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Trump: Clinton's foreign policy plan would start WWIII


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12 hours ago, Xircal said:


From a moral standpoint I don't think the US is going to stand idly by for long while the Russians decimate the Syrian population. Probably what's working in Putin's favour at the moment is the US election in 12 days time with the country's attention divided between one candidate who seems to be a sexual predator and Clinton with her own Pandora's box which she'd rather not open.


The Russians have been carrying military operations in Syria for over a year now. To date, the US was not able to sway the Russians nor did it take any direct action to stop them. So if anything, the US is not going to stand idly by for much longer, may have been a better way of phrasing it.


And yes, almost a certainty nothing will change prior to the elections, nor prior to the inauguration. Then its a matter of priorities (and I'm not sure this one's on the top of the list), and of course, getting the Russians to play along. As said earlier, three months is an optimistic time frame (assuming HRC wins the elections, that is).


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DT isn't one to talk about the military. He has his own military controversies including that women in the military is like bedlam. Pence back in 1999 stated that women don't belong in the military. I guess they are of like mind on this topic.


Trump faces new round of military controversies just days before the election



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