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Off his message again: Trump vows to sue all female accusers


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Off his message again: Trump vows to sue all female accusers

JOSH LEDERMAN, Associated Press
JILL COLVIN, Associated Press


GETTYSBURG, Pa. (AP) — Steering his campaign toward controversy yet again, Donald Trumpvowed Saturday to sue every woman who has accused him of sexual assault or other inappropriate behavior. He called them "liars" whose allegations he blamed Democrats for orchestrating.


Trump's blunt threat of legal action eclipsed his planned focus on serious-minded policy during a speech in Gettysburg. Though his campaign had billed the speech as a chance forTrump to lay out a to-do list for his first 100 days as president, he seemed unable to restrain himself from re-litigating grievances with Hillary Clinton, the media and especially the women who have come forward in recent days.


"All of these liars will be sued once the election is over," Trump said. He added later: "I look so forward to doing that."


Nearly a dozen women have publicly accused Trump of unwanted advances or sexual assault in the weeks since a 2005 recording emerged in which the former reality TV star boasted of kissing women and groping their genitals without their consent. The latest came on Saturday, when an adult film actress said the billionaire kissed her and two other women on the lips "without asking for permission" when they met him after a golf tournament in 2006.


Trump has denied all the allegations, while insisting some of the women weren't attractive enough for him to want to pursue.


"Every woman lied when they came forward to hurt my campaign," he said. Without offering evidence, he surmised that Clinton or the Democratic National Committee had put the women up to it.


Speaking to reporters aboard her campaign plane, Clinton said: "I saw where our opponent Donald Trump went to Gettysburg, one of the most extraordinary places in American history, and basically said if he's president he'll spend his time suing women who have made charges against him based on his behavior." She also said the suggestion that Democrats or her campaign were encouraging women to level accusations against Trump "inaccurate."


Clinton told reporters that, after three debates, she wasn't thinking about responding to whatTrump says anymore and would "let the American people decide what he offers and what we offer."


Trump's broadside against the women came at the start of an otherwise substantive speech that sought to weave the many policy ideas he has put forward into a single, cohesive agenda that he said he would pursue aggressively during his first three months in office.


The Republican nominee vowed to lift restrictions on domestic energy production, label China as a currency manipulator and renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement, familiar themes to supporters who have flocked to his rallies this year.


"This is my pledge to you, and if we follow these steps, we will once again have a government of, by and for the people," Trump said, invoking a phrase from President Abraham Lincoln's Gettysburg Address.


Though mostly a recap of policies he's proposed before, Trump's speech included a few new elements, such as a freeze on hiring new federal workers and a two-year mandatory minimum sentence for immigrants who re-enter the U.S. illegally after being deported a first time. In a pledge sure to raise eyebrows on Wall Street, he said he'd block a potential merger between AT&T and media conglomerate Time Warner.


Translating his proposals into digestible bullet points, he offered to-the-point titles for the legislative vehicles he'd need Congress to approve to accomplish his goals, such as the "End Illegal Immigration Act" and the "Repeal and Replace Obamacare Act."


Throughout the GOP primary, Trump was criticized for shying away from detailed policy proposals. But his speech, which aides said would form the core of his closing argument to voters, underscored how the billionaire has gradually compiled a broad — if sometimes vague — policy portfolio that straddles conservative, isolationist and populist orthodoxies.


Yet any headway that Trump may have made was likely to be diluted by his legal threats against his accusers, just the latest example of Trump stepping on his intended message at inopportune moments. Days earlier, during the final debate, his otherwise well-received performance was marred by an alarming statement near the end that he might not accept the outcome of the election if he loses.


Trump didn't say what kind of lawsuits he planned to file against the women, but any libel litigation could be complicated by the fact that Trump, in the 2005 recording, bragged about the same kind of conduct the women now accuse him of perpetrating. Trump recently vowed to sue The New York Times for libel, but has not yet followed through on the threat.


With the debates now over, Trump and Clinton have few apparent opportunities to alter the course the race substantially — a reality that benefits Clinton more than Trump. The Republican is trailing his opponent in most of the battleground states while Clinton eyes potential upset victories in traditionally safe GOP territory, with Arizona at the top of the list.


