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Murderer seeks prison transfer from Thailand to Canada


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Murderer seeks prison transfer from Thailand to Canada




BANGKOK  -  Half a decade has passed inside his humid Thai prison cell, where he sleeps on the concrete floor, “living like an animal.” Yet when Michael Karas emerges, he’s an optimist.


Karas, 60, picks up the telephone in visitation room No. 4 of Bangkok Remand Prison. He’s soft-spoken, hard to hear over the loud voices of young Thai inmates speaking their native language to loved ones through the pane. When asked to repeat himself, he leans forward toward the hazy glass.


“I’ve been repatriated,” he says. “I’m coming home.” Karas’s accent is unmistakably Canadian, and so are his questions.


Full story: http://www.torontosun.com/2016/10/23/murderer-seeks-prison-transfer-from-thailand-to-canada


-- TORONTO SUN 2016-10-24

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What a ******** joke. The guy was a convicted criminal BEFORE he came to Thailand.

He MURDERED his girlfriend and dismembered her body but is whining because he thinks he should have only been charged with manslaughter, not murder ? 

Not to mention he's apparently only been in prison for FIVE years ? <deleted> ?


He's under the impression that he'll be sent back to Canada and almost immediately released "because of the conditions in the Thai prison". No doubt he'll get it to with the current government in charge (in Canada).


FIVE years for murdering and dismembering a young woman !??!??!? Unbelievable !



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Long story but I've met his guy, spent a very short time as his neighbour.  Very cold and odd and he kept separate from everyone else, it was only later I found out the horrible extent of what he had done. He never showed any remorse.

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Done 5 years here for a murder committed in Thailand,took the life

of a young woman,should rot in jail here,but his off to much,much

better conditions in his home country's jail system,that's not justice.

regards worgeordie

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I've just sent an email to the Canadian Public Safety minister regarding this case.


"Good day sir.
I find it unbelievable and near incomprehensible that you would even CONSIDER a prisoner transfer for this convicted MURDERER who not only killed a young woman, but dismembered and MUTILATED her body to try and prevent it from being identified (and thus tied to him).


This man was a CONVICTED criminal BEFORE he went to Thailand and travelled on a FALSE passport. Now he thinks YOU are going to bring him back to Canada and let him go free after serving ONLY FIVE YEARS in prison !??!?!?


Is that some kind of SICK joke ? Or is it the Liberal mindset that because the young woman was a Thai citizen her life doesn't matter ? 


Do you even READ what some of these people have done before making your decisions or do you just rubber stamp everything ? Five years for murdering and dismembering a body, by someone who was already a convicted criminal. She was a 27 year old woman and he admitted to "snapping her neck". He then used an electric saw to cut off her limbs and mutilate her face !


And YOU want to bring him back to Canada and let him go free ?!?!?!??!??!??


What would the sentence be in Canada for a convicted criminal found guilty of murdering and dismembering a body ? This person should be spending the rest of his life behind bars, PERIOD. 


He does Not deserve to be rewarded with freedom. "


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48 minutes ago, Kerryd said:

I've just sent an email to the Canadian Public Safety minister regarding this case.



Another email sent to the National Post.

And to the Toronto Sun.

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15 minutes ago, mikebike said:

I believe some of you may have misinterpreted the, admittedly poorly written, description of his incarceration. He spent 15 yrs in a Canadian jail fighting extradition, then 5 yrs in the Thai jail.


He was in Canadian prison because of violating his parole conditions on the bank robbery charges he was convicted of prior to fleeing to Thailand.  He was arrested on outstanding warrants when he arrived back in Canada after fleeing Thailand. 

They also found him guilty of another bank robbery he'd done (but gotten away with) while he was serving his time for the parole violations.

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We can only hope the Thai govt tells Canada to get stuffed and lets this POS rot for the rest of his pathetic life. 

If I recall correctly, Thai authorities have refused to extradite the Cdn bank robber to Singapore for a much less serious crime commited outside of Thailand. So hopefully this will be an indication of their stance in this case. 

If said POS is indeed repatriated, then I hope the Cdn public cries foul. I certainly wouldn't want my tax dollars going to put this animal up in a federal resort. Or worse, have him out on the streets. 

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We can hope they've got a cell already set up with Bernardo and Colonel Russell, a former prize of the armed forces. Up until caught for confiscating panties from women on clotheslines, or being worn as he got braver.

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I do not know the circumstances of why he killed the girl in Thai, that is bad. But, I read about the young girl driving and killed, what 5 or 6. The rich car dealer drunk or graded and killing people. They got a slap on the wrist. The policemen sons Kill, butcher a handicap man, what if anything will they get, oh poor boys was not premeditated, they left and came back with illegal weapons, sound premeditated to me.


Truely this is a bad man, the World could do quite well without him.


The thing I do not understand is why all these "do gooders" in the World are not screaming about the prisons here. Even if you are a debased criminal there should be some small amount of respect for humans. Hard thing to say, but treat them better or just go ahead and kill them.

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Wide choice of menus, color TV, library, medical/ dental/ mental services, gym, degree programs, vocational training, early parole and release! Of course he wants to go home.  And, unlimited legal aid to challenge incarceration.   He would be out soon and running for mayor of Toronto.

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As a Canadian, I'm disappointed to hear that the new government is even considering this. The article says that it will depend on the Thai government. I hope they tell Canada to pound sand and keep this worthless scumbag in jail till he rots. 

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8 hours ago, Asiantravel said:

what a crazy world. 15 years in jail for just saying or writing something you shouldn't -5 years for murdering and dismembering somebody:crazy:

Yes your correct and it gets crazier by the day. Nothing shocks or surprises me anymore. When my feet hit the floor in the morning I am already thinking what crazy thing has happened to start off my day. 

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5 hours ago, silent said:

We can hope they've got a cell already set up with Bernardo and Colonel Russell, a former prize of the armed forces. Up until caught for confiscating panties from women on clotheslines, or being worn as he got braver.



He is held in a secure plexi glass cell getting university degree.  A better place would be in a heavily populated jail with asian criminals 

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3 hours ago, gchurch259 said:

I do not know the circumstances of why he killed the girl in Thai, that is bad. But, I read about the young girl driving and killed, what 5 or 6. The rich car dealer drunk or graded and killing people. They got a slap on the wrist. The policemen sons Kill, butcher a handicap man, what if anything will they get, oh poor boys was not premeditated, they left and came back with illegal weapons, sound premeditated to me.


Truely this is a bad man, the World could do quite well without him.


The thing I do not understand is why all these "do gooders" in the World are not screaming about the prisons here. Even if you are a debased criminal there should be some small amount of respect for humans. Hard thing to say, but treat them better or just go ahead and kill them.

When in prison you should not expect to have a better life than the poor of that nation

You have decided to break the law and so you will live on what might be called the poverty line

So being convicted in any 3rd world country or Asian country will not be a holiday camp

This person is getting what he deserves

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3 hours ago, rbmcn said:

Wide choice of menus, color TV, library, medical/ dental/ mental services, gym, degree programs, vocational training, early parole and release! Of course he wants to go home.  And, unlimited legal aid to challenge incarceration.   He would be out soon and running for mayor of Toronto.

I get the point you are making, but the fact that there literally isn't any medical services in Thai prison is shocking.


Not just for guilty people, but those held awaiting trial (the two groups are completely mixed. Eg I was held for three days pending bail payment for totalling a rental, and I was in the same block as this murderer).


People can go straight from a car crash to jail, with only basic and onetime dressing of wounds. If you get sick in there, you're screwed. 


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