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Cop and volunteer police in Pattaya extortion and rape case fail to show


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Cop and volunteer police in Pattaya extortion and rape case fail to show



Picture: Daily News


PATTAYA: -- The patrol officer and two police volunteers at the center of the alleged extortion and rape of a karaoke girl in Pattaya failed to show up yesterday.


The karaoke girl - named only as "A", 26, went to Pattaya police on Friday to say that she had been abducted on Wednesday, reports Daily News


Following an extortion attempt by the cop the two volunteers then took her to a hotel and raped her, she claimed.


She had earlier been taken off the street in Thep Prasit Road when the men arrived on two cars.


All three have been charged with abduction and extortion with the volunteers additionally charged with rape. The policeman is a patrol officer called Kittikhun Fonreuang, 30, who is attached to Pattaya police station. 


The underlings are Pana Mekkhla, 26, and a man named only as Tae.


They were meant to show up for questioning today but instead Kittikhun phoned in to say he wasn't ready. He said he would come in this morning, Wednesday, at 10am. 


Police said they do not believe he will flee and he will be arrested if he fails to show up again.


Bail has been set at 100,000 baht.


A internal committee has been set up to examine the truth of the matter. 


Kittikhun has already been dismissed from his job as the committee investigates. If there is truth in the allegations he will face criminal as well as internal police charges.


News of the other two suspects was not mentioned in the report.


Source: Daily News

-- © Copyright Thai Visa News 2016-10-26
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Disgusting on all counts. Why is bail even an option for such serious crimes I wonder.

A person with nothing to hide wouldn't miss a chance to give their side of the story, and definitely wouldn't give as pathetic excuse as "not ready yet".

But sure as ever this story will disappear as new scandals are sure to follow quickly ?

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  Kittikhun phoned in to say he wasn't ready. He said he would come in this morning, Wednesday, at 10 am. 

What's this, justice at your convenience?

I'm pretty sure the victim wasn't ready, and can only imagine how she feels knowing that these animals are still running loose

Here's a novel idea: Go and arrest them! Or is checking records for employees addresses beyond the ability of the RTP

Someone should pin a brown envelope to the perps door, they wouldn't have any problem finding them then


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It must be hellish for the young woman - to have to testify, (probably prompted to offer details over and over by male cops).  She will probably get the Trump treatment:  denial, anger, threats, character-attacks.   Not as bad as in Muslim countries, but still, it must be rather awful to be a female in such scenarios.

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7 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

It must be hellish for the young woman - to have to testify, (probably prompted to offer details over and over by male cops).  She will probably get the Trump treatment:  denial, anger, threats, character-attacks.   Not as bad as in Muslim countries, but still, it must be rather awful to be a female in such scenarios.


This would have been a good post if you had not felt the need to insert your usual anti-Trump message in the middle. It gets a bit predictable.

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from Saturday's article:

Cops went to the scene of the crime and have announced that one of the men is indeed a serving police officer.

They have promised  justice as they investigate the truth of the matter.
promises, promises
failed to show up, but bail already set without even an arrest
there's your promised justice
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Quote : Police said they do not believe he will flee and he will be arrested if he fails to show up again.


Words fail me ... It's like saying "hey, watch out ! If you disappear, we will come to arrest you !" It's beyond surrealistic ...

Edited by Yann55
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3 hours ago, colinneil said:

Police believe he will not flee :cheesy:

Best joke i have seen for a while.

Now, hang on a minute there Mate!   Surely fleeing means leaving the country.  I am sure he doesn't have enough money to do that so that is obviously what they meant.  Going into a monastery until people (officially and the news papers) forget; (a month or three should do it)  doesn't count, does it?   Surely that is all OK?

Edited by The Deerhunter
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He's supposedly been dismissed from the police but may face internal police charges, so how does that work ?

Could it mean he's suspended from duty not actually dismissed, it won't be the first time the words have been used wrongly.

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4 hours ago, NongKhaiKid said:

He will be arrested if he fails to show up again.

Does this mean they'll actually go and look for him ?

Don't be silly

They will wait at the station for when he returns to work in a month or 3

Then ask  " how was holiday "

Case closed  :sleep:

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6 hours ago, colinneil said:

Police believe he will not flee :cheesy:

Best joke i have seen for a while.

As good as the joke of three cops being given the death sentence that seem to have absconded from over a year ago...? Where the hell did THEY GO....?


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6 hours ago, z42 said:

Disgusting on all counts. Why is bail even an option for such serious crimes I wonder.

A person with nothing to hide wouldn't miss a chance to give their side of the story, and definitely wouldn't give as pathetic excuse as "not ready yet".

But sure as ever this story will disappear as new scandals are sure to follow quickly ?

even if you are innocent here you have to plead guilty to get a lessor sentence. i have been through the system. had to plead guilty and got one year suspended sentence for no work permit when i had one with the wrong address in it. my lawyer told me in very strong terms not to fight it. if i was innocent  of i crime i would rather run than turn myself in and risk jail time. not that hard to get into cambodia if you can handle a swim.

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That they done it in the afternoon in a restaurant let me ask: "Did they done this the first time or several times before?"

It remember me about the case at jomtien police station some weeks ago. Kidnapped the woman, raped, pressed out money, ...


I never listen something again about it!!!!




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6 hours ago, NongKhaiKid said:

He will be arrested if he fails to show up again.

Does this mean they'll actually go and look for him ?


Now they didn't actually say that did they? 


If he fails to show up again, then they'll arrest him when he does 555!

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7 hours ago, Docno said:

He phoned in to say he "wasn't ready to be questioned" on the matter?


I'll have to remember that one if I ever have problems with the Law...  

His next justification for not turning up will be, I have a note from my mum. :passifier:

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12 hours ago, z42 said:

Disgusting on all counts. Why is bail even an option for such serious crimes I wonder.

A person with nothing to hide wouldn't miss a chance to give their side of the story, and definitely wouldn't give as pathetic excuse as "not ready yet".

But sure as ever this story will disappear as new scandals are sure to follow quickly ?

Dear me. What country are you from? I thought the English (British?) constitution, even though unwritten, guaranteed certain basic rights to citizens. In the U.S. over the last thirty or forty years bail has become very onerous, as it's more a way to collect fees for the courts than to guarantee a defendant's appearance, but it is supposed to granted except in cases of murder or where the accused is an obvious flight risk. The process is somewhat different here, but is still the same. The officer setting the amount has to comply with certain established rules/laws. I agree this case is a bit startling. The idea that you can be detained for investigation, be granted bail, and then just call in saying, "I'm not quite ready yet, but don't worry, I'll be in tomorrow," is quite strange.

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