An increasingly confident Clinton on Saturday made what's become her closing pitch in Pittsburgh, stressing unity and asking her backers to carry her message to any Trumpsupporters they meet.


"I understand that they need a president who cares about them, will listen to them and I want to be their president," she said.


As Election Day nears, Clinton is also focusing on getting Democrats elected to Congress. She attacked the state's Republican senator, Pat Toomey, saying he has refused to "stand up" toTrump as she touted his Democratic challenger, Katie McGinty.


Her campaign headquarters in New York was back up and running after a scare over an envelope that arrived containing a white powdery substance. Initial tests showed the substance wasn't harmful.


Meanwhile, Clinton was getting a campaign boost from singer and pop icon Katy Perry, who was pushing early voting in Las Vegas. The singer surprised students at the University of Nevada Las Vegas when she knocked on the doors of their dorm rooms wearing a T-shirt that read "Nasty Woman," a phrase Trump uttered at Wednesday's debate in reference to Clinton. She headlined a short outdoor rally on campus but didn't perform any of her songs.


-- © Associated Press 2016-10-23
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He's not off his message.  Part of his message is what a bottom-feeding cad he is.


Two notes about Trump and lawsuits:  more often than not, Trump's lawsuit threats aren't carried through, and

women who have been abused by him can counter-sue.  That would hasten his drop from fortune.  


Also; if something enters a court of law, a judge can order gag orders lifted and pursuance of evidence that's now stiffled, .....for example; many hours of cutting room floor Apprentice tapes.  ....and witnesses.  The latest woman who came forward (accusing Trump of abuse and predation) says there are witnesses who she doesn't want to name right now.   Those sorts of witnesses could be compelled to come forward - if these messes came to court.


Trump is in a lose / lose scenario.  If he had any smarts, he would not exacerbate his problems by threatening to sue.  It doesn't convince anyone of his innocence, except maybe his 2nd Amender rednecks. 


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19 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

He's not off his message.  Part of his message is what a bottom-feeding cad he is.


Two notes about Trump and lawsuits:  more often than not, Trump's lawsuit threats aren't carried through, and

women who have been abused by him can counter-sue.  That would hasten his drop from fortune.  


Also; if something enters a court of law, a judge can order gag orders lifted and pursuance of evidence that's now stiffled, .....for example; many hours of cutting room floor Apprentice tapes.  ....and witnesses.  The latest woman who came forward (accusing Trump of abuse and predation) says there are witnesses who she doesn't want to name right now.   Those sorts of witnesses could be compelled to come forward - if these messes came to court.


Trump is in a lose / lose scenario.  If he had any smarts, he would not exacerbate his problems by threatening to sue.  It doesn't convince anyone of his innocence, except maybe his 2nd Amender rednecks. 



It's pretty clear that these threats of lawsuits are meant to discourage other women from coming out right now.  He's much worse off if he actually goes through with any of these lawsuit(s).  The discovery process alone will bring out many more incriminating stuff.  This case may even qualify for class status.  Can you imagine a class action lawsuit against one guy for a history of sexually assaults?  It could be hundreds of women who would be emboldened to come forward.  And he's already basically admitted that he does this kind of thing all the time.  Actually, it would be one way to keep us entertained after Trump loses in November.  All of Trump's outrageous sexual escapades throughout his life, all made public.   



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Great!  Hope he sues every last one of those fabricators! :smile:


“It was probably the DNC and the Clinton campaign that put forward these liars with their fabricated stories. But we’ll find out about their involvement at a later date through litigation. And I look so forward to doing that!


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10 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Great!  Hope he sues every last one of those fabricators! :smile:


“It was probably the DNC and the Clinton campaign that put forward these liars with their fabricated stories. But we’ll find out about their involvement at a later date through litigation. And I look so forward to doing that!




You've got to stop spending so much time on these crazy alt-right websites.  It's scrambling your brain. 

