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AP-GfK poll: Most Trump supporters doubt election legitimacy


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AP-GfK poll: Most Trump supporters doubt election legitimacy



CHARLOTTE, N.C. (AP) — Donald Trump's dubious claims the presidential election is "rigged" have taken root among most of his supporters, who say they will have serious doubts about the legitimacy of the election's outcome if Hillary Clinton wins, according to a new Associated Press-GfK poll.


Just 35 percent of Trump's supporters say they will most likely accept the results of the election as legitimate if Clinton wins, while 64 percent say they're more likely to have serious doubts about the accuracy of the vote count if the Republican nominee is not the victor.


"Of course I believe it's rigged, and of course I won't accept the results," said Mike Cannilla, 53, a Trump supporter from the New York borough of Staten Island. "It's from the top: Obama is trying to take over the country, he's covering up all of Hillary's crimes and he's controlling the media trying to make Trump lose."


"Our only chance on Nov. 9 is if the military develops a conscience and takes matters into its own hands," Cannilla said.


By contrast, 69 percent of Clinton's supporters say they'll accept the outcome if Trump wins. Only 30 percent of the Democratic nominee's backers express a reluctance to accept the results if the former secretary of state loses on Election Day.


Overall, 77 percent of likely voters say they'll accept the legitimacy of the results if Trump wins, while 70 percent say the same of a Clinton win.


In the final weeks of the campaign, Trump has made doubts about the integrity of the U.S. election system a cornerstone of his closing argument. Asked directly at the final presidential debate if he would accept the election results, Trump refused, saying: "I will keep you in suspense."


That extraordinary statement, with its potential to challenge the peaceful transition of power that is a hallmark of the American democracy, did little to harm him with his base of supporters. The poll found that 44 percent of all likely voters say Trump's stance makes them less likely to support him, but the vast majority of his supporters say it doesn't make a difference.


"He should fight it all the way," said George Smith, 51, a Trump supporter from Roswell, Georgia. "Spend weeks in court if he has to. He can't let it be taken from him. That's his right."


Trump has also repeated inaccurate claims that vote fraud is a widespread problem, and the poll finds that most of Trump's supporters share that concern. Fifty-six percent think there's a great deal of voter fraud, 36 percent believe there is some, and 6 percent say there's hardly any.


Most Clinton supporters, 64 percent, think there's hardly any voter fraud. Overall, just 27 percent of likely voters think there's a great deal of fraud. A third of voters overall believe there is at least some, while 38 percent say there is hardly any.


While there have been isolated cases of voter fraud in the U.S., there is no evidence of it being a widespread problem. In one study, a Loyola Law School professor found 31 instances involving allegations of voter impersonation out of 1 billion votes cast in U.S. elections between 2000 and 2014.


Beyond allegations of fraud, 40 percent of Trump supporters say they have little to no confidence that votes in the election will be counted accurately. Another 34 percent say they have only a moderate amount of confidence, and just 24 percent say they have a great deal or quite a bit of confidence in the vote count.


Among Clinton supporters, 79 percent say they have a great deal or quite a bit of confidence in the vote count's accuracy. Many believe Trump should voice support for the electoral system even in defeat.


"Be an adult. Accept the results," said Shavone Danzy-Kinloch, 37, a Clinton supporter from Farmingville, New York. "If the shoe was on the other foot, he'd expect Hillary to do the same."


Trump's supporters are also more likely than others to say they are concerned about hackers interfering with the election. Forty-six percent of them are extremely or very concerned and 37 percent somewhat concerned. Overall, 32 percent of voters say they're extremely to very concerned and 39 percent somewhat concerned. Among Clinton supporters, 60 percent are at least somewhat concerned.


Although the poll shows many Trump supporters would have doubts about a Clinton win, the poll shows relatively little acute concern that claims of inaccuracy and voter fraud could prevent Americans overall from accepting the results. Just 30 percent of likely voters are extremely or very concerned about that, while another 40 percent are somewhat concerned.


Twenty-nine percent say they're not very or not at all concerned.


"If she wins, we're all going to have live with it," said Daniel Ricco, 76, a Trump supporter from Milford, Connecticut. "It won't be good for the country, but there's nothing we can do."


