delusional can stand up and say that the UK is not in a mess, so the question is, did people vote for the mess or were they influenced into voting for the mess? Answers on a postcard.

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2 minutes ago, sandyf said:

Before this all started it was fairly obvious that extricating the UK from the EU was not going to be the simplistic exercise portrayed by the leave campaign.

Only the delusional can stand up and say that the UK is not in a mess, so the question is, did people vote for the mess or were they influenced into voting for the mess? Answers on a postcard.


Once again you are asking the wrong questions....... to try and suit your own answer/agenda.



The correct answer is........ "For a better future".

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I saw John Redwood on the news last night and he was trying to make out how simple it was in the past to trade under WTO rules and it wouldn't be a problem.

It may not have been a problem for some but there were many small companies that just would not export to the EU because of the red tape. I personally carried goods from the UK to the south of France and know first hand what was involved.

Should the UK go backwards then many companies are likely to stop exporting with a significant loss of jobs.

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4 minutes ago, Jip99 said:


Once again you are asking the wrong questions....... to try and suit your own answer/agenda.



The correct answer is........ "For a better future".

So you believe that the UK is not in a mess, each to his own.

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10 minutes ago, sandyf said:

Before this all started it was fairly obvious that extricating the UK from the EU was not going to be the simplistic exercise portrayed by the leave campaign.

Only the delusional can stand up and say that the UK is not in a mess, so the question is, did people vote for the mess or were they influenced into voting for the mess? Answers on a postcard.

I well remember in the come up, to the referendum in 2016 . That the Brussels  Bureaucrats categorically stated that there was no intention of creating an E.U .




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10 minutes ago, sandyf said:

Before this all started it was fairly obvious that extricating the UK from the EU was not going to be the simplistic exercise portrayed by the leave campaign.

Only the delusional can stand up and say that the UK is not in a mess, so the question is, did people vote for the mess or were they influenced into voting for the mess? Answers on a postcard.

I well remember in the come up, to the referendum in 2016 . That the Brussels  Bureaucrats categorically stated that there was no intention of creating an E.U .




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19 minutes ago, sandyf said:

I saw John Redwood on the news last night and he was trying to make out how simple it was in the past to trade under WTO rules and it wouldn't be a problem.

It may not have been a problem for some but there were many small companies that just would not export to the EU because of the red tape. I personally carried goods from the UK to the south of France and know first hand what was involved.

Should the UK go backwards then many companies are likely to stop exporting with a significant loss of jobs.

All WTO members have a Regional trade agreement in force



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29 minutes ago, sandyf said:

So you believe that the UK is not in a mess, each to his own.



Once again,you choose not to read the answers...



The future is bright, the future is BREXIT.


Read it, digest it, remember it,

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9 minutes ago, Grouse said:



I am reliably informed that the organisers are planning an event next year for people who think Brexit is a good idea; they don't expect it to be so well attended!

Already sold out. Bob Geldof snapped up the all the tickets in 2 minutes.  

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On 10/22/2016 at 12:38 AM, kevkev1888 said:

The fact is this is a long term thing. No one knows the final outcomes.


You can go on and on discussing the if buts and maybes.


5-10 years we will know the answer.  


In or out, the UK Gov Corporation will line its pockets and stuff the electorate as is usual.

I'm thinking General Prayuth would be the man to put the UK on track..and halt decades of decline.

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4 hours ago, aright said:

There's no end to your intellectual contribution is there

One way for you to catch up is by getting some bonus points for letting me be the first to know when the forum Hard Brexiteers have officially decided that Theresa May has been relegated to the Enemies Of The People rubbish bin.

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13 hours ago, aright said:

This is a bit rich coming from you. Perhaps you could tell us what you perceive the EU will look like politically and socially in 10 years time, a question you have been reluctant to answer. You need to explain what you mean by gain and I will be happy to give you chapter and verse.. 


9 hours ago, Grouse said:

OK, will do

What time is it? 

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5 hours ago, nauseus said:

There wasn't ever a start, either.

Please lets not be like them. I only have warm words and an understanding for those people who are all foam and no beer who like to go surfing in Nebraska.

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15 hours ago, SheungWan said:

One way for you to catch up is by getting some bonus points for letting me be the first to know when the forum Hard Brexiteers have officially decided that Theresa May has been relegated to the Enemies Of The People rubbish bin.

The 'C'est que vie act' and 'Maritime Law', resulted in the biggest government deception in British history.

A government that lies and steals, could, in my opinion, be regarded as a 'little unfriendly'.

Brexit or no brexit..UK government incompetence, deception, arrogance will continue.

Never mind, the naughty Russians are responsible.



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11 minutes ago, aright said:

Some of us successful  "Business Men" have learnt how to multitask.



Multi tasking is for the birds!


Focus on the task in hand


Crush the enemy, drive them before you and hear the lamentation of their womenfolk! 

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38 minutes ago, Grouse said:

Multi tasking is for the birds!


Focus on the task in hand


Crush the enemy, drive them before you and hear the lamentation of their womenfolk! 

Respect! You sound very Viking.



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OK, EU in 10 years


1) planetary system with France, Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg, Netherlands at the core. 30 other countries in various orbits with varying conditions and benefits


2) UK in outer orbit


3) Immigration pillar now much more flexible


4) Still social democrat with high levels of social justice and low inequality 


5) Strasbourg scrapped as an economy measure


6) Core countries have national income for all due to reduced requirement for labour because of robotics, AI, and automation.


7) Spain adopted a Cantonal system


8) Euro settlements now handled by Frankfurt


9) NI reunited with Eire and together occupy an inner orbit.


10) University fees scrapped in favour of progressive tax system (UK opted out)


11) EU now much bigger with 700M market.


12) Huge import duties on USA products due to their polluting industry


13) UK specialised in material sciences including batteries, magnets, lasers and semiconductors.


14) Poland and Hungary allowed back in after promising not to be ungrateful selfish bastards


Enough? Or shall I continue?

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