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17 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Great!  Hope he sues every last one of those fabricators! :smile:

“It was probably the DNC and the Clinton campaign that put forward these liars with their fabricated stories. But we’ll find out about their involvement at a later date through litigation. And I look so forward to doing that!

If they're fabricators, what are they fabricating?  Are they working at a factory making chastity belts for any attractive woman to put on, if about to meet Trump?


Boon Mee, you're doubling the entertainment value of Trump's tumble in the polls, by telling us how hard-right 2nd Amenders are spinning all these stories.   May I suggest, that y'all get a bit more creative in your responses:  It gets tiresome, hearing Trump's apologists (and attack dogs) trotting out the same tired responses:

>>>  It didn't happen!

>>>  I'll sue for defamation!

>>>  Even if it did happen, it wouldn't have been with a woman that ugly/fat/old (fill in the blanks). "Did you see her?!"

>>>  It's all Hillary's fault,

>>>  Bill has said worse,

>>>  I'm sorry if I hurt anyone's feelings,

>>>  Let's move on folks. None of this is important,

>>>  My wife and kids know I'm a gentleman, and: ....the best one liner of all.....


>>>   "No one has more respect for women (than me)"

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Trump's vow should be amended to read:


"No one has more clumsy lust for women than me"  (to be grammatically correct, it should be "I"  instead of "me").


His new motto:   "Make America Grope Again"  


Trump will go down in history for (among other things):  buying the Miss Teen USA Contest so he can barge in on mid-teens girls in their dressing rooms, while they're nude.  From Trump; Lewd is Cool.  Trump is becoming the poster boy for creepiness.  How many young women has he embarrassed and/or made to feel crappy/angry/worthless/violated/pained?   Dozens?   Hundreds?   ....and that's not even elaborating on his fat-shaming campaign.



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16 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


It is a direct quote from Trump. It does not matter where it comes from.


You're missing the point.  Every time Boon Mee quotes a website, it's almost always an alt-right website.  If he wants to live in an alternative reality world, so be it.  But he should realize that those of us in the real world my think he's a bit...off. 

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50 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Great!  Hope he sues every last one of those fabricators! :smile:


“It was probably the DNC and the Clinton campaign that put forward these liars with their fabricated stories. But we’ll find out about their involvement at a later date through litigation. And I look so forward to doing that!




The system is totally rigged yet for some reason he trusts the legal system to give him revenge against the women who've accused him of assault? Just saying. 


The first 100 days of your presidency include suing your multiple sexual assault accusers. Hey, everyone needs a plan. 


"She had sex for money, says Brit Hume. It's good Trump's giving conservatives a chance to list all the reasons it's okay to assault a woman. :cheesy: I love Brit Hume. He's the best. 


3 minutes ago, Berkshire said:


You're missing the point.  Every time Boon Mee quotes a website, it's almost always an alt-right website.  If he wants to live in an alternative reality world, so be it.  But he should realize that those of us in the real world my think he's a bit...off. 


A bit? If you get all your info from Fox News and Breitbart...


Yesterday it was the Grievanceburg Address, not the Gettysburg Address. It was Donald Trump running through basically everything that is getting on his nerves these days. So presidential, so unbelievably stupid. No slight can be ignored. Ahhh Trump, were going to miss you matey...like a 250 lb goiter.  

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Well yeah he should sue. The hell is wrong what that? Also:


2 hours ago, rooster59 said:

The latest came on Saturday, when an adult film actress said the billionaire kissed her and two other women on the lips "without asking for permission" when they met him after a golf tournament in 2006.


"Adult Film Actress"




Yep.... Classy.... Character and integrity level over 10,000. Must be true. 

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1 hour ago, Berkshire said:

It's pretty clear that these threats of lawsuits are meant to discourage other women from coming out right now.


Or, its pretty clear he's pissed for being slandered and defamed and rightly so should go after anyone that does this. 

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And if you volunteer for DT campaign you can never in your lifetime disparage him in any way or risk a law suit. Nor can you ever volunteer for a "competitors" campaign. All DT volunteers must sign this contract even online volunteers.