The AP-GfK Poll of 1,546 adults, including 1,212 likely voters, was conducted online Oct. 20-24, using a sample drawn from GfK's probability-based KnowledgePanel, which is designed to be representative of the U.S. population. The margin of sampling error for all respondents is plus or minus 2.75 percentage points, and for likely voters is plus or minus 3.1 percentage points.


Respondents were first selected randomly using telephone or mail survey methods and later interviewed online. People selected for KnowledgePanel who didn't have access to the internet were provided access for free.



Poll results: http://ap-gfkpoll.com


Swanson reported from Washington.

-- © Associated Press 2016-10-28


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The ignorance of a large segment of  the US public is palpable. Is it a surprise?

This is a nation where;

-"creationism" is required to be taught as a valid alternative to actual scientific fact

- people believe in ghosts, sprits, demons, faith healers etc.

-  people are easily conned by fake IRS threats  and send US$300million to India

- the Kardashians, Bieber et al are worshipped

- people are obsessed with conspiracy claims such as George Bush  blew up the WTC or aliens   visit trailer parks for anal probes or that President Obama is a Muslim who was not born in Hawaii etc.


The sad part is that there are greater proportions of such feeble minded idiots present in other countries , such that the same  syndrome is found everywhere.


Perhaps only those with an IQ in excess of 100 should be allowed to vote .......

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54 minutes ago, geriatrickid said:

The ignorance of a large segment of  the US public is palpable. Is it a surprise?

This is a nation where;

-"creationism" is required to be taught as a valid alternative to actual scientific fact

- people believe in ghosts, sprits, demons, faith healers etc.

-  people are easily conned by fake IRS threats  and send US$300million to India

- the Kardashians, Bieber et al are worshipped

- people are obsessed with conspiracy claims such as George Bush  blew up the WTC or aliens   visit trailer parks for anal probes or that President Obama is a Muslim who was not born in Hawaii etc.


The sad part is that there are greater proportions of such feeble minded idiots present in other countries , such that the same  syndrome is found everywhere.


Perhaps only those with an IQ in excess of 100 should be allowed to vote .......


"Perhaps only those with an IQ in excess of 100 should be allowed to vote ......." 

I don't think Donald would like that!

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Don't worry. DT just called for a halt to the election and name him dictator President.


Trump: 'We should just cancel the election' and declare me the winner





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1 hour ago, maoro2013 said:

The media has not given Trump any chance, the real people will.


But will people question their own legitimacy as much as results, or ever look at what most conspiracy theories and carny shows depend on?.


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As a person who has voted in numerous elections in the US -this is undoubtedly the worst election I have ever seen and Donald Trump is the worst candidate for President in my lifetime and probably in American history. There  are so many issues in America that have to be addressed and Donald Trump has put forth no real agenda; no plan and has only divided the country more than it already was.

In an attempt to explain his upcoming loss, he puts forth the ridiculous idea the election is fixed and that is why he is going to lose. If anything, he is trying to suppress the vote hoping against hope his 'supporters' will turn out in force and grab the victory.

If won't happen -simply because Trump has alienated almost every demographic that one needs to win the election. He has attacked women; people of color; the disabled; veterans; and even the family of a soldier who died in service to America.

While Hillary Clinton has her problems- she is not going to run America into the ground and destroy the economy.  She may even surprise us and put forth a progressive agenda and incorporate some of the Bernie Sanders agenda,

Soon Trump will be  footnote in History. The American voters will send him back to his business where he can continue to flout the bankruptcy laws and seize the homes of elderly people using the eminent domain laws. It wouldn't surprise me if his business interests start to fail as he has now been exposed for what he is- a narcissistic meglomaniac with no substance or ethics.

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" "Our only chance on Nov. 9 is if the military develops a conscience and takes matters into its own hands," Cannilla said."


A noisy minority that refuses to accept election results and calls on the military to take take matters into hand.   Sound familiar?

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3 hours ago, newatthis said:


"Perhaps only those with an IQ in excess of 100 should be allowed to vote ......." 

I don't think Donald would like that!


Yes, pretty much guaranteed, now why would that be so ...


Idiocracy (a 2006 almost 'prospective documentary' in hindsight) obviously was/is well on the point:


IQ-falling graph.JPG



Bright future, hehe ...

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6 hours ago, Credo said:

The hate for Hillary is palpable.

And the hate for Obama is palpable, and for the black's, women in general, hispanics, muslims, gays, handicapped, anyone with a different opinion than their own.

Let's face it, the GOP is the party of hate!!!!

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4 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

The ignorance of a large segment of  the US public is palpable. Is it a surprise?

This is a nation where;

-"creationism" is required to be taught as a valid alternative to actual scientific fact

- people believe in ghosts, sprits, demons, faith healers etc.

-  people are easily conned by fake IRS threats  and send US$300million to India

- the Kardashians, Bieber et al are worshipped

- people are obsessed with conspiracy claims such as George Bush  blew up the WTC or aliens   visit trailer parks for anal probes or that President Obama is a Muslim who was not born in Hawaii etc.


The sad part is that there are greater proportions of such feeble minded idiots present in other countries , such that the same  syndrome is found everywhere.


Perhaps only those with an IQ in excess of 100 should be allowed to vote .......


Well what do you expect from a population of 330,000,000 who are free to say and do what they want and are very visible to the rest of the world due to smart phones, youtube, media, etc. Nobody comments on anything normal do they? Media does not show a majority of people going to work and coming home for dinner and going to bed. I can easily find videos and news reports from the same kind of perspective from any country. I could dig up some real gems from the UK. 


Your "large segment" is clearly a slim minority. 

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      Trump, like the Bible-thumpers and anti-science rednecks who support him, can justify anything.  Yet another reason to keep Trump far away from the White House:  if he were elected, he could easily nullify the re-election results in 4 years if they showed he lost (or simply cancel elections, claiming 'national emergency').  Notice how he justifies whatever he wants, and his sheeple lap it up.  They all believed him when he kept railing about how Obama was not born in the US.  Whenever one of his sheeple called Obama a Kenyan Muslim, Trump just grinned and tapped the person's head.


      Also; if Trump were able to keep himself in office for 8 years, it's better than 50/50 chance he would stay on even longer, like Mugabe.  All he would have to say is:  "I've thought about it.  The country needs me for four more years.  I'm only doing what's best for you."  .....and his sheeple would again lap it up as if it's gospel, and his 2nd Amenders would enforce it.  Let's not forget, the president is also Commander in Chief, so he's in charge of every military entity, in the US and abroad.


I'm basing that scenario on the precedence of looking closely at his long and thick trail of lies, flip-flops and deceptions.

THANK BOB HE WON'T WIN - even though he and his fans are trying valiantly to skew the election - particularly in large inner cities in battleground states. He's doing it by encouraging his 2nd Amenders to go to polling stations, carry weapons, and intimidate minority voters.  

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6 hours ago, daoyai said:

The hate for Hillary is irrational.

not that i am trumps greatest fan




factual documentation via investigation (clinton cash) and wikileaks have shown hillary is a criminal. pay to play state department. donate to clinton foundation then get deals past so you can make lots of money. donate to clinton foundation and putin comes to control a significant % of usa uranium.   use an illegal private server for classified secret content that can indeed be hacked. high level corruption and collusion in government.


"living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see"  john lennon



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7 hours ago, geriatrickid said:

The ignorance of a large segment of  the US public is palpable. Is it a surprise?

This is a nation where;

-"creationism" is required to be taught as a valid alternative to actual scientific fact

- people believe in ghosts, sprits, demons, faith healers etc.

-  people are easily conned by fake IRS threats  and send US$300million to India

- the Kardashians, Bieber et al are worshipped

- people are obsessed with conspiracy claims such as George Bush  blew up the WTC or aliens   visit trailer parks for anal probes or that President Obama is a Muslim who was not born in Hawaii etc.


The sad part is that there are greater proportions of such feeble minded idiots present in other countries , such that the same  syndrome is found everywhere.


Perhaps only those with an IQ in excess of 100 should be allowed to vote .......

Though I agree with the overall theme of your post, the actual teaching of creationism in schools is very limited and  confined  to specific areas of what is known as the "bible belt",  notably Louisiana  and Tennessee (think Scopes trial) ) . Here is a map of the US showing the area were it is a taught in schools.