Donald Trump's volunteer contract forbids all criticism of Trump for life



Donald Trump's campaign requires volunteers to sign a contract that forbids them from criticizing the Republican presidential candidate, his family members, any Trump businesses or products, or his campaign. The six-page contract, reviewed in full by the Daily Dot, theoretically lasts for the entirety of a volunteer's life.

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3 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Great!  Hope he sues every last one of those fabricators! :smile:


“It was probably the DNC and the Clinton campaign that put forward these liars with their fabricated stories. But we’ll find out about their involvement at a later date through litigation. And I look so forward to doing that!





He might be busy at a later date. He has a court case about the allegation that he raped a 13 year old, and another one about ripping people off through his Trump University scam.



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3 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Great!  Hope he sues every last one of those fabricators! :smile:


“It was probably the DNC and the Clinton campaign that put forward these liars with their fabricated stories. But we’ll find out about their involvement at a later date through litigation. And I look so forward to doing that!



Read Berkshires comments above. Makes more sense if there is any left in the world today. All these comments do is keep his Redneck base roiled up. Keep stirring the pot.

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1 hour ago, Pinot said:


The system is totally rigged yet for some reason he trusts the legal system to give him revenge against the women who've accused him of assault? Just saying. 


The first 100 days of your presidency include suing your multiple sexual assault accusers. Hey, everyone needs a plan. 


"She had sex for money, says Brit Hume. It's good Trump's giving conservatives a chance to list all the reasons it's okay to assault a woman. :cheesy: I love Brit Hume. He's the best. 



A bit? If you get all your info from Fox News and Breitbart...


Yesterday it was the Grievanceburg Address, not the Gettysburg Address. It was Donald Trump running through basically everything that is getting on his nerves these days. So presidential, so unbelievably stupid. No slight can be ignored. Ahhh Trump, were going to miss you matey...like a 250 lb goiter.  

Watch for the 2018 debut of the new Running Man show emceed by none other than Donald Trump ex presidential candidate. Aleppo would be the perfect site. As a series I would love to see all the jerks in congress as the first contestants. I doubt if any of these blowhard turkeys would survive. 

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3 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Great!  Hope he sues every last one of those fabricators! :smile:


“It was probably the DNC and the Clinton campaign that put forward these liars with their fabricated stories. But we’ll find out about their involvement at a later date through litigation. And I look so forward to doing that!




So if your chosen one gets in, you're happy for him to be wasting time on this when he should be taking care of the 400 million souls in his charge?  You American Trumpites have a really skewed idea of leadership and democracy. USA, USA.....

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This guy needs to get some kind of armour for his foot, because he keeps shooting himself in it, with a degree of determination and enthusiasm which forces my admiration, I must say. He deserves to appear in the Guiness Book of Records for dumbest politician ever.

Edited by Yann55
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3 hours ago, LannaGuy said:

if he's innocent of course he should sue!  but it will all be too late as the HUGE establishment machine has ensured a crushing defeat and a really pissed off 35/40% who support him

The first few words say it all "if he's innocent" when the story was first bought in to the open Trump supporters were saying it was not true because no women had complained, when women start to complain the defence is that they are all lying, sounds very much like what happened with the catholic church and look how that panned out

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Trump claimed on October 14th that he had evidence that would refute all of these charges, and that it would be provided shortly. Given all that is at stake, if he had any evidence to refute these charges, don't you think he would provide it before the election? His threat to sue after the election is just a cop-out, and yet one more example of his bullying and dishonesty.

Edited by Gecko123
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2 minutes ago, Mrjlh said:

I just love "Elections".  They bring out the best in people! Especially on this board....if you could only hear yourselves talk. Keep entertaining me...I love it. 


This isn't for your entertainment, sucker. 

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2 hours ago, Strange said:

Well yeah he should sue. The hell is wrong what that? Also:



"Adult Film Actress"




Yep.... Classy.... Character and integrity level over 10,000. Must be true. 


What people do for a living does not entitle others to take liberties.

Would it be more trustworthy coming from a lawyer, a career politician or salesperson?

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