Worth noting that even in Indiana, whose governor, the current republican VP candidate professes to believe the earth is 6,000 years old, does not allow creationism of be taught in schools. 


Your comment on the Kardashians is very true since it was reality TV that made the descendents of OJ's defense attorney famous. Seems there is another reality show star  that has rose to some notoriety, what's his name again??



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2 hours ago, atyclb said:

factual documentation via investigation (clinton cash) and wikileaks have shown hillary is a criminal. pay to play state department. donate to clinton foundation then get deals past so you can make lots of money. donate to clinton foundation and putin comes to control a significant % of usa uranium.   use an illegal private server for classified secret content that can indeed be hacked. high level corruption and collusion in government.



You left out the most incriminating one of all: the Clinton Swiss File Transfer scandal.

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8 hours ago, newatthis said:


"Perhaps only those with an IQ in excess of 100 should be allowed to vote ......." 

I don't think Donald would like that!


Well, there goes the Southern strategy. 

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A few posts above, I predicted that if Trump won, he would skew the system to make 100% sure he stays in power for 4 or more years.   In the few hours since then, Trump's pie hole emitted the following words. . . . .


"just thinking to myself right now. Let's cancel the election and just give it to Trump, right?

What are we even having it for?  What are we having it for?   Her policies are so bad."


Boomer's note:  He may be kidding, but he's like a Thai girlfriend who greets her boyfriend at the door at 2 am with a knife in her hand, after sitting alone all night.  She says, while crying, "You said you'd be  home by 9 pm.  You have lipstick on your cheeks.   I hate you so much, I'm going to cut your kwai off (cut his dick off)"


She's kidding, right?  Just like Trump's kidding when he suggests that the US doesn't need a presidential election, it simply needs to just appoint him. 

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11 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

Boomer's note:  He may be kidding, but he's like a Thai girlfriend who greets her boyfriend at the door at 2 am with a knife in her hand, after sitting alone all night.  She says, while crying, "You said you'd be  home by 9 pm.  You have lipstick on your cheeks.   I hate you so much, I'm going to cut your kwai off (cut his dick off)"


Wow! Was she your girlfriend too?  I thought it was only me!

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7 hours ago, atyclb said:

not that i am trumps greatest fan




factual documentation via investigation (clinton cash) and wikileaks have shown hillary is a criminal. pay to play state department. donate to clinton foundation then get deals past so you can make lots of money. donate to clinton foundation and putin comes to control a significant % of usa uranium.   use an illegal private server for classified secret content that can indeed be hacked. high level corruption and collusion in government.


"living is easy with eyes closed, misunderstanding all you see"  john lennon



You know all of this because the finances of the Clinton's are wide open for inspection.  Unlike the finances of the alleged billionaire and tax-dodger Donald Trump.

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10 hours ago, heybruce said:

You know all of this because the finances of the Clinton's are wide open for inspection.  Unlike the finances of the alleged billionaire and tax-dodger Donald Trump.

 its fairly safe to say the obama irs would have come down hard on trump if he did anything illegal  tax wise and it would be everywhere on media already. 

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1 minute ago, atyclb said:

 its fairly safe to say the obama irs would have come down hard on trump if he did anything illegal  tax wise and it would be everywhere on media already. 

Does the IRS take its instructions to act against specific taxpayers from the President (whoever he or she is)?

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56 minutes ago, atyclb said:

 its fairly safe to say the obama irs would have come down hard on trump if he did anything illegal  tax wise and it would be everywhere on media already. 

 Obama doesn't control or dictate to the IRS.  Obama is a fair player, unlike Trump, who would manipulate IRS and any other agency or courtroom - to deviously get his way.  Trump is a dirty player like Vlad the Impaler was a sadist.


Note, Trump is on record for saying he would dismantle the IRS and the DOE (Dept. of Education).  Judging by all he says about environment, he would also want to dismantle the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency).  Who needs climate scientists when Trump can just walk out of Trump Towers on a winter's day, stick out an ungloved hand and say "It feels pretty cold to me, folks. That proves global warming is a hoax."   ......which he actually said, a couple of years ago in NYC.

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